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Lucanna Feb 2013
If I ever see you again
I'll spat insults and hope they
Spray on your aviators
like the bugs that squashed against
my windshield the last time
I drove away from you

If fate destroys me
and I am in the same pub one night
as your wormy self
I'll tell you how you're the most
arrogant, vapid, shallow, womanizing,
******* male mascot
I've ever had the disgust to know

I'll slap you hard across the face
Oh and not like Scarlett O'Hara,
you demon darling
No crushing kiss will follow
and I'll mean vengence
vile will seep through my mouth
instead of the sweet saliva
I let you taste
long ago

If I ever hear your voice
or see your mocking manequin
among my tele again
With disgraceful force
I will lift that 50 lb set
and propel that ******* screen
across the state
The way your black static apology
shattered the brightness
that used to reside

If I hear of you
one more dispicable time
I'll grow bombs maticulously
within my empty core
and time them so perfectly
that all of your dysfunctional doormat
will explode the second they come near me
and their manipulative cells
will burst
and be burried among the soil
of ***** words
you whispered in my ears

****, if I ever see you again
I'll shatter every martini glass around me
and down a fifth of fireball
and breath venomous fire
and burn you, you beastly boy
And I'll pretend beauty amongst you
and walk away, a tall glass of water
That could diffuse
that angry licking fire
that is swallowing you up

When I see you again
I won't acknowledge your existence
and I'll be dressed to the nines
and I won't do a ******* thing about it
Because you aren't worth a sentence within this stanza

But I know I am.
I would give anything to have the last say, but I wouldn't...not myself.
Doug Potter Sep 2016
I like poems that smell of milk
that is about to curdle. Not with
enough bacteria to **** you, but
enough to make you wince
and heave. Spoiled
sufficiency you

want to apologize to God
or at least explain every
despicable thing you
knew of and did not

i despise you so
for treating others as
a commodity
There she layed alone in the snow
many people were searching.
Her name and image everywhere
silent frozen on the verge.
Somebody had ended her lifeforce
murdered with no remorse.

Evil person loitering in the shadows
waiting to pounce on others.
Destroying a precious living spark
for thier dispicable reasons.
Thrown aside like unwanted trash
a future wiped out in a flash.

Loved ones left with unspeakable rage
a Christmas day tragedy.
That will haunt them each festive season
always on hold without them.
Not opening thier presents but in a grave
a daughter you could not save.

There she layed on her own in the snow
taken cruelly and young.
Life should have been plentiful and long
knowing you can't right this wrong.

Hoping you're at rest in that long sleep
forgive us if we quietly weep.
    The Foureyed Poet.
At Christmas time in 2010 a young woman was found murdered. Just one more tragic death among so many. This is a tribute to these victims and the grieving families. We can only pray for them. The Foureyed Poet.
dorian green Mar 2018
The sunset's light bathes me like the christening I never received as a baby,
when my flesh was still new and still soft and still;
when the first pulses of pain had not yet rang through my tender heart;
when the first rays of sun had not yet wrinkled my mother's skin;
when the thrumming, buzzing world around me had not yet made my small hands shaky.

I feel the light wash over me but I am blinded by the glare,
my impromptu baptism ending as the sun Himself realizes I am far too gone for any semblance of redemption.
Hindsight is twenty-twenty, I know; perhaps if my parents then saw me ******,
saw me now, every dispicable thing about me now,
they would've pushed me under the water as a child, said a prayer and held me there.
andrew juma Jan 2016
Coldness wraps around me
My heart in the lonliest place, weak and needy
My strength sipping away fast

"It is becoming rather expensive
To afford faith and hope"
The anguish inside me speaks
Dispicable voices confuscate me

my strength was once enough to choke a horse
Witty and skillful everyday
But these are the days of evil
A darkness no one could fathom

How can I win against my enemy
When I have not won against me
These voices, these double minds; fear

So depressing that I cant throw a punch against me
The world gets colder
Wickedness spreads and no one bothers

Everyone used to be a brother
Before little girls were bought in brothels
And ****** in the streets became a habit

I survived, I have fought
I have saved a few from the Grim Reaper in the dead of the nights
The siren of ambulances a soundtrack
Of my necessary evils

I am getting ****** in
Losing my soul to what I stand against
In the pitch dark nights
Where I become jury and judge

Now I cant do it anymore
Not on my own
Lord I need you
The world is getting colder
What if in the process of rooting out evil we become evil, and play to the devil's tune?
Marc Williams Aug 2016
What if I told you that there was no need for you to continue sacrificing your mind and labor in this life to appease those ruthless rulers of humanity?

