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"To the Afterlife; whether or not it exists!"
"I disbelieve in the concept of an 'Afterlife.'"
"Well, what if there's excellent ***** in the Afterlife?"
"In that case: *******' Sold!"
*******! It's shorter than the outrageous title!

Based on a true story.
i am an animal— should I not delight in this?
Should I not celebrate
                                  bare skin and bared teeth?
Should I not
barefoot in the light of the moon, jubilating in all that I am?

I praise this body that moves me— from the too rough soles of my feet, the hungry churn of my stomach, the burn between my legs. I give thanks to broken skim and bruises; these are the evidence of my life force.

I sit in a Labyrinth, a holy place where my brother & sister stones give me solemn council.
I feel life.
I smell it, I hear it, I taste it on cold air.
Life energies flitting all around me. I soak it up as my skin drinks the sun.

Am I thankful for life in this place?
But I am happy to greet it. I accept its presence for another day and I move with it, dancing and contorting as I ought. I stretch my muscles and fill my lungs.
And in this moment I feel no fear.

When you do not fear Death how can you fear Life?
How can I fear anything in this life when death—full of the unknowing dark, full of the unblinking darkness, full of that which is unspoken— is known as a friend?

When you welcome death into yourself, you gain and lose life simultaneously.
While you see the day in a different light— more pure, calmer, brighter that you ever could have imagined— this light you are observing doesn’t really
reach you. It doesn’t
wash nor warm you as it
becomes Colder.
Everything becomes colder, but the cold doesn’t hurt
It’s there, but distant— ebbing at the edges of my nerve endings, but my body doesn’t dispel it nor does it coil away, spitting. Rather, it embraces it. Grows little white flowers in its dark shade and growls merrily from the frozen ground.
Let Winter come
and let it awaken the dead-tree creature living within me, somewhere between my
Let the cold douse the fire and let that which is pale and hungry roam. Let it breathe its own fire amid the skeletons of Elms and Pine. Let this feverish animal breathe steam into the night air. Let it roam, choking and coughing on a too hot stomach {too much burbon and hot chemical fire}. Let it run itself back into the ground, squirming with the grubs and the centipedes, blind and snuffling, frantic.

You cannot cage your own animal nature.
It will only grow Wilder there. Wilder and hateful— it will turn on that which tried to lock it away. Let it live free, by Bone and by Fire, by Water and by Stone— let it come Alive.

