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Kewayne Wadley Jan 2018
In a strange sort of way.
I've always wished that we've gotten together.
Be it a dream; that we would speak in hellos than good byes.
True love by means of evolvement.
Maybe I shouldn't think of you this way.
To bootleg myself in what I truly believe.
The hope of every possibility.
Your complex occupation.
To say what really matters.
To truly inspire in the midst of what we truly feel.
Consciously low key.
Eyes that take for granted that you'll always be there.
Maybe this is what I low key deserve.
Now knowing to be heard.
The difference between listen.
On another note.
I don't know.
I sort of always thought that would be fire.
To think of you as mine.
To hear the depth of truly knowing how free we are.
Our phones unlocked with complete sincerity, with us humbly mumbling somewhere in the background
Why does everything have to be so perfect
for everyone?
all the time, every time.

a blind man can see more
than we can.

we as in greedy,filthy,hungry,hypocritical,
antagonizing, walk-the-walk, and
talk-the-talk kind of society.

I've come to the realization,
that i am my own
and you are your own
worst enemy.

and i refuse to carelessly create a dependency
on the defected critic within myself.
I have a brain. I am sane.
Insanity is a fabrication of ones own ability
so in turn the insane will confuse
their own reality for the worlds reality.
Can you imagine, adopting a word
and labeling yourself with it?
As if YOU were molded around IT.
Not allowing yourself to distinguish
this imaginative delusion from reality
By an opinion, not a fact
you have adopted and concocted within yourself
an imaginary abnormality.
which will never leave your mind
unless of course you will it to.

I was so sick. I was so hurt. I was damaged goods.
I was, I am. I I I I I I I
I stands for imagery which i get when i relate the word i
to myself. I envision two little mes' sitting a top each shoulder
influencing the voice inside my brain to do things.
Influencing the "control center" if you will.
But the thing is....
That's my conscious mind, not really me. Until i realized this, I had never felt more alone.
Under going this epiphany of sorts, this deep evolvement of my very soul,
I was drug out by the ankles, out of the very existence that i had come to accept as my own.
When I opened my eyes to discover the truth and beauty in life
i could perceive things differently, with clarity. Refreshing. I could
wake up with a smile. Not only tolerate but accept people and their habits. Converse with them as
if i had been connected in some meaningful way. And as I lay my head down to sleep, I allow myself to conclude
that I am me with all of my flaws, grammar mistakes and all. I am still who i want to and should be.
Sajdah Baraka Mar 2013
Dream a lucid dream.

Where my attention isn't enough for your ego,
So you have an affair with mine.

Let it feed you with deception.
Because it seems that ignorance is the only thing that'll make you smile.

And when my infatuation becomes a threat to you,
Instead of initiating the game of russian roulette,
you just pick up the gun and shoot.

Taking me out of my misery, since you refuse to keep it company.
Pulling the evolvement from its roots.

When you begin to wonder what sparked your curiosity,
Take a look at the bruises I model
From every time that I've fought to leave.

Recollect the moments of peace and security,
And the incision of a bleeding heart left on your sleeve.

Come to your senses and sense that
I can love you to perfection,
Before you can even recognize what perfection is.

I could fulfill your wildest dream before you even realize where the inception is.

And if you decide to follow the light,
Make sure to remember how it feels.

Cause if the pain never sets in,
Then you'll know it wasn't real.
Lucy Tonic Sep 2013
They say I’m graduating to a life beyond this one
But will I start over, or repeat the third grade again
Cause we all suffer without friends, freedom or fun
And there must be something we carry over when it’s done
And my baggage can’t fit on anyone else’s shoulders
The sins we know of and the ones we forget, don’t die as we get older
The hierarchy of needs is a battle of survival for some
But will my next challenge or obstacle drop me to level one?
Will I find myself in Africa- fighting off flies and government lies?
Or will I be born in America, with the same family and troubles inside?
So the real question is, what does graduating mean?
Does it push evolvement to the highest degree?
Does it downgrade you, and send you back into the sea?
Does it upgrade you on the universal tree?
Is it all a secret process, where few have the keys?
I think next time I’ll major in theology
XvA Jul 2015
While Life learnt to drive-through and not fall for a secondth
the posture of faith grew to Re-Enact just so it may never repeat.
To attempt a magnonimus intercept's priceless to the sailor of lightz
So ,if the call rodes off ; Sights face insights in the darkest nights.
When light is immense, darkness
ride through that Rainbow
and moments began to withdraw some cynical glow of snow.
As the wizard of life photos togetherness in within
the Cycle of Evolvement; an special bond of soul and mind!

