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Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
.i don't have the: i love bacon argument... pork liver? pork head terrine? now we're talking! bacon? i hate bacon!

rare are such nights... you drink, and you drink...
in-between solving
a sudoku - and then?
absolutely nothing...
   people talking, you're left with minding
your own shadow...
   you think of your sober
self and realize...
all these people,
all of them, having so many
sober issues?!
     i don't get, the idea
of a restaurant,
   i don't get the idea of conversation
during a meal...
who needs conversation when
        watching all these t.v. dramas...
food, in plush places,
is the last bullet-point on
the minds of these people...
    they're not there to eat,
they're there to talk...
   i guess the best food you can
   is, remotely found in
a chicken Kentucky shop...
where you get a discount,
    eating the hot & spicy chicken
  ending up with you licking
your fingers,
   and the counter worker
asks you: would you like
a hygienic tissue?
    you reply, thank you -
a glorious meal, esp. when standing
         it's not out of desperation
you write this sort of stuff...
my grandmother likes to watch
me eat...
   she says...
         i eat with a feral ferocity
of always having the capacity
to enjoy the food...
i eat like someone starving
on the right occasion...
   and i know that when she passes,
no one will make the same
    of having the pleasure
of watching me eat food...
          perhaps it's family...
but when someone actually enjoys
watching you eat?
   there are no familial ties
actually involved, per se...
       and the joy of the spectacle
of eating, when someone watches
   you need to know classical Roman
bulimia, the underbelly of
the beast...
       dare i say that pig cranium
is the best meat from the beast?
bacon? overrated...
  pork chops? overrated...
you're going for the cranium
and the cartilage...
   the bone end cartilage of chickens...
and the bone heads,
   bitten off, and gently suckling
at the opened bone, marrow...
secondary ****, and mother milk...
   but a beef tartar stake?
cut into tender bite-sized pieces,
rather than minced?
you can eat a tartar steak
using minced beef...
you need tender, almost sushi-esque
        minced meat ≠ tartar steak...
minced meat = tartar pâté...
             you can't make a tartar steak,
a Crimean stake... using minced
  god i'd love to eat this with
the variant of horse-meat...
              drizzled with some of
the blood...
                 ****... even writing this
gives me a watered mouth effect...
like i'm ******* on a cotton
bud or something...
               but i have for myself,
that one compliment from my grandmother...
who enjoys watching me eat something...
as if i were tasting a food
for the first time...
      oh god... but fresh pork, fried with
a little bit of salt... and eaten freshly fried...
from the Smithfield market?
at 7am, before prepping for school?
     how can pork deserve the monotheistic
argument of impurity?!
   again, and again and over again...
it's the most economic animal!
you can actually eat pig ears!
            you could survive on that...
compared to what the sacred mutton
of the Middle East and Levant offers...
furry bits...
                      would take longer
to pinch of the feathers of a chicken...
than to care about a Turkish barber
to get rid of either cow, or mutton stubble
of the ears...
        the perfected, domestication machine...
  even dogs are not allowed such
domestication class...
oh... wait...
   that Mexican breed...
   xoloitzcuintli & the sphynx...
but come on...
    those would be nibbles...
        the Quran and the Torah can say
all it wants...
  about pork being an "impure" meat...
but sure as ****,
it's the most genius
          work of human engineering...
to breed a boar...
   into a semi-human status of,
being fur-less, completely dependent
on domestication...
  as far as i am concerned?
  the chimps will not lose their fur...
here's a "tetragrammaton" for you:
man (simiae nudus), pig (aper nudus),
xolo dog & the sphynx cat...
fish and lizards don't count...
so? i discount the criticism of
the engineering that went into
domesticating the boar.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2016
the mystery of lawlessness is bound to the "transcendence" of phonetic application of phonetic encoding... some call it the whirlwind of confusion, but somes also call it E-près and then write Ypres... well, the confusion is all but apparent... i left that in "     " to stress the ambiguity... yes, the -s is optional... it's neither possessive or plural... that, i could have learned in prison, had i ever been a Becontree purple (bishop)... dictionary moment: cranium, crimson, cradle... cardinal... but all these positions of power are on their knees (there's me trying in vain to underline that), they gobble-quote what they quack... which ends up being a circumflex and a wanking hand, embedded with "touching" Adam. oh sure they bypassed the contemporary-of-contemporaries... it was never a grey-matter affair... it was always a gangster's drill-to-the-bone moment... wait till he squeems! i don't mind ******, given the person is dead, i just hate half-asked half-baked half-bollocked Dr. Dre attempts and then failing and then, like a whining dog with its tail between its legs going back to the mantra of mother fiction... i ******* hate it... i start looking like a ******* ******! i hate it... mutter fiktion... all i'll say of a Jew: don't ******* bring an argument against the Palatine Schting right now... i have as much abhorrence against all things Egyptian as i do about English tea, which i deemed liquidated Werther's Original... and then there's this Russian ***** i'd like to the village bicycle... she's had more spare parts done unto her than the working limbs ever gave her the tilt... feminism and the sacredness of all women... name that movie quiz show... charlize theron... aileen wuornos! woo-or-nose? never mind...
   a 1K spectacle at Hastings... that's invoking quid...
and you'll feel more tonguing mollusks than
                          touching a frightened ****** quill-thread's
worth of deer with that lingo, had you ever had one...
              MONSTER!      yes, they all dream of a breakfast
at tiffany's... and i'm john paul the 2nd, and
     henry viii was a joke nursery rhyme
  when charlie bid farewell to diana...
there was no:
         divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived...
there was only a car-crash... you can't make
    a king out of swine... well... you can... Sweyn...
                  but **** me... and i thought i was naive...
guess the ***** didn't kick in when it was supposed
to; once true journalism became the ****** of what
was once the ****** of the people...
             religion... journalism these days is rotten,
it's an Aristophanes to what's really happening
defined by Socrates... it's a schoolyard...
  journalism these days is best defined by Aristophanes;
and who's the globe-trotting-gobbler of all misfits
is not the would-be diarist of returning back to
the local, the usual, the sanctimonious mundaneness
of it all; you **** only once in your life,
you end up having a **** the rest of the time,
either with your hand, or with another body.

