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Lucky Queue Nov 2012
The bus engine idles
Intensifying the hammering of little gnomes
On my skull
Their tin mallets ***** dinking
Painful numb as waves crash to escape
The confines of my head
A small clownfish throwing his tiny body
Against the walls again
And again
And again
ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump
The bus hits three large bumps in a row
Jostling and jolting me into excruciating confusion
So tired and so alert
Drifting off to consciousness
I have got to escape this headache...
Tinesha Garcia Feb 2011
Something tells me that you’re going to be magic someday.
That same something also told me that our intelligence is dying, fading deeply into an artificial existence,
swirly, milky, warm and familiar.
Oh! This cry reminds me of time spent inside of my mother’s womb, it’s the ******* essence of life, division creates one,
things come undone, wheels are spun and respun.
Oh, existence is exciting. De…
Spite what I say, I as a human have this exciting urge to believe in everything and nothing all at the same time, and yet feel completely content with the uncertainty immediately following. Why?
Why slide down the backbones of your friends instead of creating your own out of silly putty and *******? Because that’s all that’s REALLY going on here, right? Just a whole lot of utter and complete *******. We’re all just in search of something substantially and outrageously righteous to believe in.
Something profound, yet enticing. Never arrogant or stringy, stretchy, worn.
We live in mad days, a mad daze of terror, rage. Disgusting filth, mesmerizing measurements, fat men and their walrus struggle, THERE’S TOO MANY BABIES!
Everything’s real frothy, fluffy, CUSHY.
And this comfortable comfort aides me late past the second noon, where bubblegum and clownfish skies look so beautiful when you’re looking through smoky spectacles.
Let’s clasp hands and stroll down that crooked stretch of land far from electronic arms and bionic senior citizens, super as they may be.
don’t let anyone catch that regret in your voice, dear. This is just another rat-race, fast paced and now we’re stopped at some electronic gate while we travel down the Information Super Highway. ****’s wack, man.
What’s with all the can’ts and stops and yields? I say I can’t read fuzzy bear, so stop harassing my mood and demeter, you don’t see me checking out your gun.
I’m going to threaten your life now, or at least I would if I could threaten any shredded living remains of a tale probably sadder than my own. Get going, you’re going to late for your Living in Denial workshop meeting that you attend every Sunday morning.
Don’t go throwing my sheep into the fire now, you never know what you might spark. And you don’t see me checking out your gun.
Just don’t hate me because I don’t follow your logic, it’s my world too man. See, you spark my petite taste for “sincere apologies” and throw another polished rock in my face. “Sorry” is no ******* excuse for greed.
You’re going to be pure, radiating magic someday. I can see it in your eyes, they’re asymmetrically wise. Now expand your voice like a strong Whitney ballad, hauntingly emotional and loud. LOUD.
So loud that your cousin Stanley can hear you all the way from his random mid-life crisis backpack excursion in the Swiss Alps.
Take my hand, friend, and in the park by the trees with the birds and the bees we’ll slowly fade into the grass, every atom meshing and combining, it’s science. Do you hear it? The pulsating of the massive brain, the all-knowing library?
Knowledge is flowing. We’ll get massively drunk and pass out in a cozy embryo sack full of words and goo (but don’t worry, we’ll be wearing raincoats).
Warm and surreal, we’re happy and we’ll wake up still drunk off of knowledge.

And then. We feel that stinging magic, and it’s bittersweet, glamorous and harsh. And just as euphoric as we were, we fall.
As with every high, there is a low
And you are a giant ticking grandfather clock counting each moment carefully and precisely, making sure to take note of the glow and grandness of it all. Everything.
Is ignorance bliss? Do you wish to be left in the dark?
Because, to be honest, I’m scared of the dark, and sometimes I need a little light.
Bailey B Dec 2009
Once I took one of those blot tests, the ones that that Rorschach guy invented.
Or maybe it's Rorscarch.
I don't know, but I call him Roar-shark.
The ones with blots of black paint that you're supposed to find pictures in.
There was this one blot, and I saw the profile of a lady's face, with long windblown-looking hair.
I was supposed to find a butterfly.

I've always had a different take on things, a weird memory association.
Well, I guess I can't call it memory. As far as I can recall, I've never seen that Roar-shark blot lady in my life, or anyone like her. At least, anyone that I can remember. And I only remember the truly remarkable.

