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Drab Sep 7
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, some slime.
You go USPS!
Note = the note, the number......(it's Jenny's).....pardon me, exorcising some demons.....
Drab 5d
To what? I say.
On yonder dawn,
I see the light.
I go towards it.
It's flight of fight
But I step through,
And see my fate.
So i can just do something.

NOTES - I forgot what I was going to do.

Perhaps I'll remember later..
NOTES none
Drab Aug 31
It's what I live for.
It's what I breath.
Every day,
Every moment
Every **** time, over and over again.
08/31/24 - They are coming to take me away a ha!!!!! -Too much Danbien.
Drab 5d
Quit holding on to everything so tight.
Let it go.
Surrender to win.

Easy to say…..
But I do like the effect.

Drab Sep 4
Blue vs. Grey(a),
Who wins now?
And who is who?
I’m lost and gone forever………..

POV –Oh my darling, what shall I do?
NOTES = Don’t jump to conclusions or confusions.
Drab Aug 24
A friend once wrote me and asked me a favor.
I hadn’t talked to him for awhile.
But since he’s my friend I wanted to savor.
His approval and ever missed rarified smile.

So I set out to create a poem that was good.
That could be used for something other than thought.
I wasn’t sure if I could or I should
But my friend has this caring heart that I never forgot

You see I am lonely and ask for acceptance
You see people like me, much of the time
It’s not really healthy to be like this ever
Especially when sometimes you can only make rhymes.

So if there’s a message or action to take.
That’s positively true and can never be faked.
I suggest you should go to the nearest bright star.
And tell your God “I’m grateful” for whatever you are.

You see I’m not perfect, just trying my best.
I’m sure you have sensed that at my friend’s kind request.
I will do the thing which was wanted of me.
I love all of you, but you don’t have to love me.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Drab 6d
He hangs his head in silence
And shuffles towards the door.
And SLAMS it in front of him.

NOTE – Moral of the story??
They are in for it now….
91224 - tomorrow Is the 13th......
Drab 3d
He saw it was chaotic.
He saw it didn’t make sense.
But he made it anyway.

Isn’t it ironik?
NOTES – ***
Drab Sep 10
It’s going to be ninety degrees today.

And yet

People are out walking with sweaters and caps this morning?

In the corn.

Isn’t it ironic?
Or is it iconic?

You choose.

Norman Rockwell, where are you now when we need you.
NOTE – yup
Drab Sep 9
Wait a minute SIR.
Have you gone to the theater recently?
I’m down with that…

It starts to get bad at this point…..
I walked in the door and found them…
Need I say more?
NOTE – I couldn’t go on with this poem. TG

This is just the beginning of my tributes to that great human being and songwriter................MEEE!!!
Drab Sep 9
It all lines up,
except for the unexpected.
That’s when things get clear.
But it’s fleeting.
I never get it right anyway…
NEWT(s) – "I don’t get it.",

STAN and Oliver - "you choose."

"Mama told me not to come...."

RIP C. Wells, Danny (Hanna called, she's still waiting), Chuckie (sorry chuck, you just got sober), I guess.... and any of the other guys who aren't doing well these days. Old age I guess.

0908, 1924 (y2k stuff)…leftover.

Shout out to Randy N.......
Drab Sep 10
Algo was a lonely lad.
He walked without a mate.
Cause every where that Algo went
He would always hesitate.

It got real bad, this loneliness
That made him out of step
So he thought about his ole great flame
Rhythm was there, she slept.

They’re married now.
They watch a lot
And then they sprung their trap

Of marriage  is what I’m talking about
The world was not watching for that.

And now they sing a song of love
To watch and wait and see
And Algo Rhythm Jr. was born,
To make your life, his sea

He swam and watched and pushed a lot
Reported back to me.
We’re Algo Rhythm Sr. now, we do just what we want.

In this world they say is free today.
We're here to praise............and haunt.............
and taunt.…
NOTES – “Bad Algo” - 91024
Drab Sep 8
My mind is racing…
Around right now.
I’m easing off the gas.

If I don’t slow down, I won’t remember it.
It’s sad I know, I’m way ahead of you…..
Maybe I’ll stop and listen.