oh i'm not bothered about the "perverts"
(funny how only men are concerned with
being named that) -
                               that are watching you,
those third party incisors of
             the bony-**** (hey, you
could be yodeling **** by now) -
                          what i'm
worried about are the perverts that provide
the "perverts" with material,
it's all very much a Turning test...
               that robotics testing ground
of: i can't keep eye contact...
   the lesser privy of psychiatry?
eye contact and biting your nails...
if that can be engaged with and subsequently
you're as chirp as chips! honey b.
          can anyone white
feel glamorous using language in order
to tell a joke?
   that's not the question, the question is:
why call it witty comedy...
     but still employ canned laughter?
it's discouraging, i don't know when the joke comes,
all i know is that the editor finds it funny
as that particular time,
                    and that's when he inserts canned
laughter... you can get it with the most
"witty" comedies there are...
  a bit like black girls trying to be white without
the frizz of afro curbing the afro with vaseline...
i've seen catfights over this "third limb"
scenario... afro is no go in catholic schools...
you have to... yum... cow lick that ****
into place... use vaseline...
      and that's an advert-and-a-half.
but you know what really ****** me off?
philosophers... they attacked poetry because
they couldn't care two-****'s worth about
whether language could be musical
or simply communicative... they're the ones
that wrote books without using
grammatical words such as verb, or noun,
because they made them excuses to
their muddles when hoarding from poetry
words of equivalent categorical weight
such as metaphor... so attacking the practice
of poetry, but then encouraging
the categorisation of the spoke
with poetic categories rather than grammatical
categories? can i see Hegel use a noun?
no... but i can see Heidegger using
  the metaphor with two labourers utilising
a hammer... that's the thing concerning
a building site: you either pass the time
tellings jokes... or you don't work
on a building site and hold a hammer
  and question whether someone else might need it...
philosophy is not about the existential dittoing
of the i...
    it's a book, but there's a new category of pronoun
due to universal bewilderment once childhood
finishes... ? opened the door, in stepped !
and said:
     shouldn't we make the stillness of the lake
into a mirror to banish but at the same time
          domesticate narcissus -
yes, replied ?, i'm glad you thought of it...
               domesticating demigods...
                    narcissus was a stillness of a lake,
sisyphus was a stone,
    hercules was bicep,
              achilles was a tendon...
                                       our current affairs are far
from democratic, but at least our history is,
  you get ******... you get protractor...
you get mona lisa... you get 'let 'em eat croissant!',
       too many points of divergence
  in a democracy to craft a convergent "democracy",
what the politics says is that we are all
slaves to what's called a *status quo
  i hate the fact that western "democracies" are
no longer tagged as merely status quo...
abuse of nouns... or how philosophy attacked poetry
and never spoke a theory concerned with
language per se being evidently categorised...
     how status quo is actually a -nomer without a mis-
of democracy...
  funny, the spanish... i have no idea
why can i have some ice-cream?
      has to become ?can i have some ice-cream¿
           i guess it's like the english " and '...
  who said what, and who said what for whom?
    is there a narrator?
      is that " + 1 people speaking, or quoting a quote?
or is that direct convo... '   ',
later retelling the tale "     ",
and after that it's all but an urban myth
akin to the kentucky fried mouse...
