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Donall Dempsey Jul 2017

Her voice was all italics.

Her worlds in bold


"Shhhhhhhh!" I said

in lower case.

"Shhhhhhhh!" I said agian

reducing my voice to a size 9 font.

"You say you saw a head..."

I said

"...sticking out of

a brick wall!"

She just nodded her head.

Too scared of words.

And - sure enough

( God bless her little cotton socks )

there was a head

sticking out of a brick wall.

"Well..!" I said "...well!"

to steady my nerve.

I thought at first

it was only a ghost

a trainee ghost

not sure as yet

of the mechanics of the process

of passing through brick walls.

But the explication was

not as commonplace as all that.

"hElP mE. . .hElP mE!"

the head said

in a Capt. Kirik-ish

kind of way.

For yea - it was he.

I thought now was

a bad time

to ask for his autograph.

"Tele..." the head said.

"Yes, yes old chap?"

I said.

"...porter!" the head said.

"Ahh you see..." I said to her.

"There's always a logical explanation

...the teleporter broke down

just as he was being beamed down

through this here

brick wall>"

" that all?"

she said

finding her voice again

and not too shy to use it.

And so we continued along

down to the local Bingo Hall.

Never was one

for all that

Star Trek stuff.
cartel Sep 2015
Jane was given a year to live
Febricity, nausea and cancer would assist her through that year
Marching headfirst into this battle
Apropos of nothing, she packed up and left
Maybe she broke down, maybe she got up
Junction of her heart and mind, she was preparing to die whilst simultaneously starting to live
Julian Alps, Tianzi Mountains, Santorini, Petra, Machu Picchu, she saw them all
Augmented her mind
Separated her ignorance
October fell and she was hospitalized, the hospital was now her personal party with constant visitors
Novice to cancer no more, now she was the leader
Dec**ease couldn’t stop her, she was alive
Filmore Townsend Jun 2013
with absolute precision of word. perfe-
ction of knowledge, of understanding.
for comprehension of origination and
history likened to something close in
introduction to a new animal. lead-in
to the true worth of a lost train of
thought. with quality of commentary
rare to be made sense of, found pretty
spot on from earlier life. and train of
thought finds unison with subcons-
cious streaming. that, with dreaming
thought, have culminated in child of
analytical mind though allowed to pro-
lapse in priorities. and with such loss
of grip came suffering of progress,
suffering of forward learning. reaching
heights in a lower level of intellect. all-
owed to linger without mental challe
-nge. and contemplated premature, a formed
plan involving no furthuring of positive out-
come. contemplate primordial retaliation.
and left to achieve more than dead, left to be
found in a vacant lot. and more only conc-
erns that of Natural cessation. seen as option
after pinpoint of knowing failure, some
vacant and the rest left to carbon. to return to
the *****, return to the end of procreation
this physical being. and ‘.. fear not
the thorns or the sharp stones on Life’s path’
and both the brambles and shunts are Pride’s
drawing of blood for to deter wisdom from
either being sown or reaped. though being
sees life in spite of ends means with
continuous derangement and isolation of
night, carried through with lack of ful-
mination of soul. and only ******* is
truth in the comment on kindred soul or
shared. remembrance of scribbled table
lost to self-ful faults. ‘Please destroy me’
imbedded in faux veneered black.
and on this day, as in that summer of swea-
ting. time of wasted thought, trading
blood for a bill spot. wasted knowingly
with opinion of perpetual recreation, with
ignoring the scarred body left as image of
******. and heavy are our eyes with the
wine of ages, and ears prevail in under-
standing happenings we wish our
absolute evasion of. heavy in moments
of isolation, we lack self-deprecation in
movements forward without lust for
body or soul. and fifteen with hope to
be infinite of lifetime. with hope for
perfection unobtainable. with words of
‘here lie the remains of him who wrote on
heaven’s face in letters of fire’ echoed forth
man of truth. him beyond we, transcended
thru ages of changed thought. lightening
of the heart and five days out, and
his Prophet portrayed the sails of ships as
coming death. cyclical incarnate and we the
undeniable will to traverse a sea of the poly.
and we the paradisal will to be six days out.
Brandon Jun 2011
    ster Dance
Your Hipst
Sway ever so
      ly To the
Dysfun            ction

