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Sand Drops Sep 2013
Morbid nights of endless past and future
A darkness i'd endured in unwavering solitude
A tormenting blight forged with evanascent hope
My identity had all but lost its face

A maiden forged from the scales of heaven
A twist of the warm dark waves of locke
A brown eyed hue of sparkly dews
Sculpted out a beauty divine
A never ending feast, crave my lifeless eyes

A smile is all, darkness be gone
Your laugh it strings every beat of my soul
A glow you eminate, i stray not away
A simple whisper, i waver not from your side

The nights of yore are long forgotten
Unblinking, blinding lights i endure
Hope has taken form, a beauty undiscovered
Deny this you may, an unmarked angel you are
forever mine to protect
Oh midnight muse of mine,
The clock ticks by, yet, seems frozen in time
Your gentle breath whispering thoughts of grand design
Pulsating softly, smoothly, and sanctuously in rhyme
"I think you can, I know you can, feel yourself shine
I think you can, I know you can, allow your dreams to align."

Just as the day's about to break my spiritual back
And I lay down to obsess about all that I lack,
We deeply connect through channels unknown
My inner self ignites, burning deep down to the bone
I feel a warmth entangle every inner part of me,
Those that said there is nothing I can have, do or be,
And when it grabs hold of these negativities,
They sieze and melt instantaneously.

What a wonder it is to watch your flame burn
Who knew, that by watching, I, too, would yearn
To fervently learn. A hunger for more begins to stir
Driving me, forcing me, inspiring these words.

Oh midnight muse of mine,
you release me from this box we call time
and, in this eternal and bliss-filled stasis,
Creativity, gratitude, and love are my basis
What a foundation to build upon, so strong and so true
On which I will build a bridge beaming towards you.

Though my eye lids flutter with ever increasing weight
I am gently pulled forward by the energy you eminate
Into a world where I am absolutely free
No shackles or lack pulls or binds this new me

Goodnight, midnight muse of mine
Shall we meet again?  Same place?  Same time?
I need not hear an answer for I feel it so loud
I will join you now behind this familiar dark shroud

My gentle breath whispering thoughts of grand design
Pulsating softly, smoothly, and sanctuously in rhyme
"I think I can, I know I can, feel myself shine
I think I can, I know I can, thanks to you, midnight muse of mine."

- BPW  12/24/2013
Geno Cattouse Oct 2013
Intelligent. Composed.
I have seen that face before. In the awarak
Cafe colored beauties of the carib.
I would dearly love to sit and listen to your spirit. Eminate.

You my dear captivate my oblique beauty exudes.
To write you out filtered through my mind.
Knowing your ki your novelty would be.  Golden.
Your uniqueness  is  silky sand running through
The glass timer turned over.

But that would be
a washed up dritwood on the shore.
To wash away with the drag tide. To travel the oceans wide.
For another hunded years.

To see one like you again.
Unanounced. Sorry.
I am a man of many parts.
Diverse and stolid in one package.
Skin deep and well deep
Without and within.

What do those lovely cat's eyes see.
Pointed at me ?
A goodness I hope.
For that is what abides.

Lingers and bobbles on the tide.
Tell me please. What do those lovely feline senses feel
I am ruffled yet entranced.
Please speak.
Amethyst Dec 2013
some have souls that
eminate rays of light,
sunshine pours out by the handful.
other souls drag rain clouds
behind them, leaving puddles
that soak the earth.
maybe it's time you start
surrounding yourself
with both souls,
take a bit from each,
and plant a garden
of baby's breath
in your own.
this is for a friend so any advice before i show her would be very helpful
Ash Aug 2018
Am at this edge
Looking down at beautiful  clouds,
Tired of wondering,
How it feels to  ,fly with my generations eagles,
How it feels to ,breath the top air,
How it feels to,stay full because am always hungry,
How it feels to ,have my hands for wings,
How it feels to ,use my dear friend fear to get me there,
Because fear is,my dear friend who drove me here.

I see this beautiful people, flying above me,
So beautiful,so bold,larger than life as they eminate love,
I hear voices, saying just jump,
Take this risk,Fly with us we will teach you,
For there are many who you will help, just jump,
Fear my driver,my friend,
Took a plunge I heard him squeal,
I don't see him flying though,
Neither did I hear him fall,
But I can feel him take control now,
Giving me excuses not to jump,
Offering a ride back,
To my comfort zone home

