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Call it a good marriage -
For no one ever questioned
Her warmth, his masculinity,
Their interlocking views;
Except one stray graphologist
Who frowned in speculation
At her h's and her s's,
His p's and w's.

Though few would still subscribe
To the monogamic axiom
That strife below the hip-bones
Need not estrange the heart,
Call it a good marriage:
More drew those two together,
Despite a lack of children,
Than pulled them apart.

Call it a good marriage:
They never fought in public,
They acted circumspectly
And faced the world with pride;
Thus the hazards of their love-bed
Were none of our ****** business -
Till as jurymen we sat on
Two deaths by suicide.
Louis Brown Sep 2010
I love to circumspectly stare

At your Gucci underwear

I love to rip it off once more

And see it crumpled on the floor

I love to kiss you Paris style

It makes my heart beat, oh, so wild

As I make progress toward my goal

To put some rapture in your soul

Come with me to sweet Valhalla

While you're whooping, I will holler

In that celebration glory

****, I like a red hot story

It might last a hundred years

But if we don't please have no fears

We'll stay close on our connector

Till our last drop of heaven's nectar
Copyright Louis Brown
Brent Kincaid Feb 2016
She was stark naked
I could see her ****
And her boyfriend had
Quite the **** on him.
His meat should have
Made him quite proud
And the lady’s ****
For crying out loud
Were perky and prominent
And quite nice to see.
Both of them seemed
To be pointing at me.

And I seemed to be
Eagerly pointing back.
They both very obviously
Aware of that one fact.
She smiled openly
And the guy broadly winked.
I started asking myself
“Do you think? He did wink!”
So, I winked and smiled
And let them see my bone
And hoped this meant I
Would not be alone.

I hoped they’d invite me
To sit on their beach towel
To slather sunscreen on them
Like a human mortar trowel.
There are not many things
There are few better for me
Than hot mixed couples
Into some fun bisexuality.
I have games for both kinds
And genders of human beings
All based on the stimulus
Of what I’m feeling and seeing.

Generally a single man
Is not lucky at this scene
A common concept that I
Always found to be quite mean.
I understand about jealousy,
An emotion foreign to me
So, I usually keep my distance
And behave circumspectly.
But when I get the go-ahead
I never hesitate very long.
How could something this good
Be considered bad or wrong?
Bob B Apr 2017
Bill O'Reilly got the boot!
Fox News has said good-by--
A place where reputable commentators
Are already in short supply.

He faces too many allegations
Of ****** harassment. But, oh dear!
What a mess he's made of things
Now in his Fox News career!

Being a brute and a hypocrite
For Bill O'Reilly was NOT hard to handle.
Funny, but he was an outspoken critic
During the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.

Peddler of white nationalistic
Ideas, O'Reilly does have his fans.
He'll find a job with someone who
Peddles theories as bizarre as that man's.

His sudden departure from the station
Doesn't really affect us directly.
But why doesn't a person like him
Behave more circumspectly?

I guess when your mentor is Roger Ailes,
You have the power to do as you wish--
To regard EACH female employee
Or guest as merely a **** dish.

- by Bob B (4-21-17)
THEREFORE; Be Imitators Of GOD as Dear Children. And walk in LOVE, as CHRIST also has Loved Us and Given Himself for Us, an Offering and A Sacrifice to GOD for a Sweet-Smelling Aroma. But Fornication and All Uncleanness or Covetousness, let it not even be Named among Thee, as is Fitting for Saints; Neither Filthness, nor Foolish Talking, nor Coarse Jesting, which are not Fitting, but rather Giving Of Thanks... For this thou know, that no Fornicator, Unclean Person, nor Covetous Man, who is an Idolater, has any Inheritance in thy Kingdom Of Christ and GOD... Let no One Deceive Thee with Empty Words, for because of these things the Wrath Of GOD comes upon the Sons Of Disobedience. Therefore do not be Partakers with them.! For thou were Once Darkness, but now you're Light in thy LORD. Walk as Children Of Light. ( For thy Fruit Of Spirit Is In All Goodness, Righteousness and Truth) Finding out what is Acceptable to thy LORD. And have no Fellowship with the Untruthful Works Of Darkness, but rather Expose them. For it is Shameful even to Speak of those things which are done by them in Secret. But all things that are Exposed are made Manifest by thy Light, for whatever makes Manifest is Light. Therefore; He says'' Awake, thou who Sleep, Arise from the Dead, and Christ will give Thee Light.'' See then that thou Walk Circumspectly, nor as Fools but as Wise.! Redeeming the time, because the Days are Evil. Therefore do not be Unwise, but Understand what the Will of the LORD Is. And do not be Drunk with Wine, in which is Dissipation; but be Filled with the Spirit. Speaking to One another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Singing and making Melody in Thy Hearts to thy LORD. Giving Thanks always for all things to GOD thy FATHER in thy Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Submitting to One another in the Fear Of GOD. Wives, Submit to Your Own Husband, as to the Lord. For the Husband is Head of the Wife, as also Christ is Head of the Church; and He is thy Savior Of thy Body. Therefore, just as the Church is Subject to Christ, so let thy Wives be to their own Husbands in everything. Husbands, Love thy Wives, just as Christ also Loved The Church and gave Himself for Her. That He might Present Her to Himself A Glorious Church, no having Spot or Wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be Holy and without Blemish. So, husbands ought to Love their own Wives as their own Bodies; He who Loves His Wife Love Thyself. For no One ever Hated His own Flesh, but Nourishes and Cherishes it, just as the Lord does the Church. For we are Members of His Body, of His Flesh and Of His Bones. '' For this Reason A Man shall leave his Father and Mother and be Joined to His Wife, and the Two shall Becomes One Flesh.'' This is A Great Mystery, but I Speak Concerning Christ and the Church. Nevertheless let each one of thee in Particular so Love His Own Wife as Himself, and let thy Wife see that she Respects Her Husband.... May GOD Almighty Continue to Strengthen Ours All In All In Every Aspects Of Our Life IJN... Amen and Amen IJN..!!
Cynthia Jean Jul 2016
The Lord knows