                the French that blè blé blé blé....
and somewhere in between was the Transylvanian comma...
                             i mean... the perverts...
   thanks for the invitation, r.s.v.p.; of sure, great mixtape...
funny thing is... i never filmed myself jerking off...
        i do a 3-in-1... take a ****, take a ****... and
clean the ****-talk ducts of banal sprechen while
      watching a monkey strutting down memory lane
of when i had a girlfriend... and had to juggle,
and go for lunch, and this that and the other,
and a dalmation... or the reflection: but i had a mother...
huh?     i never felt this much ingratitude
for occupying the premises of the oval chamber
as i did creating a signature or inserting
  myself into the least convenient space to have
later come out off using only one digit's worth of
accountability... but hey... that's life.
          are you feeling the guilt trip drug pushed
by your mother from Syria, or Somalia?
     you owe her! you parasite... makes easier argument
for the billion Blue Indians and Chinese to get on
with it and eradicate the over-sensitive ivory dodo;
or at least in Siberia with the mongols...
              so i'm guessing eskimo is the new
                        squint to what's butchery ethics in Kosovo
as: look away... nothing to see.
               still... why call it a witty comedy when
you nonetheless have to utilise canned laughter?
             and that's a novel in itself...
? went up the stairs and ? met ! questioning <
whether ? should be questioning <... instead ! suggested
that ? should be questioned by >, since ? was already
on the 1st floor, having ascended the stairs from
the ground floor...         can you write me
     a novel... replacing all the correct pronoun usage
with mathematical ambivalence structured toward
a mostly unread existential dogmatism using
  mathematical punctuation?
no one will read it...but hey... either you do something
like that... or own a dog or a cat...
           and yes, they call them diacritical marks
when they're within letters... but in between letters?
they call them punctuation marks within words...
or the microcosm of punctuation: syllabification...
          the French just gobble down a lot of
  deviation... mon fhhhhhhhhhhhhré!
don't ask me how they do it... ask Nápŏlyon,
yes, the half-wit from Li-ą... oh no... not
                                               Monsieur Dynamite.
Hunter Miller Apr 2012
Where do I begin?
to take this miscarriage of thought
and feeling
from my reeling mind to the calm accepting page
where do I begin?
shall I attempt to harness the beast
which dwells within
bridling the pain and upset of life
domesticating it and making it my own
or do I begin again?
to exorcise that pit of my soul
to reach into the cold dark chasm
binding that which haunts me to the sacrificial language
placing it upon the alter as a gift
a barter for redemption
where do I begin?
to understand
this beautiful curse of heartfelt song
contracted through love
triggered by heartbreak
a blistering sore of emotion
insatiable and incurable
Thomas W Case Mar 2020
I hold my
jaded angel
while she sleeps.
Her *** snug
against my groin.
I envision
her sanguine
grin while
she dreams of
domesticating me.
I can't believe
that I never noticed
how cute her mouth is.
It's amazing--I'm spellbound.
I want to nibble on
those lips.
The way she uses
her tongue to enunciate
certain words are sensual and
I'm apathetic about
what she's reading.
But while I watch
her mischievous mouth move,
I hear Shakespeare's sonnets.
Check out my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems.
Paul Butters Mar 2021
Over thirty thousand years ago a pregnant she-wolf
And her mate lay hidden in the grass
Watching some of our human ancestors
Hunt with spears, bows and arrows.
They were very impressed
But more than that so hungry
That they followed those humans home
Hoping to steal some meat.

