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Lawrence Hall Oct 2021
Lawrence Hall

                      A Disembodied Hand Doomscrolling
                       on the Wall of Tia Maria’s Barbecue

                                       - not Daniel 5

Tiffany was treatin’ the girls to barbecue
The merry ol’ girls from her bowling league
(Dazzling team colors in pink and blue)
She had made herself captain through cruel intrigue

When suddenly a disembodied hand
Appeared with a smartphone by the restroom door
And keyed strange lines that in flickerings scanned:
“You’ll be sacked this evening - your team’s 0 to 4”

That very night Tiffany’s custom ball was taken
And she cried in her trailer, her heart a-breakin’
The world needs more rhyming doggerel.
I slept too long
do not know why
had my coffee at 9am
doomscrolling the news
on assorted media
        same difference

did not brighten my mood

the same idiots
spew the same phrases
they voiced one month ago
nothing has changed

and they call it progress
Heavy Hearted Apr 2024
The alarm tolls,
On their rude device-
It's time for work
& yet still, despite
the thousand fascets
of one reality
These Newbrunswickin Chavs
Wouldn't recognize, really,
That Despite
the riddle's answer, Being  E;
& that double decade,
One might have over me,

When direct
go unanswered; The respect
I require
(now unvield)
Off, into the past
Oh, how I  become

The Whip

they crack
The Whip                        
& with
All that I am,

the past, In desperation, I forcefully trick
As the blackness, of my being
Forms a darkness,  spilling thick.
Engulfing light- mind's eye's Unseeing,  
Consumes oneself, like a candles wick -
Illuminating every route (for fleeing)
For me, the lights still on- homesick.

Forcefully, faithfully; to keep on believing, & even

just to keep the pathway lit-  by headlight, sunbeam, or doomscrolling trip-
Understand why might a human being
'S now become The Whip
Anything is possible and Nothing makes sense
Aimée Sep 2024
Ruby picked up her phone,
And clicked on Instagram,
She kept scrolling down through everyone's posts,
And for hours her phone was in her hand.
Ruby saw happy couples,
Smiles on every face,
Picture perfect flawless skin,
Food that looked too good to taste.
Luxuries & mansion houses,
Celebs living great lives,
Models eating salad leaves,
Jeans cinched in at their sides.
Ruby went doomscrolling,
Right down through the reels,
Short video after video,
Purposely addictive,
Cause these companies are hungry for the money, like a meal.
Paul Glottaman Jan 2023
You sit nearing forty
doing nothing noteworthy,
doomscrolling and
wondering when the
wisdom comes.
Sure, you mocked
us when we broke against
the distant ground
because you had the
knowledge not to leap,
knew where to keep
planted firm with both feet.
But now you worry
at why we seem to know
why we move confident
you wonder at the secret
behind our success and your stall
and the truth is there
is knowledge not to leap
but wisdom comes from the fall.
Bhavani Sep 2024
all settled in bed
comfy, cool air, doomscrolling
um, i need to ***.
naturecalls petpeeve
mrmonkeylips Jan 30
I'm tired
of doomscrolling
of seeing my life past my life go by
go by
by a screen
I'm tired that everything we do
has to be package in my screen
I have the urge to try to go way
from earth
and its evil roots
I hate that blogs and TV are reposting bad news
there spreading and
Spreading bad news like the plague
Because that what pays the bills
evil stuff
bad stuff
I'm tired of this
I'm tired of all of this
I'm tired
Endless thoughts
Racing through a still body

The fear
The anxiety
Why is it

The torment
The pain

The acceptance
The plotting
Yeah that will calm the head

And the carefully built wall
Cracks and breaks
Majority down
The building still stands

A random thought
Turned into fear of unknown
A possibility
Crushed under a shoe
Of what was to be expected

Two eyes now watch
From the desk it sits
The trash so close
But the hope still there
Crushed but not enough to trash

A shoulder throbs
Wrist sprained
But it was gonna be worth it
It would be worth it in the end, right?

Calm music
As a heart races
Tears flowing
And silent screams echoing in the empty room

I should be fine
But all I want
Is for the clock to turn back

Turn back when I was safe
Turn back when he was mine
Turn back
When I could finally break with someone

It wasn't the duck
No these scars run much deeper
The duck just floated down the stream
In the hurricane that followed

— The End —