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Ashwin Kumar Jun 2023
You are seen as weird
People often call you "Loony"
But they couldn't be more wrong
Yes, you are indeed different
But then, every individual is unique
And I like you as you are
With all your pros and cons
Yes, you may believe in things
Which do not really exist
But then, who doesn't?
What truly matters
Is the fact that you are a beautiful human being
With a heart of gold
Who doesn't judge anyone
Sees people as they are
Doesn't shy away from speaking uncomfortable truths
Is modest to a fault
And last but not the least
Values friendship above everything else
You know, I can relate to you
I am also different
And got bullied for that
Just as you did
However, your mental strength is remarkable
After losing your mother at a very young age
That too due to a freak accident
You have shown the courage and fortitude
Not to mention, resilience and tenacity
To carry on with your life
Do your best to excel at magic
Display the natural curiosity and aptitude for learning
Which is expected of every Ravenclaw
Develop and sustain friendships
And finally, put your life on the line
In order to try and make the world a better place for all
You are not only a true Ravenclaw
But also possess the courage, nerve and daring of a Gryffindor
And the loyalty and sense of justice of a Hufflepuff
You only lack the cunning and ambition of a Slytherin
Not to mention, you were kidnapped and held hostage by Death Eaters
That too for a few months
And somehow emerged almost unscathed
After such a traumatic experience
You really are an incredible witch
Please remain the way you are
No matter what people say
And I will be a fan of yours
Until, as Neville would say, "Hell freezes over"
One of my favourite Harry Potter characters
Elijah Almond May 2014
some people's brains are
where knowledge goes to die
a simple prisoner
who only is allowed for speaking lies

I could tell you the truth
you might not like what your hear
seems hardly my fault
your lies you hold so dear

I don't have time
to play the silly games
lying just wastes
all my energy

you don't have to like me
I'm not too crazy about you
just being honest
I'm weird and so are you
I like Harry Potter, what can I say... I wish more people were like Luna. Just call it like they see it. No hesitation. No fear.
astronaut Apr 2015
It’s 3:30 Am and it’s rush hour in my head.

1- I’m constantly being swallowed into my own existence like an ever-looping wormhole.

2- I am trying to expand, to encounter all energy and matter with space, grace, and sincerity.. And so I am constantly bursting, going through massive explosions and extreme intensity

.3- I am trying to radiate warmth, peace, beauty, light, and love.

4- I am trying to become one with myself, and with the Uni-verse.

5- The last four sentences started with the word “I”.. HOW SELF CENTERED CAN A PERSON BE!

6- The last three “I"s were followed by "am trying”.. cut yourself some slack, Nesma.

7- Nesma means breeze in Arabic, and someone once said “surround yourself with breezy souls in hot summers”.

8- Nesma starts with Noon, and Noon stands for infinity in my subconsciousness.

9- The uni-verse is infinite. It’s vast and supreme. It must be blue, blue is the warmest color.

10- My favorite Harry Potter character is Luna Lovegood. I have deeply fallen in love with Luna Lovegood… luna love good..

11- Luna is the same Latin root for the two words “the moon”, and “craziness”. The moon has always been associated with insanity, and for that, perhaps, it’s also associated with love.

12- God I LOVE the uni-verse.

13- “I did not fall in love with you, I fell in you with love”
What am I even doing
Sophie Berger Feb 2016
Around 2008- Momma and I move into a rental house. I want to paint my room pink. She says no. I'm anxious at night and can't sleep. I memorize the creaks in the floor.

Around 2012-I take a wheel throwing class in the summer. The red clay hurts my hands. I mess up a perfectly good ***. It looks prettier that way.

Around 2003- I yell at the people I see smoking. I have just learned to speak and I wrinkle my nose into a coil, running around shouting "Ashes mom! Ashes!" I didn't just mean from the cigarettes.

May 27th, 2001- My family waits expectantly to see me. I curl myself into a smaller little fist. I don't come out for another 2 weeks.

Around 2009- I'm in a play of the 5th Harry Potter. I haven't read it. All the girls want to be Luna Lovegood. I audition because I don't know any other girls besides Hermione. I get the part. All the older kids tell me how jealous they are. I read a book upside down.

September 2015- I'm disappointed in the car. I think I've lost my earbuds. Mom whips the car around. Her face is very red. Her voice rings in my ears. We soar over the speed limit and she isn't looking at the road. I think we're going to die.

December 2008- We go to Paris for Christmas. We eat dinner on a boat. The engine blows out and something catches fire. We are stuck for 4 hours.

December 2015- Mommy tells me we stayed in a hotel that was the headquarters for the ****'s during World War II. I don't feel well about that.

Spring 2013- We go to Gulf Shores for break. I go in the ocean even though I come back blue. We visit a war fort. I fall in love with the grass and the sea.

Summer, some time ago- 3 little kids ask me how I exist. I tell them it's an operation. One responds "Like getting your tonsils out?" No. Not like that at all. My tonsils feel terribly large.

Around 2009- I pick up a book by Lemony Snicket. I make my mom read all 13 books aloud to me. I sleep through half of them. I still don't know what happened to the Baudelaire children.

June 3rd, 2015- I leave my home of 9 years. I think I'm sad. It happens too fast to remember. When did we grow up? No one answers. I don't cry like I thought I would. I mess up the one hug that matters most.

Some time in 2004- I can't sleep. I'm too nervous. I climb up the bars and sprint down the hall. My parents decide it's time to get me a real bed.

