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Amy Perry Aug 2016
We are a generation,
Indeed, a nation,
Raised upon foreign warring.
Scapegoat aggravation.
Bushes and *****
Clamoring for horror and hoarding.

Conspiring against a population,
I watch through youthful aging.
With my childlike eyes, I see
The target they're blaming:
Afghan families having more
in common with me,
Working class American,
Than those transparent heirs
With the world's wealth and arrogance,
Ordering for the villagers' obliteration
Through boys from our nation.

We are a generation raised
On media sensation
Of militarized devastation;
Animal exploitation;
Technological manifestations
Providing privacy infiltration.
Material attainments;
Mental frustrations;
Fiat debt enslavement;
A nation entranced by
Senseless parading.

Tempting decadence and
Announcements with no evidence.
The September bounty of edifice
That fell with no hesitance
Still echo its unfounded,
Preemptive pretenses.

This murderous reign;
this senseless parade;
Advertisement cyclical
in their game of charades;
Dog on a chain;
Famine causing no pain.
Permissible opinions
To be solely maintained.

The damage, the waste,
The heinous race and class chase.
Oppression remains thoughtlessly dangerous,
As moral responsibility brings no attainments.
Chowing down on maimed millions
Bellowing from enslavement.

Fortunately, elder,
Rothschild, Rockefeller, or
Those above them whom
Remain blackened, faceless:
Resistance shall come
From all places, all ages.
Such as this generation of mine
Inheriting increasing complications,
With the type of America
You wish to keep in rotation.

I'll carry the flag containing
Your mistakes as a symbol,
To remind those behind me
What not to rekindle.

To the Boomer who stews
In your white collar suit,
Still refusing to shake
Your destructive pursuit,
Still asking me to lick
Off authority's boot:

Growing up in this nation,
With childhood innocence,
I grew increasingly aware
Of the land of such ignorance.
I had such thoughts since
Early adolescence,
I was not blind to larger lessons.
Only since supported by
Actual, factual supported confessions.

To the Boomer tied to his convictions,
Now will you see-
That isn't going to work
For us or for me.
I'll bring to this world
Whatever I please.
Which so happens to be
Truth, justice, and peace.
Sincerely, the Millenials
Old Blue Apr 2013
As life went on and misfortune was prevalent
Our minds became twisted, coiled and bent
We became those monsters we laughed at soon
And we are here, and we are hungry, too
Our sharp teeth, tearing flesh, swallowing blood
Chowing down on others' misery, as monsters should
Curiosity leads us for most of our lives
But sometimes us monsters have to say goodbye.
Traveler Jul 2017
It doesn't matter
What you do
Some dogs
Are prone
To sing the blues
Drearily howling
Slobbery drools
*** sniffing
Hairy and smelly too
Yet somehow
They keep their cool
After all
What's a dog to do?

Woofin at the neighbors
Chasing down the squirrels
Peeing on the lawn gnomes
Looking for referrals
Chowing down on kibble bits
Hey, it's just a doggy gig
Playing Frisbee in the yard
And catch, with sticks, not twigs
I wish that I could have his life
The fun would never end
'Cept for that part with knives
No *****, to call my friends
Stick Man and the Clock Eyed Skull
No need to say for our circle of HP friends
But ya I wrote the first stanza!
Andrew Rueter Feb 2021
During the winter weeks
everything looks bleak
so I can hardly speak
looking to out-sleep
this subzero streak
of record lows
and checkered toes
from blizzard blows
the geese all go
but I stall froze
in this tundra tunnel
where the water breaks
must be signs of the shovel
and all it takes
to obfuscate
my massive lake's
frozen fate
and the cozen gate
for that chosen date.

I need to erase these bland hues
for leaves to sprout brand new
to brighten my ****** view
like I'm living in Cancun
chilling at Chichen Itza
chowing on chicken pizza
staring at the colorful sky
under which I never hide
but those are just colors in my mind
looking at the bleakness and the grime
I'm weakened by this time
I need to stay alive
to see the days get wide
and colors collide
releasing me from the darkness fog
so I won't be a heartless sod
after people start to dodge
my evil dark flaws.

