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Yenson Sep 2018
I last saw her in Santiago
******* drunkenly in a Sub urban taverna
parading conceited pride in a twisted union
with that *******  heinous maniacal harlequin
each in vainglorious throes of their imagined septic mindfuck
Debauch celebration of collaboration of succubus and incubus

Some days she is saying Haloa in Hawaii
adorned as Sainti Maria the ***** now as Madonna
spewing words like a dove acting like a Nun in a Convent
the fiendess with two faces hiding her ****** like the ace in lace
the malignant serpent crawling in the duality of her neurosis

I last saw her in Santiago
In a sanctity of the poisoned insecures with exiguous minds
consumed with flaming fears she begs acceptance for inclusion
******* for percieved reflected glory from her fathers' jailers
The subjugated souls of chai wallah lives on in grandchildren

So when Santi Maria flirts from honey to beehive
Ready to ***** and part thighs and brain for minor pointing gun
Feel sorry for a damaged child devoid of a prime core never made
only obeisance to past rulers whose discarded cast-offs she wears
Her poems  enchants but its virulent tools she takes in her body

I last saw her in Santiago
A slaved two-faced pretender who sings like a nightingale
In sub urban dives she postrates to friendly pats and gropes
Melting creeps and hot tigers begging subs for a heady drink
Brilliant yet blindsided to **** on knees as her children will too

kyle Shirley Apr 2015
KNOW** that I am here now.
KNOW that im still missing you although iv just left your warm hug.
KNOW that love for you is growing stronger by each breath I take in our deep conversations.
KNOWthat im yours and no one else's.

She was a poison slipped into my drink of life, and your the cure.  This poison has side effects, but you over time will heal me.

This simple and sweet concoction of wonderful attraction has a positive reaction that describes me and you.
fatin Oct 2013
I wish to be in your arm at this hour
In your warmness during these cold nights
In your hugs when Im all insecures
I wish you'd shut me with putting your fingers on my lips.
I wish you'd laugh at my lamest joke.
I wish you'd hug me from the back while I was busy doing stuff.
I wish you and I could cuddle under the blanket. No i mean just cuddle.
I wish you'd wipe away my tears when I cried and kiss me.
'Its okay Im here' just simple as that. You know you can get me.
I wish you're here playing with my hair.
I wish you'd stay.

Most of all
I wish you were mine again

*Ai, Oct 7
ATILA Dec 2019
He often rejects to talk passionately
when he insecures I won’t anticipate
about his plain day
or his current read
or the cosplay he dreams to wear
or the animé figure he recently bought
or just
his absurd thought two seconds ago.
Little did he know
I’d negotiate every inch of mine
just to forever listen to his chatters
that actually send electricity to my bloodstream.
I wonder
what had the universe conspired
to create this worthy man—
my one stable force
and make me fall in love to him
even deeper.
Jessica Jun 2019
Im out of love
Im out of this fraud
Im done
Ive been hurt so many times
I stopped this smile
And everything is a lie
To protect myself
I set berrier with everyone else
No more trust
No more lust
its just me
I see no us
It hurts but the pain
Never goes
So id rather hurt myself
Thousand time more
Than see me not strong
In love or caring
Sharing all of this has stopped
No more stabbs
No more dissapoints
I know im down alone
But ill break my heart rather my soul
Cause my hearts not cold
But i have a black soul
Thatll cover my reputation infront of yall
And show
How strong
Not a little girl anymore
A disguise
To survive
Behind a lie
So heres the deal that i ought
ill leave my ego with you
And my problems with me
And everything will be
Youll see
The big picture of me
And ill make sure
To hide from you
All the insecures
And Whats down
It Wont come out

Until someday
We might find out.
Yenson Dec 2021
I would be intelligent enough
to know and take on board
that enough is known about him
to know conclusively
that such is not susceptible to doubts
or woolly headedness
or the petty insecurities of superficials'
its not like he a thief who robs his neighbours
or some gang-member betrothed to the dictates
of some Mob dons
or some useful idiots not confident enough to know better
or some weak characters easily coerced
or those with secrets straightjacketed into compliance
or the simple followers who go just follow or go with crowds
or the narcissists and psychos in constant needs of narc fixes
or the pathetic haters who hate to live
or the underachievers riddled with self-loathing
so the intelligent observers
will surely know that some people
are centred balanced and assured enough to know their own mind
and trust their own judgements and convictions
it appears though that there are these people
who cannot comprehend this
but then
how can the insecures' riddled with doubts and insecurities
even begin to contemplate this
they only have their own yardsticks to go by
its the way their cookie crumbles
Yenson Aug 2021
Have you seen the latest news
did you read gutter press today
its same as same is malicious bile
Climbing lows to reach still lower
******* fetid decaying minds ajar
Gather round and hide your contempt
barely glance at how the insecure thinks
mindless foibles of the immature rabbles
Displaying wares of feeble innards and fears
tis all they court from life in shady wilderness
The brutish thoughts of the untrained labourers
introspections of hackneyed snake-oil merchants
The outputs of the gainsayers unskilled in life's takes
where under the canopy of stunted growth they dwell
in vacuous flings and malaise they expose their afflictions
Inadequate insecures fight themselves with owned weaknesses

— The End —