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I'm In Survival mode
Survival mode,  
Trying to thrive in a world
Where many men struggle to live
The Coldness is unforgiven,
Fridgit and Focused
I'm in survival mode

Sometimes your only option is to be strong look around if there's no calvery for you in your current perdicliment it's time to tape into survival mode, to  Muster up strength to take the blows of life Wicked hands, durability in many circumstance here I stand a man on mission, this can't beat me This can't be how I end, I have too much dignity to be broken down so easily,

Built from material of life lessons not a weaken man my mindframe beefeed up, swallow my blood before let go my pride I'm unfraid to die I'm in the grind for mine I'll be fine, beliefs embodied by courage of path pavements trails of effort I'm a hungry beast prowling for Legacy to feast

Entering into my Predator mode a state where easy success chances are slim no room to pity in defeat, no matter how disappointed, frustrated, exhausted, I may be if I'm still able to breath and hold my own I Gotta keep fighting I have to tough through it ignore the fact I'm Hurting what I want out of life is worth it, my faith in GOD even when things ain't perfect patient for a victory that's well desrevant, that if I shall fail then I parish on my own terms facing these harsh conditions

I'm In Survival mode
Survival mode,
Trying to thrive in a world
Where many men struggle to live
The Coldness is unforgiven,
Fridgit and Focused
I'm in survival mode

© Copyright Reserved 2019 by ED RJ.
As I pray to Lord with the thoughts of martial law...
In a nation where true Christianity is hanging by a claw..
Its appalling as the thoughts of Darwin..
While Satan's deception have  people applauding...
While we're centuries removed from the garden.
Because of our  sinful  nature we are spiritually starving..
Yet by Jesus we are parten..
But people still do what they want regardless..
Embracing ****** healing the melody of Marvin..
How can you know love
When you don't even know where God's heart is..
I am not the one to get started.
Who cares if ur rich, if your morals are a mountain of garbage...
Your God is your cars and garages..
plushed out luxury apartments..
While the devil is stalking..
Waiting to dine on hearts that harden...
What you call living equals a caurcus..
stiff rotten in a coffin..
As I pray to the Lord with the thoughts of false gods
Who knew that embracing the truth was so hard...
Allah is not God
Them coexist signs to me seem quiet odd
I will die before I align with a fosace
Spirit live free flesh slaughtered
For my faith I'd  be a martyr..
By all these lies and decent I am bothered..
Catholics..Mormons..Jehovah witness are all fiction..
Man made visions.
Man made inscriptions..
Folks going hear this and get sick they going need prescriptions
Yet we all sick thats why the Bible was written..
If you can't see then you can hear that I'm a man on a mission
Matthew 28 the great commission
As a true christian task to flash the light on what God deems as wicked....
As I pray to the Lord with the thoughts of his sacrifice...
Cause without the actions of calvery I would not have a life..
With scripture I examine the wrong from the right...
Yet I'm damaged thankful for the blood of the Christ
Oh my Jesus..
The reason for my breathing..
Falsehoods and attacks on the kingdom of God are considered treason
Words so heart felt cause lyrically I'm bleeding
Task to do this until my purpose on earth is no longer needed
As I pray to the Lord with the thoughts if your second coming..
The blowing of trumpets..
Shaking the sky like thunder or a front line drumming..
Christians being caught up in the air..
Unbelievers running..
Heard the truth but fell for the seduction
Watch media spin it into an alien abduction..
Look around and people seem to love corruption..
Lord I hold you close
I hold on to your instruction.
Worlds knowledge is toxic simply disgusting
Fragile minds swallow concepts like a easy bake over..
My heart beats flames an volcanic eruption

As I pray to the Lord with Thoughts of rotten fruit
No Church bus but the preacher cruising in a coupe
What is a unbeliever to do
Searching for you
While false prophets distort the truth
Lord I ask you to rip these trees from their roots
And toss them into the lake of fire
With earthly passions and desires
The truth is eternal it does not expire
Shouldn't truth tellers expose liars
No line their pockets with dollars
Yes tithing is the topic
Its demanded by God it is not an option
Put money in 401 Ks
We don't trust God but we trust banks
Wells Fargo
Will take our dough
Execs vacation all winter escape the snow
Its like the truth people hate to know
As I pray to the Lord in thanks
For these thoughts in my mind he placed
Try not to abuse Gods grace
Lord do I have enough faith
To walk barefoot on the surface of a lake
What will you think
If I stand and sink
Is my faith that of an infant
Your hands washing me in the kitchen
Do I walk in line with your will
For real
Or pretending, karate kid acting
Do you delight in my actions
Proud when you watch my movie reel
Your my dad do we resemble
You watched me in my mothers womb
My little body being assembled
Does my life play the harp or just a symbol
A beautiful sound or just a ring
A melody that would lead you to sing
Or brag on me like Job
You guided me to the narrow path led me off that wide road
These thoughts worth more than gold
As I pray to the Lord in thanks for saving my soul
Soaking in the calvery hills,
I am pressed againts..

