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I am a spoof
of myself
the everythingness
stuffed in the nothingness
---till it chokes on its
own cracked breath
I’m the alpha female
the maker and the breaker

-Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
astronaut Apr 2015
I am a wanderluster. My cells are incapable of remaining intact. Every single atom in me is constantly roaming the uni-verse and conflating with all its beauty, constantly becoming it, and constantly providing it with the chance to become through myself.

I am not carefree. I am not balanced. I feel intensely, and I like it.
I am. And my beingness is a gravitational field, pulling the everythingness of everything into me.
I am..

And with all its interactivity, my existence is serene. I am emollient. I am a beauty, light, warmth, and sincerity seeker. I, the universe, am one with myself.
CP Walker Jul 2014
Here I lie in wake, alone to my thoughts--centered attention on nothingness for so long that it emerges with a startling gasp that stirs the calm waters, that breaks the crippling silence, that disarms my presumptions, that startles the birds from their peace in wing and gives movement to flight in the cold dark out beyond my shortsightedness of the here and now.

A ripple--that's all it was--that prompted my upward condition and seized my focus.

Subtle enough, yet I could not mistake it as London could not pass through a single sweet cool night without a shaky blast off in the distance that likewise stirred the children from their innocent dreams as I have strayed from my ever present seams and still now...

My meaningless nothing may faulter at the so vastly more important  everythingness around me; yet only my perception of these little ripple kisses that stir my soul and give rise to new movement and dance upon this elliptical routine that puzzles me in brick by bricked and stone by ****** can surely pave the path to tomorrow's promise of the again and the trials of what if in such again.

Perhaps no other than I could decipher the value of these thoughts; the merit they hold on my person; and the uselessness they possess on yours.

But that's fine with me...for expression left unexpressed, thoughts left unthought, refractive pulses left unreflected...these play things forgotten in a misspent youth dwindling in the pool of memory and the pull of forgotten woe, surely are worse than the best nightmare on the darkest, most desolate night of lonely sailing in those powerful little ripples that crash on my seawalls and smooth out my wayward projections.

I may push back. I may fight the waves, as futilely as an effort I know it to be. Or I may just accept this future as sure of a past it will ever already be...let that undertow carry me out to sea and swim with the birds and fly with the fish as the Sun whispered he intended for me.

But I may just come right back up again, as breathless and weak as I did before and surely shall again (remaining). For with every breath I surface to obtain, the effort for relief stirs new pains of concentration that only a breathless living may disarm to my liking.

I may not think clearly then and than so more, but my effort to keep my thoughts straight spills attempts out across the floor, and with each further step I further my chances of a clear tower of perceptive accomplishment to stand atop and gaze. Mind my incongruitous follies and shame my liking the name. Am I, I am, the confused and forebane.

Perhaps now, I've infected you? Confused, aren't we? And confused we shall remain. For nothing is so utterly disarming as the mixing of thoughts with no filter to gain. As this ground falls out from under you, just remember the rule for walking: one foot in front of the other for too long and you find yourself right back where you began.

Pick a new direction to gone...I'll meet you there some day, maybe.
Sometimes, nonsense is the only clear anvil to forge my shapely manifestation upon.
timian Mar 2018
i feel poetry in my chest that i can't express
purposeless unconfessed a mess that i try
to gather in my hands but
like sand it
slips from my grip, a
confused clutter of carelessly uttered words of
there's no direction to this
senseless stumble of a poem no way for me to
spill my ink in a pattern that will show you
what i think and hope that you already know, you
are the world and i
am a fool for trying to fit your everythingness on a notebook page
qi Apr 2015
we are all just infinitesimal souls
stagnant; utterly still
in a plane of
nothingness and everythingness
and like Newton's First Law of Motion states
we will only continue
all we need is an unbalanced force
strong and relentless as gravity
that'll send us careening
back into our own bodies
we're all waiting for
someone, something
to bring us back home

this imbalance
is the very force that keeps the blood
thrumming in our veins
and roaring in our ears,
allows for jolts of electricity
to run down our spine and spark
at the pads of our fingers; we are
the brilliance of dying stars,
contained and bound to a mortal vessel

our hearts are pulsing, pulsing
to the rhythm of the songs that stars sing
and i hear the music resonating,
bone-vibrating and teeth-chattering,
and when we can all hum the melody
that the universe plays,
sear it and engrave it into our minds,
seven billion hearts
will (finally) beat as one

we are
caged beasts

we are
supernovas in the making
(wherein we can only burn bright and then brighter
until one day
we will return to the stars)

but at the very least, now,

we are
probably going to write a second version
silvervi May 2019

I recover
From long madness
Called N-U-M-B-N-E-S-S

Held me in
For too long
Behind bars
Made of steel
Of fears


Instead of

I wished many times
I could feel SADNESS
But all I felt was
And nothing else

Then I looked precisely
And found everything
Hidden in there.

