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When you are blushing and hiding yourself, your beauty is reflected by your thin dress.

you are bowing down your eyes, and my heart is beating .

your eyes are like lake in which i want to sink .

your lips like leaf of rose.

you are not less than moon , like everyone want to see moon , like that i want to see you again and again.

by coming in my arms and let remove the veneer of shyness

Get so immersed in me that one body is two lives.

I want to behold you every moment, do not blink my eyes, let me see your such a spirit
This Poem for newly married couple at First night ( golden night )

It's touching the heart
K603 Oct 2015
I want to hold on
To this small little light it is so crazy to see
Something so small something so bright
I'm filled with wonder hope and relinquish myself to a few little rays that have started to shine once again
But my feet are still unsteady
I still wobble when I walk
I am not yet ready
To walk with you behind me because I can't even walk alone
I need to be able to take my steps without you holding my hand that way if you ever go
I'll be already gone
Walkin on my own headed into the dawn long before you ever get the chance
To say good bye

I'm not sure I believe in love anymore
The last one left me sore
So please don't blame me for I don't want to hurt you
Nor do I want to hurt myself
So let me wobble and toddle about
Maybe someday I'll feel without doubt
A 2:30 am write, woke up from a dream.
Be strong because it will all work out in the end

turely wulod wnat to witre ye a ncie peom
but i cnnaot seem to get tehse wrods rghit
ye see all my letrets are so mxied up
resmelbin' excat wath be on my mnid

tho smeowehre i hvae hared taht wehn ineded
the fisrt 'n' the lsat lteter rhgilty palced
one salhl be albe to msaetr 'n' raed
wrdos rhgit in the eaxct crorcet odrer

ye see i srue am not taht wreid at all
tho at laset not mroe tahn any one can
wahtveer uopn to, or waht we slahl

jsut nveer be of toshe rdaey to ban
wihcveer ye siltl do not udnrtaensd
do not be of tsohe be jgudin' the man

