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3.7k · Oct 2014
Losing you
Kur Oct 2014
used to think I couldn't go a day
without your smile
without telling you things
and hearing your voice back.
Then, that day arrived and it was so **** hard
but the next was harder.
I knew with a sinking feeling
it wasn't going to be okay for a very long time.

because losing someone isn't an occasion or an event.
It doesn't just happen once.
It happens over and over again.
I lose you  every time I pick up your favorite coffee mug:
whenever that one song plays on the radio,
or when I discover your old t-shirt at the bottom of my laundry pile.
I lose you every time I think of kissing you,
holding you, or wanting you.
I go to bed at night and lose you,
when I wish I could tell you  about my day.
And in the morning,
when I wake and reach  for the empty space across the sheets,
I begin to lose you all over again.
I would like to share one of my favorite poems. This is written by Lang Leav, part of her newly released book, Lullabies.
1.8k · Oct 2014
Legendary Lovers
Kur Oct 2014
She fills her head with tales of love and tragedy,
In war-torn cities and rival families to ancient melody,
Tossing and turning, on her bed
She lives the lives of lovers so young and foolish and sweet.

She dreams of Orpheus, his melancholy and his music.
Of Seigfried and his journey to the damsel he seeks.
Then Samson who fell twice in the hands of a woman.
And Romeo who no longer felt the need to run.

Now,the morning light urges her to wake up.
The dreams disappear and the longing suddenly stops
For she knows that though tragedies may happen,
She still looks forward to that day she will meet him.
795 · Oct 2014
Kur Oct 2014
with all the king's horses
and all the king's men
couldn't put us back together again

— The End —