Thank you fear,
For driving me here,
I don't want a ride ,
I'll take the plunge,
I won't close my eyes,I'll keep them wide,
Stalling,like a bullet will rob my time,
I'm burning the brigdes by this, I don't care,
I'll hit the ground running,
Or spread this hands, coaxing the birds,
Fear my friend,some times my coward friend,
Hop on my back seat,
You've drove me forso long,It's my turn now,
Your my friend,I won't cast you aside,
So buckle up, collect  the memories as I drive.
Sometimes we get stuck in wrong situations,at that point time due to our animal instincts our emotions and brains combine creating this illusion called fear,Fear in turn triggers the fight or flight and now it's up to your brains conditioning to pick one fear will give you a ride to whichever you choose,This are not the only options though because if you have ever run from what every problem it is  you wear running from,It might be addiction, a bad marriage,failure in any dimension of your life you name it,if you get to a state of fear your mind will give you solutions what you should have done,what you can still do,how you can fix it,how you can learn from it and again Solutions but most often this same fear can hold you back,it's ironic like that it gives you a solution then holds you back showing you everything that could go wrong so your brain and your soul are in a battle one wants to go ahead use this solutions when the other is visualizing all the ways everything could go wrong .I've found myself in this kind of situations a lot.So I wrote this to just when I was about to make a life changing decision yes it was out of fear but it is the best choice I have no regrets.Fear is my friend even though I have to put it on a leash sometimes
Hadrian Veska Aug 2016
I saw it there, in far off history
Before the ice grew
And covered the lush
Sun laden lands

I was stunned for a while
What I saw in that distant past
Was dark and inexplicable
Beyond my comprehensive limits

I looked as much as I could bear
And though I could not
Shape proper thoughts
Images entered my mind

A long fallen temple
With a single prisoner
Bound in eternal chains
And sunken below the ice

He of the dust
The title repeated
Over and over in my head
Instilling that name along side
The image of the captive

I knew nothing of the captive
But even in my vision
I could be an overwhelming
Empty presence eminate from him

For ten thousand years
Has he laid dormant
In the northern shelves
Of ice and snow

Yet now they receed
Heralding his return
john Shelton Jun 2019
I'm tired of falling asleep with Bill Gates watching my every snore,
YouTube, Hulu, Netflix gluing my eyes open to often persistent demons,
to a constant glow where media seems to live and eminate.

I'm tired of dreaming of lebron James being as good as Michael Jordan,
of being shoved onto a train when my knees ache at the spokes of a bike wheel that I've had since I was was 18,
of being force fed Tyson when prairie chickens used to roam freely across Tennessee.

I used to dream at night,
the blue light filter nonexistant in the glow of a soft yellow,
to crawl next to next to my cats who sleep next to me,
my throat and wrists free of the wires that connect me to a gigabyte speed ethernet port,
I used to not be nauseous when I would wake up.
so I wrote this song because I have been spending too much time on YouTube. I have just been feeling like I need to take more responsibility for my uptake of information
Jade Lima Jan 2019
What is death if not a fresh start?
Do you get a new chance after your body falls apart?
What about your soul?
Does it reach the stars?
Maybe we’ll never know but I want to go far.
If we get reborn will we dance in the rain?
I hope there are more chances because it can be hard to stay sane.
Maybe in each life we’ll be awakened by love.
And from us will eminate the stardust from above.
So as I keep trying to be the best version of me,
I’ll keep on believing in the beauty that is all around me.
Gabriela Cintron Jan 2021
I am speaking to you,

You who lost your face in the multitude of the crowd
You who deserted your purpose for confusion
You who rejected yourself because it's all you've ever seen others do to you
You who adopted patterns the desolation of accommodation

I see you
I know you
I have been you

I am lighting the path to freedom
Because my purpose

Is to eminate
Yazad Tafti Aug 2023
now i can write when no emotion holds me hostage
when straying eyes were meant to know and observe
when poetry was meant to be judged and reflected

now i can write

i prefer to wear a cloak and compose rather than
have a spotlight shined upon to eminate my bubbbly perfections waiting to pop any second and soap all over the crowd
cleaning up their act

now i can be free

go ahead this platform was not meant for your approval
it was meant for my sanity and expression
a firework ready to burst strontium and copper compounds igniting the sky
you red this and it blue you away
i am gun powder ready to ignite
aluminum dust and graphite
let your eyes be the concepts which admire the show with awe regardles of the colours you admire
a specatacle of all sky lit maps
railway maps burst into the night time
let your eyes view

but your eyes will never
never be
the dampening act upon which my fuse is dimmed and struggling to ignite
bob eberth Sep 2020
this is one in a series of over 200 inter-related poems

voices in the air

riding on the aether
the essence of
tony frank dean & bing
permeates everywhere
like god's omnipresence
they are the unseen
troubadors that eminate
from a magic box
that sits next to the lamp
on the parlor table
matilda first turns one ****
then the other
till their voices rise
above the static
voices that flow
within the glow
of vacuum tubes
voices that ride
upon the aether
from a magic box
to matilda's ear
this is part of a character based series of poems with nearly 250 poems written

— The End —