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Zay Dec 2014
I look out the window
Watching the rain
The world’s full of sorrow
Darkness and pain
They always ask
Why I listen to music
Its how I escape
This life makes me sick

I know life ain’t easy
I know that it’s hard
But with each passing day
I’m falling apart.

Seeing tears in the eyes of my mother
Knowing my parents never worthy of my brother
Some days my only hope
Is to run away
Cuz no one can cope
With all this crap everyday
Watching my parents struggle with bills
Yeah, we got welfare money, but still
Them $200 a month ain’t enough
And where’s Rashad when you need him the most?
Spending all his money on useless stuff
And every day I watch Sophia grow
Into a strong, caring woman
A helpless little girl no more
And every time Papa and Enzo fought
I’d hide in the room with her
Cuz in the end, she’s all I got.
Without Rashad at home
Mama and Papa depend on Enzo
To help pay all the loans
But Enzo has other plans to do
He’s trying to go to South America
For at least a year or two
Said it’s his way of becoming a man
Of course Mama and Papa aren’t happy
But I'm gonna do the best I can
To fill that gap of my brothers
I'll focus on my education
Cuz all I want is a smile from my mother
I won’t make the same mistake as Rashad
And God protect Enzo, and Sophia too.
Cuz she’s the best I ever had
And to Mama and Papa:

I know life ain’t easy
I know that it’s hard
But as long as you got family
You will never be apart.

Francie Lynch Jun 2015
You're an orphan now.
The deciding vote
In your favor,
The good kisses,
The latent reconciliation
Linger in this thick room.
You won't need to clean chimneys,
Work in a blacking factory,
Get your ears pinched, and your **** kicked.

You've laid out a fine plaster effigy
In this cherry box;
Yet Enzo's nature is hidden:
His personal tears
And public laughter
Aren't in this demeanor
With rosary weaved into the basket of his hands.

We've polished our shoes,
So we stand and discuss
The crucifix wedged
To hold up the lid,
And how we follow our fathers' footsteps.
We knew it to end this way
With our fathers' generation.
     But you must know your father lost a father,
     That father lost, lost his...

I too am orphaned, Lou,
And we'll continue on
As orphans do.
Quotation from Hamlet (I, ii, ll 89-90)
Lil' Tarzan Dec 2016
Squeals cry out as the ax smashes her guts

Dog barks loudly in multiple fears.

The man shouts, "Shut up you little mut!"

Her last breaths are heard as her eyes form crystal tears

A week later passes, the man notices his dog no longer runs

A month passes, his dog skips meals

"Papa, we must take Enzo to the vet!"cries ones of his sons

"It is obvious your dog is mourning from a loss and is suffering from PTSD" the veterinarian reveals  

The worried man looks away in guilt

He quivers to continue the dialogue

Tears shed down his face as he remembers gripping the tilt

"They were best friends. Oceana and the dog. At times she surprised me for a pig how she could outsmart a dog."

A year later...

"Come along Enzo and Denver, supper's ready!"

The new piglet of the family snorts happily as the dog and his new best friend munch on their meal

"You did the right thing Papa." as his son yawns grasping his teddy

The former farmer kisses his son goodnight as he goes back to work
on his new zeal

A sign written, "Animals have a heart and soul just like humans. End all animal abuse for their kingdom is just as precious as ours."
marscia Apr 2018
There are poems about you , which do not live,
its a sad kind of disguise
but they grew ,
developed body parts ,
bloomed like buds ,
and found their way straight through my summer plumed heart
to write about how it felt when your hands touched me ,
and your arms felt more soothing than the star blue bed I miss home back.
your thoughts are crabbed , creating the sallowness of fear .
the bitter sweet time we spent projects into my little dumb mind ,
then makes my tears like vinegar , or bitter blinking yellow missings .
with forever my lips curving in an arc .
coming of you was not so easy but you made me alive now.
Adam Mott Sep 2014
I cried today
Reading a book about a dog
named Enzo
He became a friend
I grew to love
Within two days I
had experienced his entire life
Little Enzo,
I am better for having read
Read of you
The Art of Racing in the Rain is a read that will cause you to develop emotional reactions you never knew you had. Also the tags mean nothing, again.
Only those with
A broken heart
Can truly write
A broken heart
Means you were
Enzo Badia Feb 2011
Hello Stranger,
Its been a while since we’ve spoken.
I don't know about you but it would be nice,
If you didn’t always shut the door so tight,
So we can finally break the ice.
You suddenly went into a withdrawal,
Was it something I said during one of our silly quarrels?
If so please forgive me,
You know I have trouble controlling myself when I speak.
Or did one of my actions cause this?
If so please forgive me,
You know what I do sometimes makes our path twist.
I regret all my mistakes,
And I don’t want to keep using this artificial smile.
My emotions have gone and left me behind,
I only receive information, analyze and send back a logical reply.
Please come back to me, its you who I truly miss,
Its the only feeling I have left,
And without you, I won’t ever reach a state of bliss.
Open your door, and lets forget about our scars.
My arms are ready to embrace everything you are.
Together we’ll be free, and we’ll carry a real smile as we live life through.
I promise that this time I’ll be careful and not break you.
I don’t want us to be incomplete anymore,
And only as a whole can we find out what the future has in store.
I only want us to be what we used to be!
So hurry and awaken within me,
And as one make our life a true reality.