Once the clouds split
they'll give me a gift
removing the ****
that makes me slip
on the ice all around me
covering the water in which I'm drowning
when my virulent vision starts browning
erasing positive colors and mentality.

This world will be less neutral
after my diffused old
infused soul
find renewal
in the sun's jewels
creating more vibrant colors
than the winter's covers
of black and white
with lack of light
and saddened sight
to mask what's right.

Once the sun brings back the day
I'll put down my gun and come out to play
but life isn't fun living this way.
Maybe that's love
the space that exists between things,
the reason there are gaps
between our fingers.
Between everything.
I'd never been good at using chopsticks.
I'd always drop them trying to grip
something heavy,
something more substantial.
One stick would go left, the other
would go right,
making a mess of everything.

Rice was easy.
But then again, maybe that's how love works.
snapping between the space of things,
Because she could pick them up
and use them, no problem.

It kind of changes your perspective
when you're hungry and can't eat
how you want to eat.
Rice is good, but I wanted something a bit heartier.
Something me and my clumsy
hands could enjoy.
She'd laugh,
chowing down on her noodles,
all tangled and twisted up.
It came naturally to her.
Me, I just couldn't get it.
The more we sat,
the more I craved something
Other than rice.
I craved her heart.
Steady, patient.
I didn't know how to hold her
But one day I'll learn how
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2021
coming back full circle... but not exactly...
rereading ted berrigan's sonnets
is like:
      unlike: my dreams, my love...
my thirst my youth that i gladly blind-spotted
and it passed me: with not bye-bye...
not that i am old enough
for a retrospection...
  but i also, don't suppose it can ever
be a mythological time
akin to... march, april, may of
a 1963 of the u.s. of a.
            i never go around the: h'american
love for acronyms...
i never will...
two best things out of this said continent /
nation... 20th century poetry and...
i would have added cornbread
to the list but i've never tried...
but my god
        they really did love their milk:
esp. via seeing it in movies and some
h.b.o. "what's not a soap opera"...
#metoo: i too love milk...
but... not when eating dinner...
on it's own... and if i feel congested
then milk in the morning
with some strawberries...
usually does the "trick"...
but unlike any other time in history
when words were written
somehow: democratically and not,
because of a churn of a behemoth of
talent: like: Shaky Pear...
               not all... spectacular?
exactly... but not one to really
allow himself a statue status...
  such was the prodigy of a people:
once upon a time...
once upon a time there was also
a soviet pact...
now i'll just focus on pedantic *******...
i.e. the colon...
how it is primarily a punctuation
mark of a prepositional nature
to fathom a rubric, a list...
e.g. in a supermarket, you will probably
find: watermelons, whiskey, eggs...
honey... butter...
or... it's employed as an emphasis
when otherwise italicised letters
would do as much
   i do wish: you could
"vs." i do wish, you could...
          then again... the stress is not
on the pronoun of you...
but whether this one of a you:
could, would, should, will, no...

