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karin naude Jul 2013
Left behind
Disgarded and broken
Quickly forgotten
Yesterdays favourite
Was called cool, funny and honest
Good quailities, i thought
Months of hardwork
Brick by brick
I thought
Building a strong friendship

It hurts, a differant hurt than i am use to
Unknown to me
I really care
Was proud to know you
No longer
Curse the day we met
You used me
Now kicked to the ground
Bruised and hurt
You were born in a first class hospital, I was delivered at home, we both survived.
You went to a private primary school and I went to a public school, we both ended in the same high school.
You woke up from the bed and I woke from the floor, we both had a peaceful night rest.
Your outfits are all expensive, mine are all simple and cheap, we both still cover our nakedness.
You ate fried rice and roasted chicken, I ate local made food but we both still ate to our satisfaction.
You ride on Lexus jeep, Range Rover, G Wagon, Hummer Jeep and I use public transport but we still got to our various destination.
You may be reading this post from your Sony xperia, BB Z10, Q10, Samsung Galaxy 6edge, IPhone6+ and I typed it with my Touch one broken screen, we still see the message.
Lifestyle is not a competition and there are different ways to get a lot of things done, different lanes all leading to the same destination. Just because your neighbour is doing things faster does not mean you are failing.
Happiness doesn't come from having everything, but making the best out of what you have, it's all about how you see yourself.
Happiness is not having what you like. Happiness is liking what you have and being content
Mystery was a riding on that uptown train,and she knew,
it's just another ordinary average day.
Wondering if everbody's gone insane.and she knew,
it's probably always been this way.

'When the world changes and it all just seems so lame,
ooh maybe I'll stay the same.
If the world is differant,and it still just seems so lame,
I'll just find someone else to blame.

Then I was a riding on that downtown train,and I knew
That everything we looked at excactly the same.
turned on the t.v. to watch the day,and I knew
it probably always had to turn out this way.

When the world changes,and it all just seems so lame,
ooh maybe I'll stay the same.
If the world is differant,and it still just seems so lame
I'll just find someone else to blame.

Mystery was a riding on that uptown train,and she knew
It's just another ordinary average day.
Turn on the t.v. to watch the day,and she knew,that we've always been on the same train.
kirk Feb 2016
Many houses have been cleaned on ***** window routes
Terraced rows and bungelows and other glass recruits
Customers of differant types some casual, some suits
Pleasent ones and lovely ones, some of them fun hoots

One window shined, revealed behind someones bathroom door
An awful sight giving us a fright, more than we bargained for
We went to clean it was abscene, that horrible thing we saw
Showing his snake was it a mistake, or was he just a *****

Every time we went to clean situations would get worse
We didn't want to catch a glimps, of his ****** immerse
A naked burden it bacame, why was he so perverse
***** windows should remain to conceal that bathroom curse

The anxiousness we both felt, how low he always sank
Unwanted sightings of body flesh and yanking on his plank
Disgusting ways of a deprived mind, so very dark and dank
***** windows are one thing, but not when you ******* ****

We did not want to ascend, with each ladder run to climb
knowing what awaited us we didn't want to see his slime
That bathroom window was regular, he did it every time
His kind of antics should be re-classed as a life of grime

We're not interested in plonker pulling a real discusting stunt
Nakedness we don't want to see, or a nasty shiveled front
Your ***** windows are to much so we will both be blunt
Keep your wanking to yourself and ******* your ***** ****

We don't care how many times, or how much you try
There is no necessitation to see your small **** eye
Confess your sins and tell your wife and don't you effing lie
That you've been bathroom wanking and flashing your cream pie

We told him we're not cleaning, when he dosent wear a stitch
And because he had to ******* **** and treat us like his *****
We're not your pleasure ******, when you've got that certain itch
Your ***** windows we wont clean when your mind is in a ditch

It's time us girls said goodbye you've made us ******* cross
Window cleaners we may be but your not our wanking boss
So now we're gone and you know why, my friend it's adios
And all because you had to flash and have a bathroom toss
A true story about a man on a window cleaning round
The steps to the museum are many ,
Won’t you help me up the stairs ?
There’s a program with every item ,
every ***** of me .
Up the steps through the open door ,
how many rooms are here ?

