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Storm Raven Aug 2015
A hero in a book or movie.
Fighting the evil queen.
Reclaming a homeland-or mountain.
Saving the world with a companion in a blue boxs.
Leading a rebelion.
Beind captain of a ship- Serenity or the USS Enterpise.
Cathing a serial killer.
Or stopping a psychotic well dressed villian.
One man or woman saving the world.
When I was younger I wished I could be like them.
But now I can barely fight the demons in my mind.
Why would I dream of saving the day when I am not sure I want to live another day?
Life is no fairy tail.
This is not Middle-Earth or Narnia.
There are villians and monsters yes but not ones that we can defeat during wizzard chess or with a want or lazer sword.
They are just as real and dangerous.
But the live in our minds.
I tried to run from the watching tv series and movies and reading books.
Dreaming of another life.
But eventualy the demons got closer to chatching up.
And no hero will be able to safe me.
I will have to fight the monsters in my head myself, all on my own.
And I hope that I will be strong and brave enough when that time comes.
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
Here because your mind kidnapped you from your brain.
Watch my soul walk right out of my shell.
The real-life
flesh prison.
Something to love and Something to hate.
Use it and abuse it.
And one Morning, you can "realize" that you really cared.
Time is nothing.
You're always the same.

Dead and Gone?
No, never gone,
Just kicking it on the bright side of life.
If i could remember.
I would find a way
to build a makeshift hallucination of your voice.

A fires burning out
& leaving nothing more than a handful of
You've lost everything.
Ashes to sand,
You've made something out of Nothing.
One day.
Some day, is always a nice thought.

You can't cry forever.
You'll run out of tears and
it won't hurt as bad as it did at first.

I thought I wanted revenge.
I guess,
I wanted closure.
Turning the page and starting a new chapter.
I went to bed whit intentions of sleeping…
I knew i wasn’t sleepy at all…
2hours went by but i was stil wide awake…

i played music, but it was annoying me…
I logged on mxit but couldn’t chat, nobody was online…
I tried to think but my mind was all negative to a point were i even thought of goin 2 watch tv…
I went through my phone book but couldn’t call anybody…
I askd my self questions and eventually answered my self…

As i answered my self more and more questions came to my mind…
I took time to pray and it helped to calm down…
I tried sleeping again but the same thing happened, i couldn’t sleep…

I was wondering if i had problems but couldn’t agree whit the truth…
I was in denial…

I smiled but deep inside i laughed sarcastically towards my self…
I started to have a headache…
Then i accepted im not happy …

I was wondering why…
I ignored the real answer …

Eventualy i took a decision of going to the kitchen to drink water so that the headache could be minimised…
It never worked…
I tried to update my facebook status but my mind went blank….

I listend 2 Larry Head my mind came at ease…
Simply bbecause i realised that my problem was not my problem…
It was ssomeone else problem but just bbecause i care and i tried to figure it out to see a smile on your face again…

Remember 4 u 2 find de cure u must knw de cause!
The is nothing wrong with caring for your loved ones

Dont let your worries become stress
Life its self is a gift from God

When you are stressing you ain’t really living…
Rune amergin May 2010
have you ever been in
a situation where
you see someone
wearing something BIZZARE cant help
but stare?
you eventualy find the words
"i really like that"
coming from your lips.
i have also been on the
other side of this scenario
where i wear something
thats a fashion risk and
get compliments from
random people.
while i smile and exept it
i want to correct them with
"no, you mean, you like the fact
i had the ***** to wear it
and somewhat pull it off".
I was sitting by a waterfall
with Perry today

Here amongst the Slow Divers

We smoked the usual obligotary marley
Then we pondered upon what had happened

Someone stole Perrys soul you see

His child of hope and recognition
for the unrecognized
was now gone

A few flowers
were aloud to bloom
but they too
were eventualy
plucked and stolen
by the corporate monster

We must make everything shiny so it can be sold

This pioneer
A shadow of his former
glowing brilliance
also was weeded by the dollar

He onced wished he was ocean size
But sharks now swim in those waters

So we "smoke the roach"
and we go on down that slide man
We go on down

into the ocean

Of shiny lollapolooza
Evil Undertow Aug 2015
Sleep now
Coal and diamonds will be my blanket
Crooks and sleeves my pillow
Dirt the scent that carresses my nose
Dusty winds my lullaby

One eye keeps watch
One eye stacks the z's
Palm nuzzles revolvers ****

The cold is my warmth
Outlaw is my creed

A hail of bullets will be my alarm clock
Your blood will press snooze

But eventualy
On the run in the desert will be my doom
Illya Oz Oct 2016
To not let them win

They said not to give them a reaction
To not get angry or yell
Because that's what they wanted
Then they would just go away

So I did

I didn't give them a reaction
And I was only ever nice to them
Eventualy they did get board
And they did go away