it's been a while since i've liked what
i write... i guess it must be
a while longer because this
just stinks of forced-jack-****
of... "scared of an empty canvas":
it screams! beg the crows to
pig me...
beg the crows to peck me...
beg the crows to pluck my eyes
out... beg the crows at the pig's trough
beg the crows: i'm an omelette
of minced flesh...
not an omelette a
tightening of herr burg & herr er
with glue of most certainly
egg... breadcrumbs...
maybe... may-be... flour...
of the relevant culture from the past
thespian shadow-thieving -
what if John Wayne were to be staged
in a biopic of Lyndon B. Johnson...
just as a reminder:
where my southern comfort comes
backtracking to: some ******* of
a little town where the meme
of the slender man roams...
it's hardly not terrible to have this
romantic, nostalgic view of
1960s h'america and not the 1950s...
if i were a german
bound to the 19th century's closure
it would have been
the mystery of the ancient Greeks:
so i'm told no great nostalgia
on the crux of the expansion
of Rome: not a lot of thinking
upon the shoulders beside...
       "thinkers" like Cicero and Seneca...
congested with names...
cruel underworld of
a crab-bucket...
fatty farts against not wind:
below an entire grey body of water
of: must we forget(?)
             beside all this reason to:
the drawings in the caves of Lascaux...
at best Kandinsky attempted
to replicate the "blur":
at worst he replaced the ox
with a deconstructed something or
alienated the "other" of
a rectangle...
mind you: the X (chi) is a surd...
  lasso me in... escape the tumult of sounds...
today this one word
started boiling in me...
no use to converse with it / over it...
i'd sooner be found digesting some
offal: like beef intestines in a broth (
beef-comb): sooner me nibbling
on goat's hooves...
- the word?
oh... it involved tonne...
   but it was missing -ne...
        whatever the word was:
i still remember the word: cloud...
as i might remember...
clot... and cauliflower...
            to stand in the light of the most
abstract: outside of the realm
of space, time...
then to have to return to the glued realms...
like... before the discovery of
dinosaur bones...
people were drawing pictures
of dragons...
fire-breathing creatures...
fire from the meteor...
accepted orthodox narrative "parallel"...
to imagine dragons from what?
seagulls and wriggling spines of
lost eyelid serpents:
insomniac lizards?
             i abhor fatalism more than
i might ever like to join
the nihilistic gypsy circus of
alcohol and ***** ****:
  skin's between the muscle, the fat:
toward the bone(s)...
  this is too eerie, even for me:
i might like to lapse into
some variation of existentialism
with solipsism on the fore...
barrage of verbiage: perhaps some loan
word... perhaps:
notably in english: none...
in the clamours of the niche:
   claustrophobic esque nostalgia for...
words from worms...
the sound made by slugs
when digesting glass, ice and pressured rocks
that... time... devours...
where to begin a resurfacing narrative
  historically - rather...
ahistorical - easier for the atheist...
easier for the atheist
than the a-historicist... no?
              much easier to be an atheist
than to be... so laughed at having to conjure
past events like they might
lead one into commanding an army
of figurines...
that there must be some mediocre events
worth more than...
the john f. kennedy's speech about...
moon, nationhood and one's place in it...
is more important than...
the charge of the winged
hussars at the siege of Vienna...
well then...
that in the beginning there was word
and the word was god:
poetry would call it: counter evolution...
we didn't evolve from apes:
we devolved from apes...
we... fell...
        divine inspiration...
to have to explain a load of camel riddling
******* along the way of
the humps and the seven rivers,
the seven mountains etc.
why would i need clothes and... fashion...
if i could still be a 300lb gorilla
with my own fur?
why would i need bonsai tigers
as company when i could
have life most exciting...
most congenial: most social in a little
for a computer or a telephone
i abhor... for the letters i see...
i could take my mortal self to the highest
perch of the crown: that's a tree...
i would never have had to leave
Africa and wander: desolate toward
the ***** of Alaska or Siberia...
a dream-esque state of affairs...
Darwinism is too much of
an a posteriori perspective...
      it's not that i don't like it:
but it's one of those arguments: structured
to erase any if all history...
the impeding doom for the "individual":
some... "now"...
it's not like Philip Augustus, the Capetian would
be desired to have
a mention...
well... under darwinism it's unlike
the Copernican collective revolution...
solo-projects astound:
some common grounding with this: hearth...

my pet peeve is also with the people
that are bishops of Darwinism...
who can't see uselessness of
having to apply something
a posteriori... having to agitate the sleeper-cell
of the unit of man...
i don't see the point of waking
individuals one by one...
hell: altogether now: yes!
but at the same time...
it's useless... hindsight is useless...
notably when studying history...
it **** with the momentum of life!
darwinism has ******-off with the momentum
of life...
e.g. subjectivity is an illness!

thank **** i'm forever subject to gravity...
and the english crown... but not forever...
and how they cite: subjectivity ill...
yet they are subjected to the scientific facts...
"objectivity" round-up...
they don't object to the facts...
the science...
next to none snooker + poker ******* teasing
with pokers & a giggle... march...

intellectually not hardened:
by the preface of the hard boiled egg:
later, much later...
screamed against a tile upon a tile:
glued together with some mayo for
a paste...