I had these really great microwave burritos that I would eat after school, before rehearsal so I could just pop them in and go.
They were warm and gooey and really realllly bad for me, but hey.
I'm in a hurry. I'm allowed to be fat.
They were soft and I could eat them in the car on the way to the theatre without spilling things on my rehearsal skirts.
But then my grandad got throat cancer.
I was house-sitting my Nana's house one day and opened the fridge to get myself a glass of milk while I fed her cats.
Those very same burritos were in their freezer.
The other day I shoved one of them in the microwave so I could grab it and go,
and I hopped in the car and took a bite
But I couldn't eat anymore.
I looked at it and my stomach turned and for some reason I could not eat that burrito.
My mind had decided that if I were to take another bite out of that food,
I would be eating cancer.
I told myself that I was being ridiculous and stupid and I was hungry, so eat it.
But I couldn't shake it.
So I threw it out the window.

My mind's ALWAYS doing stuff like that, playing tricks on me.
I can't touch the page numbers on the pages of a book. I think they're spiders.
Sometimes I think my oboe reed blades are actual blade blades
and I'm afraid to put them in my mouth.
Weirdness doesn't go away.

So now I've switched my before-rehearsal food.
Tortilla. And milk.
I don't know why this strikes me as appealing, but it does.
My mind equates tortillas and milk-- warm and cool-- with happiness,
just like it equates my face wash to orange and honeysuckle.
(Though it smells like neither.)
and Christmas angels to pillows.
Rugs remind me of Egyptians.
Theatre seats are associated with a certain animated clownfish.
Leaves are reminiscent of the Sistine CHapel.
Pleas don't tell Roar-shark.

Once my English teacher told my class to write everything important in ink,
which brings us back to that one guy,
in pen.
Since everything I write is important, I write everything in pen.
Of course, you can see everything I scratch out, too.
The unimportant of the always important.
I like to think I'm not afraid of mistakes.

But sometimes, when my iPod is on shuffle,
it decides to get inside my head and play that song
that reminds me of you--
back when I bit my lip,
back when you owed me a slow dance,
back when I actually LIKED the scent of apples and pine trees.
And my mind does this "freeze" thing that
makes me stop breathing for a second.
and I hit the next button really really fast and then
fly off to the kitchen to find a glass of milk
because nothing can go wrong when I've got happiness in my hands.
But it's no use.
The thought gets to me before I can stop it.
YOUR mistake.
And then I just get angry and the milk quivers in my glass and I have to set it down before I throw it at the wall or something drastic like that.
Because I am dramatic, maybe.
Because even though I have played it over in my head
because even though I try to think it's my fault
because even though I try to blame it on myself
I can't.
Because it's not.
Because I'm not afraid to make mistake.
But I'm afraid to remember you.
Even if you were remarkable.
You aren't.
Roar-shark would have a field day.
Angie S Feb 2015
Today, I am among the half-dead again
Wandering the halls with a gaze that could disintegrate the sun
The world around me is painted in an elephant grey
But this safari feels empty and yet so congested
With a smile that’s been sloppily and gruelingly painted on,
I face the challenges of everyday life once more

Half of me is tuned in to the things around me,
Scribbling words and deciphering the text at a snail’s pace
But the other half is still dreaming,
Waging war against the strongest mages of our time
Or drowning among a school of clownfish
Either way I’m not here and I’m begging to be free
Today, I am among the half-dead again

I imagine that someday a dragon will take me away
This may simply be my dreaming side taking over again
But if I said it could burn away all my worries,
Wouldn’t you wish for that as well?
I would hop onto its scaly back and point towards the sky,
Chanting as if I had been rehearsing for this moment,
“Anywhere is fine, as long as it’s not here”

But until then, I am drenched in my own rain
And the smile has run off with it, off to somewhere far away
Today, I am among the half-dead again
With weights tightly chained to my fingers
I’m dragging my thoughts along with my spirit

I’m a little bit tired but maybe if I wait, tomorrow will be a much better day
The air here is saturated with yawns and negativity.
I wrote this about a week ago. I would like feedback on this please!! I'm going to send this in to a yearly poetry book at my school after I do revisions, so please tell me what I can improve on!
Arjun Tyagi Jan 2016
Schools of fish
Racing to the King's submerged hold
To pass a collective wish.

A procession led
Unfathomable leagues between the sky
To the One's bed.

From her birthcry rang
Sonic upon waves in all Seas
Bringing promise she sang.

In a voice that shamed
The very Sirens, their infamy
At birth she had tamed.

Tempests brewed in
Nine Seas and in denizens thereof
The palpable rush was no illusion.

Gargantuan fissures marked
The arrival of the Prophet,
As Dogfishes in the streets barked.