Now a chair stands all alone with no pictures on the wall ,
In the middle of a room ,
my heart lies behind that glass ,
a Spector ,
a ghost behind a wall .

Won’t you see how  this blood runs from traitors gate ,
bread that’s long gone stale,
for judgement falls and my axe draws nigh ,
from deaths daughter must I fly ,
her lips are near ,
her crimson touch
not that I should dwell ,
Never a traitor ,

nor a Herotic
not i ,
Should ever be ?

If my head said yes and my heart said no then is there a life for me ?
What foolish thoughts my mind portraid
that were   my very own ,
a complex web unbeknown could that stranger now be ?

The words are so beautiful and their truth no heart can see ,
and yet my heart with holy spirits and angels with keys surrounded me .
How my dreams go back to that same old place  how sweet the’re
sorrows tell ,
of fields of bluebells and butterflies,
and all will be well .

I walk into the sun ,
then the sun hides behind a cloud and my world goes dim ,
no Light my heart has fled to a thousand differant things .

Here I sit ,
My heart on display
a traitor a heretic ? ask my heart not me .
midnight prague Nov 2010
learning patterns of juggaling thoughts persuading me
to lean in and sweep away the energy that lies within your fragile body
imperative blows straight to the deepest part of the
deepest side of me,

then deeper--

talk gentely of those mingling loners passing by
treasuring what we live in
and what we live through
the ticking of the black clock
currently in rotation in my head

bowing we go further than this
I plead no more

I beg you its something I rather not miss
when you fall in this after that first kiss
and then you tarry on into differant levels
of explosive bliss

rebound the character of my moral game
I hope this is something you want to insist on more than 4 times
maybe more than that

maybe Im selfish and spoiled
and deserve nothing more than to have you simply look in my direction

I see how it is now
I feel how it is now
my hand softly playing with my skin

its time I let myself in
It feels so vivid (frequency)

                                    <<<<<<   ------------------------

Constantly thinking every minute. ^ v

Huh **** un be  defferent ?
If the NEW sttlyle is toby differant.

If these words were a drug

(  Cough- needle hits arm.  )    

                                               I will never kick it.  


Peep the will in me.

Emotional stability.

Responsibility.  ( Freedom = responsibility )

In  Truth  ,  Love  ,

& symmetry. 

My patience...

..........................                          ­--—-----------------------


My life After death

Only a lucky few shall recycle my genius.

 The lack of human stimulation

did not amaze him..

Annoyed with their commotion.


distracted through mixed emotions.

The catacombs. the dead resurfaces  as I write this poem.

This is all expressed to my ocean.

Trust it.

Climb the summit.

Learn to rise above it.

My communication.

My operation.

My construct.

     He had a schizophrenic disease.
I'm NOT SCHIZOPHRENIC.  BUT it seems my disobedience is what sets me free.

Simply put, spelling and grammer are simply
CONTROL mechanisms for the weak minded. It
diverts the TRUE purpose of LANGUAGE - which
is to CONVEY A MESSAGE. The cattle on the other
hand thinks language (due to the concept of
grammar) is some sort of sport, where you get
points for doing things 'correctly' and with 'skill'
and for 'following the rules'.
NO! YOU can say, write, or express whatever,
or however you want to.
Gone with the breeze
With the passing of time
Nothing but silence
Only the sound of birds.

Memories etched within my mind
As I walk along the empty field
I remember football on the green
And walking along the river Cole.

Picnics on Sunday children played.
Cheese and tomatoe sandwiches
This field was filled with family joy
Those days have come and gone.

I look around not a soul insight
Things are so differant now
All those folk have moved on
And some no longer still alive.

