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Aj Jul 2012
underestimated, misunderstood, falsely accused...

so I glanced at a blank, it looked back

...I smiled, feeling confident,

it grilled me in disappointment....

then a mirror, liking what I'd thought I'd see,

it spat at me...

then within, this time without preconceptions,

I saw unequivocal greatness, glory, victory,

wings spreading, eyes glowing, countenance radiating

...I saw what none can, then realized it was a just a dream,

projected expection of the self amongst the selves,

greatness when I close my eyes to the world,

foul once awoken from the bliss of personal sanctuary,

I was my accuser, misunderstanding myself

overestimating reality by the measure of fantasy..

then, I looked around and saw in many,

that reality had completely replaced fantasy,

so how can they possibly see me?

why then, should I feel falsely accused?
Five Fingers Feb 2015
out of my mind today
trying to come back down to earth
i refuse to sleep
i aint tired
i insist
you see its just that
its just that
im finally alone
with myself
my thoughts
so im not all that alone
but there is no expectation or responsibility
like lifes other relationships
there is no relationship like my relationship with myself
and i need to be alone
i am finally alone.
i love it
cause i cant face people anymore
i dont know how to
while still liking myself
someone please take me away
Chimera melons Jun 2010
meaning of wishtastes
desires drive delusion
devils delve deepening
seeds to root loathsome leaves
smelt cinders graying goals
craving strangled contentment
under backalley blackness
beats heart sneeze two
cavalcade blue
cacophony in fast dreams

reseized by letting go of circus surlplus
reassurance of real love is real gone
gone is the relooped sad troupe armies of needinesses
truth proofed ****! the magician disappeared
withdrew tears,fears, smears, and leers
now amongst new artful peers
The lions tail was a cobra coming with teeth under the door
awoke then broke my dreams end and don't hafta go back again
ego sinning by ego being a sin says ego
leggo my ego waffle a proper prophet
the jewels three sweet gleams eaten
gifts even the ego cant teacher the reached rifts
sewn up all dischordian accordian polka poked out eyes
belief swam away to the island of surprises
can I ? I can will it . Will then be faithful to real action.
kung fooled schools chop trees sticks
paper stones throw away
I can walk 6 feet on airs invisilbe stairs
ears heard alistening stream just the branch that froots
Shotgun riding to the holy holy holy
Dee vine
Harry J Baxter Nov 2013
I know that the ego is dangerous
everybody sends out warnings for me to **** it
but **** it man, I love that side of me
the side that needs validation from drunk strangers
who take me to their home in the early hours of whatever day it is
or the laughter from a good joke at work
likes and views and comments on these poems
yeah ego is dangerous
but I'll be ****** if it isn't fun
Shivendra Om Aug 2016
{ impasse }

Non action –again
Under a dim sun
I read the world

and miss the encounter

Di nuovo inazione
Al sole fioco di lucerne
leggo il mondo

–e non t'incontro
Poem inspired by a Tarot reading (Marseille style). The Wheel Hanged Man Hermit Sun Popess The World. © Luca Shivendra Om / August 2016
Samantha Irene Oct 2012
Part I: happy things

the smell of freshly cut grass in Spring
running thought a sprinkler
passing notes in class
chocolate --
but also:
your mother signing you asleep
laying in a field and wishing on stars
children's laughter
the beating of my heart as I fall in love
                                                      with you.

Part II: things that hurt

paper slicing your skin
a wicked boy tugging at your hair
the crack of your foot as it twists
out of place
stepping on a leggo
falling off your bike --
but also:
your best friend leaving you
               (again and again)
the destruction of a home
your childhood finally falling away
that you can be happy while my heart crumples in
                                                                ­                        on
                                                                ­                           itself.