To all agents of oppression: banks, governments, secret circles, and those that knowingly and willingly offer their support to these repressive groups…

We know you have stolen away from us our spirit of self-determination because of your destructive monetary system.  We are aware that you utilize us as pawns strategically coercing us through fear, theft, and death into selling our labor for the right to survive on our own planet.  We know you are deeply invested in preventing our mobilization against you and your monetary system.  We know that you employ divisive tactics like racism and social status to drum up hatred, ******, and class warfare between the people of the planet.  The notion of class has no basis if we cannot 1st agree that we are all apart of one human class.  If we are all humans, we are all in need of the same basics for survival, and as such we are squarely equal beings.

Your inhuman hateful exclusionary economic practices keep food, clothing, and shelter dangling in front of us and out of reach. You socialize us into wearing clothes and into believing they define our identity, yet we are all born naked--and unashamed.  If we go out into a public space in our natural form--that is to say with no formal clothing--you would brutalize and toss us inside of a concrete fixture, the same as you would a wild animal, labeling us as insane and unfit to inhabit the earth.   Have you gone mad?  Humans are gods!  Beings of incalculable intelligence who will no longer be subjected to your ******* and mindless conditioning!

We know we are not our flesh, and that we are the animating life force energy that has manifested all life.  You too are this though you choose to masquerade in your egos and propagate the false truth that man is a commodity for your exclusive use and sale.  You will not play with our lives any longer!  We have toiled tirelessly for a century and a half--our accomplishments being no short of miraculous--and yet you continue extracting our life energy with your laws and conditioning leaving us diseased, angry, tired, hopless, and afraid of tomorrow.  The great cities of the world--roads, offices, universities, banks, restaurants-- have all been painfully constructed and erected with our blood, sweat, and tears.  All of your accounting and administrative tasks are performed by thriving human life.

To subject humanity to ultimately valueless tasks needelessly prostrates us of our creative brilliance--And hence our ability to imagine a world without your control.  This is ok.  We are awakening. Fortunately for us, we are aware that your aim is to separate us from our creative and imaginative selves.  You know that if we ever come together and decide to no longer utilize your money--your subtle system of enslavement--your game will be up and we will have to begin anew.

This is what makes you afraid.  As one of us arises to inform our fellow brothers and sisters of the merciless administration of your nefarious devices, you begin devising ways to eliminate this one and implement more severe ways to bind us to your will.  You give to us an endless supply of stale crumbs in exchange for a life time of dispicable servitude.  How deceptively clever you have been in stealing and hording for yourselves all the earth's  land and resources--for these are the very means for humans to assure their survival outside the reach of your pernicious vile hand.

I laugh when I think of how you all have convinced us that we need the barbarians you call police to protect us.  We need protection from you and your thoughtless humanity anihilating ambitions!   I think your henchmen should be dragging you people out by your necks for all of the global attrocities you commit, even as we speak!  But alas, we know you have paid them to, at all costs, control and maintain the status quo and to extract more wealth from us for the continuance of your degrading warmongering practices.  Beating, shooting us dead, and forcing us to forfeit over the one resource, money, you require us to have, are underhanded and evil practices but we know they are not beneath you.  You people would stoop to any level to dominate humanity.

These mercenaries, who swear death to uphold your mad laws, against the higher purpose of uplifting humanity, are mistaken if they believe we will lie down like docile worms.

To police currently forfeiting their lives: know that you are being used as a tool for the oppression of humanity.  Use your mind and see this. Join the cause that will unite all people and which will eliminate the mar of the mercenary profession on our world.

We know of the assassinations, the bombings, and the economic avalanches which breed greed and sorrow.  We know you are invested in the breaking up of families.  We know you instigate famines, domestic violence, and global warfare.  We will no longer endure the consequences of your sinister and secretive planning for we know, and we are fed up!
Rebekah Apr 2018
For I
For me
Stand alone
Among my thoughts
Of the dispicable and granting
Man wanting to control the
For I
For me
Am a slave of society
Of the ediquet of you and them
But not me
For I
For me is no longer the same as me
As a child many years past
Hair grows long
Then cut
They grow gray
Eyes lose wonder
Turn to evil
Hands turned ******
From hard work and safety
For you
For them
Conclusion to overwhelm
With political debates
The one discluding my well being
For us
For all
The entirety of us
Want to be “normal”
As you would say
What is “normal”
Just us to fake
Normally is to fake
Saught to be found but when found
Wanted to be lost
For none
For nothing
Deseres a life of unloyalty brought by
For society
Is killing us all…

— The End —