Coral caves echoed
News of the Deliverer
Back across the ocean and forth.

The Princess is birthed!
Rejoice! Swim to the King!
Of enthusiasm, was no dearth.

Millions of clans
Puffer, Cat and Gold, with servants in many
*****, Oysters and Clams.

Eels, flying overhead
With Mantas in quick pursuit
Each racing to meet the beloved.

The nobility too was en route
Great White, the Hammer and Tiger
Forgetting around them, all the food.

Clownfish prepared their jokes
Animatedly chuckling at the time
The king called them funny blokes.

From every nook and corner
Of every Ocean, and Sea
Burst life even in lakes and rivers.

Drifting slow yet steady
The convergence occurred at the King's Hold.
The feast now ready.

Reef and plankton
In a million hues waved like banners
Proclaiming the  royal standard.

Seahorses stood en garde
All semblance of a heavy cavalry
Songs were sung by the Bard.

Rows upon rows
Of aquatic subjects
Gazed upwards as the Herald bellowed.

All hail King Teal!
All hail the Princess!
The citizens went mad with zeal.

They raised their arms
As the King raised his own pair
Only to raise alarm.

The babe was godly
Hair as green as kelp
Translucent flesh glowing boldly.

Every colour ever known
Etched across her fins and legs
Majestic, regal, radiating joy unknownst.

Tears diluted the currents
As the folk witnessed their saviour
And cheered in a torrent

Of squeals, laughter and shouts
Praising till the land dwellers heard them
These fanatics most devout.

Thus was the day
Naifin was born into the Sea
Queen of Oceans, she was to be.
Z Feb 2019
Reverie remember me
Dreams like penitentiary
And they just won’t let me go
It’s my ego, it’s montego bay
It’s hard to say like “anemone”
Another day another Hennessy
and i’m drowning away
Craving useless euphemisms, i’m still lost at sea
Haunted by consumerism, the ghost of Ronnie McD,
Mr. Clown meet mr. Clownfish
Mr. Marty lost his son
So i ain’t the only one actively and theatrically
looking for “no one”
-Nemo is Latin for nobody
-Montego Bay is a song by my favorite rapper, Noname
Aakriti Sep 2015
If wishes were horses, this baby prince would ride,
to cloud-cuckoo land with chocolates on side.

Would pierce the balloon-like moon-bag
with my magic stick,
bathing in twinkling stars slipping
from busted moon.

If wishes were cakes, this cherub would eat,
to fill the little tummy with tons and tons of sweet.

Would sit inside the angel’s kitchenette
and swallow all the cheese,
chewing all the crispy cookies
even without any teeth.

If wishes were ocean, this baby prince would swim,
to mermaid -fairy land, too deep with princess Kim.

Would rest on the bed of soft and fluffy coral reef,
dreaming of the earthly lands, flower and green leaf.

If wishes were games, this baby prince would bounce,
to touch the ocean bed from surface on green ground.

Would play hide and seek with salmon and clownfish,
piggybacking the seahorse and accomplish each wish.
Each complete line has eleven syllables.
they are omnivores
they are fish with bright colors
make good pets, clown fish
Olivia Ventura Sep 2018
It is the char on a marshmallow after being held over a fire; it tastes better than it looks.

It is the asphalt after the rain; it smells better than it feels on bare skin.

It is an optical illusion; it’s hard to identify at first, but once you do you can’t unsee it.

It is the difference between bourbon and cheap *****; a choice between quality and quantity to get the same job done.

It is an anemone protecting a clownfish; it’ll sting whatever tries to enter without the clownfish’s permission.

It is what I am after everything I’ve been through...

Each item is not sold separately; if you want one you buy the whole set.
Andy Brendell Dec 2019
Once upon a neverworld, the lights shimmer down through the porthole into the damp abyss and bring life back to a distant memory of a dream. Breathing life back in to this solemn place where the clownfish struggle to tell a joke, the bottom eaters are frozen still, and the desolate skeleton bears no emotion. You reach in for a bountiful treasure and find that it was not the gold or dabloons as the stories implied. The treasure lies in the beauty of the lost souls found here, a dream crashed by fate and left as a reminder that even through darkest times and left in the darkest places our soul story will live on for centuries. So long as someone decides to turn the page.
aa Jun 2024
I will always love you the way I did before
Before your love became a constraint against time and my freedom was traded for immortality
Before I became lobotomized, my decisions were no longer made.

Before you threw me over yonder with no answer to my only question


Why did your love send me into disarray and suffocate me in corrosive liquid? My pained grunts were ignored as you smothered me with kisses.