..lvoe alawys...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 04/03/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
AND it Came to Pass in those Days that A Decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all thy World should be Registered* This Census First took place while Quirinius was Governing Syria* So, all went to be Registered, everyone to His own City* Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of thy City Of Nazareth, into Judea, to thy City Of David, which is called Bethlehem, because He was of thy House and Lineage Of David* To be Registered with Mary, His Betrothed Wife, who was with Child* So it was, that while they were there, thy Days were Completed for Her to Delivered* And She Brought Forth Her Fisrt-born Son, and wrapped Him in Swaddling Cloths, and Laid Him in A Manger, because there was No room for them in thy Inn* Now there were in thy same Country Shepherds Living out in thy Fields, Keeping watch over their Flock by Night* And behold, an Angel of thy LORD Stood before them, and thy Glory of thy LORD Shone Around Them, and they were Greatly Afraid* Then the Angel said to them,* Do not be afraid, for behold, I Bring Thee Good Tidings of Great Joy which will be to all People* For there is Born to You this Day in thy City Of David A Savior, who is CHRIST Thy LORD And this will be thy Sign to Thee* Thou will Find A Babe Wrapped in Swaddling Cloths, Lying in A Manger And suddenly there was with thy Angel A Multitude Of Thy Heavenly Host Praising GOD and saying* Glory to GOD in thy Highest, and on Earth Peace, Good will toward Men! So it was, when thy Angels had gone away from them into Heaven, that thy Shepherds said to One another'' Let us now go to Bethlehem and See this things that has come to Pass, which thy LORD has made known to Us* And they came with Haste and Found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe Lying in A Manger* Now when they has seen Him, they made Widely known the saying which was told them Concerning this Child* And all those who Heard it Marvelled at those things which were told them by the Shepherds* But Mary kept all these things and Pondered them in Her Heart* Then thy Shepherds Returned, Glorifying and Praising GOD for all thy things that thou had Heard and seen, as it was told them* And when Eight Days were Completed for thy Circumcision of thy Child, His name was Called JESUS* thy name given by thy Angel before He was Conceived in thy Womb now when thy days of Her Purification According to thy Law Of Moses were Completed, thou brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to thy LORD* As it written in thy Law of the LORD '' Every Male who opens thy Womb shall be called Holy to thy LORD And to offer a Sacrifice according to what is said in hy Law of the LORD* A Pair Of Turtle-Doves or Two Young Pigeons* And behold, there was A Man in Jerusalem whose name is Simeon, and this Man was just And Devout, waiting for thy Consolation Of Israel, and thy Holy Spirit was upon Him* And it had been Revealed to Him by thy Holy Spirit that He would not see Death before He had Seen Thy LORD's Christ* So He came by thy Spirit into thy Temple. And when thy Parents brought in thy Child JESUS, to do for Him according to thy Custom of thy Law* He took Him-Up in His Arms And Blessed GOD And Said; " LORD, now Thou are Letting Your Servant depart in Peace, according to Thou Word* For My Eyes have seen Your Salvation* Which You have prepared before thy Face of all Kinds* A Light to Bring Revelation to thy Gentiles, and thy Glory of Your People Israel" And Joseph and His Mother Marvelled at those things which were Spoken Of Him Then Simeon Blessed them, and said to Mary His Mother, " BEHOLD, This Child is Destined for thy Fall And Rising Of Many in Israel, and for a Sign which will be spoken against* ( Yes, a sword will pierce through thy own Soul also), that thy thoughts of many Hearts maybe Revealed* Now there was one, Anna, A Prophetess, thy Daughter Of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had Lived with a Husband Seven Years from Her Virginity; And this woman was a Widow of about Eighty-Four Years, who did not depart from the temple, but served GOD with Fastings and Prayers Night and Day And coming in that Instant she gave Thanks to thy LORD, and Spoke of Him to all those who Looked for Redemption in Jerusalem* So, when they had Performed all things according to thy Law of the LORD, they Returned to Galilee, to their Own City, NAZARETH. And thy Child Grew and became Strong in Spirit, filled with Wisdom; and thy Grace of GOD was upon Him* His Parents went to Jerusalem every Year at thy Feast Of Thy Passover* And when He was Twelve Years Old, they went up to Jerusalem according to thy Custom of thy Feast when they had Finished the days, as they Returned, Thy BOY JESUS Lingered behind in Jerusalem. And joseph and His Mother did not know it; But Supposing Him to have been in thy Company, they went a day's Journey, and Sought Him among their Relatives and Acquaintances* So when they did not find Him, they Returned to Jerusalem, seeking Him. Now so it was that after Three days they found Him in The Temple, Sitting in thy Midst of the Teachers, both Listening to them and asking Questions. And all who heard Him were Astonished at His Understanding and Answers* So when they saw Him, they were Amazed; and His Mother said to Him" Son why have You done this to Us? Look, Your Father and I have sought You Anxiously." And. He said to them, " Why did You seek Me?  Did You not know that I must be About my FATHER's Business? But they did not Understand the Statement which He Spoke to them* Then He went Down with Them and Came to Nazareth, and was Subject to them, but His Mother kept all these things in Her Heart** And JESUS Increased In Wisdom and Stature, and in Favor with GOD And Men  Praise HEE Thy LORD HALLELUYAH
Shady Teddy Jul 2015
I probably don't remember everything
about my first day in college
or the fisrt time that we met
sometimes i even forget
the date my birth is celebrated
but for that day i rember everything
from your low heel black strap shoes
sounding the beat everytime your
feet touched the ground
as you walked towards me
and there was the glowing white
emanating from your blouse
the matching was impecable
and although
they call me color blind
but even then i saw it
then there was your voice
soft and articulate in speech
yet still firm and stern
accompanied by a contageous laughter
at first i thought you
were about to cry
that was when i noticed
that natural glitter in your eyes
you had just plaited your hair
it was sprayed and shiny
holding to a pony behind
thats when u spoke to me
then i kept saying "ati"
not because you were unclear
but the sound of your voice
was so soothing and comforting
somewhere between opera singing
and a choral verse recital
you were still a young girl
but thats when your wings grew
somewhere the july cold
and you flew away from us
we still miss you every august
i wish you were here to see
how she has grown since
she nolonger plays with small
dolls like she used to
but i know you are looking
from up above you see us
alot has happend between
and some day i will tell you all about it.
She talks about you sometimes
but i am still unable to explain it all
i dont know if she will understand
i even dont know what to tell her
but if you were here
you would know exactly what to tell her
like you she is perfect
sometimes i cry alone
and preffer to be left alone
not because i like being alone
but because its easier
to immagine by myself
what you would do or say in such situations.
fly safe my friend.
and keep passing by
dont be gone too long.
K603 Nov 2015
My room is neat nothing out of place...
But my bed has another tale to tell,
White pillows with dark smudges
Sheets and blankets in a twist
Our clothes mingle on the floor just as our breath did before.
An arm draped here, a leg there, my skin burns with the heat of yours.  
Is this how it feels to hope?  
I'm not sure if you woke up first and decide to stay
Or I am up Fisrt to start my day.
Good god help me
maybella snow Sep 2013
my left arm
is that time i didn't ask
if you were okay      
my left leg
is that fisrt time                  
i changed for the worse          
my right leg
is that time I cried to you        
and it broke you apart
my stomach
is the last time
i spoke to you      
did i say that i love you?
my marks
are for the time
i wasn't awake                    
when you were dying

