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Where Shelter Aug 2023

”To dream by the oak and awake by the sea
when August has ripened and turned Jubilee
you must enter dominion of summer's delight
and live in the rapture of candescent light

Oh to live and to love one must first learn to kiss,  
the kinetics of summer, with eternal bliss.”

~from vienna bombardieri’s poem, “Kinetics Of Summer~
(with her kind permission)


First verse pinpoints accurate, this,
my spot!
by oak and sea,
my precise longitude and latitude, where my summertime
eyes open to receive the gift of morning’s light, observing
the conjunction of land, hard by the sea, the land-ed avian gentry
and sea~sailor birds interacting, sharing the uprising currents,
for sport and observation, travel and pleasured sailing,
these “Masters of the Sky can fly for hours (or days), while barely flapping,” and this verse stuns, and
my shock,

at these, her words
my breathing is gasped and grasped
by oak and sea, for so it be,
this is where
my morning’s operatic scrum, ballet and dance hall hullabaloo,
my diurnal natural choreography is performed,
while slow sipping my very heated first coffee

it was here
that I learned to love more easily,
for the kinetics of summers trio of sun, sky, and moderate breezes,
lulled the turbulence of my disheartened lives into an easier
order, the world~surround, a living, breathing exercise that
warmed the spirit, cooled the soul, and spoke without uttering
a single word,
here dear person, is the where and the when,
the comfort of the natural-blanket
that enwraps, covers, cherishes the atmosphere entire,
containing the healing elixirs and protective ointments,
that remove the
plaque of life’s accumulated injuries, slights and scar tissue

simply put,
here I breath freely,
here I see with clarity
here the infusions of
living in nature, prolongs,
restore, remind, enliven
and enhances,
the intermixture of
body and soul

here in actual deed,
the kiss of summer bliss
my tiring cell’s walls,
are resurrected even unto the nuclei,
by the warm breath of sun life and sun light,
and the breezes of salty sweet caramel air
and under their loving, combined-dominion
am I
resurrected and will yet sense,
one more Jubilee again
as I lay dreaming
by the oak and the sea…
great appreciation to Vienna B. for the beautiful poem she wrote,
and thanks for the inspiration!
Always be dreaming!
MonsterInsideMe Dec 2014
The pieces have been put together
the tears have been repaired
the blanket enwraps us once again
now stronger
out of the city's reach
away from the hurricane
its beauty pierces through the hurricane
making all the gray turn to pure white fabric
which is sewn into the blanket
the city watches in horror
as the blanket becomes larger
even more magnificent than before
the angels sing
the wedding bells ring
as we inter twine ourselves withen the blanket
letting each other know
that we have overcome the city
overpowered the hurricane
and now can bond as one
as the kiss is shared
we may be a part of the blanket
permanately bringing sunshine to the city
the city fights but the blanket,
the blanket is too overwhelming and beautiful
love marriage together overpowering beautiful
namii Mar 2014
The blood of the youths run
Luminous  through the night
Pulses with passion
Races with heartache
And desperate to fill the lonesome
Desire flows in the night air
And the moon,
The moon it stays white and pure
And it watches all of these things
The youths think they have to endure
Mindless fun for some
Sore pulled strings for some
So close yet so far?
Is this who we are?

Beyond the late night adrenaline
Are streams of pretending
The darkness enwraps us all
In a blanket of delusion
Richard Riddle Oct 2013
I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

The darkness, giving birth to the voices-
in the distance, afraid, sensing fright-
But only God knows for sure-