He sees the evil

He knows those of us
who sigh and cry
who look around
and see the evil
in our midst.

We want to run
yes run
run screaming
from all this evil...

The way of man

it is not in him
to want
to do right

we must follow
follow hard after God.

Because the evil
the gross evil
all around us
is falling down
all around us.

our society is imploding...
We cannot fight it
though we must try.

We can only
keeping our eye
on our Creator...

because you see
the Lord
does know
how to rescue
the godly people
from their trials

and He does know
how to keep
the wicked
under punishment
until that final day
of judgment...

Oh, sigh and cry
hear and fear
our Lord.

So great
is His faithfulness
His love.

So great is He.

In the midst
of all
our pain
our grief
and our sorrow

there still is

He will not fail us.

Hope in Him


cj 2016
I Peter 2:19
THEREFORE; Be Imitators of GOD as Dear Children.. And walk in Love, as CHRIST also has Loved Us and given Himself for us, an Offering And A Sacrifice to GOD for A Sweet Smelling Aroma... But, Fornication and All Uncleanness or Covetousness, let it not even be named among Thee, as is Fitting for Saints: Neither Filthiness, nor ***** talking, nor Coarse Jesting, which are not Fitting, but rather Giving of Thanks... For this Thou know, that no Fornicator, unclean Kind, nor Covetous Man, who is an Idolater, has any Inheritance in thy Kingdom Of Christ And GOD.. Let no One Deceive Thee with empty Words, for because of these things the Wrath Of GOD comes upon the Sons Of Disobedience. Therefore do not be Partakers with them.. For thy were once Darkness, but now You're  Light In The LORD. Walk as Children Of Light.. For the Fruit of the SPIRIT is in All Goodness, Righteousness, And Truth) Finding out what is Acceptable to thy LORD. And have no Fellowship with the Unfruitful Works Of Darkness, but rather Expose them.. For it is Shameful even to Speak of those things which are done by them in Secret. But all things that are Exposed are made Manifested by the Light, for whatever makes Manifest Is Light.... Therefore He Says; Awake, thou who Sleep, Arise from the Dead, and Christ will give You Light'' See then that thou walk Circumspectly, not as fools but as Wise.. Redeeming the Time, because the Days are evil, Therefore do not be Unwise, but Understand what the Will of the LORD Is... And do not be Drunk with Wine, in which is Dissipation, but be Filled with the HOLY-SPIRIT. Speaking to One another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Singing and Making Melody in Thy Heart to thou LORD.. Giving Thanks always for All things to GOD The Father In The Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ... Submitting to One another in the Fear Of GOD. Wives, Submit to Your Own Husbands, as to the LORD.. For the Husband Is Head of the Wife, as also CHRIST Is Head Of The Church; and HE Is the Savior of The Body.. Therefore, Just as the Church Is Subject to Christ, so let the Wives be to their Own husbands in Everything... Husbands, Love thy Wives, just as Christ also Loved thy Church and gave Thyself for Her.. That He might Sanctify and Cleanse her with the Washing of Water by the Word.. That He might Present her to himself A Glorious Church, not having Spot Or Wrinkle or any Such thing, but that She should be Holy and without Blemish.... So, Husbands ought to Love their Own Wives as their Own Bodies; He who Loves his Wife Loves Himself.... For no One ever Hated his Own Flesh, but Nourished And Cherishes it, just as the LORD does the Church. For we are Members Of His Body, of his Flesh and Of His Bones.... For this Reason A Man shall Leave His Father and Mother and be Joined to his Wife, and the Two shall Become One Flesh'' This is S Great Mysteries, but I Speak Concerning Christ and the Church... Nevertheless, let each one Of Thee in Particular so Love his Own Wife as Himself, and let the Wife see that She Respects Her Husband... GOD Remain Our Strength... GOD Is Love... GOD With Us..!!! GOD Bless.... Peace And Love....!!!!
This old and twisted thing,
arranged in awry futility
like most lives circumspectly:
 a pair of denims
washed in the Sun,
 a slow laburnum glowering.