Something made of teeth lives there, breathing shakily, bleeding and slithering in the dark we all try to put away from the light of social normality. Something anthropomorphic and angry. You can’t hide away that which is within you. Maybe it lives at the center of the Labyrinth, waiting on you to stumble upon it. Maybe it only lives at the Labyrinth’s edges— skittering around  outside walls, keeping you fighting within it.
You could drown this creature with bourbon and whiskey, but it will only laugh and dance out of your throat. You could stab this animal, but it will only bleed ink and raven feathers. Ink from words left unwritten and thoughts unsaid.
            I am the snake, the bird, the cat, the wasp, the human.
        The Animal.
I am the mother, the daughter, the grandmother.
                            I am Alive.
There is power in the bones.
May mine rattle in the hollow night, may mine howl, hungry at the moon. May I crave blood, may I hunger for its life as my body hungers for sustenance.
Elisabeth Nov 2024
Vibes caught
static between
hips swinging
searching for music
that played their truth.
The bass line
wasn’t just music
it was breath
pulling ribs apart
to let
the rhythm in
Fingers slid down
necks like frets
into chords
that hummed notes
down thighs
in time
too blow
Spitting all over
the reed
isn’t something
you hear
it’s something
that happens
to you
cymbal crashed
piano keys
Play confessions
no hymn
would dare too
black and white blending
spilled burbon over
smoke-stained wood
Feet tapping
out codes no one
else could decipher
syncopated riff
breaking patterns
breaking rules
The off beat
gospel you
couldn’t write down.
The room
swayed with them
walls leaning in
leaning closer
to the crescendo
the saxophone
came in
it was a third hand
tracing lines
down spines
nobody dared
to blow before.
This is jazz:
rough pull
before harmony
slips in
like a satin sheets
you weren’t ready for.
Hands hit bodies
like drumsticks
slap rolling
inhale percussion
moaning muted horn solo
They weren’t just
feeling the music;
they were
becoming it
beating out solos
on each other’s skin.
The sweat smelled
like vinyl records
warm grooves
into the air
slow spins
catching sparks
needle skating over scars
was a minor chord
that somehow
still felt major.
how to recognize itself.
Passion spilling out
her mouth
scotch over his
mahogany wood
The rimshot
of her sigh
of his kiss
Scatting sound
from lips
His horn
hit her high note
one that split
the room in half
she leaned closer
“Do you hear that?”
But he wasn’t listening
to the music anymore.
He was listening
to her pulse
that slick
heartbeat drumming
solo against
his wrist.
This is what
jazz does
You don’t
just play
It consumes.
becomes the air
the walls
the skin
It’s the music
you don’t hear
but feel
right there
in the space
where your ribs
can’t hold
the notes.
doesn’t end
it just fades
into the background
waiting for you
to join again
Sometimes you and a person become jazz music
Aly Raines Apr 2013
He is scraggled,
bathed only by the suns light during the hours of his slumber on Miami dewed, morn soil.
He sleeps off the night before, though he is not reminicent of it in his dreams,
as his slumber is no longer dreamt, but devoured by the nightmare of life,
and nights and days have begun to slur into one another
untill one becomes another,
and vice versa.
The empty bottle in the bag was dumped miles ago
on the side of a road no longer remembered,
and the facade of the beggar was dropped long ago,
as the face of hope was rendered.
The known knowledge of his future demise does not scare him,
as the only friend that brings him peace is the one that will destroy him.
But he is alright,
as the short lived calm of his decent into the burbon torrent
is his way of riding his nightmares,
and as he drinks his way away tonight, honey,
he knows,
this truely is all there is.

Cathartic condition
Far from bliss
A foolish decision
Clearly a miss
Soulless revision
No shelter in this
Into remission
Into the abyss

A clip full of kisses
She shot me down
Like an animal
I hit the ground

And on my venture
Herds and flocks of birds in frocks
Fathom long legs in knee high socks
No longer I contain or diverge the rocks
From bieng coloured and framed by burbon stocks.
erin walts Jun 2016
I have lost myself to
A man with no name

I found him while
Searching the stars
The sun and moon

I could never get enough of him

The longer he grows
The shorter he gets

He is infinitely invincible
In a never-ending loop
No one and nothing can
Stop him

Every time I fall asleep
In laggard or lament
He drinks deep rusty burbon
Until wasted

He doesn't wait around for anyone
Yet he is always there, like an
Omniscient god

He is in his own dimension
One you cannot sense
(Yet you preceive)

He is a healer
He is father of all

In all times

Springtime, wintertime
Summertime, fall
I always see them in dark shadows and whispers of uneven conversation I stand

steady as always.

Unsteady hand may you bare one last confession do you care to reflect the image we no longer recall.

Raindrops apon empty streets bare a haunting tone ive grown numb from such feel and loss.

You ask to see my soul but would you stay for just a little while befor?

Im ash of flames once bright embers are all that remain.

lovers are markers ive long since seen fade in a perfect sunsets pain please will you stay to

care for the child in the clown and the old fools emptyness will wash that pain as storm's

clear my past to heal my pressent if you will.

They never see i am but trash in the gutter a stain soon to be forgotten from thought.

We may embrace for a second please dont ask if im okay.

Sometimes stars no longer shine but skies seldom fall.

Winters of  turmoil echo in empty chambers often called thought.

And the burbon my cast to sheild a wound I refuse to heal.

Fools often regress so as you pass i understand no wave just a look through ive grown to except.

Oceans apart will you stay if not for one last drink asked as a child begs a parent just till

Im asleep.