­Lost In Some Sole
trance         Cue The
  Solo      &    a slight
nod of the
                  h e a d
let them know
that your
hav          ing
a goo
  d   time
hip            ster,
you amaze me
          in your
mis    an     thropic
Notes really should be at the top of the poem...this is obviously about hipsters...watching them at concerts is quite funny. they never move...zombie food...zombie hipster movie. yep.
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                               It can
                         be  observed
                      that men use var
                    ious   methods   in
                      pursuing their o
                      wn personal  obj
                      e ctives,  t h at  is
                      glory and r iches
                      One man proceed
                      s with circums pe
                      ction, another Im
                      petu ousity ; o n e
                      uses violence, a n
                      other stratagem ;
                      one man goes a b
                      out things patient
                      ly , another d o es
            the opposite ;        and yet every
         one , for all  this     diversity of method
    , can reach his ob      jective .  It can  a ls o
     be observed  that     the two circumspect
       men, one willach    ieve his end,  the
              o t h e r                      n o t.
P.131 "The Prince"

Niccolo Machiavelli  (1469-1527)
Spier Aug 2017
p  o  p  !
goes the
eyes   of
when   in
her hand
laid    the

no    such
she    had
looked­ at,
like a still
before her

where  is
the pearl
ion she'd
ened out
f     o     r
herself  ?
where  is
the   eyes
she    had
s   e   e  n
herself th
rough for
the    past
century  ?

"what is
t   h  i  s
ction ? "

s  h  e

"it  is  the
i m a g e
of  souls,
d  e  a  r
it  shows
n  o  n  e
but    the
t r u t h,"

said   the
y o u n g

the    dear
a       mere
m o r t a l,
the  immo-
rtal,    who
d  a  r  e  s
tell        me
who i am ?

she  took  an
other     look
at   her   own
i   m   a   g   e

the   too   pale
skin   and   it's
effect   on   her
bland         face

and           then,
she     smashed
the       imagery
of      her    own

s                            l.
   o          u
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2017
the first layer is p.t.s.d. free
   i call it the ***** brigade,
                       a strong psyche,
   or at least something akin
to a ******... and i knew some would-be
footballers, aged 15 / 16,
  dropping ****** rather than ecstasy...
   a weird experience seeing it happen...
his name? ryan.... ryan cyrmy...
  however you spell the last name...
i found him popping ******
  on a night out...
        can you imagine it?!
no, don't know my potential,
it's still very much anime fantasy...
            the worst sadists come
clothed in the following:
save a drowning puppy,
           forget the drowning toddler.
oh sadists are above psychopaths,
  they're an anti-thesis
to the psychopathic theoretical...
   muder industrailised is
an anaesthetic...
   ****** solo?
               that's an adrenaline rush...
but genocide? i.e.
the industrialisation of ******?
   no misnomers here, sure
homocide, whatever... let's not
get into the correct word,
  when deviating with "misnomers"...
   industrialised ****** is
  an anaesthetic...
                  ****** one on one?
that's pure
       they do say that p.t.s.d.
arises from what evil you did,
rather than what evil was done unto you...
sure enough, imagine firing
a machine gun, and then having
to return to a society, where
boiling water for a cup of tea,
could also seem dangerous in your
murderous hands...
           within comparison?
i like to think of the undiagnosed:
  p.c.s.d. (post-colonial-stress-disoder)...
   and if you come from an ethnicity
that had and has encompassed
a nationhood, without colonising other
            it's a grand joke,
i'm just making jokes over a slobbering
pope, that, if god endowed him the wiser
step, would have been a lesser saint
or no saint at all, but at least
                           a fond memory,
of the sickly pope emaritus,
    that taoist pope i wish he would have
become... to ease the world,
                 let the world forget you;
but now... semi-, completely senile...
      slobbering, needing a napkin to catch
the saliva oozing from his
ya... ob nur papst rentner:
      pig latin makes germanic sparrow -
none are exact...
       but at least we can
conclude: at least it was a singing
        cucumber pickle singing in the
barrel with the pickled barbarossa
in jerusalem... singing...
     when the boy is resurrected and sings:
crow for crow, and a thousand number of
the crow throng! so the red king arises
once more!
          precursor i guess...
Vinnie Feb 19
I find that everything I yearn to gain, in hopes I would feel
will never fill the emptiness I feel must banish. The idea of satisfaction creates hope—
hope that flees
as soon as I grasp it.
as it has done for many people, wanders all too closely
That, I truly

— The End —