face-ovals perfumed with
  the camphor of such departure.
 the hand waving the weight
  of the night's obsidian
    is the love i take in - dull or sharp -
  as it arrives, tired as a crankshaft
      or a waned piston

 this junked engine, wheeled off,
  looming a light-clenched house
 with its exhaust of excess. declension.
   rife as a numeral being. repetitive like the drivel of radio talk.  heavy like the sudden drop
     of Sunday on the plod of chapels,

  once more into this.
Donall Dempsey Jul 2017
(когато цъфнат налъмите).

( for the one and only Onelia )

Stepping into
the forest was

stepping into
a fairy tale.

The trees gathered
‘round and soon

had him surrounded
inspecting this little

of humanity

they the forest had
curiously come across.

I had, without knowing it
said goodbye

to the sky
which it seemed

had been turned off
with a click and

a snap of
a twig.

“How now
human boy!”

bellowed a bough
bowing to my frightened

little personhood.

Now and then a scrap
of sky appeared

held prisoner
as if it were

the last bit of sky
ever to be seen

a museum piece.

Here, now
lost in Bulgaria

I sat & listened
to my self

the blood within me
circulating  circumspectly.

The forest
watching me

as if deciding
which part

of me
to eat

. . .first.
* Bulgarians never say never….only….when the clogs blossom . Now I am not saying this never happened to me but not exactly in this way except in my mind!

I am bad at reality but Bulgarians never say that one is bad at something…they merely point out that you are “naked water” (гола вода).

But there are some things I am good at…like getting lost!

But a Donall like a Bulgarian doesn’t brag merely “pretends to be two and a half” (правя се на две и половина)


"WHEN THE CLOGS BLOSSOM" =  (когато цъфнат налъмите = kogato tsafnat nalamite)

“naked water” (гола вода = gola voda)

“pretends to be two and a half” (правя се на две и половина = pravya se na dve i polovina)


"WHEN THE CLOGS BLOSSOM" =  (когато цъфнат налъмите = kogato tsafnat nalamite)

“naked water” (гола вода = gola voda)

“pretends to be two and a half” (правя се на две и половина = pravya se na dve i polovina)
feebie Sep 2019
Words, spoken by the mind’s eye
Invisible to the outer yet perfectly
Legible to the inner that is soul
Divided among many, considered circumspectly

We write because we must
We put ink to paper to carry our voices through time.
We hope those reading, are ones to perhaps trust
To truly be understood, no matter the time, truly sublime?

As these words flow immortal to time
Untouched by age, not sickened by disease
Yet blackened by intention or bolstered by egotism
Such a fickle thing, words, the truly deep, spoken with no ease

Rhythm and rhyme, ink blots of thoughts
Laying waste to once unspoken insurmountable tasks
Oh, the chaos, the utter devastation these have wrought
Now in the promise of immortality basks

Read them some fine day
Those fickle words, watch the existing reason
Of such as these, always find a way
To eternally exist, be….the ultimate crime of treason…….
Uhm.....need I say not ask me what I'm thinking lately Different sort of "topic" if you want to call it that for me, tell me if this works, if at all, please I truly would like to know......thanks
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2022
Seen as having never been
Though circumspectly in between
This parody of eerie sound
Sifting simply, and profound…
Through tones of gossamer intent,
In vagaries of soft ascent,
Whispering, wafting through the breeze
With phantom interceptions ease….

Quite thought as having never been
In silenced echoing, serene.

3 February 2022
Dr Peter Lim Mar 2021
I am silent, not because I lack the courage to speak or am in fear of being ridiculed--
it's that I need firstly to look at the issue from all possible angles, dispassionately,  circumspectly and intelligently.

Rashness would harm or ruin myself---prudence and patience would save me.

In dealing with another person, my delayed response is being fair to him as he's given a fair chance of being respectfully heard.

— The End —