I see them in shadows faces once known to many and cherished by me .

Old ghosts surround and as I prolong i understand i must join them

even the blind can see.

And as to my back it paints a farwell to a never to be filled door.

Tommorow they come to chase the past for even i must one day give up my seat.

To fast ive lived now slow must I die.

Faded watercolors still cast images  that caress the heart of another who will

understand the yerning to stay.

Stars under darkest night  understand one less burns .

We are but canvas so may mine be relived by fires glimmer of soon faded light
Stephan Aug 2016

I picked a site and pitched my tent,
alone among the trees
The sun was bright, a perfect view,
a sweetly scented breeze

I sat awhile to just relax,
taking in the scene
A warm wind blew across my face,
the feeling so serene

My eyes closed for a minute
when I heard the strangest sound
As if someone was singing,
it was floating all around

I found a path and made my way,
didn’t seem to have a choice
The song it was enchanting me,
hypnotic was the voice

I snuck among the evergreens,
not a sound my steps did make
Till I clearing I did find
along a pristine lake

When then I saw her splashing
in the waters by the shore
My eyes had never seen such beauty
anywhere before

Her hair a glowing shade of brown,
her eyes a burbon gleam
A smile brighter than the sun,
it glistened like a dream

She didn’t see me standing there,
leaning on a tree
I grabbed a stone and skipped it
hoping somehow she would see

Turning as she noticed me,
a startled look she wore
Then dove beneath the surface
in the waters by the shore

I watched the ripples that she made,
their pattern moving slow
I waited for a while
wondering where this girl did go

I soon became quite nervous,
fearing something bad was wrong
And jumped into the water
where she sang her wondrous song

I didn’t see her anywhere,
my heart began to break
Nothing now but silence
I was hearing on this lake

And then I saw some movement
from the corner of my eye
Her head popped from the water
as I fought the urge to cry

She looked at me so funny
while her head turned side to side
I whispered, “Hi, are you okay?
I thought you might have died”

She laughed but didn’t say a word,
my smile quickly grew
When then she was right next to me
and suddenly I knew

This woman that I found today
while following a trail
I now know is a mermaid
as I see her shimmered tail

Its beauty captivated me,
my pulse began to race
Before I even caught my breath
she was right up in my face

She leaned in close and kissed me,
it was such a magic feel
Her lips were soft as morning dew
how could this all be real

She reached below the surface
and retrieved a golden shell
She placed it in my pocket,
I was captured by her spell

We swam all day until the sun
was setting in the west
She never spoke but when she sang
my heart beat through my chest

When one more time she kissed me
and my head began to whirl
I watched now as she swam away
the ripples they did swirl

I was feeling very dizzy
like I could just barely stand
My body oh so heavy
as I made it to dry land

I lay there on the coastline,
shivers raced across my skin
When suddenly I woke up
in my campsite once again

I shook my head and realized
it all had been a dream
I slept most of the day away
at least that’s how it seemed

The stars now twinkled in the sky,
a shining moon above
And what I saw was in my mind,
it wasn't true, this love

When suddenly I felt it,
once again my heart did swell
I reached into my pocket
and produced the golden shell

I guess it really happened
and the kisses felt were real
I've never been so happy
as this joy that I now feel

My lips began to tingle
as they formed into a grin
I can’t wait till tomorrow
to go swimming once again

Because I know I love her,
she’s the one that I adore
And soon we’ll be together
in the waters by the shore
I know, it's probably too long, I guess I got carried away. :)
Wide eyed Jul 2017
I can remember the way touch feels
I can feel you tracing my spine
I can feel the hot water from a shower

The sweet kiss of a lover on my breast
Fingertips skating down my body.