Written on August 7th, 2008.
Sirenes Apr 2016
The boy who took
Nothing from no one
That was you
It's good seeing you again
You have not changed
I can still read you like
An open book
And you still know
Everything about me

I never regretted breaking up
And by the looks of it
Neither did you
It's good to sit beside you
It's like we never lost touch
But it's been 6 years
Since word reached you
That I was dating someone else
Gently I correct your
Negative mindset

"I want you to meet this band"
Silently I wonder why
But maybe you just need a boost
Just like back in the day
When you did the impossible
Everyone loved you
For the risk you took
And still made profit.
It was a ******* miracle

Perhaps you search
That same engine
I provided then
The boost I threw at you
To get you going
And I'd willingly
Engine anything you got
Never trusted anyone's
Gut feeling like I trust yours

I still got the party flag somewhere
And the Enzo booster flag
And I'm still your friend
And wing woman
I think it's time we get you
A new girlfriend
But don't try to fix me up
With one of your friends.
They're all idiots.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 17
His nose is as cold
as a brass doorknob
and wet as a whistle

His tail has a white tip
like the froth on top of
a creamy Cappuccino

He is taller than a field
of uncut hay with stilts
to cross a flooded river

His ears are similar to
page marks of a well
read copy of Ulysses

His eyes are what one
would expect to find on
a collectors Teddy Bear

He has four white paws
which is all one cannot
see because it’s snowing
Some nights i just lay...
on my bed...
and wonder...
"Will i ever get to see you? Ever?"
"Will we get married snd have children and grow old toghter?"
But whenever im thinking of you, the anwsers to these questions are yes.
Happy valentines day Enzo <3
im back yall... i changed my name :3 also enzo is my boyfriend
I had my eye on him since the third grade, but I never told him how I felt
Back then girls were girls, they were never meant to be cheeky or bold
He sat behind me in math class, while he counted numbers on the board
I counted the beats of my heart each time he leaned in to ahum, cheat,

"I love the way your hair smells like rain"
he'd half whispered into his copybook
As he copied another math answer
he sent me thoughts laced with love

I was just a beginner with no flowery words or poems for Carlton cards
dad always said a good girl should be sensible and be good at accounts
As my daydreams accumulated like daisies on a windblown field of gold
I began to scrawl his name with a HB pencil, on my composition book...

"I love the way you smart me over "
he whispered a little octave higher
as he gleamed and then tried on his own
the intricate equation of math's design

I grew up and left to live in Nevada.  For years I never set eyes on Enzo again
then one day I happened to open a magazine and there he was all grown up
He had become a bank tycoon with a boat and a car and a big orphan house
So, I wrote him a letter and inside I added the first poem I ever wrote.

"I love it when you lean over my shoulder "
for some reason that I cannot phantom,
I get visions of you and me it a vat of grapes
If you did not exist, I'm sure I'd make you up

as for the poems I never wrote, well, after all our years together,
when I look into his deep blue eyes, I know he knows each one by heart...
Hemyleigh Aug 2021
regret on my mind i hurt the one who truly cared for me
and i gave care to
though they mistake that for faux
the look in their eyes when she shalt told secret
she feels destroyed over what has done to whom she calls true love
core broke to remember thees mistake
when she saw true loves amount of hurt and pain
heard the barb wire wrapped around true loves throat
almost unable to speak words caused by pain she hast cast upon them
she broke something that was new and trust filled
and she wants to hurt herself for the action of her mistake
mistake being true loves friend of best
she hears scream her conscience
her mistakes leave her to cry alone
lonely death foresees her cast by thees mistake
~im sorry enzo you are my true love and i dont know if i can fix what i did but im gonna do everything in my power to gain your trust back i love you and i never stopped and wont ever stop
-ghost shea
Daan Sep 2020
Even op te klaren, het is wat
zeveren en maren, zeggen dat
en dit en broer enzo. We hebben
allemaal ons eigen leven, onze zaken,
onze tijd om er wat van te maken.
Ik wilde slechts observeren, niet verwijten,
Want ik ben dankbaar dat je ooit voor mij
wat hebt betekend. Dat draag ik voor
altijd mee in wie ik ben en wie weet, mens,
zeggen we ooit weer meer tegen elkaar
dan een vlugge verjaardagswens.
Sorry voor dat vorige gedicht!!! Hihi
Het was allemaal een sociaal experiment?
Excuses achteraf?
Ryan O'Leary Jan 8
Repetitious harmony
had a soothing sound.

Enzo was cat napping,
Canine dreams no doubt.

Then came the high E ping,
Lights out in Massachusetts.

Lying sleeping dog leaps from
his basket, I need more practice.

— The End —