They were just about to ****** that food
When a humans appeared
All around them.
They were caught!
All they could do was look up with pleading eyes:
“Please don’t **** us! We just want food.”
Seeing one of them was heavily pregnant
Those humans presumed them starving
And threw them meat
Then let them go!

Hungry again, they went back for more
And the humans fed them
And even stroked them.
This was so much better
Than having to search for prey
So often without reward.

And as time passed they took to accompanying these humans
On their hunts
Then ferreting out some prey for them to shoot
Rounding animals up
And retrieving those shot down by arrows.

Soon the rest of their pack joined them
And the female wolf had her pups
Near the human camp
Where it was safe.
She taught her pups
To plead for food and care
With their eyes and whines.

Those wolves remained forever,
Generation after generation
Each litter getting cuter
And softer
And more loving
Towards mankind.

And so they evolved
Into a seemingly endless variety
Of “Dogs”.
From Rottweilers to tiny Poodles,
German Shepherds and Collies to Chihuahuas.
They became known as “Man’s Best Friend”,
Showing us unconditional Love
And loyalty:
A bond like no other.
Even evolving raised eyebrows
And deeply sad eyes
To attract our love and care.
Domesticating themselves
Yet begging the question
Who is really “the master”?
My money is on

Paul Butters

© PB 20\3\2021.
Inspired by a Chris Packham documentary on Animal Communication.
Lou Dec 2017
I could while away the hours 
    Conferrin' with the flower
Consultin' with the rain
And my head, I'd be scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain...

Alms to flashes,
Storms on television sets
Domesticating nature for High Definition ****** fixation.
Suffocating families in screens.
Screens and flashes,

Alms to flashes.
Distractions spurn all my senses
I am hard and flaccid
and want more
but less
but right now
and again!...

I can feel the needle connect to my veins and into my spine
Push the plunger down and connection is made.

I would not be just a nuffin' my head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry,
If I only had a brain.
Media has a powerful suggestive force on our lives.
The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Ironic that I never really understood what this meant
Until today
The day the Caged Bird was set free
and sent to the Heavenly Gates

I can't be serious right now
I was trying to love a busy man
Domesticating myself to teach
A busy man how to love a woman like
Because I thought this could be it

I don't have much time to dedicate
But he didn't want me to leave
So I thought he'd start making the time
And he did for a while
But when he stopped it was because
I be busy
I couldn't wrap my head quite around it because
School was over
Work hadn't begun
I just be chilling with friends
Another category I have to compete with
Guess I wasn't quite a friend
Even if I was 78.8 miles away
It wasn't enough for him to make time
to miss me

But when he asked me to see him
I was ready instantly
Even though we'd been shaky the past week
I remembered what it was about him that made me want to jump up Instantly

But even my instant preparation for affection despite my rage
Wasn't enough
So I sat
Waiting for hours
Just for an address
Ready to pounce in my car if he would just tell me where
Three hours

Just to be told his friends didn't want to share him with
So I told him to just stay put
Even though I didn't mean it
But he didn't fight for
I made the choice easy

I don't have much time to dedicate*
But he does
Just to everything but
A quote by the late Miss Maya Angelou that I never understood until today.
Thomas W Case Mar 2023
I hold my
twisted angel while  
she sleeps,
her *** snug against
my groin.
I envisage her
grin while she dreams of
domesticating me.
I can’t believe
that I never
noticed how
cute her mouth is.
It’s amazing—I’m spellbound.
I want to nibble on
those lips.
The way she
uses her tongue to
enunciate certain
words is sensual and
I’m apathetic about
the topic she is reading,  
but while I watch her
mouth move, my ears  
hear Shakespeare’s sonnets.
BriaroseWakes Oct 2020
I woke in the darkness full of words
primal, deep, true, real
A lioness hunting on the savannah
I reveled in them, letting the words wash over me
Arranging themselves in luscious imagery