But they had still won

They were the only ones
That could have been my friends
Without them I was by myself
Sitting alone while they forgot me

I had still lost
Sudipta Maity May 2018
At once I was a man of steel
up there in the sky
Like a bird, I used to fly.
Beat me or hammer me
I did not care about anything.
That was my iron age when
first time I  saw Time mechine
and eventualy fell in love with her.
I drived  her like a crazy lover
and trveled time across.
I was in a time machine where no button of reverse.
when then i reached my bronze age,
I proposed her by a  key with copper ring.
She smiled and take me more backward in time.
I was in a time machine where no button of reverse.
When then i crossed my stone age
i left my heart there.
Then finally  i reached in my ice age
where no one is there.
Only me and my liquid smile, frozen in time.
Slowly slowly I am into glaciation
never would be able return.
I am in a time machine where no button of reverse.
In travel of time,
I am in a paradox dnt know
its my future or its my past!
every part of us has a place everyone of us has a purpose.
ive discovered my purpose while on earth is to help others .even as a child i can remember finding a dead bird i must of been about 5 ,i was very secluded growing up even though i had siblings ..what attention they did give me wasnt much diffrent from my stepmoms --often violent.
as i was playing in the backyard alone i wandered off to a creek on day--i had no supervision PERIOD .i always looked down in front of myself as i walked i dont know exactly why i walked always searching the ground as my feet met it,but i can tell you from doing so i observed and found alot of treasures that a kid my age had a field day with.because of this habit i came apon a dead bird in my path -i dont think itd been dead long---but for some reason i convienced myself it was injured and needed help but wasnt dead .i filled one hand with grass and flowers and laid the bird on top --i wanted it movies they wheeled out a bed..i walked quickly but carefully back home i got comfortable in a spot under a pine tree in the backyard and carefully started checking it for wounds --id seen DR welby M.D. obiously one to many times ,whenever i couldnt find any i remembered how a band-aid always seemed to help no matter what was wrong --so in the house i went ,yes out i came with a varity of shapes just in case, then i convienced myself it probaly just needed liquids -once again i remembered how sprite eventualy healed my stomach,i went back to the creek and pulled a bottle cap out of my pocket and put the tiny bit of water in it made the walk back home and when it didnt drink --i thought crackers! i was a natural born DR. lol if one thing didnt work i knew just what to try next,but when the bird still didnt respond i gave up ..back inside i went where i stuffed tolite paper in my pockets and the popsicle sticks i had collected and a tube of elmers glue.i sat outside in the freaking hot air and glued the poor bird a makeshift casket only it didnt exactly look like one it was the best this 5 yr old could do though. i wrapped the bird up with tissue and laid it in the popsicle stick casket and then carried it to the creek ,used a stick to undo some mud then laid it to rest covered it up and knew i was suppose to say something to god ,so i said a few words then walked away.even after all that i never accepted the bird stayed dead anytime i saw one that resembled it i just knew i cured it and it somehow set itself free to play and sing with the other as a adult everytime i see a red bird --i say there goes *red belly
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Young and effortless,
In pain but helpless,
Calling the heartless,
For help, but they are careless,
They believe have brains, but look brainless.
Giving it all a try, in vain
It looks an everlasting pain
Embarrassed but plain
Of truth constantly hidden behind the lying love and faked emotionless attitude,
Always of survival but eventualy to death,
Perhaps, God has a waiting answer,
Because a thin sheet covers a dug grave, yet the child belives to be lying on the hardened earth!!!
*prayers may help, go down child, and pray to sweat blood. ....maybe it should be symbolic to help....
Brotherhood is an english vocabulary,
Ask me why!
No name no help. I have seen
Nova Born Apr 2018
There were two brothers, say day,
both a blessing to their mother,
but danger broke through there quiet cover
one escaped, the other danced with the hanger
the escapee made a life with tretchery
the other brother escaped eventualy and lived a life of honesty
even though he was on the run from the county
soon pain knocked on the other brother's door,
and implored,
If you are thy lucky one,
why are you banditing, instead of living that life of honesty?

Neither had a answer.
Jonas Oct 2023
If you avoid getting hurt
at all
you're effectifely avoiding life all together
going out means opening up,
means showing skin
to bruise, to bleed,
to scar over

Taking chances means embracing the fall
eventualy there will be an impact
a ground to hit, some facts to face
of some sorts

But I'm so scared,
I'm terrified of getting hurt
of failure, emberassement, of rejection I guess
and I don't even understand why

To scared to life, to scared to die
just floating inbetween
Feeling wasted moments passing by
by scrolling on a screen

Feel it running through my hands
trying to grasp what's real, what's wrong
looking for solid ground
to stand upon

Splashing water to my face
trying to wake up
and live my dream.

Finally not behind
but on time
in control behind the wheel
you are here with me, and
this life is mine

— The End —