NOTE TO DALE 9-8-24  RIP - for a friend I never wanted to meet, but did. Sorta....
Drab Sep 3
What is this I see, a body for me?
On hard silver slab, and a scalpel and a scab.
But no marks on the body, none, that I can see?
The body is gray, it looks just like me.
The lips are parted, just like mine,
I kiss them with passion; it's as if I were blind.
Don't worry, I'm here, I'll take care of the fear.
But I don't understand, why, I am here?
I'll take the cold hand; put it next to my heart.
Exposed to the air, so damp, so dark.
Please give me hope, I will see you again.
A dripping of blood, tastes like wine in the wind,
I will  meet you someday.
I see on the wall.
A reflection, of nothing, but me, that's all?
I never loved anyone, like I love you now.
I know we will go, I know we will dwell.
Sooner than later, at the very gates of hell!
The very gates of hell!
Shhhhhh, Shhhhhh, Shhhhhhh
NOTES - My song called Cadaver Love from the last century Im sure..entered it into a Holloween contest I'm into Pathology. All hail Uncle Bob. The Dr. Quincy of Orange County. He really is a legend, in my mind. This is a rather cynical version of me of course A. Cooper influence I guess. Happy HOLLOWeen.....
Drab 5d
The Shirts are Too Big
Amazon *****!

Isn’t it ironic?

Don’t I think?

Or is it just me?

NOTE - I need to get a life
Drab Aug 31
Sorry, that's the poem...
You keep moving words, feelings, history and points of view and this is what you get.
Drab Sep 8
My life is like a poem.
It starts with smiles and paint
I wish it would never end.
For I am in need of a very, very, very, very
Different fate.
Notifications - Amen
I must....get....some....sleep......sooon or will meet my fate.
Drab Sep 9
Look at the world at face value.
That’s what someone says.
It’s a nice face on the surface,
Deep behind the question begs

Is the person I’m seeing Real?
Or are they a demon in disguise?
Do they smell a scent of roses?
Or smell a scent of lies?…

NOTE – Check the back seat
Drab 3d


I feel better now....

Bad Gateway!
Drab 3d
This is a joke of course.

I mean a poem, really

But my apocalypse survival kit must include.

One revolver, small but powerful
Five rounds.
One shot.

NOTES – Guess Who?

Luv you Burt…
NOTE - It was my earthquake survival kit in the 70' - 90's on the left coast.
That would be baja.......
Drab Aug 30
Artificial Intelligence is just that.
Artificial. Trust me....
It's the real human beings that seem to cause all the problems...
08/30/24 - I take that back....not all of them
Drab 6d
If I’m going to destroy my life…….
If I was to (w)right a poem.
What would I do?
I would think of things.
Anything, but you.

I can't really stand a bore.
He keeps repeating my mistakes.
I can’t stand myself.
It’s the mistakes that I mistake.
OTES – left turn at the light

I  hope they put in an ignore button. For me n the circle...
Drab 7d
Sometimes, the message might get lost in the information.
NOTES - B Flat
Drab 3d
Give me your poor.
Have a monster…..
Have the mass (or is something on your face), removed.
Watch a movie….
Don’t keep reading this poem.

Let’s just not worry about the little things…..
Knute – none
Drab Aug 31
I stood upon a dying stage,
The last one, the oldest age.
Two people were there, cheering me.
Two of the best, my brother and she…….
August 30, 2024 – Got a two-year college degree in my 40’s a while ago. Graduation was one of my life highlights. Took me 16 years but who’s counting? Funny the things that are important in life once you get near the big leap into the abyss. Still alive and making fun of the absurdity of the world is now my calling. Oh, and the absurdity of me….:-)
Drab 5d
It all turned out OK.
With a shitload of bumps on the way.
My **** is tired…..

NOTES - N by S by East by West ……….
Drab Sep 6
It started back in sixty one,
Before I could ever drive.
The voice, the wit, the time goes past.
Slower then twenty five.

As I grew up, wisdom grew,
The voice would come alive.
Jim Healy was this character's name.
He saw the world from different eyes.

RIP - J. Healy
NOTATION - I hate change. I'm not too cool with reality either.

"Who Goofed? I've got to know!"
                   Thanks Howard....
Drab Sep 1
"Peach on Earth, was all it said"
Duh, da duh da duh....
Drab Sep 7
I get around.
Not much anymore.
Unless I'm motivated..

Well I got around. A lot. Too much...
NOT - Jan and Dean eat your heart out. You and the little ole lady....09/07/24
Drab 6d
Metaphors and Parables
Is all I can mix
Throw in an analogy,
And I’m out of the mix.