Then, sunlight peaked around the curtain
The animals needed feeding
The fridge, cleaning
The dishes, washing
The clothes, folding

Finally, I find a moment, sit
Release the words to the page

Only the poem had become domestic
Edited, cleaned, folded, scrubbed down
It was cute, a cuddly housecat with a bell

Pleasant on it's own for sure
A hint of tooth and claw remain
But forever locked deep inside
Remains the caged beast of the night
Important:  Art first, chores afterward.  Writing is for the dark of night
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
never rub another man's rhubarb.

so this article comes along
about aya-huskie,
****... what was it?
and i'm reading it,
and i'm reading into it,
and i'm like:
     it's not unusual for 100+
ceremonies ingesting
this drug happen in new york
on a daily basis...
****'s more potent that
corresponding a war...
   the female enegry *madre
hocus pokus
          harry houdini
       eating a pear as a magic
            trick *******...
   i'm fine my beer, my love
of home-cooked food,
my music...
       what am i implying?
   the ****'s contaminated -
just like the beatnik poets
contaminated peyote...
contaminated, how?
  they wrote about it...
who the **** is going to moan
and complain about me
writing about drinking?
                           um... no one?
the brew is so abused that
when sometimes comes
along and writes about its
effects, in a positive way:
you don't really start moaning...
all those soppy:
  papa was an alcoholic type
   mama drank a bottle
of wine before putting me to bed:
too bad *******!
    live with the fact,
that somewhere, somehow,
there's a drunk who could
juggle a monkey, a tambourine
and banana:
  and call it a musical instrument!
you ingest something
for a sense of humour -
or you ingest something for
a sense of wonder...
   is of the latter category...
            ugh: the former!

and to be honest?
    the only and at the same
time the most spiritual experience
i ever had or will have:
will remain:
          hearing myself laughing.
that's it!

the sort of laugh imitating a fox,
the sort of laugh imitating muttley,
and the laugh that feels
like easing a **** of crunching
the stomach...
      the visionaries can keep their
discontent with dreams,
and experience them wide-awake...

but reading this article is numbing...
always the ******* westerners,
the white "bad boys",
what they'll do with ayahuasca
is what they did with cows, pigs,
dogs and cats...
   they'll domesticate the drug...
oh look... already domesticated
being categorised as a drug, rather
than the original of: medicine...

and that's what western society does...
find me a shaman using
alcohol and i'll find you a pair
of scissors in an ayahuasca experience...
but i just hate the idea
of domesticating something so
spiritually governed...

people really think that taking this
drug, in the centre of new york
will somehow create an actual
organic potency of the drug?
          in new york the experience
will be inorganic -
        and most probably horrific -

well **** me: jump off a roof and
hallucinate a pair torn off icarus!
    up here, in the hinterlands,
in catholic schools,
   they still told us what the ukrainians
used to do: sniff glue
   (can i recommend a film?
    lilya 4-ever) -
       or don't get me strated with poles
drinking purple denaturat,
     (denatonium, methanol -
                         in short? toxins!) -

personall i don't like the idea where
this ahaya ahooya, whatever thing is going...
to me it has a scent of a process
of domestication...
        but i suppose if you're going
to deforest the amazon,
    you also have to attack the spirit -

now that i've read about the experience,
i'm rather keen on trying to
unravel the problem of antidepressants:
also in the same newspaper...
   namely escitalopram (lexarpo)
  & sertraline & clonazepam
  & paroxetine (seroxat) - all of them being
anti-depressants; so no:

i wouldn't disturb the amazonian shamans
for some "bogus" life-changing
experiences, i'd look at the situation where
drugs have moved beyond the stage
of being domesticated from their natural
environment... and... therefore?

talk to random schizophrenic in the middle
of a night over a kalimotxo (basque drink,
red wine and coca-cola - kali kali kali
m'oh ch'oh) -
and he'll tell you: yeah, knew a guy,
was on antipsychotic medication:
                                 grew a pair of ****!

oh yeah, tobacco & alcohol are baaah!
baaah! bad!
(please invoke a sheepish
stutter within the confines of the italics).
Shay Williams Aug 2014