i'm marked with fault
i didn't do enough to save you
Emo kitty Dec 2014
a death
   a father
    a husband
and a hard worker
      his name
a smile on his face
what would he say
would he say move on
or its ok
would he be prode
or sadly disdoponted
i miss this man named
he was and is my father
not by blood but by choice
the memories my mind holds
   to presuse to count
my first rabbit
man that was amazing
and the fisrt time i called him dad
i recall the look in his eyes
i want my dad this is a issue as a death of a dad means no dad but in dreams or in thoughts.
   i miss him R.I.P. chad

can i wake up now?
omar Castillo Jul 2015
LOVE is a strong word and soft that many confuse some understand and few have unveiled its inner secrets,
I am counted in the ones that seek it and long to possess it.
Love is seeing through an imperfect person and still find  her adorable but what is it that bewitched me the very fisrt time that I look into your eyes?
What is it that makes me reach the stars when I hold you tight?
What is it that sprinkles my heart with butterflies when I see you smile?.
Is it love? Passion? Or some magical force that I don't seem to recognize?.
We are like two stars dancing in the depths of the universe attracting  each other by an immortal power that grows stronger in the depth of our souls,look how two stars dance in the depth of the universe!,my lips and yours dancing triggering a supernova in the depths of the universe.
Feel how my lips touch yours daringly risking it all,risking it all,risking my soul,by the time you read this my souls maybe already half yours.
JB Dec 2018
Locked eyes
but only for a second
then dart away
like a forbidden secret

You’ve had a crush on me for a while
I was tempted
I indulged off my no boys diet
but only for a night
You were the pounds I couldn’t keep off
no matter how hard I tried

I knew I didn’t really want to lose you
rather embrace the weight

You are my friend now
but friends don’t call you in the middle of the night
having intricate dreams about another
or think of another right in the morning
fisrt thing on my mind

friends don’t look at each other they way they do with their boy or girl
friends can stop thinking about you

so I guess we aren’t friends

or at least, I’m not
Gr8Ryzyngz Jan 2019
I cannot
Possibly love you more
Today than yesterday
And yet you have given
Me so many reasons to
I woke to this gift
Of living and loving
This present once more
And adoration of the
Piecez of my peace
Found in the insane
Sanity of longing to be
Held fisrt, last, and only
Closer than close to you.
Naomie May 2020
Will you remember
Or will you forget
The first time you saw me?
The first time you held me?
The first time you were attracted to me?
The first time you cared for me?
The exact moment you fell in love?
The first time you kissed me?
The first time you spent time with me?
Our first time out together?
The fisrt time you didn't wanna let go?
The first time you couldn't resist
The urge to call?
The first time I was on your mind
For the whole day?
The first time you couldn't wait
To see my pretty face?

Will you remember
Or will you forget
The first time you didn't miss me?
The first time you hated my calls
The first time you didn't wanna talk to me?
The first time you stopped caring?
The first time you couldn't stand me?
The first time you lost interest?
The first time you let go?
The exact moment you lost the love?

Will you forget?
Or will you remember?
I hope you forget
I hope you remember

— The End —