That song connected me to that night
Scolding hot water
The burning caress of burbon over my cuts
Tile so cold growing into my flesh
the pulsating water from that song

Now summer in a new place
Rocking myself into a lull
For real this time
That song cam on
Eyes closed unable to open as if cement was poured between the lids

For reals it brought me back
I felt the water
I felt the tile
I felt the steak knif
all over my arms

Every new tune I played with the strings I made from my own pelt
I felt every taste of steel
Burbon running from chin to chest splashing on my new soon to be scars

Cracking my eyes open
Small smirk on my face
Sick twist
I love every second of that memory.
Sam Temple Mar 2016
yet another savage tragedy
ravages, emotionally,
the trap queens in bandages
screaming to their bae’s
about the vastness of calamities
blunt tips glow showing smoke blown
extensions flowing growing tired of
liars on the youtube
seeking gifs and snap-chat
besties to wrestle
with the cultural festivities
being given proclivity
to policy lunacy –
smart phone glued
claw hand and shrewdly
planning to revamp the system
with hello kitty ***** twisters
and metrosexual waterfall trips…
it’s truly a pip
these auto-tuned post baby-boomers
no relations to crooners
thinking the sooners are only
My youth tirade
is partly a parade
like a brass band on Burbon
playing unafraid –
the ****** grieves ******
for the feeling of total abandonment
before discovering how not
to abandon herself
the alcoholic  grieves Burbon
for the bitter sweet
for how it made him feel
before the hangover
the gout,  sclerosis
the love ****** grieves the innocence
the dream, fairy tales, the endorphins
before enough was never enough
the *** addict grieves for another
and another
before the clap, syphilis, despair
before too little became too much
the gambler grieves the green
the shiny stuff at the slot machine
before the house was gone
woman gone, reason gone
smug gone
the crone grieves for youthful ignorance
awe, suspense, naivety, anticipation
before the burn, betrayal, fact
the dying grieve for life
energy, breath, the past
before the unknown, surrender
the letting go
the letting go
that's how it goes
the arrogance of over indulgence and addiction ...what we do to get away from ourselves only to find that there is no getting away with it.
Francisco DH Jul 2014
I wanna write a song with lyrical meaning
but don't know what to sing 'bout tonight.
S'pose I be a selfish man and sing 'bout yo love
More like the lack thereof tonight.

Them lights overhead replace faces with blur
as I watch them consume shots of burbon.
S'pose I be a sympathetic man, sing 'bout the hurt
That's be hitting them towns Rural n urban.

s'pose, I just go on home now
Watch the Sun divorce this town
as it takes all it's colors with it.

frankie Oct 2017
spark up the lighter
feel it burn the tip of your thumb
light up the demons
inhale their love
blow out all your worries
in a puff of tobacco smoke
fell yourself succumb
into their fake love

crack open the bottle
feel the burbon burn
as it trickles down your throat
let the warmth of distorted happiness
engulf your soul

pour out the pills of hope
let the pretty colours cause you
to overdose
sit back and feel the numbness
shut down your body
a false moment of freedom

make your addiction
a romantic affair
the most epic marrige
you've already maded the vow
'till death do us part, my love.
If you are addicted, you are not alone. Please seek help, if you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction, please get them help.
Gary May 2016
The elixir of life
Chased down my throat
With cheapened words
For your understanding

Chased down my throat
Like some bottom shelf burbon
I know I'll be recycling soon.

Still I drink it
Still I say it
Knowing it's all coming back on me.
(One way or another )

I suppose in life, this is how I learn
Do we ever learn?
(Don't think so my friend, just don't think so)

So I'll sit here
Drink my drink
Say my words
That we'll never learn

to never learning again
to never hearing your thoughts again

As I choke down these words
Chase them with spirits
Suffocate with the real hopes
Filled with lies
Of cheapened words
Just to satisfy your ego.
Always treasured my moments alone
In the eerie silence , God made my home

The moon's racing clouds
Hidden by black burbon sky
In the coolness that enshrouds
in silence a bat flies by

Where the words of man fail
Where their thoughts no longer prevail

Where love resides in the heart
For the past a tear is shed
For all those that depart
So fresh as if they just bled

Running from the ghosts
Back to my envelope of dreams
Where nothing is as it seems

— The End —