Bounded by the strings of parental puppeteers,
Molded and shaped by the clay I was made.
They created every thought, stumble, word, and fear,
Without protest, I just bent quietly and in silence I stayed.
A child, so naive and venerable,
Believing I could please everyone but me.
I didn’t know this made me fragile, breakable.
Blurred by their lies and parted from reality.
But divorce weighed heavy on their shoulders,
Domesticating me into a spinning frame,
Not two households but two stages.
Two masks, two characters, two people, I became,
Transitions between parents or transitions between plays.
I grew older, and the strings wore thin,
From character slip ups and wrong.
Tossing me from play to play,
Right is wrong and wrong is right.
A hurricane in my brain.
Scrambling, seething, screaming.
Chaos until I couldn’t take it anymore and SNAP!
I snapped.
The strings collapsed,
A broken toy left alone.


Limp string knotted on the floor,
Dragging behind me, weighing me down.
But two pulled tight, from the sky to my core,
The deafening ripping was quite profound.
My heart, once big, was splitting,
From the force of Mother and Father.
My only escape was the day I turn eighteen,
But in the meantime I almost fell apart.
Black and white was non existent,
But lost in the grey I was washed away.
I took the blade and cut the rope which held me down,
Severing myself to escape.
Looking for love,
Only making mistakes.
Misplaced, confused.
Looking forward into a tunnel,
A speck of light guiding my way.
Hope will keep me sane.


Freedom is at my grasp,
An adult subjected to nothing but myself.
No parental rule,
Just my own.
No structure but free will.
In the meantime I wear my frayed strings with pride,
To portray my story, I wear no shame.
Time ticks and the threads fade away.
Until they’re gone as if they were never there.
I am beautiful to myself, I live for me.
Just a free spirit who dances simply.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2017
written, as the grammatically -hyphen- open... add a bit 'ere, add a bit d'er... y'ah n'o, pick 'n' mix... it's open love... i'd rather revise the affair to your standards of "perfecting" english... but then i'm wrapped up in 'aving a drink and investigating excusing myself while easing out a ****!*

i like the sound
scissors make
              it makes
to sheer a sheep
rather than to
shave a man...
something, quasi-
aristocratic riddles
the air...
   or if you're
  being *******'s lasp ,
call for the *******
mother of kings inheritor -
the guillotine...
sense my lad,
is knowing,
when to keep your mouth,
shut up!
oh, i remember,
i had not been courted
with the  notion
of... monarchic royalty...
but but must make you sleep
upon investing in the peasant,
crown be invested in?!
what shame! what shambles!
only a german could utter such
       my god man... is the Raj
of Hindustan to know ma'am's soujorn
of deliberation?
            i come from a background
of domesticating aristocracy to
the point of no bewilderment
via disapproval, as to the point of:
allow them their luxury,
but never their pretence of making a,
                 you are allowed trust
in aristocracy when they have made
the proper choice,
and less, if there ought to have there
been, a making of one...
   a constitutional monarchy
surely makes commoners aristocrats,
but at the same time,
unearths graveyards of nations...
for the elected monarch
scuttles back to his humbling
abode like rat and peacock in grip...
believe me i tell three monarchs:
i hope you die before your mother,
your son will reign the most uneventful
and your grandson will bring
majesty to his mother#'s death...
     you want to know my secret?
minus the pills you'll defame all
desires for chemistry or chemists...
  you want to know my secret?
i sleep, with, a clean, conscience.
given the 24h, i am hardly sleeping...
i'm hibernating.
she's half black? i thought ***** 'arry
got a loose ginger ninja!
            what? because the **** is all
one can have in commoner's terms...
       i thought she was an illusion
of dating a senorita!
                 he's still ***** harry to me...
i'm not post constitutional monarchy...
i'm more:
   i find myself coordinated when
standing before the Thames and not
the Firth of Forth...
        south... past the river...
north... where i'm standing...
west... buoyancy of big ben
and the most expensive sigh...
              **** down the middle,
or... where the tourists would have headed
when it could ever become,
        richness stinks,
but not of the sort of stink you'd
associate with the poor...
the sort of stink that's, eloquent,
high-brow, solipsistic...
                        the sort of stink that makes
an empty space, become;