Not only SADNESS


just like the colour WHITE
consists of all the other colours
louella Dec 2022
when you hear my voice
just look under your doorframe
in the tiny crack just big enough for a bug to crawl through
just small enough to slip a letter inside

when you hear the rain
just look for me dancing in the droplets
falling like tiny liquid filled diamonds
the warm blanket of everythingness covers your lawn

when you sing off key
just think of me smiling like a wild sunflower
in a forest of familiarity
posing with the choirs in your most lifelike illusions

one day, you’ll find me scattered in the memories you chose to leave behind
one day, you’ll acknowledge your blunders
and i’ll be the utter worst of them
you’ll trace the path back to where we first met
which was nowhere, no specific location
you sang chants to me, but i was deaf then
i had forgotten to disperse the flaws of my opinionated self
and now the yellow brick road is turning into coal
God to you is just some kind of illegitimate father of yours
and i just can’t deal with such irreversible ignorance
i stood underneath every strand of mistletoe i could see, but you always mistook it for poisonous holly
and i know you would never even look outside to spot me dancing in the sky’s tears
and now i’m just writing a letter to the men in my reveries
and that’s just depressing

but when you hear my voice
just look under the doorframe
in the tiny crack just big enough for my goodbyes to reach you
and just small enough for my sorrow to slip through
me rambling turned into an idiotic poem yet again

600 poems….bittersweet
L Seagull Jul 2017
Random thoughts like bees in the air
Simple and incoherent I catch them with my tongue
Only to swallow the depth in simplicity wrapper
A silly song on my mind and I hug the
Anxiety for never letting me rest
In and out goes the air and I string myself
Onto it like a bead in the necklace of
Everythingness and i know why I'm here
On this earth
Right now it's to fight the urge to dissociate
Into safe space of my imagination
Where I soak up every degree, every sound, every flavor not feeling
Guilty for taking a break to be the mother
My children deserved to have
On days like these there is not enough food
For my hungry mind except words and books
But I do like the grass stuck between my toes
Daisy Fields Mar 2016
i want a love that is pure & raw
i want a passion that is unattached & wild
i want a loyalty that is truthful & undoubted
i want a connection that is founded in friendship but retires in love
i want a partner that i can become a master of the universe with
and we will live above all the lies
and the jealous
and the vindictiveness
of modern relationships
we will live and love like the gods we were born to be
i want a life of romance and travel
of creation and expression
of being unraveled
and naked and bare
and be taken in
in all of my everythingness
& in all of my nothingness
without question or hesitation
just compassion sparked elation
i want to live in innocence by sun light
and in sin by star light
i want a love that's big enough to save the world
but not so big that i can't save myself
a love too deep to even fathom or understand or relay by words
but one that would never drown you
in need, attachment, obsession, or sacrifice
i want something i fear will never truly be
as more then just a figment of all my fantasies
i will wait and wander and meet all i can meet
and until i find the one i want, i'll be the one for me.
Liana Dec 2024
Isn't it strange
How we are all living on a random sphere
In the middle of a nothingness
Thats also everythingness
and has trillions of other giant yet tiny spheres too?
And so much goes on it

(This note was written by a dolphin that's been secretly controlling us all)
I see clearly
who I am in the mirror
where I excel and what I lack
I writhed and I cried
and burned
and ran like a wolf alone in the forest
awoke next to a lake
fur still damp
but to the water I turned my gaze
and I could finally recognize who I was

humbled by the moon and its giving light
I stood there shivering and out of my mouth spilled the courage to howl

and the wind accepted my offering and carried it off

This is where I start
I see my humaneness,
my everythingness, my interbeing
and so I your blurry figure comes into focus
and you are just another human

the kind who stand in front mirrors
writhe, cry, burn,are reborn and
run like a wolf
until you howl out too
to the greater in humbleness

I am back to my being
and you can call me by my real name
the one we share
Izze Nov 2020
when we met, the colors and the sounds of everythingness faded away until there was nothingness. it was 11:30 and you were beautiful.

when the early morning light crashed through the blinds and landed on your sleeping face, it was 8:30 and you were beautiful.

when we went to the mountain that day and played in the sky, your smile shone so bright i thought it might never dim-- it was 4:30 and you were beautiful.

the night we had gas-station sushi and you spent hours bent over the toilet, i held your hair and you smiled a thank-you at me with dribble on your chin.
by god... it was 2:30 and you were beautiful.

now i hold your hand, cool and soft and decorated with decade-old kisses from the sun. your eyes are closed.

it was 9:30 when you left me, and you were beautiful.
Eugenia Dubinova Dec 2024
Winter’s grey dusk lies hollow,

virtue of warm tears melts into,

as it snows onto,

and everything whistles above the soil.

Passengers arrive at the house,

in black silk robes,

hems soaking in cold water.


Their eyes too, soak in the hollow sights

of inner, perpetual, agonizing upheavals.

Their eyes freeze and fall,

fragile winter tree glass *****.

No house remains in sight.

The moist skin of the sky

elongates its soft arms,

laying the cold body on the ground in slowness.

The beautiful face of the body cries:

sweet liquid of happiness.

It’s alive, brined in everythingness.

Love the darkness in closed eyes.

Love the somberness of your soul.

Love all the murk shapes of nature,

and the ominous abyss in yourself, behold.

— The End —