Part III:  sad things*

unrequited love
lost puppies
bare stages
abandoned theatres
the last cookie --
but also:
moving away
the last page of a really good book
funerals for people you never really knew
funerals for people you really did
watching you
walk away
bk Feb 2015
elvis è vivo e abita sulla curva delle mie labbra, per questo le ragazze sono tutte invidiose di me e quando mi vedono piangono piangono piangono ma non sanno che a dividermi dal mondo c'è un vetro opaco su cui sono riflessa solo io
qualcuno ci prova a lasciar scritte graffiate con le unghie ma
non leggo. non voglio leggere.
Nathan MacKrith Mar 2020
I pray this pupil’s prayer,
penitent for desiring
an end to this madness
of clearing away snow,
only to find more, compact,
beneath the loose surface
      No two snowflakes alike
each snowflake falls with grace
absorbed by tuition fees,
books, books, books!
O the books pour down
clusters of refurbished
cognitive technicalities
      Each unique in its crystal formation
drench my shoes to full with repositories
of Professor gods’ wounded knees and sore egos
do I leggo my Eggo
to feast on academia’s wine
glut on the ambrosia of fine whine?
      What privilege to live in Snowflakia
the snowbanks are too high, Sir!
-still I climb, seeking purchase-
It takes too much time!
-yet I wade through the drifts-
of alabastards’ Judas kiss
       A Snowflake ingrate nation
in turn taken for madness
I cannot find a flick
to fling away wet sopping masses
of absence from classes
brain drain juices taste like molasses
I revile the texture of their pasty *****...
       You haven’t a chance in Hell-
-Ye Gods! Mea Culpa!
I am sorry, O Ponderous Purveyors,
for my blasphemous prayers
I will see the glass is
full of wine not molasses,
I will be a good snowflake and fall
into my pre-planned place
       Your liquid body will purify the well
I want to fall with grace
so I may rise without disgrace.
they used to ask me?
yo yosef do you feel pain?
I said he'll yeah all across my membrane
use the hair strains
off my ***** mary jane
can't **** with that *******
it's the only way to keep my mind sane
gotta dame yeah she's far from tamed
but I gotta dig deeper
cuz if not she'll leave ya
I told her I'm on some revolutionist ****
she look at me confused *** ****
I told her ya know we kings and queens
but it seems
they always discredit us in a magazine
stereotypes and ******* movie hype
thinkin every ***** is out to snipe
I gotta cope nope I don't sell dope
but my rhyme is dope
to this beat y'all elope
married to tune sounds of doom uh
ya better know  the game G
cuz I ain't down with buck dancing G
**** this new slavery and this new waverly
of fashion form **** the uniform I don't conform
to no *******
I'd rather be a dude that a lunatic
I gotta stay true to my barrio
ever since K-rino bumped in my stereo and now I know
why they hate me
it's cuz of my masculinity
wishin they could be us notorious
and dangerous
in lies we trust
government gonna get a gun bust
from every last on of us
my ancestors are my protectors
mama didn't wanna hear me or steer me
so I turned to the universe
and they cleared me
guilty from the system
ghostly farms coming for the lynching
don't be alarm black folks
it's just us returning the yoke
forty acres and a mule
check the clips from the sound of my tool
my Drago leggo my eggo
we beat any scenario
puff another blunt of indo
see me through ya Window
I'm in the thoughts of ya temple
chambers deep creep like TLC
we cool strong and crazy
fools don't phase me cuz lately
I been seein thangs
that the average
eye can't see
so sit back as I wreck the place
holding the world hostage no ransom
prepare for the coming of Scarface
Kevin Collington May 2017
Open love's chest and found nothing inside
My heart became frozen beyond the suicide
People don't understand the spiritual depletion
Living life on the edge pass the birds beaking
Eventually i became a sucker for love
A fool for fools and a answer for slugs
I yearned V-Jays from The record to the bed
Corruption by Vaginal deception messing with my head
Feeling blessed my while feeling misused
Disgusted and busted while feeling like doo doo
Praying daily to The Lord begging for forgiveness
He hugged me deep in my soul as my witness
Thats why i love hard because i was made with bricks
What you mad for because I'm sensitive about my ****?
You mad because i have a brain and use it?
You're religious rhetoric causes me to loose it
I'm real about mines so stand clear of the b.s.
Just because you're life is a test doesn't mean i ain't blessed
What it mean is my window pane is free and clear of the rain
My eyes are too dryed out for the pain
So the next time you try to break me down
I will Leggo your heart just to F5 that ******* down.
Geno Cattouse Oct 2018

All kine a piple want respec but few kina pipple wan give it cause easya fi tek R barrah dan fi reach an leggo. Everybady come wid di same tools maybe one R two come sharted but big eye no mean good eyesight nar big ears good hearing.

My pipple come ina shades and callahs from blue-black to pink-brown.Downtung , Uptung pipple cant stay right cause material gravity ton dem hed rung.
Check it, the worlds mulatto, more folks need to eat gelato,
Oops I mean gel let to, like my smiff and Wesson's,leggo my eggo,
My ego, I keep it to a minimal, don't need to take in another visual,
I play the smooth criminal, hit em with MJ lean, see what I mean,
Don't try to strike a god, with a knife in the back, end up in a drawback,
See the images of blood splat, no sounds of the click clack, silencers in tact,
I'm Jason Bourne, since I was in the eyes of the storm, comfort harm,
Not from park hill, but park bodies on the hill, this ain't for chills,
I do it for thrills, hard heads of villains, get a taste of the steel,
Feed their grills, coat ya body in blood, man I'm so real, pass **** bill,
Wiggle my toes, watch the death swords swinging like a blow,
Now you below, six feet as I'm counting my dough, with ya ***,
Oh no, can't cherish a *****, who subject to a seven day itch, switch,
Positions, focus like a ****, take money corner spinners of honey's,
Keep it in the family, pimps in blood line,
It ain't no secrecy, prophecy,
Been written, spitting since I was seven and given, times of grief we living,
Quando idealizziamo qualcuno stiamo dicendo molto più di noi che della persona stessa.
Nessuno è perfetto, sei tu che lo vuoi vedere così o forse hai bisogno di vederlo così.