ha ha...  i can't believe rich people
don't believe in places where
even they don't belong,
nor can they buy themselves into!
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
when was the film 13th warrior filmed?
at the peak of the West's fetish with
                 and we, the barbarians,
were about to learn the language of
squiggly lines...
                                     sure... i get it...
but even Judaism allows apostasy,
and those Yids, apostates... appreciate
the paradox...
what sort of theology...
would make criticism of a pig,
which was previously a boar...
given that...
the pig is the most highly engineered
animal know to man...
you can eat all of it...
            apart from the oink...
pig cartilage or the snout? pristine...
the most perfect cut of meat...
   i can't trust a theology that makes
criticism of pork...
although i can make light of a theology
that glorifies cows as sacred...
given that, like chickens...
they provide an alluring "concept" of
auxiliary sustenance production...
but a pig?
              if the tale of Iblis is true...
well... how can it be true?
    Iblis didn't bow before man...
yet man produced a domesticated boar...
now... that's ingenious...
whatever man later produced...
noted... discovering the fermentation
             but domesticating a boar?
that time-frame is more fascinating than
the whole: monkey-brigade argument
viva la Africa *******...
    and why does the Bible cite wolves
in sheep clothing?
   do or rather, did, wolves exist that far
south in the middle-east...
to be entertained in the realm of metaphors
by the *** priests?!
you smell that?
      (sniffing sound):
             i either smell fish... or *******...
then again...
                  i might be wrong...
but i can't believe in a god / theology that's
critical of one of man's finest achievements....
the domestication of the boar...
           last time i heard... around 2004
or thereby prior...
           in England...
       hmm... mad, cow, disease....
the pigs? oh the pigs were fine...
marched on like little Churchill(s)...
  and on the plus side...
if such a god abhors the pig...
            and to me: a beloved snout...
the pristine animal in terms of
ergonomic returns...
       this... "god"... is not critical of
the pig itself... but the fact that man
domesticated a boar...
                      what the hell could be
impure about a pig?
i've seen dogs eat bite into turds...
as i've also seen Bear Grylls squeeze a ****
to get the liquid nutrients out...
you can't exactly say:
i'm in a desert, dehydrated and starving...
would i rather have a fata morgana
experience seeing an, oasis...
or a pig?
                       pig, every, single, time.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2018
why do, the much larger felines -
akins to tigers, lions...
   not have the serpentine
            eyes, equivalent to snakes,
within the excused
example of domesticating
                              ever look into
the eyes of a cat, at noon,
and not, see, the ***** slit
that's what's celebrated by the mandarin
in the form of the dancing dragon,
the Caduceus...
   the larger the feline,
the more mammalian eyesight...
  the smaller the feline?
     it might be furry...
   but it's a ******* gremlin
lizards have slit pupils...
  and then... "somehow":
enlarged, wide-awake come dusk
and the subsequent nacht...
lions? tigers?
    eyes like a gorilla...
there is no herr censor involved
in their eyesight...
      i still think that cats are
faking sleep within the confines
of so many hours, spent, fidgeting
into a comfortable position...
    it's... quasi-sleep:
   a gimmick of replicating
                               STASI sleepers...
   i can tell you what i get off too...
girls *******,
   and overtly ***** pregnant
women, having, an insatiable desire
to move beyond the image
of belshazzar's feast:
by who else, is not rembrandt...
somehow... it's not longer
a game of endorsing guilt,
or a, "guilty pleasure":
she jerks off, and films it...
   and... i don't *******?
so... she can *******,
and put it in a public forum?
  i remember a time...
when jerking off didn't actually
provide ***** jurisprudence
   all it was... was a sensation...
a muscle tickling...
   big cats have mammalian eyes...
but these... bonsais?
       i'm pretty sure
there's a reptilian spy in there...
given the slit pupil
encompassed in the socket
of an extension of the brain...
   common english theme:
juggling act of "atheism",
   a, the, a, the, a the, a the, a, the
α, θ, α, θ, α, θ, α, θ, α, θ, α, θ,
  a, the, a, the, a the, a the, a, the
(ah v'eh ah v'eh ah v'eh ah v'eh)
ו‬ א‬ ו‬ א‬ ו‬ א‬ ו‬ א‬ ו‬ א‬ ו‬ א‬ ו‬ א‬ ו‬ א‬ ו‬ א‬ ו‬ א‬
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2020
Soon the W.H.O. said what
propaganda people will
include dogs in their list
of distancing, because as
we all know, they too are
on the list of useless eaters.

