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دema flutter May 2014
Isn't it weird how one bad comment can overcome several good comments?
Isn't it weird that it's easier to feel bad about yourself than feeling good about yourself?
Isn't it weird how evil can be acomplished faster than the good?
Isnt it weird that we live in such an intricate world, where the negativity always outcomes the positivity, because no good is left, when the bad often lets you down.

Alike charges repel, opposite charges attract. This was our philosophy  in dealing with the atoms in our world. But what about our world? How come all the positivity and the negativity in the world in all of their different forms,  , as they cancel each other, get the world cancelled along?
Patrick McCombs Sep 2016
Never ending netflix
Are you still watching?
Yes. I am always watching
Binging: rapid consumption
The sin of a glutton
Always feeling guilty afterwards
Marathoning: a long journey
Requiring stamina and determination
When you finish
You feel acomplished but half empty
As you long for the next race.

The continue watching section
Is an ever changing battle ground
Where titans like Mad Men
With its 7 seasons and hour episodes
Rise and fall
The catalog rotates constantly
An exercise in media darwinism
Where only the strong remain
And the marathon runners
Are at the top of the food chain
I've always been best at rebellion
Secret rebellion my most acomplished
I've always been best at standing out
And never blending in
Somehow fading into the background
While sticking out like a nail
I've learned to be original
There isn't a copy of me anywhere
I'm unique
And while I don't always love
My strange or weird tendencies
They make me feel stronger
As though I finally have somthing worth fighting for
And I'm not doing it for attention
I'm doing it all because it is who I am
Strange as it seems
I like being me
And even though it gets lonely sometimes
Every once in a while I come across someone that
Has pride and originality
Someone that doesn't care
And who's weirdness
Matches mine
And then I laugh
Because I know not everyone
Has become a follower.
Paige Jun 2014
the problem with this world is that
we are often told what we can not do than what we can do
we often mask who we are  to be something someone wants us to be
we hide from what we are capapble of to display what we have already acomplished

but that is not me
i was not the girl who drew hearts on her notebooks.
i was more the girl who knew she was destined for greatness
never the straight a student but always tried hard to achieve that a+
putting away the skeletons in my closest and opening the door to see the  beatiful human that i am trying to become

being a teenager is hard for everyone.
society has changed we have hard drive instead of a brain
we sit inside and memorize all these words on the lines that i will try our hardest to recall later on that sheet of paper.
but i am trying to expand my mind to not see in black and white but look and see the rainbow.
You see
the world is a beautifulplace  if you stop looking at your glass half empty, and look it as being filled. when its dark look for stars, and when it rains look for a rainbow. just look inside your self you will see you are experienced and capablale to things you are truly meant to be. this is not a poem to make you sad or ruin your day. Just someone telling you, you should be greatful. we all have purpose, and i know i cant realate to your greatest struggles which makes me wordless.

someone once told me  lifes a rollercoaster ande enjoy the ride, i truly hate that quote. because life is more like writting a book, the ending no ones choice but your own. school is not made for me, but i still go. do you understand what im saying, or still no?

ill put it in a way that better understand for those who dont want to expand their brains. WE ARE FORCED TO DO THINGS WE HATE BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE US GREAT. bill gates didnt finish highschool horray, but what he has that we dont is a brain, that sees the colors of all the rainbows  and uses it to paint. this is a poem to brighten up your day
I have question its not that simple. Would you rather be known for something mediocore or unknown one for one of the greatest things in the world genius book? You see more people would say they want to be famous, because they are lazy and shameless. That shouldnt be so
I started this poem and i didnt know what to write, I wanted to make people happy and take a step outside. the most beautiful things are not just what you see and feel, but the things that your brain has yet to revealed.