So in my mind lie meloncholy thoughts
Those memories come flashing by
Memories of those happy times
Now all that's left is this empty field.
I recently walked my dog across the field were I grew up.
It was the days of picnics all my memories came flashing through my mind .
Eileen Prunster Apr 2013
too stretched ribbons
we are
a tape unravelled and
all out of shape
played backwards
we hold a differant message
Veronica clark Oct 2018
There might be some
Think back
You were not kind to
Possibly a fact

You may not have noticed
At that time
You were being a bully
Truley unkind

I have been on the other end
Ridiculed in school
For not being the same
They saw me as uncool

I was the bookworm
Who sat under the tree
In the park
The person you didn't see

The child whom had no voice
Who you thought dumb
I did that out of choice
To be the only one

In a world where differant was wierd
Or thought odd
I just took it in
Then wrote what I saw

Don't be that person
The one afraid of change
The bully.. Be the friend
We are all the same

We might surprise you
You will see
Some become presedants, or council
Some are set free

I am and choose my destiny
My path is set
I am free from guilt and regret
That is me

So I was the nerd.. Not the bully
My arm extends
I will set you free
To all become friends
midnight prague Dec 2010
I was going to lean over instead
I ended up on my knees as I bled
I changed differant parts of me
because what was there people couldnt see
so I rather them not see any part
I hold my tongue, as I reach out for air
I closed my eyes, as I cut my hair
I swallowed my pride, and put out my despair
I ravaged around lost teenage soul
oh no at this time there was no control
my frontal lobes, but they havent developed
self destructive and corrupt
I left a trail behind me when I walked
to see a flower go from white
then die
is the most unappleaing thing on the human eye
josh wilbanks Aug 2016
It's dark, even though all the lights are on.
I never thought i would end up in this room again.
Trapped, by my own **** self.

I was told to quit drinking, quit the robo.
So they gave me differant, "okay" drugs.
I'd rather be high or wasted.

Why wander aimlessly through this maze?
Whats the point of drawing inside the lines?
Nothing matters when it's over.

Just an other puzzle takes it's place.
midnight prague Oct 2010
my auora is gentley grazing through a desert of foreign solitude
thank you for everything and I appreciate all the gratitude
but the choice has been made by me yet sometimes I realize this is not what I choose
dont take the diamond for granted child you have nothing to loose
these old buildings eat away at the rays of sun that peek through my window
the ones that wake me up in the morning
every day every day
patience is a virtue, okay okay
I have heard that saying an unbearable amount of times
but holding back this much should be a crime
I miss the sand under my feet
I miss my favorite ice cream store that use to be across the street
I miss the hole in the wall were we all use to meet
you disfavored the smallest iota, all to be taken away from an unbreakable scene
this that him her and everything else in between
I remember those hellos and all the things that went underneath the pale surface
now outside my window I hear a differant kind of circus
It almost sounds like it dosent have a purpose
The empty benches are a bit comforting though
josh wilbanks Jun 2014
The sun sets.
The moon rises.
The moon sets.
The sun rises.

now backwards.

The sun rises.
The moon sets.
The moon rises.
The sun sets.

The story is the same.
The names are differant.
Like a palindrone.
Like us.

I was broken when i met you.
Fresh out of the hospital.
Attempted my own burial.
But then magic happend.

Stitches formed in the place of cuts.
Hugs formed in the place of tears.
Love formed in the place of pain.
Happiness formed in the place of suicide.

Then you gave up.
Saw how much fixing i really needed.
Saw how ****** up i was.
You became like everyone else.

You left.
You ******* left.
"forever and always, to infinity and beyond. I will always love you."
You ******* lier.

Blood baths took place of talking to you.
Cuts abolished the strength delivered in those stitches.
The sacred seconds we held each other caroded  and rotted my mind.
Hugs became a passion i re-enacted with a teddy bear you gave back.
Thoughts once replaced by the thought of you returned, prepared for revenge.
Pain eluded its way into every memory of loving you.
Smiles turned into hours spent under the bridge by the school, waiting for that ******* train.
Suicide filled every night as i worked to live the dream.

You said you loved me.
You promised me i would be okay.
You let me believe you cared.
You ******* lier.
*******. I just wanted to know someone cares.
karin naude Aug 2017
Its over
My dreams know
Inside i know
It still hurts
The why lives unanswered
From experience
The dust will settle
I will be stronger and wiser
I will live more guarded
This i know
Each time i brake
The pieces dont fit nicely again
But rearranged they do fit
I, differant stronger queen emerges
A small fire of hope survives
A worthy kning will come
If only in my dreams
tom krutilla Dec 2013
we were like two ships on the open sea
we drifted into each other's path
the horizon grew bright, the seas calm
my search for life had ended with you

when we came to meet, your eyes met mine
we sailed on the crest of the waves
the sun was warm, our spirits high
and the wind whispered in our ears

but like the winds that change in all directions
we found ourselves on differant courses
and with each turn of the world we'll meet
to share a moment of life
Shaqui Scott Oct 2013
Laughter has come and gone
Sorrow has fallen from the windows in which you interpret the world
The windows of your person that have seen days from a completely different land
As China has seen light, entirely differently then America
But even though you see light where I see dark and I vice versa
we converge on some ground
we see that same light
that only we could see and comprehend
Only we could interpret as our friendship

