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Monica Apr 2019
our disconnect caused me not to write for awhile
I wonder if I had more feelings for you then I intended to
pretending that everything was cool
When deep inside I really wanted you
one day without talking seemed like an eternity
but soon those days turned into weeks, now it's been months.
What did I miss?
what did I not see?
the title waves
sent you on your way
now Im lost at sea.
you knew what it was from the beginning but I didn't
finding myself researching our Zodiac signs said it would be different.
Ignored the Red Flags
only because I thought you and I were more.
Action speak louder than words
I NEEDED those words
those words flowing from your lips, that I once kissed then tell you I wanted more.
Never been the one to hold back my emotions
Ive done that before , that **** ended in commotion
Reminding myself its okay to be vulnerable
What is there to lose?
now this writing is more comfortable.
Monica Apr 2019
His purpose was to reintroduce me to....poetry
When good things come to an end
Monica Apr 2019
L for lust I thought was love now I'm lost

O for off-guard now I'm offended 'cause my eyes were blind

Y for yes when I forgot to yield to those warning signs

A for all I have allowed those walls to come down

L for longing the limit of our time

T for test on what we think is the truth

Y for yearning your attention that was never mine

Loyalty is hard to find. But with patience it will come. Just wait.

What is truly yours will not be difficult to find.
Monica Apr 2019
His light shines bright
Reminds me of a street light
So bright
Like the sun
The color yellow
To be cautious
Trying not to look directly into you
For I know there are warning signs
That I'm not paying close attention to
A star that twinkles
Only to find out you're fire
You're a danger
That my heart simply desires
A street light inspired this poem
Monica Apr 2019
You penetrate my mind
Opening me up
Stroking my brain
Your words are divine
So much wisdom and knowledge
You come inside me
Explore the depths of my sea
You're a true visionary
Refusing to let go
As you dive within me
Thrusting those words
When I'm fully absorbed
You kiss me softly.
Monica Apr 2019
You brought out the best of me without even knowing
Brought out the confidence that was buried within
You watered my grass
Gave oxygen to my body
Provided mouth to mouth, CPR to my life
You encouraged me to be fearless
You helped me end my personal drought
Personality of the bull, who helped break this doubt
Monica Apr 2019
You sound so peaceful and look so beautiful
Your distance seems endless
You fight like a warrior
As I look at you, I begin to look into you
The countless lives living within you
To dive into your beauty
And have you swim in my thoughts
To have you cover me.

— The End —