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ATILA Nov 2018
The sun peaks from behind
Just to warmly say hi
I encourage myself to smile
And view the world without a sigh.

Let me observe what is right
And detach the wrong knit
Let me decide with supreme might
To avoid the doom pit.

Let me face obstacles without fear
And let my body steadily bear
Let me cure the wound with tears
And change the misconception of dear.

Let me enjoy my worldly life
But not abandoning the true divine
Let me kiss the moment that rife
To make my days stay shine

Let me live within the moment
Appreciating the oxygen given
Let me strive to be competent
In studies, in work and in romance.

Let me be the real me
Who is weak but love Lord
Don't judge, don't peeve
Cause I believe not only me is odd.

To live a life that is hella dificult
To be a girl of diamond worth
To ignore any kind of evil cult
To make my mark on Earth
I thank myself for these endeavour.
I wrote this only in 20 minutes. It might not that good but I TRIED.
My eyes try to open
But the sun is too bright

I don't want to cry
So I close my eyes

I try to keep it in
To show that I'm strong

It's so hard sometimes
So I squeeze them shut

I open them again
When I hear laughter

I wish I could go outside

But is is too dificult for me

If I could just smile..

But I feel pain
I feel remorse

I feel weak and little

I don't want to time-travel
So I block the images out

I close my eyes

I force them to **shut
Martina Oct 2015
Thoughts revolve in my head
sometimes good , sometimes bad.
I feel like I am in carousel
that rotates endlesly
arousing my fantasy.

Sometimes it relives me
but increases my fear.
swetty hands and dificult to breathe
try to push away but it resist.

I become tense
emotions is raging inside me
because Im very sensitive.
And its dificult to get peace.
Usually it helps to get it out
in form of lyrics to show how I feel
with hope to get a positive refill.

Doctors try to cure and control the thoughts
in my head with medication and therapy.
But is it good to get stable
without passion for my creativity?
Without compasion and possibility
to discribe and explane how I feel...
Courier Pigeon Sep 2012
I've no idea why I write so much
As I have never had a way with words.

And I don't know why I fight so much
When I am genuinely apathetic toward the outcome of most arguments.

I think I get bored.

Maybe I just--

I like to make things dificult.
I like the combination of puzzle and pain.
It gives me something to fill my little brain.
A reason to be awake.

It's like a game.
But not the kind that children play.

More like a contest.
Who can destroy themselves the fastest?
Except the only prize is self denial and
If  you are lucky--
A bit of Jack to wash away the lonliness.  

A miserable existence, I know.
I live it,
Because I still have this ridiculous hope

That the empty chair in the kitchen will
Save me from myself.

I'm a senseless,
Ken Pepiton Feb 2020
The professesor explained

if you knew the math

it wouldbe crystal clearr

the wave function squared, which gives you the ability

to find
self, greek word logos, self, seek that first.

Rule that as well as you may imagine,

own your self,
know thyself, samesym, seems right

to thine own self, be true

let it be, come and see, we did win the peace.

defining the undefined terms we use idly, like

quantum mechanics, observer authority

idea translation into words
left filled with the meaning held

when the heaviest thinkers in all time, used them. Right?

Many worlds or many mansions, which is more dificult to

-- I say light is its own medium, that's the message.

curvature into a klien bottle shaped bubble, limited

by words powered to convey
the idea of absoulute nothing, outer darkness-like state of neveverbeen,

beyond, this inner edge,
this boundary of words, beyond here,

non sense, not chaos, mere wordless ever yet possible

more, life,
and that, more abundant. If one can put it into words.
Trrying to put this
anelisa tyulu Aug 2019
Isn't it queer how a mere *****
Can leave a bitter taste of
Pain and agony in your mouth
It is only when you've walked this road

That you realise that even the water
That runs from your eyes
When swallowed
Is salty and distasteful

Funny how the bible neglected the
parable of emptiness
Perhaps that is why
Your nights are coldest
When you are covered in thick blankets

You now despise the colour red
For it now reminds you
Of what your heart once was
Before loneliness coloured it black
Like the robes of a widowed woman

You have rejected the ocean
Because you know
That no matter how many layers of
makeup you may wear
You will never be as beautiful as her

It is as though happiness
Is a foreign language you yearn to
Forgetting that even the most dificult
tutorial has its basics

Isn't it queer how a mere *****
Can beat for one last time
While you starting to familiarise
yourself with the scent of hope in the air

And then
Before you know it

It is the end of you
This poem was inspired by the fact that one day i thought to myself that it is so profound how the heart is just a mere ***** but at the same time, it holds a great capacity to which it can either break us or mould us.
Raj Bhandari Sep 2018
Raj Bhandari Jun 2019
Everyone here, don't have a grand life,
Boy,it is very dificult to understand life
Raj Bhandari Jul 2020

— The End —