    for an atheist to live without
either the concept of time,
"concept" aside: that there is time,
that there is space...
for pauper me to allocate the...
Fwench scoop on the matter: pyramids!
what space is: a barren creature...
what time is: an unforgiving ******
of replica of past events...
what "god" is...
a most forgiving Ottoman of

not what i will do upon entry
into eternity:
but, rather... what i will not have
to "encounter":
i see no evolution:
perhaps the simplest explanation
that guarantee the mind of gravity
extending to the serpentine
of plants via phototropism...

we devolved to be so conscious
of so much that leave
us adding so little to what could
encapsulate us with details
of managing "the whole"...
we have our structures...
our striking contrasts of cataracts...
what we pet we ingest with
cancer what dies
sooner we have probably poached
or snookered into an ivory trade...

we evolved for a headache...
a bunch of walking abortions...
i see no gorilla enslave
a giraffe for ****'s sake...
a body of horse... exists...
from chowing / chewing on grass...
the dietary requirements
of the omnivore of a "hulk":
rattle my wheat basin!

what isn't atheism is: what's ahistorical?
remind me what is!
cosmopolitan superiority
of argument: "argument"?!
           leave me with
Odin and Slender Man...
leave me with the oldest superstitions that
allowed me to gravitate toward
a purpose that was never
about the crisis in stand-up comedy...

for christ's worth of cross
and if that's not bad:
i just wanted a broom...
or a *****...
if i were desperate enough:
a *****...
sell that ****(e) to Syrians
if you must...
when i asked for a shovel
i received a circumcision suppose...
i asked for a shovel...
not now when Israel has
been established to drivel against
goat, goad & gott...
i can replenish the Berliner
cosmopolitan scoop.... for hush, hush...
will h'america charade with
a white knight charge?

no... i bet so!
this new... nuanced... axis of heave!
and even still: "evil"....
how one tribe "allows" themselves
to "think" they are expatriates...
the other tribe didn't follow suite:
not enough powdered *******:
not enough cumin, coriander,
lesser former soviet ****...
oh sure... the expatriates of Xina...

   lesser people of Yugoslavia...
Greek is not European:
      once upon a time: jarring...
add a year or so to the equation...
just plain ******* dandy / annoying...
the lesser Europe... EAST...
well... **** me: bon voyage and your
niqab me later...
         ****'s a brownie of a cuckoldry
and lacklustre and still calls it:
the beacon for all people
to glorify: brain-drain manifest themselves in...
to champion!
i was late to the party...
your... masochists had priority status
to exam the arguments...
i have a mushroom's growth
of animosity for these supposed:
higher tier people, these natives:
oh god... i love the tongue...
i own it...
   from what i heard some of the natives
are dyslexic.
insomniatrical Dec 2017
I wanna kiss you in a room full of people while they laugh and chat among themselves and pay no attention to us.
I want you to open the presents I got for you and I want to open the ones you got for me, and I want to hug you.
I want to spend the day with you, chowing down on takeout-chinese and watching movies all day.
I want to waste a sleepy day with you and pass out in a heap on the couch, tired just because.
Ya wanna count bajillion sheep,
but tween gluteus maximus powerful
natural gas explosions during sleep
(*** suspected source) – courtesy missus
she served me lentil beans piled outsize heap

sinister been off fish shunt ploy
spouse I may no longer keep,
cuz dream house went up in flames
reduced to ashes smoldering (Uriah hit) heap
an feeble attempt made to extinguish courtesy

urination which suddenly found me awoke
moments ago groggily awakened out deep
slumber out requisite snooze,
cuz I bean dog tired exhausted fuel
driving one clunky body electric jeep

wee hours way after midnight night owl
in case ya give fig yore hot heave hoot
blasted tremendously nonstop
rendering air to smell foul
while my little chickadee evinced similar
disposition, she too did pepper her muttering

with expletives, and did growl
snarling evidenced yours truly espied scowl
unrepentant and threatened to apply dowel
well, I need not specify, "a" specific vowel
one cheeky spouse,
would find yours truly to howl

no pretty picture me bean
while slowly turning unnatural green,
henceforth rushed to emergency room
whereby team of alien specialists,
who casually did primp and preen

mistaking convincingly verdant colored
hue man as martian ready for Halloween,
and said practitioners loathe to intervene
reckoning yours truly -
with other worldly mien,