English and Mandarin are drastically differant languages
Communication lost in translation
A laps in interpretation never truly identified
The ground once shared to see that same light begins to corrode
Laughter has come and gone
Sorrow has fallen from the windows in which you interpret the world
I have lost a friend
tom krutilla Feb 2014
I struggle now to remember what I was doing
I can't even open this jar, the hands, old and frail
flashbacks of my youth, a wonderfull time
holds the clock back so I can feel another day
the vastness of the universe, has me thinking
Is there another me out there, a clone if you will
wondering the same thing, as I sit in my chair
what would I tell him, that our lives are the same
every minute and hour since birth, we are in sync
or are there many in differant stages of their life
but perhaps they are thinking the same thing
and trying to reach me
Eileen Prunster Mar 2012

our possibilities

come       full

as much the same

                                                                        as differant

Oh the blessed sufferer who turns to thee in prayer ,
the mortal bonds that fetter every single care  .
The tinker mends ,
a potter makes ,
a baker bakes then eats his cakes ,
But what of God if all we see are icons on stone and glass ,
And to suffering go ,
to sofa spend ,
our fragile time comes to an end .
We never looked past our sufferings to differant worlds far beyond
this mortal coil ?
For what we touch is real ,
and what we can't is dead ,
and fairy tales on silver castles are nothing more than beautiful dreams .
Then sleep until death awakes you ,
Sleep until you have no breath ,
For those who seek shall find ,
for only if your heart will take .

Oh blessed sufferer who turned to God in prayer ,
who fought through carriages of doubt and dispair ,
his arms enfold encapsulate you without a single care .
For butterfly's to take flight on multicoloured wings must fight ,
as a Jaguar sinks its claws into turtle shell under a full moon ,
So  to cruelty take .
So don't let darkness enfold you ,
It's web entice .
For in the dark demons dance ,
and it's all man can see ,
dazzled by its twinkling night ,
for in light they turn to dust .
karin naude May 2017
A teenage giggling love
Being lived by 30 somethings
This time is differant
This time its real
True blue love

In your arms i feel safe
You only second to mom
Your smile reassures me
Your touch ,i know you desire me
You have become home

You make the stars twinkle more intense
The moon is enchanting
A love romance not an inlove romance
I embrace the night
Lovers meet and passion ignite

Lean slender body and limbs
Looks it not but strong
Pulls me, bossy and hungry
Kisses demanded
My full attention
Electric charges rush through the body
Hands speak no words
We cannot resist

Soon being apart the usual 2 nights
Torture it will become
Bibo cranky fussing and biting
Put a ring on it
Together forever
tom krutilla Sep 2014
we were like two ships on the open sea
we drifted into each other's path
the horizon grew bright, the sea calmed
my search for life had ended with you

when we came to meet, your eyes met mine
we sailed on the crest of the waves
the sun was warm, our spirits high
and the wind whispered in our ears

but like winds that change in all directions
we found ourselves on differant courses
and with each turn of the world we'll meet
to share a moment of life
karin naude Oct 2017
U upset
Found me smoking
When i smoke
I am feel free
I am above my fears
I feel happy
You understand but fear addiction
I say i control the supstance
It dont control me
I sound like a drug addict
Convincing people your not an addict
I cannot do this alone
I scream in my head
An extrovert not speaking
I need help
I am drowning
I fear
I ooze with fear
But skillfully hide behind well rehearsed pretence
Differant persona
Each unique for its audience
Only one audience no show for
My true self
You givd good advice
Go see head doctor
Pray more
Dont think to much
Its not my mind
Im a prisoner of my unhealed emotions
I go through list of potential surrogates
Non qualifies as allie
Only the true god

— The End —