Some time in 2009- Momma and I move into our own house. I'm infinitely anxious at night. I warm my clothes by the heater. I memorize the creaks in the floor.

Spring 2014- I go to gymnastics on a Sunday. I do 50 back-handsprings in a row. I jar my brain and end up in the hospital for 5 hours. I suffer migraines. They ask me why I haven't taken my tonsils out.
Iva McCarty Mar 2014
We are all made out of star dust. I am made out of the moon. I was once part of the majestic orb that lights up the night. The majestic orb that lures lovers, and guides the tides.
     The moon looks down on me nightly, to check on my well being, even on nights that I cannot see her.

    Luna Lovegood is my Harry Potter twin.
   The blood moon bleeds for me.
The harvest moons gathers for and from me.
The blue moon is blue because we have been separated.
The lunar eclipse is my moon doing tricks to make me smile.
The Hunter's Moon hunts for and finds me.
Lycanthropy is my secret code name.

     The moon is my secret astrological friend that I get to see every night, sometimes in the sky, sometimes in my dreams. Sometimes both.
   This may seem impossible to you, but I believe it!

© Misty Bishop-Martiss
Sara Correa Apr 2015
when i waited for the moon
and i waited for hours
and i wondered why
why she didn't show
the sky was clear
so clear the stars provided enough light to keep our dim hearts alive
alive for a few more hours

so we waited
we grew impatient
they questioned my consistent need for the moon
they wondered why,
why i cared so much
about a white ball in the sky

i told them about luna lovegood
how she resembled every layer of the person i am
how i felt as though we were soul sisters,
although luna was nothing but a product of imagination
but essentially, so was i

i told stories of my nights on the roof
explained that when my mind went wild at 3 am,
i'd open my window and lay out atop the roof of my house
i found solitude in the serene aura
radiating from the still, cool glow coming from lightyears away
meeting me, out of all people
when i needed it most

i resemble the moon
the sunshine never did it for me
i, like the moon, live in the dark
but shine light on whomever needs it
i, like the moon, have craters in my soul
empty parts of me, beautiful nothingness
maybe moon dust runs through my veins and maybe
my soul lays partly in the atmosphere
surrounding our lunar companion
unintentionally ******* the life out of anyone who shows up unprotected
a bit like i do on earth

they didn't understand
so i waited alone
hope slowly seeping out through my pores
leaving me desperate

it wasn't until the orange ball of not-fire
rose against the black night
that i witnessed something i'd never seen before
glowing, beaming in the sky
came a red moon

and i was reminded then,
as relief spread through every vein in my body
that life brings you joy when you least expect it
and as always, the universe doubles our expectations
I've always been the odd one out
Luna Lovegood stole my heart
This is my odd ball shout out
shout out to all my odd *****
Malvika Oct 2017
Do you remember me?
I mean me.
The Luna Lovegood who wears socks during *** cause she'll take anything that'll increase her chances of an ******.
or how I doodle on the sides of my notebook about boys who hurt me but my best poetry is when I'm angry or otherwise disabled.
I swear in different languages coating the words with saliva cause sometimes they're hard to swallow. Sometimes I just spit.
Do you remember me the way I remember you?
Selfless to your self you put your chances of survival before the chance of actually surviving.
You hated your mother and sometimes your father but I never understood why your brother understood money in terms of power rather than metal and paper,
But then again.
I wasn't meant to understand it.
Cause if by the end of it,
If you don't see bruises on your skin,
You'll know that you didn't try hard enough.
but you don't have to try just yet.
today, the rain will sing us to sleep.

These days, I skipped my morning routines.
No coffee breaks, no late meals.
I lost not just the appetite for food
But also the appetite to mingle and crack some jokes.

So, it’s just me —
And this isolation was so familiar.
Just like the old days of resisting my “tiny self.”
The so-random thoughts don’t even help at all…
I was stuck in this shell and it wasn’t well-curated.

My body aches with the unknown tensions
And so I pulled the strings off my mind,
Stretched out my feet as hard as I can
But inside me was something severe —
Something I hated to encounter.

I speak to my body as I lay down
Turned on my favorite playlist in Spotify
Full of worship instrumental
And empowering podcasts
Calming my soul to take a pause and simply rest.

Goodnight to the bed bugs that bite
As I shake off the fluffy pillows on my feet.
Then I cover myself with a hand-me-down blanket.
The pain was intense
So I had to grab my pills to give myself a lesson.

I used to glide my left hand
Reaching out my French-bulldog
Named after HP’s Luna Lovegood.
But this time, I made her sad for not playing around.

I know, she’s tired of me too
We stared to each other for days
And all I can see was her scared eyes.
Most of the times, she jumps off her feet
But this was no longer the old times — she’s changed.

I went outside to breathe
But it’s like an open freezer to me.
I ***** when I eat and the aching doesn’t stop.
My body’s tired of murmuring her pleads...
I know and I can feel her
But I was not ready to comfort her.

I looked at the mirror with pale face.
Having tons of lippies can’t even paint my lips red.
I overthink when I’m upset
So my past time was to write —
It’s like an explosion of joy, anger, fear…
Did I forget the others from Inside Out?

The inner child within me was turned on,
And how could I stop her?
Should I play hide and seek?
I hope it’s the end game already
But I find this as my quiet place too.
From the back of lunar
Love looks good
She who has perfect fair skin
But a rocky conscience
The asteroids
Melt away
Like our neighbour
Doing what she pleases
And hides fortnightly
Behind bad omens
And good omens alike

Ms. Lovegood
Hides in her books
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends"

— The End —