would conveniently scare bejesus
among any hooligan tween
ready and willing to cause mischief
while prowling for methamphetamine,
or other drug of choice

one motley crew member seen
dodging, evading, fording... police
eventually cornered unlike Steve McQueen
(the late actor), who escapes behind screen
of smoke unscathed unlike

formerly acquitted, alluded mean
and aforementioned hoodlum
who suffers gunshot wound
rushed to same hospital
lay disabled fugitive ruffian took lead
fired into buttucks bullet punctured

evident by derriere oozing bloodshed
as self, both us nearly dead,
asthma doppelganger wed
did in sweat upon abdomen,
now aching pain in *** spread red
hot poker radiating throbbing inside

excruciating did quickly thread
into noggin i.e. fifty shades red
dully permeated gray matter
inducing severe agony with head,
though mustered energy to scrawl

obituary envisioning said
on same page as op/ed
gallows humor sought instead
of relief courtesy synthesized drug,
thus laughter as best medicine

linkedin chowing down unsuspected bean
dish licked plate sparkling clean
mental note made to avoid
eating flatulence inducing food

prepared Das daring "frau" faux Queen,
though I certainly also enjoy keen
wah filling up growling hungry void,
and... appealing to this bonafide android
gluten free textured meals direction I lean.
Constitutes the world’s largest
first-party data platform
for insights, activation and measurement

Earlier today August 28th, 2022,
a representative from aforementioned
market research company
fielded political questions to yours truly.

The young lady at other end of telephone
(little baby crying
accompanied the background)
peppered me with salty queries;
I replied with personal feedback.

Such inquiries got me thinking
about countdown to 2022 midterm elections...
from August 28th, 2022 at 4:59 PM

Above identified important date
when voters go to polls
10 weeks, 1 day, 8 hours away.

Nast T. contrived Pachyderm(s)
spar against Equus asinus,  
the former issuing trumpeting sounds
emulating courtesy jabbing a loose tusk
“The Art of the Deal” hip hip hooray
truckling tutored toadying troopers
signaling viz unfurling trunk hated votes
will finagle, snaggle, wrangle...
hook and crook to get their way
Don auld (hold) hate inside,
nor unroll your red carpet, cuz...
January 20th, 2025 trumpets,
return of the native (hardy) son
with pen sieve (my cull) word play,
when truculence becomes fashionable again yay!

Tipping the scales and approximately weigh
ying two hundred and fifty pounds
courtesy chowing down McDonald's
fish delight specially cooked up today
er... rather bare'n his teeth on Sunday,
when said Golden Arches patron
hungrily wolfs down favorite meal,
a valuable selling point
fast food giant could portray.

In truth, yours truly a liberal Democrat
with humorous zing
double entendres ahead
look out when cross xing
into pun one mock two zone,
I gently ply hitting
left field homers courtesy upswing
titillating madding crowd
generating suspense pulse quickening
political kibitizing more left-wing
versus common joe
biden his time crafting moderate
reasonable rhyme fulfilling
personal literary quest.

Two plus months hence...
government of the people,
by the people,
for the people,
will perish from the earth
unless voters choose wisely
when the 2022 United States elections
held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

During upcoming midterm election year,
all 435 seats in the House of Representatives
and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate
36 gubernatorial seats
27 secretary of state seats
and 30 attorney general seats
will be contested. ...
other statewide elected offices include
lieutenant governor, auditor,
controller and/or treasurer and more.

This will be the first election affected
by redistricting that followed 2020 census.

All kidding aside yours truly
would sooner groom Frankenstein's bride
to occupy Oval Office versus
******, raunchy, randy, and paunchy narcissist
otherwise referencing forty fifth president
of United States a bonafide and certified

threat to democracy, a sore loser who decried
outcome of two thousand twenty election
razor thin winning margin courtesy blue party
electoral college elucidation edified
although squabble ensued electorate fortified,
nevertheless elephant in the room glorified
present day divisiveness
impossible mission to hide.
Since advent of **** sapiens
objection overruled against immortality
all across millenniums humans
generated, amplified, and

idly reverberated (Billy me) rebel yell,
when finality 'twixt consciousness
eternal existence doth die as well
grievous news laudable hospice staff did tell

us (meaning yours truly plus
his deux darling siblings), I
in addition to older and younger sister,
thru passionate love making
******* did propel

seeds of life embarking
upon parent trap role
til sands of time did runneth out, and
for whom (him) the death knell
bell tolled, now funereal shroud covers dell.