Thank you for reading. :)
Eternity is reached when your thoughts
Find every question answered
And every emotion dissolve into peace
When you randomly hold every lesson life brought
In time with the rhythm of HIS


Eternity eludes the soul still yet
For life deems present on a bet
And past is stained to never forget
In the future hidden
The evolvement into enlight
Where  you were created
SassyJ May 2016
Safe saved metaphors
All clear in third age
Forming tried foams
On the hallway of ties
The alleyways tiptoed
The only lifeline we hold
The ghost that loves me
It tickles my toes and glows
The massive shadowy face
The hanged erred earlobe
Yet it claimed me from birth
Dented in a cast ratted tribe
A reminder of evolvement
As I crawled to run away
It pulls in seductive destination
I shall never win this battle
I shall ever learn the meaning
A reevaluation of a patron
A tune of comfortness chaos
This ghost that claims me
It made me grieve and revealed
A long left pain of the lost
It made love to me on and on
The ghost that raised me
Shoot me from gravity to its era
It shall forever be the flavour
I have been wandering how mommy
Sweet did come by such a tommy
Big, enquired the pretty darling
Of her dear dad. It's the Lord's doing.
A boon so marvellous to behold, that's true
And priceless. I can't take thee now thru'
The episode whole. But it did wilfully happen
Tween me and her, said more the pop, when
We blithely together laid for a marital affair,
Cheek and jowl, that we might perfectly pair
And have in unison our amorous-laced passion,
Melting them into one inseparable fermented fusion.
From that act of affection came her womb large,
From which a life precious like thou will emerge--
God willing--soon; after nine-seemingly-slow months of
Steady evolvement and care, it will be time enough
To bring forth. It might be twins or more, or a boy
Or a girl only; but when a scan is employ-
Ed, you can confirm the very gender and number prior
To the hour of parturition of that gift of honour.
Thou wilt be wise, pray i, my peering daughter,
As thou by age by and by dost begin to muster
In life empirical knowledge and understanding
To unravel the mystery behind a protruding
Belly of a woman firsthand thyself. In school
And everywhere prithee, my child, be nobody's fool.
Age is a man made measurement
Called "the calendar and clock of life.".
Age never defines as to what portion of from when we were born
To when "We should" be "able to do"
As we compare to other's development
We seek determined to reach before or after In the usage of measuring
Unique beings steps upward
To what timely pace we need to make these steps of evolvement
The age measurement never supported
When or at what measurement of such who we should or should not love
When to love
Consider ourselves at what steps
On the ladder of life we should be at
In youthful strides or to when we should from
Activities of life or energies we are
Supposed to obtain, keep, have, or retire from
Clear the calender and clocks from
Who and  what we have left
Are Human Beings
Who all deserve their choice above ages definition of scheduling
As our souls always have the last say and assignment of what,when, and how life is explored and what energies  it is able to keep hold off.
Like an adversity onrushes imminently,
Thy evolvement feeble you,
The assailant of my riches at most,
Impede this generation to limp down,
Falling on your entangle, twitching studiously
In an advertent common knowledge,

Knowing your existence that your part of me,
Even when I’m not, terrorizes everything I touch,
To whom shall I convey my incarceration?
The reluctant of my righteous to scheme you,
Strung the extension on the same leash,

Sweet memories inhabit this shack,
This house, these cars, this fame, I know sometimes I
Wish I didn’t have this life, these tenacious memories,
We had nothing but a felicitous life, having only grains
Was enough, depicting a smile with pain,
Fear and joy on my school Departure,
But you never grouch

Your silence became tremendous,
You perished on the face of earth,
Thou never subsisted till my wish,
Through asperity, fear and pain
I am who I am for you

