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What’s important in this life,
Everyone can disagree,
Traveling through our time,
To what our future will see.

Changes in thoughts, and actions,
Like everything, will rotate with time,
Second chances, or opportunities,
To examine how we think with our mind.

A few words or actions,
Will not immediately change our ways,
Like learning to walk,
A few small step’s everyday.

                                                                       © Tom Maxwell 02/04/07
What is reality, in our life each day.
I suppose we know, if were happy, or sad,
We can see if the weather, is good, or bad,
Is it real, for politicians, never to agree,
and the news media, keeping us sad.

The daily soap opera, is it all false,
none of it true,
Everywhere we go, cameras, recording you,
A few commit crimes, were all watched, accused,
This don’t feel like, reality & freedom,
More of A dark feeling of blue.

                                                                            Tom Maxwell 
                                                                         3:00 AM
The slow internal destruction of our country today
Dividing, judging, labeling all of the people,
Many in need, all because of personal greed.
The belief of a better future, trust in your fellow man,
Taking time to listen, work with, and understand,
Has all been flushed down the drain, by a few,
Those who buy, a political office, for control,
Personal greed, nothing about helping citizens,
Only those putting cash in their hands,
Their ideas trickle down, many follow,
Knowing somethings are wrong, can hurt others,
They don’t follow their beliefs, why,
It’s more important, to be greedy, politically correct,
Than to help those in need, taking away their relief.

                                                             Tom Maxwell ©
Most people just follow, the thinking & directions,
From others, as they, try to find themselves,
As they pass through this life, of days.
Afraid of one of the hardest challenges, we have,
Stepping out, daring to be different, than those,
We hang with, their actions, and ways.
Someone, thought of, showed us the life style,
We act out, and follow during this stay,
Nothing is forever, always be open,
To different paths, the act, the part you play,
Like getting lost, hiking in a thick forest,
Life is a big maze within itself, much misdirection,
Confused minds around, wanting us to follow them,
To confirm, their actions, becoming our habits, every day,
It takes confidence, strength & knowledge,
To explore, our own direction, and ways.

                                                                                                                 Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                         5/30/2020 AD 2:15 PM
I was looking out my window, in the middle of the night,
A bright over powering moon, seemed to hypnotize my sight.
Then this thought, appeared in my mind, to see,
How long will our planet earth last, as we know it, to be.
The year, three thousand eight hundred, and twenty-three.
Through energy in the air, we all receive messages, over time,
We never know when, or where, most we forget fast, this one,
Inspired me, to look up, investigate, with my mind.
Our moon is approximately, two hundred, thirty- eight thousand, miles away, I was curious the same numbers, arranged,
In a different way.
Investigating more, as the bright light shined down from heaven,
Nostradamus, said, the world will end, in three thousand,
Seven hundred, and ninety- seven, a prediction he saw in his mind.
Twenty- six years, was the difference, that appeared in our sign’s, that does seem to be many days, not when you’re, considering, over four hundred years, have passed in time.
If either of us are close, my journey will have something else,
For me in store, I will always remember the moon,
At twelve forty- four, on the first day of February,
In the year of two thousand and four.

                                                                    Tom Maxwell©2004 (rearranged 2021)
Outlaws from the past,
Old gray-haired men today,
Exploring, on Harley Davidson’s,
Mind entertaining, down highways.

Hair blowing in the wind,
Their nose on the white lines,
Riding their Harleys,
Feeling freedom, every time.

The old ladies,
May have holes, in their jeans,
The Harley Davidsons,
Always A clean Machine.

Tom Maxwell © 02/19/2019 AD 4:20 PM
Love, so hard to explain,
Hopefully, all involved, are thinking the same,
For many, these day's, use the word, as a game,
Causing another, to drop tears, like rain.
To  Love, you have to totally trust,
Love , does not appear, from hours, of lust,
You have to keep feeding the relationship, to keep out rust,
Actions, and words, have to match, that's a must.
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