When did hugs become tests for how much my body can handle?

Hugging me tighter despite my bones cracking under pressure, I took your sweet love and swallowed it whole, hoping that it meant you couldn’t let go. You never did; you took me as a captive and slung me into the field of love.

Love was so intense that it pierced my skin. My blood bled into the ocean of pain and agony.

I no longer feel shame because when I am with you, my only waking thought is

Is it the end?

You are my ringed octopus, and I am your captive clownfish, the cheese in your trap, the fly in your Venus flytrap and the nectar in your rose.

You wanted me, you loved me, you adored me, you used me, you suffocated me.

You killed me

To die loving you was a feat that grew honourable.
To die being loved by you was a feat that grew impossible.
To die with love. It was a feat I didn’t know.
light woved in and out between the clear glassy ocean
dipped in and out, speaking in floaty, warbly bubbles
a tiny clownfish darted behind the waving arms of a anemone
as a baby porpoise struggled against a blanket of cheap plastic
Ken Pepiton Feb 18
a long time, years later

Clown fishing, casts a line, running water, let it be thine own
and not another's with thee,
y'see privileged evolved symbionts, not all clownfish
resist the poison of safety under nigh effortless living,

as part of the whole truth a child's faith can swear to tell.

A play at whim,
with naught but words fluencing
the beam
me up, you, Igor ego, report

we be
a reader ready thus far
we are now
alivin' pro-verb and a by-word
a ready writer
hero/sidekick entanglish script
a sit-a-spell twang
twisted through the bards sense ever
vates seemed to vanish from mind
after war's last nervous twitch
was mollified

Scripture, dude. Mollified's a Bible word,
that must make it mean more
now, right?

DID, deident de-if, re-if

I'd imagine magi-
sense like you imagine The Force
or virtue felt flowing from your left ear
filtering any lingering apophenic

stretches, tendencies, of the imaginary

cover. Dis be dat.

Bubble-inside-edge, flat as a bubble

this big
can seem
from here.

--- narrator VOG, insider anachronism
-- thunder. STOP breathe

k-thunk. putcha little foot right down

we got this rinka fidda long dance vibe

meme-ing ments where noments was

apophenia is real here, everything holds meaning.

a moment. May we speak. We read these

signals for help, as if help were all we're called for,
to order good be squeezed from chaos,
we bein salt
we hear

wolf worlf wworlfff- one time

peaceful as all *** out, we exhale

die, if y'wish. Prove it's a holographic illusion and
not you.

- this reminds me of a time
historytime, when we was drinkinotdrunk

we was actually throwing one side of the road
to the other

and nobody cared, it was okeh

minority report level impossible task, but words,

living words, written or proper spoke mit setting set,

we can do anything you think you can
frame within

tainers enterible by others with Rheastatic creativity mods.

Bubbles in the wine, moving it self aright,
was there some warning I

ignored for its occluded e-sense?

am am am i ever yes geo-time tic wait

apophenia (n.)
"tendency to perceive meaningful connections
between unrelated things," 1961, f
rom German Apophänie, said
to have been coined 1958 b
y psychiatrist Klaus Conrad,
from Greek apophainein "
to show, make known, show
by reasoning, produce evidence,"
from apo- "from" (see apo-)
+ phainein " to show, cause to appear"
(from PIE root *bha- (1) "to shine").
The last lines in an adventure with Grok3 in my present sleepdeepruveble
state, I did not sleep at all last night and woke to
Osifeso Abiodun Oct 2024

Sometimes I wish my mind could be still,
Peaceful as a sleeping Koala's will,
Social as a clownfish, happy as Quokkas.

My mind is like a boat on a disturbed sea,
Tossed by storms, side by side, forceful winds.
When I'm happy, I'm unstable.
When I'm sad, worries drive in – a roller coaster.

In every mood, my mind races like sport cars,
Unbeatable competition.
I watch my sanity turn into icebergs,
Freezing, frozen, no room for reasoning.

The more I struggle to control this restless mind,
The worse everything becomes.
How do you control something unseen?
How do you master what masters you?

A force unto itself, wild and free.
When ignored, sharp pain pierces me.
Loneliness hosts my body.
This mind of mine, a stranger to me,
Feeds on my insanity – a parasite,
Operating without consent.

This mind, a paradox of chaos and turbulent nature, stranger to my soul,
Enemy of my being.
A burden I carry alone,
A weight suppressing me every hours of the clock, tick-tock


— The End —