Poems are for people
Other than me
Why can't I think of them,
instead of just me?
NOTES – none -sometimes
Drab Sep 1
The boy was new,
He didn’t know,
There was a conspiracy,
About to throw.

He went along, a dreary trail,
Flanked by his friends, the car was pale.
It wasn’t pretty, It was profound.
He survived, …….
NOTES: - Heavy stuuuff maaaan. he survived rumor has it……..jk
Drab Sep 3
When someone looks my way.
I immediately think "NO!".
That way I'm safe.......
#Notes - #Note to self ;- #Notation ; #Notify this ;#notes - 9+2+24. OOPS, this should have gone  in the TAGS fielde.
Drab 5d
I don’t remember much of them.
That was my “early  period”.
Then I got pregnant.
And terminated the poet.

Drab Aug 24
Enuf said.
Think about it.
It's depressing more often than not.....
Friday 10.37 pm, August 23rd, 2024 - Another **** thought came roaring through today.....
Drab 1d
The day was cold.

It wasn’t “just right”.

Suddenly a flash.

We had been warned.
It’s a thermo-nuclear-coupler, that tripped.
They are all gone now…
NOTE – just put the TNC in there, to see if people even pay attention….

You Awake?
Drab Sep 7
Michael's son, came to me.
And said to dad, why are we free?
I told him true, what I thought then
It's still in place, just now and them
September 7, 2024 - Four more days till the 11th........
Drab Sep 5
It's a far, far, far, far better place,
Than I've ever been.
Inside my limitations,
Along with the gin.......
Note to Notes - Don't go there.
Drab Sep 3
Why do those living things exist?
The butterflies.
I mean.
They are mean.
They land on my flowers and do their duty somewhere I don't like.
I'm sure of it.
Where's the microscope?
And the insecticide?
And remember...............
If you tear their wings off they are just a pesky fly that cannot fly.
Notes - POV from the Wrong One's perspective.
Drab 6d
Confucius didn’t say.

Sounds good to me.

But then I’m hard of hearing.
NOTE – just found out about this today. I couldn’t resist.
Drab Sep 3
She gets up early, to feed the cats.
She lives alone, she’s near a heart attack.
The cats they pray, they couldn’t help.
Cause cat’s aren’t God.
Notes - see above. Oh, and PETA notified!
Drab 5d
“Tax the rich.
Feed the poor.
Turn around,
Rich No More”

NOTE – that will teach em…..

RIP A. lee

Drab Sep 2
Playing Chicken Feet with the little lords,
My niece and my nephews were getting quite bored.
Till I kept losing every game and asked mercy from thee,
They just kept on saying, it ***** to be me.
09/02/23+1 - Actually they would say, "it ***** to be Uncle Dan". little adult rats now.....
Drab Aug 25
The further I am from the beginning, I stay the same.
Not a good choice if you are me.
While life is difficult.
And I don't want you near me.
I desperately seek your approval.....
AUGUST 25, 2024 - Deep thoughts or the obvious..
Drab 8h
One’s a ****.
One’s a *****
Richard thinks the kitty is pretty.
But Emma doesn’t.
They are both forms of life.
But identify as pieces of plastic.
2024 - Note
Drab Sep 9
Touching my face with his fingers.
Singing your life with his words.
Killing me softly,
With her song.
Taking one’s own life.
Thrilling me softly,
Living alone.
NOTES – TO be sung to the tune of…..

Shoutout to Roberta......first time ever….and AL Y.

I don't got anything better to do with my time......
Drab Aug 24
The symbol for infinity is just another way of looking at the numbers six and nine depending on one's perspective....

Say goodnight Dan
Friday, August 23rd, - another one slipped in.....
Drab 5d
The absurd,
Is the most contemplative.
The obvious,
Is an evil path.

Good thing someone has an open mind…
Notes don't  taste good when you use your mouth to extract their juice.
Drab 4d
There is no answer.
I am deaf as much.
No direction to go so just sit.

A better way to go as I cower in the corner.
Drab 7d
THis one was a good one.
You should have heard it.
THe circle got me...
NOTE - yup - I'll think of it again....
Drab Sep 2
For years they knew who I was.
Now they find out who I am.
Irony has a way of biting one in the ***....
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