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I never could stand cigarettes
That was just the way it went
But now they remind me of your lips and
I think I love their scent
 Sep 2016 Vanessa Yearley
roses are red
romance is dead
i wish that my boyfriend
would give me head
I am a vessel.
And in me,
an orange tomb.
Pocket sized.
I tip toe with fingers
tender & chewed.
Forty minutes.
I'm pink like a pill.
One minute.
I'm red as blood.
I was built to spill.
My teeth chatter & grind.
When will I see you again?
I sit on silver &
hang on your every word.
I think of you because my heart demands it.
Yesterday was euphoric.
Today was a blur
and what remained was you.
I watched the morning come,
its satin sheet of light lifting
off of the curve of the world.

Venus shone something crooked,
like the eye of a magpie staring
down at my blond head. I took

one last sip of whiskey, stood
and in the sauntering, in wobbling
home to my own bed, Venus

watched me turn my back,
like a stone rolled in front of a tomb.
I finally stopped chasing love.

I decided I’d rather spend
each night thereafter comfortable
in the bed of my life, no longer able

to sleep while sick of the resurrection
I had at one time simply called six a.m.
Where were you ?..i waited
I waited for so long
I stood outside the cinema
But you did not come along

You could of least have told me
If you could'nt make our date
I stood there in the pouring rain
While you went out with your mate !

I know i should have listened
When my friends said you were cruel
I heard that you agreed to go
To make me look a fool !

I thought you really liked me
But i know now i was wrong
You seemed like such a nice girl
But you were stringing me along

Beauty's only skin deep
With you i know that's true
But i learnt a lesson from it
To keep away from girls like you !
 Apr 2016 Vanessa Yearley
J e n n
last time I checked you loved me too
last time I checked you had nothing to do
and last time I checked you said you would wait for me
but here I am checking
and I'm alone and freezing

i've written sixty eight poems
on adderall in an hour and all of them
are living up and getting married
having kids and taking three week
vacations in the carribean
living fulfilled lives under no control

healthy, fruit dripping naturally
even when things go wrong
they sleep soundly.
i am distracted by how perfect they are
and admire them with jealousy
when i should be asleep
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