Born April 9th, 1929 - Hebrew
ancestry papa never witnessed affection,
whereby his father - a liberal Jew
(mine paternal grandfather)
purportedly gave nary a blues clue
about welfare regarding youngest son
christened Boyce Brandon Harris,

who harbored quashed feelings
glommed like figurative ague
nsync with chowing down
into his esophageal flue
peristalsis allowing, enabling,
and providing gurgling goo
gull faintly sounding

to (my lard) Doctor Seuss
eerily similar to Horton hears a hoo
after milk (deciduous) teeth
gave way to papa's adult choppers
(by George), whereby
he could thoroughly chew
heavily saturated high caloric ethnic cuisine

(albeit American, Chinese,
and eats of ethnic Jew),
which high cholesterol comestibles
probably contributed to congestive heart failure,
now plaguing papa on his deathbed - loo
zing his tenuous grip on life,
where rigor mortis will find his body
chilled courtesy cold storage queue.

I feel sad today (September 29th, 2020)
and inconsolably weep,
cuz the man who helped beget me
after coroner pronounces
lovely bones lifeless heap
immediate fate most likely cremated
versus buried six feet deep

despite absence of his presence
cherished memories of his value,
yours truly will keep
plus recalling mine boyhood
chuck of full of bliss
particularly driving, fending, staving... off
bogeyman or any other menacing creep.
Travis Green Sep 2023
I am engrossed in thoughts of his machoness
Ready to taste his impressively radiant handsomeness
Like succulent spare ribs
Like heavenly fall-off-the-bone barbecue chicken
So beardalicious and superbelicious
So exquisitely masterful and palatable

His powerfully attractive masculinity attracts my attention
Makes me wanna spend endless dreamy nights with him
Gleaming with astronomical stars
Caught up in his heavenly realm
Where his freshness and sexiness mesmerizes me
Makes me wanna be his only bombshell

Revel in his handsome presence
Caress his jumbo chest
His muscular biceps
His manly shoulders
Let his dopeness float through my mind

Taste his defined waistline
His bootylicious behind
Pull down his premium denim jeans
Perform oral gratification on him
Let his love muscle live in my mouth and throat

Make me choke as I steadily stroke his thickness
Such a luscious hunk of delicious meat
He has me weak in the knees
Aiming to please him
To give him what he needs

Show him I am the only one he needs
Grasp his magic stick firmly
Slide my tongue all over it
Spit all over it, **** the tip
Lick my lips, play with his massive knackers

Stare into his cerulean eyes
While he rules my entireness
**** my face, rub my humongous melons
Squeeze my eatable nips
Embrace me deeply

Shower me in his sweat
While I call out his name
Go down on his big slick snake to the base
Love on him like no other one can
Let me be his badass passionate ***

To grab and smash his magic stick
Glide it all over my captivating coffee-hued face
Slap it on my chin, feel its velvet skin
Its throbbing hotness
Such a skillfully crafted sausage

He has no clue how he hooks me
Moves me, got me doing things
That I never thought I would do
******* him off, munching on his **** gun
Like chowing down on a whole cake

Married to his splashiness
So obsessed with his majesticness
So impressed by his top-shelf, delectable finesse
Skull **** me to the max
Flood my throat with his sweet, yummy ****
inverted soul Feb 11
i probably should just not be chewing with my mouth wide open
in public places and smiling at all the faces around, with a sh'it eating grin

my secret kept in my suitcase that i keep all my sh'it in

just in case, i get the feeling my not so secret life, is a sin

feeling all confused and not knowing what to do. i trade in my suitcase for a new pair of shoelaces

even tho they are soiled and stained,  i lace them up anyways and embrace the day

i hope it's just a day packed full of sh'it!  i'm drawn to it!

like a moth to a flame, that you should have never fu'cking lit!

