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 Sep 2021 Aakriti
 Sep 2021 Aakriti
whenever I'm around you
guilt strikes through my heart

whenever I think of you
guilt seeps through my cracks

whenever I read your messages
guilt fills my eyes with tears

guilt when I think of you
guilt when I talk to you
guilt when I see you

because the ways I hurt you
I wish I could undo
 Jul 2021 Aakriti
Stephen S
70 years
 Jul 2021 Aakriti
Stephen S
613 200 Hours
25 550 Days
13 Cars
11 Jobs
9 Dogs
6 Surgeries
5 Children
4 Grandchildren
3 Marriages
2 Siblings
1 Weary soul.
No regrets.
 Jul 2021 Aakriti
as she looks in the mirror
she can't recognize herself anymore
her reflection
is slowly changing into someone new
someone she doesn't want to be

they say "I wish I had your body"
but all she ever saw were calories
and she stopped eating

they ask "why are you always sad?"
but they don't believe in
trauma and depression
and she keeps breaking

they say "you can trust me"
but they also say that r*pe
and abuse is her fault
and she keeps quiet about it

she would change
everything about herself
if she could

because one girls dream is
another girls nightmare

and everything they do is judge her
 Jul 2021 Aakriti
Dim lights
Listening soft songs
Darkness everywhere
And thinking about today
Did I do something wrong
Or hurt someone
But later I realized that
I am still alone

Hugged the pillow tightly
With whipped tears in my eyes .
Reduce the volume slightly
And mumble
In the darkness that  
I'm fine

All I know is that love me
Or hate me
I'm still gonna shine :-)
 Jul 2021 Aakriti
She is like water running through the valley
drifting through the rocks
the rocks make unable to move
unable to grow
unable to flow
Takes away her ability to contribute,
Water is meant to flow to the Ocean,
Not to be contaminated,
By the pollution of your opinion.

She is like water
surrounded by things still finds ways
crashing every barrier comes in her way
She want to rehydrate the minds,
That have been compressed,
That have been dehydrated,
She want to refresh the dry ideology.
She'll nurture the barren land of old thoughts .
An Ocean looks so calm and beautiful but when you dive , you know how much depth it has and how much darkness it stores .
Inspired by someone's pain and experience .
you are peaceful like water
and become strong like its waves .
We lay in a field of barley
you smoothed my hair as the wind played
I told you my deepest dreams

You held them in your soft silken hands
and smiled
Then crushed them into sand

I lay in a field of barley, alone
 May 2021 Aakriti
Jason Drury
A book
 May 2021 Aakriti
Jason Drury
If I gave you my soul,
would you read each page?
Scribble notes of interest
and know me.
Would you take the time,
to help tape the seams?
Would you mend,
the fragility of my soul?
It tears and rips,
easily, emotionally.
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