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Dear anger I do not want you to come out and play
You coming here scares the people away
I am not in the mood for you to stay
Dear anger why don't you ******* and go away

Dear anger please leave  me alone
You have turned my heart to stone
And got me in a unhappy zone
I can do bad on my own

Dear anger why do you keep coming back
Dear anger you are not going to do jack
but cause me a heart attack
You about to make me blow a stack

Dear anger you need to get a grip
How about I take a trip
I did not snap I just flip
Dear anger you caused me to get a busted lip

Dear anger why are you bothering me
I do not want you around can't you see
Go away and let me be
Dear anger stop holding on and set me free

Dear anger you are not Hermoine Granger
Nor or you "Walker Texas Ranger"
You put me in so much danger
Dear anger you make me become a stranger

Dear anger thanks for your concern
I feel you would never learn
You leave pain and a very bad burn
Dear anger please, please do not return
A person dealing with a negative emotion called anger and fights and blames anger for  what the person endures while dealing with the emotion and finds a way to confront anger in its tracks.
Anna Oct 2019
Cinderella did not teach me stand up against the wrong.
She did not teach me to be strong.
Katniss Everdeen did.
Aurora did not teach me that I don't need a man.
She did not teach me I am independent just as I am.
Cleopatra did.
Snow white did not teach me that real beauty has nothing to do with physical appearance.
She didn't teach me self love or acceptance.
Winnie Harlow did.
Ariel did not teach me to resist and fight.
She didn't teach me to raise my voice for what is right.
Malala did.
Ashley Graham gave me confidence.
Michelle Obama gave me inspiration.
Tris Prior taught me sacrifice.
Hermoine Granger showed me it's not only boys who can fight.
Nikita Gill taught me I am enough even without a man.
Joan of Arc showed me I can do anything he can.

Let's read to our girls stories of such badass, incredible, fierce and confident women.
Instead of stories where they are painted weak and can't do without men.
Let us teach them that they are powerful, they are strong.
And anyone who tells them different is wrong.
Let's read them stories of brave, heroic women instead of ones where they are shown weak and helpless.
Let's teach them to be warriors and not some princess.
Dedicated and inspired by all the strong, independent, fierce women out there! But mostly inspired by Nikita Gill's 'Fierce Fairytales'.
Angie Acuña Oct 2013
I am a poetry wizard (or witch)

I may not be the Hermione of the poetry world,
But sometimes,
If I try hard enough,
I can stupefy you with my words.

My pens are my wands
My words are my spells
And this paper is my cauldron.

Sometimes the potions go wrong
And I'm left with a poem that resembles a catlike Hermoine;
I'm just using the wrong ingredients.

I have Ron's and Harry's to support me in all of my poetic adventures,
No matter how stupid.

One day,
After all of the potions and poems have worn me out,
I will not be just another poet.

I am a poetry wizard (or witch)
And I will be known as

*The Girl Who Wrote
So I like Harry Potter~~~~
Adarsh singh Apr 2019
Age 12,
not a single tension of this world,
standing at a standstill,
And shouting ,'**** the whole universe'

age 13,
failed first time,
everything was fine,
except my parent's pride,

age 14,failed again,
for my pride,
my mum made me change my school once again,
I didn't feed on sun,still for everyone I was an alien,
thanks to Harry, Ron and Hermoine,
I learnt friendship from a friendship which I never got,
thanks to J.K Rowling too,
she's the reason why these rhymes make much more sense to me than those value of pi's do,

age 15, failed once again,
but no worries,
cause I know I am going to change the game,
that doesn't mean I don't cry,
don't worry,
when someone asks me,
I never tell them 'why?'

I read Edgar Allan Poe to Dan brown,
did not leave even a single account,
but still the main question remains,
will these words going to take me somewhere,
or even anywhere else,
or I too, will became a 9 to 5 slave just like everyone else.

-my story by adarsh Singh.
R Jul 2013
Harry Potter.
I've never written about you,
The boy who lived.
I wish you were here,
We could make some
dark magic,
And say silly spells.
We could be everything.
I could be the Hermoine to your Ron.
The scar to your Harry.
The wand to your average witch or wizard.

I just wish I could be yours.

Silly me, You're not real.
(At least not really.)
Barsha kumar Sep 2017
Her footprints remained
In his life, like the footprints
Of "Al-khaleel" at "Maqaam Ibraheem";
Bestowing him peace,
And guiding him, through
The dark alleys of life.
And his footprints remained
In her life, like the "lotus footprints",
That washes her heart with love,
And rejuvenate her soul,
With the light of memories;
Enwreathed by happy moments.
Ah! Separated by destiny,
They were still united in their memories;
Playing their roles of life,
With utmost loyalty;
She was Hermoine to her Harry Potter,
And, he was Harry Potter to his Hermoine!
The love that dwells in friendship!

— The End —