with wits, that have the same worth as that sh'it.  another idiot is born

with dreams too tall.  he can't resist being buried neck deep in it

after all, nothing gets resolved when sh'itty thoughts get involved

it's so easy to feel lost when all you have are sh'itty thoughts

but why should you care?

to you, those sh'itty thoughts just as well be like, unanswered prayers

rejected and sent elsewhere

a place far from there, but not anywhere near over here

but just down the road from everywhere

somewhere far from anywhere, where there is a road to go somewhere else

somewhere like Elsewhere.  where else ya gonna go?

last time you didn't do a fu'cking thing!  you went nowhere?

and you got fu'cking lost?

lost without ever going anywhere?

lost nowhere?  you don't know where?  but you were there?

so you head on down the road wanting to go somewhere else, for someplace to go

and now you're here.  here is where you are

at least you are here and it's somewhere to be.  better than being somewhere else

like lost, not knowing if you were here, there, or why you were even somewhere else

your head starts to fu'cking spin!  you can't remember if you were coming or going?  if you are here?  or way the fu'ck over there?

but your stinking thinking starts in,  sinking in.  you're fu'cked!  you don't know if you are somewhere else or somewhere,  like Elsewhere

it was all too much of a trip.  will you ever be the same?

you can never go back!  because that sh'it leaves a stain!

never ending, piles for miles!  you're in it deep!  drowning in it!

sinking your teeth in, even deeper than before

this time we can't ignore the stench of your breath

and somehow?  you are proud?  of the pile that surrounds

the smell it gives off,  is everywhere around.  people fold,  they fall

they even drop to the ground

with sh'it stuck in your teeth!  you seem to be so fu'cking proud?

leaving no one out!

so foul,  you must have sh'it yourself.  too overwhelmed today

getting way too carried away with way too many s.hitty thoughts

day after day after day.  but it's the price you pay

for all the days spent, just  sitting in your own sh'it

pouting about the day it was that you pinched one off too late

and that was the day, all that you could do to make it back to being okay,
was to absorb the aroma as it circled the drain

it's so fu'cking sad that it's a tragedy.  all that personality and it never had a name

but it will be known around the world, just how attached you were, to the **** known as,

"the one that got away"

you let that one just slip on by.  let it go.  without any goodbye

left you feeling that that number two just didn't work out too well for you

you believe purpose is here and all around there.  it's very near

you're so close to it, but don't think that we don't know, that you are so full of it, with your teeth packed full of ****

hell, you got lost going nowhere?

i'll just stay right here and joke about it, as your opportunity to fail every attempt at it

choking it down, as the bottom falls out from beneath

your secret sin is not safe enough.  that sh'it eating grin has given you up

you walk around town with sh'it packed in your teeth

you sick fu'ck!  you're on your way down!

nothing to pick you up now.  you hope no one found you out

if they only knew how proud you are for chewing so loud

people would just turn around.  some would probably escape death
and survive underground, to get away from your breath

so which half of that sh'it sandwich did you chomp down on?

all gone nothing left, but something smells like death hanging around!

it's all over town!  stinks like holy hell!  everyone is breathing upside down!

you can't help yourself.  from the rooftop, you let go of yourself

from the top of your lungs you sing and you sing it out loud

a fu'cking disgrace with sh'it all over his face.  so tone it the fu'ck down!

people all around town fu'cking hate you now!

why the fu'ck are you so proud!?  you are such a fu'cking let down!

yet you're so fu'cking proud, that you let everyone down?

chowing down, chomping out loud.  not giving a fu'ck who was around!

you up and just fu'cking let all that sh'it go

and now when you are out and about, you go for a stroll

you tear it up, til you get on a roll

you now strut your stuff.  you're beginning to boogie down

you just can't help yourself, you flaunt yourself all around town

you walk fu'cking sideways on the fu'ckin ceiling, turning the town upside fu'cking down

moving in and out while you're out and about grooving around town

fu'ck ya!  you know it now!  to you, it's as clear as the air

your sh'it don't stink

and you're doing it all with a square peg round fu'cking hole attitude

boasting about how it sounds to be so experienced

you can now say you found a new way to take a bite out of life

screaming into the fu'cking microphone with your lungs topped out!