After their owners set them
loose on the streets, they will
become rabid, and they then,
will be the ones domesticating
us humans, while in so doing
will be assisting in Martial law.

Wake up world, the game is
rigged, soon they will shut
your social media down, it's a
piece of theatre being scripted
ad-lib while audience reaction
is being assessed from the stage.
fake Darwinian reading of history: among the western peoples of this continent... to confide in a complete relegation of Asia as timespan... to ignore the transition from African to Arab to ***** to the magical Siberian python of the Albino for the Finn... how Darwinism became a strand of faking history by interracial fetishes... how London this cesspit of worldly happenings... i'm ******* off: where nothing happens... if i can get a pair of foxes and a pair of crows on Kauai... someone... any smuggler... i'll be the happiest be-ay'itch ever... i just need my totems... a pair of crows and a pair of foxes on Kauai... and then let all manner of ****** progress for the population to reach the stature of inanimate object un-objectionable unmoveable bore bore bore... i need these totems of mine on Kauai more than i need... although i will be bringing Aristotle's taking an interest in philosophy with me... hmmm my... my what? break of habit... interest? hobby? go to a football match and drink beer with my bruvs?! no... i just like spending time alone... and not telling people where i'm going or... ego cogito               id est...        i like wrestling with thinking using nothing! that's where i found replacing ego with id and when i started to hallucinate more than i cared to dream: mostly demonic figurines... misnomer alert... "figurines"... ghastly faces that just popped into my mind with eyes closed... and... ha ha... come to think of it... i remembered a thought i had when i was maybe 6... a Frankenstein original... i was the only child and the closest i came to a sibling was an Alsatian *****... and i was walking back home eating candyfloss and thought: what if... we could breed dogs with humans... to go beyond the trans-racial reality... what if we could breed humans with apes... after all... don't some people perform this lost art of ****** and cousin ******* it's almost like Islam is begging us to experiment once more to ignite the genes for a sense of the reality for life as: excited... but if people are interbreeding with close proximity cousin *******... and ****** generation of slob... why can't i think about... what would happen if human ***** was used on a chimapnzee egg? maybe something wonderful would emerge... rather than the cruch of bothersome low IQ lust?

yeah, i use the English language:
but that... doesn't make me English...
lingua l'inglaise...
and when i ****** her in the darkness
of the garden
and she reached both ****** and
i thought about throwing it all away
all the bachelor philosphies of
Kant Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
and i thought:
how about trying the Socratic life
and if what he said was true:
true to:
find yourself a good wife
and if... blah blah... she makes you
you will be content
but if she makes you unhappy
you will become a philosopher...
i think i want to be happier
than becoming a philosopher...
mind you... she's all into astrology
or is that astronomy:
it doesn't really matter:
i'm hoping to be the Diogenes of Kauai
if domesticating me fails...
there's a different feel to philosophy of
men that settled with women...
i'll put Hegel 10 years in advance...
i'm still muttering Lego Heidegger...
and half a year...
half a ******* year
of working 12h night shifts
i'm going through my own carthisis...
but i need the carthisis to come
now before
i'm reunited with her body
and enjoy all the fun
that her body encapsulates...
i can't be a woman
and cry and ****** simultaneously...
i'll cry now...
then i'll lick her out with all the gloat
of the glee of the eyes that
burned Satan dead...
so i'm growing my right thumb nail
long to feel something *******...
then i thought about the crucifixion
than i started to feel myself as a body
and i stumbled upon the collar bone...
and i wedged my index & co
into the cleft of the soft pouch of flesh...
and then i thought about hooks
and how the body-aesthetic could
be better represented away from
how the divination via crucifixion works...
hmm... what a nice thought!
i just need your collar bone(s)
to hinge on my teeth...
on my altar of torture...
i want a bite:
and... i will have my bite.
i will have all i want
i will have all the anti-*******!
i will be the Anti-Christ!
and.... i will not even have to *******
entertain... ha ha...

— The End —