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I am not a possession
A number
A piece of property

I may be young
But I am a human
I am alive
And I have feelings

Time is valuable
And I refuse to waste mine
I’m so done with today right now. I’m going to bed.
Dear seven year old,
Yes, there is a monster
But it’s not under your bed

The monster is in your head
But maybe it’s not even a monster
Maybe it’s just buried pain
Because they told you not to cry

Dear seven year old,
Yes, you should keep crying
Otherwise the tears will build up and flood your insides

The tears do not care for being stuck
They need to be released
Into the stars

Dear seven year old,
Yes, your plea for better times are being heard by the stars
They always will
Keep wishing on them

Wish on 11:11 too
Because to wish is to know what you want
And knowing what you want
Telling it
Makes it so much more likely to happen

Dear seven year old,
Yes, you still feel like the kid sitting under the slide and just observing life
And you’ve come to appreciate it

Observing, looking, watching
Make all the difference
Almost as much as writing

Dear seven year old,
I wasn’t sure we should touch it
or stand so close to the light
But you said let’s watch the fuse get lit
even if we get burned tonight.

I won’t be needing any shade
since you know I want to feel the burn too.
You said baby there's plenty of reasons to be afraid
but let's just try and enjoy the view.

We’re the only two people here
and all the whispers are nothing new.
You know your peace is near me
And my relief comes when I'm next to you.
The things I do
For your approval
And your excitement
For my accomplishments
Usually aren't healthy
Or good
For me

The things I lose
For your happiness
And your calmness
Usually are the things that make me feel that way

The things I cover up
For your agreement
And support
Usually are the things I care about most

Don't tell me
I'm being disrespectful
When it's simply impossible for you to stay pleased for more than a few moments
I try
And I try
To no avail
I am done trying

I have opinions
If you don't like it
Don't see me
That's what I wanted
To begin with
Cleaning up my drafts

A child/teen is a person nonetheless. We are not numbers, possessions, or puppets.
Date her
Kiss her
Marry her
She deserves a be happy after all

Just don't crack her anymore
She might shatter
My mom doesn't need another abusive relationship. I don't need another abusive father figure. Took her 26 years, a kid, and a lot of pain to leave him. My mom's going on dates and such which is fine with me, I just hope history won't repeat itself.

(This note was written by a blanket that let the cold in. What's the point?)
I’m not fragile
I’ve just been broken
So many times before
That the glue is unable to hold.
I’m not fragile, am i?
Trying to tell
If the glimmer in their eye
Is the beginning of a tear
They are choking back,
Their wonder,
A yawn,
Or dust
(This note was written by the rainbow under the mud we never see because we don't want to get our hands *****)
"why are you always bleeding?"

"Did you get in to a fight?"

"Who did this to you?"

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

I want to say:

But I say
I'm okay"

They don't need to worry about me
I'm almost decent as can be...
For those who don't know it's a skin picking disorder. And no, I can't "just stop".

(This note was written by a laughing trombone because he's done crying)
I will 
Surrender all 
Take up the Rugged Cross. 
And follow you, my God, oh Lord. 
I shall 
Leave selfishness and self-centred
Thoughts behind everything 
And follow you. 
Matthew 16:24

— The End —