singing to the whole **** world.  and you ain't done singing til you spit your fu'cking lungs out!

we know, you're letting us all know, that the world is the stage and you're the motherfu'ckin show

you tore into that sh'it, just to fu'cking tear it up!

to let all the world know, that you're down with that sh'it.

you know all about it

cause remember when there was a time when sh'it tastes like sh'it

you can now live your life with all of your dreams

that are too close to be seen?  slightly out of reach!

but they're right fu'cking here!  dreams as big as big can be!

just over the horizon.  waiting for me!

while i wonder why?  i'm chasing down, my own fu'cking dream!

that flees from me?

now that's some fu'cked up sh'it!  how can this be?

what the fu'ck is happening?  this isn't my dream!

wake me the fu'ck up!  this is too fu'cked up!

i can't take this anymore!  this nightmare has no door?

i just sh'it myself again,  with no one around to smell my secret sin

no one to tell

you're allowed to keep your secret to yourself,  but you're so full of sh'it

no one wants you around!

nobody wants to help you!  they want no part of you,  it,  or any of your sh'it!

you're a sick fu'ck!  you can't even smell it!

so save yourself, your fu'cking self!

and do it all alone, with no one else, without other people around

you and your stench, all by yourself.  at last

alone and attached and never looking back

you want it now more than ever!  you can't help yourself!

to have this moment,  together but alone

it's time to break wind!  let the stink sink in!

take the deepest breath ever!  hold it in for forever!

absorb it in!  deep down within!

you know it now, you're in love with your secret sin

you begin to find your place again.  stinking the whole place up!  where the fu'ck have you been?

go.  get lost!  go look for the reason.  the reason you're so driven

why, wonder why you're so drawn to find a meaning that is hidden, or a reason why the meaning is lost

you've spent a lifetime.  it goes on and on and on.  with an appetite so strong

it's been a long time, since lunchtime.  you feel the hunger growing inside

sh'it tastes better sometimes.

so choke it all down.  take it as prescribed

you may be surprised with it all over your face.  you disgusting disgrace!

how can you live with yourself?  yet, seem so amazed?

with the aftertaste that you now crave

so savor the flavor.  pack your cheeks full of that sh'it

go ahead, get on with it!

embrace your newly acquired taste for s.hit?

because the moment you bit, you just couldn't quit

you chewed forever.  it changed you forever

never again,  will your disgusting secret sin ever begin to be a taste
that anyone else would ever crave

more like,  never crave the taste of someone else's waste

you're losing yourself.  lost in the odor

it's only here for a short time! and doesn't have much hang time!

your heart is now racing!  you believe,  now is the time!

that it all begins!  you know that feeling!

it triggers your mood to a sh'itty attitude,  to get sh'it faced again!

you know it now.  it's the taste of your secret sin

out comes an overly eager smile!  it peeks out from within!

and when all hell breaks loose.  the sh'it show begins!
that this fu'cked up,  s.hit faced motherfu'cker is at it again!

always in over his head whenever he wears that sh'it eating grin

now that you have found me, i feel so tragically sad
and i want to make you feel just as fu'cking bad

so,  fu'ck off!    go flush your sh'itty thoughts

don't forget to wipe and stop craving it.  don't let it consume you

for fu'cks sake!  stop consuming sh'it!

stop your sh'it faced ways!

forget about secret sins.  sh'it eating grins

just stop it all!  before sh'it faced even begins

take a sh'it, and don't be so loud.  do it without the slightest sound

alone,  away from any public place.  stay out of the crowds

never open your suitcase!

don't be so fu'cking proud when you shovel sh'it into your mouth

close that fu'cking briefcase!  do it right the fu'ck now!

this isn't the place to showcase the sick display that you embrace
just to go someplace wearing sh'it smeared all over your face

you are a fu'cking disgusting disgrace!

just sh'it without obsessing about sh'it

just get it over with, and move on along

let it be known that everyone who hates you,

they all want you gone!

to stay the fu'ck away!

so, so long,  get gone already!  and i'll be right here

hoping to hell that you're on your way to having a sh'itty fu'cking day
ya, no clue on this one.  just freestyle, i suppose?

— The End —