A land so rich
A land where a settler settled
I call you by name ooh Africa
A land that is so sumptuous and ample
A continent of trait that not only I construe
A land so modest yet cumulate all nations wide
A continent where neighbors endlessly come to go

What do you do when I do?
I have been and still the culprit of your misfortune
I cloak in bargain muteness to clutch your fortune
I depicted that you can’t be on your own for me to smugly
I dish only for myself and replicate to my safe home
I rejoice whilst you last in your decayed land
I scale the degree of my home’s fortune
That definitive its own range whilst you remain wretched

What do you do when I do?
You spectate all my moves without evolvement
You call me master whilst you remain impoverished
You are suppressed by mentally inferior
You dictate your move on my command
Africa awake……Africa awake
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Ireland used to be west of
England, now we are east
of America.

As for the EU, we have
retained our feet & inches,
but coffee is midway between
tepid water and stained cups.

Our weather is worse, but,
enjoy, and, have a nice day,
helped make meteorological
forecasts, less, of a national

Food evolvement is an antonym
of palatial development.

Greed has replaced need and
time is no longer measured by
tick tock, no latter, just tick tick.

Waste not want not, suggests
by the filth one finds on the
roadside, that poverty has
been completely eradicated.

We are a ***** nation and now
that I am back, all I missed in
my absence, were the Crows.


The effect of this poem on me
personally, will be no different
than a blind man throwing a
Boomerang at himself.
SassyJ Dec 2016
Hold the tired hands suppressed by eons
calloused by the tears of generational fears
carousel your caress in resonated templed arks
harks of walks, ever fervent, reverenced and etched

Tender love from ancient ambient scented rocks
metamorphic withered limestones in evolvement
sedimentary chains of life, tagging in ageless dreams
of resurrections from the eye of the untorn needle
wordvango Aug 2017
my voice
what shall I make of it
so strong deep
such an instrument

may I make a tool of healing
or enlightenment
a fool of myself
with unreasoning

or further man's evolvement
supreme or
cause any one to gain faith
strength or  reason

a bit more reasonable
if that would be  the depth
I gladly accept
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019


continued ....5

Individual: unencumbered by the existing,
free of the social norms
and open to all knowledge,
respectively reigns supreme,
is truly liberated
and earnestly enlightened.

Self-realization: realizing for SELF
is cardinal, essential,
acceptance through thorough understanding

Desire: is the root cause,
that initiated motion into existence
and the very nature of birth urges one to act.

Imagination: the purview of intelligence only,
a great motivator of creative evolvement
From the pre-introductory page of Forces of Creation
S R Mats Oct 2023
Different moments throughout our lives,
The passing of time, who we are changing
Throughout the years, evolving, letting go 
Are not unlike the participating self-evolvement
Over the course of living. Yet, disease takes away
These basic anchors of reality, time, and place,
And all the coordinates that we rely on
In every moment of our lives are suddenly lost.
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
Trump shot in the head
Attempted assassination
Bullet grazed right ear

Trump alive and well
Fist in the air yelling FIGHTl
Secured in minutes

The ear all he got
The shooter missed the **** shot
Blood ran down Trump’s face
They use their bodies as shield
Adrenaline pumping through veins

Who’s responsible?
Conspiracy Theorists
Cast aspersions

Foreign evolvement
Maintain composure
The world is watching
A bullet ripped through his ear

Randomness is at play
No matter what you say
God saved the Day

Inspired song
1) for what it’s worth
by buffalo Springfield
2) The eve of destruction
By Barry  McGuire
3) Ohio by Neil Young
Webster’s Word of the Day
7-29-24 aspersions
Someone who is criticize, harshly or unfairly..

I wrote this poem on the day Donald Trump was shot 7-13-24 I’d like millions of other people were watching on TV the moment it happened. The thing that said, in three days later. Somebody was willing to not only **** Donald Trump and wanting him dead, but to do it on national television. His head splattered for all to see. How sick is that too much that doesn’t add up it keeps nagging me we still don’t know the truth about JFK assassination.

— The End —