copyright r.riddle October 08, 2013
Sorry folks, just couldn't resist the urge!
JP Goss Jan 2014
A little sigh,
From this world
To astral planes,
The cutting winds stop their assault
And lift tenderly
A rolling breath.
Among the stars, it disappeared
Though long before
I beat it there.
From still feet, pocketed hands
The vivid rye enwraps my palms
Whilst I, lax feet,
Walk to fields
Of the midnight flowers.
Since the sun went to its rest
Their cosmic petals unfurled
I reached up
And pinched the seeds in my right hand
And flung them across the world.
But I could not stay,
For fear of dark
Nor force myself to leave
The upright shadows that walked at noon
Though soon gone, pushed me away.
Caught ‘tween sun and night, two worse off half-lights
Frightened to go,
Reluctant to stay.
There I sway, I take their dower
Through this precious selenian hour
In the forest
And over knells
To those fields
Of midnight flowers.
Their tiny halos of a velvet white
Augur what comes: a wanting night.
And yet their whispers,
Of dimmed succor
Show me in the yawning fields
What I came to them for:
To bathe in the pallor
That falls everywhere
And clasp my shadow’s hand
To run through fields
Past the morning hours
To lose my breath
And pluck the petals
From every single midnight flower.
Fegger Jul 2010
You have such small,
Gentle hands.
The softest of touch,
As you trace invisible lines
Across my temples
And relaxed brow.

You stare into me.
I’d left windows open
Secretly hoping
That you’d brave
My weak defenses
And seek me out.

Inside, you comfort me
More than the fire
I had waiting for you.
You incise my soul
Drawing no blood,
Caressing open nerve.

Your skill of navigation
Within me:
I sense that you have been
Perhaps in a Time
When Dreams lived, flourished.

So petite in size—
Yet my own passion
Enwraps you and
I feel and breathe
Your every selfless,
Deliberate move.

My eyes, weary
And guilty of your entrance.
They complied when
Words failed to shield
From an intruder
Of Need and Desire.

I shall keep you
Safe, here.
Should you peer out my chest
You will see
The palm of my hand,
Guarding you in.

So fitting you are.
I am intoxicated and
Delirious with the liquids
We are now sharing.
I feel our flesh grafting,
As it always belonged.

I close my eyes,
While you settle in
Your forever home.
I will sleep now, dream
That you someday may be,
More than a photograph.
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2024
Upon appearance of an untitled poem with no body in my Drafts
never have I ever
written an untitled poem,
nor painted a human sans
a head;  arms, legs, o.k., but,
but when the purging urging
enwraps me at 12:22 in the AM,
i cannot birth my babies
unnamed, forlorn,
it’s every breath would be
an accusation, of breach, malfeasance,
a child nameless, is the worst of all orphans,

the poem’s title is its inner essence, a preface,
a forward, and epilogue, just as your names is
both begin and end, a hint of who you are and from
whence you came, and where you are bound to be bound,
it is your birth name, and final resting place, a hint of who you
we’re, ared destined to become, to be, and to come,
an entitlement!

ah you curse or bless, thy given name, no longer do
you examine it, write it repeatedly, to despise or admire
the sounds of it exiting thy mouth, a roomful of teeth
and tongue in concert cooperating and conniving, silky
hissing your who-you-are-ness, you, who are poem, exist not,
cannot be, without your entitlement; ah you pause and say
to the sleeping woman who neither hears nor cares,
who am I, who I am, and the differences
entre deux
that are my

yes, a untitled poem is forever
unwished, unfinished
and to eternity, forever lost,
unsigned, unconsigned,
finis @2:52Am
Richard Riddle Jan 2017
"Life in a Cubicle" (formerly "Untitled"revised 10-8-2013)

I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

The darkness, giving birth to the voices-
in the distance..... afraid........ sensing fright-
But only God knows for sure*-


copyright r.riddle October 08, 2013
JP Goss Dec 2013
Oh, Luna
Take my serenade
If this earthly love escapes
Then loving doors forbade!
Come, send my plea
Whilst I trace her constellation
And you, both
Hidden from mine eyes
Trace her hand, her heart, her eyes
To the other’s harmonization
If but for one night
Pity me, or give my heart
To her
The one, I know it true,
That you and I, Moon,
Both smile upon.
She whose eyes
Like lunar seas
So deep that hide such mystery
Whose hair enwraps my world
Like many-a brown meridian
From top to bottom
With energy
From end to world’s end.
Whose shadowy nature
Like paradox
Alights with creamy luminescence
To outshine her companion stars
And rears my gaze Heavenward
And implores my footfall north
To cross infinity on cadence and tune
Wishing to be where she stands
Her sublunary perilune.
Oh, I’m mad, I’m mad
Poor, Moon my only ear
For you are not the woman
Whom I wish, this song, to hear
And yet I dream
Beneath the Moon
Which I hope she dreams into
That this dream
Beneath the moon
Is one she dreams of too.
Sabila Siddiqui Mar 2018
I don't know what it is to
live a balanced life.
For I tear at the seams,
and live in extremes.