Bisogna scindere ciò che racconta l'arte e "ciò che vorremmo che fosse"dalla realtà.
Perché soffriremo quando la realtà si scontrerà con le nostre idee.

Ma questa è anche una grande liberazione: non abbiamo bisogno noi stessi di essere perfetti per essere amati.

(Per chi legge: Io non sono uno psicologo, e so pochissimo di psicologia ma osservo tanto, quindi può essere che scrivo boiate, però ci provo lo stesso a scrivere ciò che penso, che deriva dall'osservazione di me stesso, da quello che leggo da professionisti, dall'osservazione degli altri e dal mero pensiero razionale.
Lo faccio più che altro per me stesso, per non dimenticare alcuni concetti che reputo fondamentali per la mia vita, perché il mondo è veramente grande e complesso e si fa in fretta a dimenticare. Inoltre è ovvio che mi fa piacere essere letto e criticato ;) )

E secondo me questo è alla base della nascita e del mantenimento di relazioni narcisiste: il narcisista mina la tua autostima (probabilmente già bassa?) e svaluta le tue azioni. Creando uno squilibrio immaginario tra te e lui. Dove lui è Dio e voi esseri umani che sbagliano e che devono farsi perdonare.("io sono migliore di te, io ** fatto così a causa tua, la colpa è tua non mia, sei tu che esageri).
Ricorda anche un po' le religioni, vero? Lol
Ebbene, questo è solo un appunto, nella mia testa il concetto è molto più ampio, comprende anche la filosofia dell'errore e altro, maaa per ora va bene così.


Non voglio essere messo su un piedistallo, così come non metterò nessuno su un piedistallo, perché questa è la prova che o non ci vedono per ciò che siamo o che noi non vediamo gli altri per ciò che sono.
Janna Lynn Lee Jun 2022
You in a moment
standing still where your at
Caught in a breeze a voice talking to you,
you on your own sitting where you sat.
Everyday awakened, walking back to this life sometimes stagnant, it cuts with a knife
Push through each day with pressure,  thickness turning out depression, sadness, sad sickness.
Flowers bloom this morning with one morning Hello
then until the moon beams shine on us saying goodnight a sultry glow.
Feel me at night,  my energy next to your soul
It may be you, in this madness that makes thy Soul whole.
We dance in our dance, twirled me in  dreams;
Hold my hand as we talked about, feeling real it seems
You pull me over to fall into your heat,  for me to  lick up the delectable treats.
I know that you fien for me morning and night and I fein for your soft and slow movements in my seducing insights,
Rocking so slowly on top as I will,
Dancing my aroma through you, but yet laying so still.
I will rock just a little, enough for your love to reach a place,
One I have marked for you and your beautiful grace.
Slowly  walk towards me to start our playful sliding, grinding, the meetings so near;
I will know when I sense you coming, Ill will taste you in the air.
I will arch my neck so slightly to sense you behind me
Then let your lips **** my skin so delectably.  
You and me got a gift between us in many many miles
It makes us happy, it makes us flow and is bundled with smiles.
WE rock and roll with music of all walks of life, you draw me into your peace of our art,  so clean and precise;
But you make me messy with the laughs and the giggles and belly rolls.
That why we connect to each other like leggo Souls
Dont leave me without telling me your going, if you ever do walk
away from our thing;
and if you do ever in life, I am grateful for the love, and … you bring.
We are going to be free one day, you wait and see,
Get ready, get set, I'll race you on 3............................ Love you Baby!
Love Jawauna
Gr8Ryzyngz Jul 2018
Reigned through much
Together and apart
Sure losing cool points fo dis shyt
Trying to be there be down
For one good reasons to cause
Dedicating dedications
Corny **** like, Assalam Zouj
Just hit you to say
Miss you, can't stop thinking of you
Beloved Only One For You
Is ME and ME for You
Mek mi tel yuh dis straight
Patience ah di virtuous zhe
Not just inside your brain
Eviction from mental beds
Can't get thiz orchirozez
Natural smelling tasteful visions
Out your clothes, sheets,
Out your muthafauqin head
Gibraltaz rockz stay cool
Hottest days of summer
Eight seasonings love
Same emotions turned feelingz
My ***** blezz all da way up
Four Four!Neva Eatin Soggy Waffles
Double up when you leggo
My egg-go
Wack silly **** like dat
WE dying to death laughing
Gems cracking da *** up
On some real **** though
I'm grateful all in all
You, is and always will simply B-U
Nam Habibi! Walaikum Assalam!
What can Da Goddezz do you for
Mi amore y Corazon
Kyaf yumkinuni khidmatuk???

— The End —