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MuseumofMax Nov 2021
A beautiful mind
Creative and strong

They fight so hard
But she won’t make it long

Everyone is against her
Or so it seems

I wish I could help her
I can hear their screams

trying to get out
But no one will let her

The demons keep them locked away
With no shelter

But somehow I’ll find a way
Whether it’s night or day

I’ll keep them safe, away from the harm
If only in a small way

I won’t let them hurt you like they hurt me
And when the time comes
I’ll set you free
A letter to my little sister, she’s stuck in a bad living situation and unfortunately there’s not too much I’m able to do. This poem is to remind me and them that we will always have each other no matter what
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
Deep ruffled hair
She smells of sweet jasmine and Desi cooking

She emanates her culture
And shared it with me

She swirls around the room in a deep red saree
Her little sister watches inspired

A teacher with a good heart
Never failing to understand

A friend with a sweet smile
Never wanting to pretend

She is perfect in every way
And yet not

That’s why I like her
Oh and she’s hot
A little poem about my best friend
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
I’ve been working on myself
I’m getting there
It’s hard to do
But please be fair

I get anxious easily
Please don’t pressure me

I’m working on myself
I’ve been getting sleep
And remembering to eat

I’m listening to my body
And trying to respond
So please don’t act like you don’t see

I’m working on myself
I’m going to therapy
Hopefully they give me anxiety medication
So I can have full clarity

I call out the hateful thoughts
And replace them with
Soft talks

Just please be patient
Healing takes time
The poetry helps too
I’m learning to rhyme
Been anxious lately so thought I would express how I’m feeling, working on yourself is so very hard but I know it will pay off in the end :)
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
I’m sending you messages
Are you even getting them?

“Come back to me”

I hope you listen
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
Soulmate heartbreak
I wish we never met

Wait I take that back
I wish we never looked each other in the eye
So I could forget

You caught my interest
But I didn’t catch yours
I guess that’s how life goes
And when it rains it pours

You said you loved me
But you didn’t mean it
Lost and confused

I thought we were the perfect fit

You were my everything
But I was nothing

I saw you
And you saw
Too much loving
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
Dear Lady Moon,

I can feel your pearly white gaze,
It fills me with inner warmth

Your imperfections; your craters
They make you unlike any other

I find myself looking up at you quite often these days
I think she’s been watching over me with her midnight rays

She comes to visit me at night
With her moonbeams bright

Her light of comfort puts me in a starlight daze

I see her and she sees me
Her light shines gleefully

My protector; the watcher
I’m thankful for
my night time stalker
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
I suppose I’m a bit like fate and you’re a bit like time
We are the same
Twin flame?

Fate cannot choose what it wants
It rides the waves and attempts to guess

Time decides it’s every move
Careful planning
Striving to improve

We admire our differences
A perfect disharmony

A sprinkle of logic
And a heaping of chaos

We meet in the middle
But never further

For we’re still independent
The participant and the observer
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