When happiness embraces me,
I do not smile
But become the sun;
that glows, shine and gleams.

When sadness enwraps me
I don't drizzle, I rain
I become the hurricane of blue,
the abyss of the starless sky;
I become the void.

When anger smolders me;
I don't yell, I burn out my sanity
I become the boiling blood
and the explosion of heat.

When loss deprives me
I do not grieve, I do not tarnish
I break, shatter and tear
I become the heart that does not beat but bleeds.
I become the wailing wind that breezes through the cypress trees.

I am either cold like Vinson Massif
or soft like a marshmallow
For I am the one who experiences no in between.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Her ****** words coax me,
Her morphine mind entraps me
Her sense of time enwraps me
Her ***** paen's inspire me

Her ******* knowledge enhances me
Her flowered foliage remembers me
Her ****** boil ablazes me
Mine queen
Mine aimer...
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
Reposted March 16, 2015

I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

The darkness, giving birth to the voices-
in the distance, afraid, sensing fright-
But only God knows for sure-


copyright r.riddle October 08, 2013

Sorry folks, just couldn't resist the urge!
JKirin Mar 2022
a quiet melody—
the falling snow—
enwraps you tenderly
in chilling throw
to ease your restlessness,
the rushing flow
of thoughts of helplessness,
until you glow
and hum the melody
of falling snow.
about rest
Richard Riddle Sep 2013
I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

Yet, I see-
my fears are no longer,
I am not afraid....

Soil enwraps my eye
That I hardly see debris of truth
For I am coccoon in a shroud of terruric
Rays of poverty injection

So I choose to mastermind
My liberation as a jihadist course
Making my opposers pay for their sin
For it's the will of divine

I profess with indoctrination of small portion
As I cast voodoo of ignorance lotion
Upon my mind so it burns in elation
As I give in to suicidal notion

I await a divine gift of virgnity relation
Where my earthly reaction
Gives me unending position
Adorn without damnation

In there I laid in peace
As my torn skin pierce
With avidity of divine lies
So I give my eye in pieces

Martin Ijir
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

Yet, I see-
my fears are no longer,
I am not afraid....

Penned this in 1961, age of 19. "Beat Generation" coming to a close, "Hippie " period beginning.
Lauren Christine May 2019
not everything need be gentle,
there is beauty in force
that so enwraps the vital voice of
our inner world,
when passion spins in
centripetal force of energetic sensation,
trust that the center will find
home again
but not now, not then,
not in the midst of this spring storm of
bitter anger
that must purge the ground of yesterday’s
grime and stale memory.
Udehjer May 2018
The sea breeze embraces my face.
Peace enwraps me.
I feel the coarse texture of the sand;
Beneath my feet;
It welcomes me.
I feel at home while I stand there.
As the sea pulls slowly away from my feet;
I watch the waves move slowly to their own beat;
And I feel it take my pain away.
As the sun sets on the horizon,
I perceive all I have hoped for approaching.
I relish this feeling as long as I can;
Cause I know it'll slip away as soon as the sea is invisible.
That feeling of freedom and fulfillment
As we stroll down to mountain
The peak glows with azure love
As we discuss what the future enwraps
I fall asleep on your arms

Written by
Martin Ijir
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Is consciousness God…
his church the sublime

As we look incorrectly,
ever hoping to find

His very existence,
the womb that enwraps

Surrounding our being
—all sentience trapped

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2019)
Devesh joshi Apr 2018
Sitting alone in the balcony
Watching the moonless sky
Lost in my own thoughts
In the arms of this gentle night
I light a cigarette
With every smoke I **** inside,
I taste your memories;
Which enwraps me in its fold,  bit by bit.
And With every puff I whiff out,
I slowly release a little more of me;
lifeless and empty.