i watched this video on youtube that was a little boring, this guy told me there are 10 facts to succedding in this this life. in this portal thats a creaton of lies. it made it seem like it was from a movie, reading lines, he himself didnt believe what he was saying.just getting paid from a corrupt system called the board of education. It confused me  i didnt know what i wanted to be, i thought  i was to late i missed the train to get into that good succeed with those 10 facts he gave me. I finished watching and decided to write 10 of my own. 10 always keep your head up. for many of you have ever taken a train, and have missed that train you understand that with one comes another. 9 never compare your self to others. there will be someone with more and less than you.  there will always be someone who wants to be better than you. You are riding your bike and your seven years old and you say to all your friends "Hey look i can ride down this hill all on my own" theres that one boy who must be greater than your greatest achievement. so he climbs even higher and says "hey everyone i can ride down this hill all on my own too" and you look and you watch him and you get so sad so you say "hey look i can do it with out any knee pads" you were excited and ready to be better than him so you did it without thinking of the trouble you could get in.  when you were getting to the bottom you got nervous and you couldnt brake.  when you got off you saw the kid who still has his training wheels on from first grade. 8 never judge others by the way they appear. you are now 10 and you are going on the subway for the first time you see a mother and child and no daddy in sight. you see no shopping bags just tons of ragidy clothes, you assume they are poor with no home. you get off, so do they, at the same stop to be precise. you see the child run into his daddys hands and says "dad the marathon went great". 7 never follow but never lead

So dont get on that rollercoaster it ***** i swear, just start writting a book nd stay faithful
Paige Apr 2014
i can not force myself to complete a task I would prefer not to do
I do not have the force to succum the painful vibes that you give off
i cant force myself to accomplish something that would not better me
Just like how you
you can not mold something into my mind that has no need to be there
you can not create half witted, unintellegent, simple minded, rules on how to survive in this world
You can not create a student. A student is created when there heart, and mind, and soul, and body, and every ***** in them is commited to something. You can not forge a person into you. We are our own people. And when i do make it in this world
YOU will not be granted permession to take credit for what I have acomplished.
Paul R Hensley Feb 2016
To the girl who is depressed
I'm sorry
No one can help you
That sounds sad
This whole thing is sad

Guess what?
You wear a mask;
You don't relaize it yet
Time will only tell
That you're Fake
your whole life is fake
Mean what I said
I know
But you understand
That's sad

I know
To far gone
You want to be found
But there's no one around
You fell;

In this black desolate decrpit hole
That you have stumbled upon
It hits you so fast
And leaves a long-lasting irratable pain
Your mind is trapped
You're in a prison
A inmate of your own mind and body
You think there is no way out
You love the idea of being happy
But when you are happy you are fake
Because that's the mask....
That we all wear....

That's the truth
Truth is sad;
Truth hurts;
But some how ?
Some Fake person says Truth is good
Like are we all ******* here?

But it's okay
you are okay in your own fogotten world
Pictures make you cry
People make you angry
Cry yourself to sleep
Hug a pillow and wished is was someone who wanted you
ask yourself over and over
why ?

At this point in time
You will question everything that comes into play
You will find yourself
Floating away
When you crash
When you land your make-shift toy of melancholy
For all the world to see

You will blame yourself
Everything you have done on your
war path of destruction
Tornado of emotion and thoughts and hate
Pours into you mind ripping you apart emontionally
And left alone and defeated

My dear friend
I know this is true
It only gets worst
:( :( :(
   The random guy

Now you contemplate
Sitting on your throne
Of pure bitterness
Maybe....Just mabye?
The afterlife
People say it's not the way to go
But what do you know
You're a prisoner in your mind
Their words mean nothing to you
They waste their breath and their time
Because we don't listen

Then you get there
Complete Unknown
Lost you are
Confused as ever
Frustrated consumes you
But your there
You think it's time
You are taking a vacation
Afterlife of corse
So you begin to let go
leave everyone in the dark  
Beat everyone up with silence; You give..

But wait a minute
Here the obstacle
Here is where I failed
There's a wall
That you have to get over
So you start to climb
Great at first
Then after the first immaculant image of someone you love
Fills your brain
you stop take a breath;
Back at it you  going faster as the blood trembles down you arm
There you left
Blade in hand
Head on floor
Left side caked with blood
Your dizzy
can't walk anymore
Then you just cry
and relaize you failed
All your life
You never acomplished anything
and you failed at taking you own life  
becuase somewhere you not as broken as you think and
you just take that silly mask of and realize that you are real

But a dark road to get there
you must take  
For I'm not Through yet  
But getting there
People that reads this
think why would this guy say all of this horriable things
to write to someone
But see it's the truth
And well we are both just
Sad Then
A ******* Facebook told me she was going to **** herself and somehow it gave me inspiration to write this longest thing I have wrote in a long time

— The End —