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  Jan 2018 Vince Sprout
Francie Lynch
Finally. I'd been striving for a one word poem. After achieving it, I wanted a no word poem. Here it is. I guess this is no longer mine, but ours.

"The Invisible Poem" was selected as the Daily.
I'm humbled... to say nothing.
But I believe a response is necessary.
To all those who liked, loved and commented, I say thank you. I've read all you've written, and most of it is very creative and complimentary.
There are others, detractors, who claim "*******," etc.
Well of course, this only begs the question, "What is poetry?"
I can't answer that. I've written on it. But what I do know is what poetry should do. Its purpose.
If a poem should arouse emotions, bad or good, make people think, have people want to write, to express themselves (and I believe I'm on the mark here), then, anything can be a poem. Even a page with lines on it.
Thanks again to all the readers.
And if you're still *******, don't attack me... go after Elliot. :)
  Nov 2017 Vince Sprout
they tell me
not to think about
what ifs, and
they tell me
i should focus on
myself, but
they don't get
that's exactly what
i'm doing,


if something
happens, i need to
brace myself.
they tell me
they will be there if
i hurt, but
i tell me
i will be alone,
so alone.
Work in progress, no big.
(A Friends Challenge)

Focus on the good things
That happen every day
Don't just see the bad things
And think that it's okay

Talk about a life well lived
The compassion someone showed
A moment of forgiveness
That touched someone you know

There are people all around us
Who lend a helping hand
That will give the shirt off their back
To help their fellow man

So many who are out there
That answer to the call
Each day they do amazing things
Wanting no reward at all

So focus on the good things
That happen every day
See all the things around you
That make this world a better place


Carl Joseph Roberts
A friend's challenge to bring attention to the fact that all we hear about is the negative on the news each day. He said there are so many good things but you never hear of them.  Wanted me to write a poem reminding people that there is still a lot of good out there and it is not all gloom and doom. Look around daily and focus on the possitive instead of just hearing and seeing all the negative.
  Nov 2017 Vince Sprout
Same old stories told,
never too loud, never too bold.
The world shifts fast.
It won't be worth it,
If you don't make it last.

But this treacherous journey,
this promise for plenty.
They have corrupted
our fickle minds,
To make stupid decisions,
to love and not to bind.

Stay in focus, keep it clear.
And hold on to everything you call dear.
You don't need to carry everything,
Just to understand the most important thing.
Maybe one day
I can find the good
in his goodbye
although it was never said.
  Nov 2017 Vince Sprout
Druzzayne Rika

Everything I do,
Everything I change
I try
so many different things
as the day begins,
all my efforts go down
as sun sets.
I lose interest
and feel so much dismay,
the boredom
the worthlessness.
Internally I get the feeling of unexplained grief
it doesn't go away
I do not know the origin of this feeling
but it slowly feasts on me
consumes me
and I lose this game everyday.

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