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Isoindoline Oct 2012
You can never tell when/if they’re coming
will they reach/snag your sweater
with their mossy claws
and leave your body shaking/rigid in the darkness, and you
*******/choking your own breath.

You might/never see them,
you can(t) always feel their
breath, sticky on your sweating neck/knees
as they stalk with practice/perfection,
keeping you blind/sided.

Perhaps they are circling/behind
but they still he(a)rd your dank mind and
they can taste/fear because you taste it,
acid/tar clinging to the back/tongue
clutching the roof of your mouth
s(l)eeping in(to) your lungs.

Your sense of direction(less)
lost in attempt to hang (on) tattered flesh
to remind your self of time/reality?
to wonder where/when you left you and whether
you’ll ever walk back to your body—

But this, this is yours/your mind/mindless
being surreptitiously shepherded,
invisible to your eyes/your intuition,
which seeks/bares(t) gasps of light.

Hang on to those/sustenance,
gaps in the cloth of your (de)constructed mind
that withers/shreds/hopes again
only to find claws closing closer.
Where’s your reality?

Find it/they’ll get you/they’ll have you
You’ll have you what’s the difference?
When your mind is severed from its guy wires
just as your earthquake saunters from quiver to roar
and it all (col)lapses, you swallow you
into cavernous depths where your calamities/
An attempt to describe generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks.
Amelie Jan 2013
A** chance to speak,
Beneath broken sheets,
Caught out in moment,
Dying deep inside.
Evaporate tension,
From little or no knowing,
Growing up alone,
Half loved and half resented.
I come to conclusions,
Just before my death,
Keeping me in memory,
Like you always promised,
Missing me in silence,
No more mourning of past,
Of regrets and despairs.
Promise me you’ll use what I learnt,
Question the decisions of others,
Reluctant or not,
Stay away from their paths,
They only lead you to their futures,
Unknowingly you end their second,
Valiant but alone,
Where you spend life in wandering,
Xrayed life,
Your future makes up nothing
Zorbing inside of your own bubble.
January Masterpiece !
Nina McNally Mar 2011
As I lay here thinking back to the days;

When everything was simply and alright;                   Wondering
How this all happen.              Some days I do.... really
I* do, want to go back, but I know I can't for
This is where I'm suppose to be;          This is where it is at.
Everyday I wake up, make some

Breakfast, and greet the new day.       Ready to
Live, I put on my pants, shirt, and
A smile to keep me moving through the day.                  Keeping the
Negative thoughts from my mind,   it's hard,    but
Keeping those thoughts away,       most of the time,

Prevents a lot of crap and stuff from happening.
And so here I lay as the last thoughts of the day
Goes rushing through my head;
Everyone will be fine,                     *
*In. The. End.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Just came to me as I was getting ready for bed.
Inspired by the one the only LOST.
"If we don't Live Together, we're gonna Die Alone."
AavelinaJaden May 2014
weeping *willows
crying cedars
sobbing sycamores

a forest of depressed shrubbery calling out for help
Chris Mar 2015
From a cold breeze blows
Unforgiving of the little flower
Catching hold strangling the life
Keeping abreeze
Evermore alone
Drifting seamlessly endlessly

Understanding the flower will never be again enrooted
P*ieces slowly fall and the cold breeze blows it all away
i ****** up
j a connor Nov 2021
P atience
U nderstanding
T olerance
I s
N on - existent

B uffoon
O r
R eally
I ncredibly
S mart

M eets
A ll
C riteria
R equired
O f
N apolean

B lasting
I nto
D emocratic
E ctoplasm
N ow

M adam
E xacts
R evenge
K eeping
E veryone
L our

T he
R esult's
U ntenable
M r
P resident
Sarah Apr 2013
W hen reading
H istory about the west, you’ll find *****
I sn’t what
S oaks the bones of Western cowboys
K eeping the livers of the dead preserved,
E pitomizing their
Y outhful years as eager frontiersmen
Z en is where I want to be
Y ou may wonder why
X erostomia has dried my tongue
W ithin it words are dry.
V owels are always hard to place
U nless you place them right
T his is what I want to say
S o my words don't bite
R ather this than be a fool
Q uestioning and in this pool
P laying one or more the fool
O r playing not at all
N ot wanting to be very rude
M y zen like being still being crude
L ots more learning I must seek
K eeping thoughts aside
J ust as is will be what I will want to see
I n a serene harmony with the me
H ope that I can be it soon
G low beneath the crescent moon
F all and rise from my own doom
E ach moment better than the last
D etails unimportant last
C hallenging
B ut in the ending of the when
A ll of me will be all Zen.
PK Wakefield Oct 2011
laugh whole mountains                 ,