bearing the gethsemene of my heart

.... he surrounds me

that dévil..
I know where it leads me
Drowned in chest below
and head


and weary above water

...I feel nothing

Piering my eyes across the surface of the water
dark walls play an abstract to my empty dreams
left me optionless but I am not dying

...Not just yet

...But I am already gone

I have seeped my veins
I have wept the countless moons
But it wont end my fears's cold in here

But I am still numb
Reaching deep on the inside not
to find anything emotional
I just want... life never end
in the ones I love so much
more than I am supposed
to have loved myself.

© Copyright 2014 S.T. PARISH Rebel of Eden
When he leaves, he leaves to be better. When he stays, his world becomes concrete, when I fall upon his crown, everyday.
Nadine Mar 2019
Oh Lord help me find away
In my head to be ok
Let my emotions and my fear
From now on please disappear

Let your Spirit always stay by me
Never let my demons find me
Let me have a day of peace
Let my emotions and anger cease

Help me be like all the others
Like my sister and my brother
Let me please have days of laughter
And my night with rest here after

If again I should elapse have a fit or an attack
Please hold my hand Lord bring me back
To calmness and a place of bliss
You know my Lord that this I miss

Bring me to a place of normal reasoning
To happiness and no more screaming
Happy moments gentle kindness
Take away the evil blindness

Help me Lord to make it through
Help me Lord to say near to you
May I stay stead fast and determined
To follow you and not be blinded

Forgive me when I'm at my worse
And have my moments full of out burst
To the ones I hold so near and dear
Because I'm lost and confused with fear

When my mind is running crazy
And I lay crying and I'm so lazy
When I'm like a spoilt child
Throwing tantrums and going wild

Let me feel your arms around me
Let me always pull towards thee
Thank you that you paved the away
So one day by you I'll always stay

Let me never loose my meaning
Even when I'm asleep and dreaming
When I'm in a rage and temper
Help me always your word to remember

When I'm in my place of anger
And to myself could be a danger
Let your presence and your peace
All this evil within me release

I do not understand my anguish
Forgive me for my out burst and language
Help me not to be so cruel and nasty
Full of hatred and so crafty

I don't want to be like this
I just want to keep my wits
Only you can see with in me
Oh Lord Jesus please do help me

I know you see the bigger picture
Your my helper and my fixer
Help me Lord to stand my ground
When the evil one is abound

Give me strength and stamina
To leave it to you Lord my only planner
Give me faith and understanding
When voices in my head are rambling

Give me courage and determination
To face my fears and my delusion
Let me stand fast hold my ground
Till the quiet and peace is found

Lift me up and carry me through
My nights and days of utter blue
Thank you for your life at calvery
Thank you Lord for your life you saved me
One light at Christmas ,
the Christ child is born ,
one light at Christmas herolds a new dawn .
When all our petty slobbles are forgotten in a trice ,
all the different colours that dazzle ,
found in neon and angel lights .
The  cold nights of a stranger ,
who puts up with cardboard boxes for the night.
For he sleeps in shop doorways ,
and is killed by frost bite .

But yet this baby Christ Jesus without a home was he ,
spoke words for man to hear ,
by the shores of Galilee ,
fed the hungry,  fish by the sea .

The drunkard man fills his belly finds himself
brawling in the streets,
anything for a good time ,
for life is always bitter ,
and never sweet .

One light at Christmas man stops to take a look ,
a minute before dying ,
one light is all it took .
a crib a manger one holy babe ,
One saviour  for the dead ,
so man might believe and be saved ,
One holy. Night free from demons and death .
A holy Christ Jesus ,
that rose from Calvery ,
One holy Christ Jesus ,
the same that hung naked on a tree ,
One Holy Christ Jesus ,
died and rose for me .
I sit in a room where there are no chairs
I stand under the light that dances in the snares
That great aroma you smell has become my heart the only thing that holding me here.
I have a ****** and I never in my life have felt so bare.
Like the sun can turn on me in right now!
And the pills that made me puke
Has had a affair
If I was famous this peom would sneak in the ears of those that truely never cared

And before they blink ....
The saints were out of there

— The End —