In a hope that
it might reach your infinity.
LannaEvolved May 2021
on top of this mountain  
ice translates the morning  
into textured hues

holding space
a tempered mood
the gaps within the crevices
await their next patient
cover the sleet of past years
after Innocent expansion founded

prepared and ready to hear time to use its wiser words
readying to speak out on behalf of itself

the clocks of experience taught its distance in a cold hiding place
calling out beyond the peaks of this mountain: the shadow of its
fearful chasm persisted:

“You must find another way” shouted the early tinges of this sun’s glare
like a vein’s intentional gaze
Purple and green light
you're somewhere out there this mountain felt it
for all the sunsets God has ever named  proclaimed it (in me)
heaven heeded the specific tone
the only thing needed: was to listen to it's causality
and so it acted upon the thought
like a silent note swirling around
franked for some time in the future
passing as bicycles
fading out
cross crossing the steep of this mountain’s hill

It got out of a maze that swiveled and turned at its intersection
no stick needed
shift and change positions
until it fits in
thoughts imagine colors
the picture stays in mind
I didn't act until I felt time holding my waist
the arteries opened up
wrapping me around in Chenille
moves its wand
whispers in this mountain’s ear

habits focus on the final flower
selected once
revisited in the dreams of the observed human looking down

persistence enwraps itself around the crevices
fills them graciously with consideration
the taste of specificity
In its human rapport
had been selected

This mountain’s end
does not replace the past
it’s fullness predicts the future
To be whole

(The most beautiful opportunity to live and to reign your love in)
Paula Putnam Jul 2019
I go to my closet to try to find clothes to change into. I finally pick out the black, laced long sleeved dress with my pair of black combat boots. I hurry and take a shower, then I walk downstairs to figure out what to eat. I’m not that hungry, like always, so I just decide on the smallest apple I can find. Once I finish eating, I go and finish my hair and brush my teeth. I then grab my black, chained, miniature bookbag and head out the door. I hate being in my house during the day because some of the things that happen there all the time. It just isn’t the same after my family abandoned me. I haven’t seen them ever since and now I just don’t want to see them. They decided to hate me, so, in return I hate them. I am halfway down the street when I hear a familiar voice. It was the little girl. I turn in surprise and she enwraps me in a tight hug. I am stunned by the way that she just runs up and hugs me, that I am stuck in place. I can’t move a single limb and I can’t even talk. Olivia releases me and I am finally able to catch my breath. I smile down at her because I know that she is thinking that I am completely weird for not hugging her back. I look up and there he stands. He is dressed in a white shirt with a leather jacket complementing his black jeans. His shoes are more of a solid black converse with no white on them. His hair was combed in the perfect way, where only a few pieces fell in his face to accent it. He ***** his head at me like he is trying to figure out what I am thinking. Good thing for me that he can’t read minds. If he could, I would be in so big trouble.
“Hello, Earth to Athena,” He says.
“Hi, ****,” I say.
“Now aren’t you being a little rude today,” He asks in a playful tone.
Travis Green Feb 2023
In my mind, he is the brightest beguiling bad boy
That gives me insurmountable joy
The one for me, my special sensual someone
I am soft as Charmin tissue in his brutal bulging arms

I am vulnerable when he reaches out to kiss me
When he solaces my mind, body, and soul
When he touches me ever so sweetly
Make me lose it when he moves his hands
All over my boldly exposed flesh

He devours me with his thoughts and feelings
Causes me to sweat and breathe heavily
I become so spellbound when I check out
The massive magnitude of his magnificent masculinity
The confidence and evocative flourishing hotness
In his faultless, five-star, and far-reaching machoness

The surface of his perfect immersiveness
Captures and ravishes me, enwraps me
Into the hottest parts of his lovable indestructible muscularity
My paramount shiny-eyed kryptonite in time
My solid gold, smoking dope boy
An explosion of mind-blowing pleasure

He charms me with his pillow talk
Conquers me with his ******, dominant nature
Move me in the most monumental ways
Showcase his poetry in motion
Taunt me, mister cool whip
Make me concede to his deliciously appealing splendiferousness

— The End —