you got sinews deep as

rivers in you(they’re sle

eeping down there in y

ou and they fan out toA

narrow hairless delta)an

d that’s where i am
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017

i'm starting to get them...
         no, wait: i've lost the plot...
it's almost like...
alcoholics anonymous...
booo! booo!
  yep, *gatlin
about as much,
            and bolt was
the voodoo doll
   of the jamaican sprint
     whatever they make
him out to be: voodoo doll,
genuine, to me.
but i listen to these
youtube reformists,
they "alcoholics" anonymous
and i'm starting to
pledge myself into pitying
   they really didn't make
much of their own company
when drinking? did they?
    of course i cry!
    you play me the most emotionally
charged piece of classical
music and i'm a wendy spencer
(whoever the **** that is)
   using up about ten tissues
to mind the niagara falls of
                what's with so much
confessing, and the complete
lack of enjoying the trip?
   am i going to repent for me
               **** no!
         if you can't keep up,
then there's no point in
keeping you motivated...
  if you can't bask in a sunset
of a litre of *** with me,
        what sort of pirate r'ye?
go on, ******, frown,
frown *******, frown!
beat me with you ugly stick...
hope you get the ian dury polio
      while walking down
cuntish town you thought you'd
call to safe ground via kentish...
kent's impromptu:
   essex can have the veg 'n' blush
we're 'eeping the flou-wares.;
hmm... a(n) english garden,
after all.
       whaa whaa... tongue tied
in the grapheme shared between two
words, hence the bracket "optional" (n);
aye! yo!
           big up kingston-upon-thames!
charcoal those jamaican
   colours, and make sure
i get i ****-churn at notting hil
filling station of jerking inflatables
of juggling hips and pelvises
            of the caribbean woo, woo-manz;
suddenly my **** turns
into a crisp dipper with a salsa
of fat *** and chocolate drip
               of ***** mush...
   nice thought, i suggest you try
it sometime;
boy, you ain't 'ave ah 12" dipper?
   don't bother...
   look for the girls with the boney a,
i mean via m... take them to the mass
with the altar being:
    and rodeo it was...
   i never knew i had bones inside
the bush of my *****...
                    evidently? i have!
gold goes to vanilla manila,
silver? goes to strawberry blush...
bronze? ah...
    you ever wonder why oiled or
wet chockies look so fascinating
bouncing off moonlight?
   me too...
          kenyan brown is beyond
what the western niger showcases.
if they just dropped the madonna *******,
       i'd still **** them drunk...
when she's naked
     and you're naked,
                          and you're drunk:
              it's no time to be a *****-loner;
tea-cups and napkins,
  invoking a respectable "repertoire"
can belong to the white girls,
   along with the ***** collection of
abbreviated lies...
             i got bored,
started to loosen up a bit,
    i have no motto,
        i have absolutely no ethical concern...
what comes along is better than
paying for enforcing an encounter via
the liberty of paying for it...
   trouble is... when you pay,
and she *******...
           that's a real ******* problem for her...
she wasn't supposed to enjoy it,
she was supposed to get paid...
              ha! transcending the "ethics"
of prostitution is not an easy feat;l
more painful for her, than for me,
    with that octopus-like squeeze of imitating
a circumcised ***** having pulled
the ******* back...
    **** me... i never thought i'd own
an aubergine... thank **** that also
means: minus the c-ring: two birds, one stone.
j a connor Nov 2021
P atience
U nderstanding
T olerance
I s
N on - existent

B uffoon
O r
R eally
I ncredibly
S mart

M eets
A ll
C riteria
R equired
O f
N apolean

B lasting
I nto
D emocratic
E ctoplasm
N ow

M adam
E xacts
R evenge
K eeping
E veryone
L our

T he
R esult's
U ntenable
M r
P resident

— The End —