There was snow on the ground,
A could, cloudy January day,
When I received the sad news,
My friend John, had passed away,
A son, brother, father & friend,
A fun loving, honest family man,
Always in good spirits, his joking ways,
Willing to help anyone, with his hands,
A confident man, always A positive attitude,
With A caring heart, every day,
A friendly, outgoing personality,
No strangers, ever passed his way,
His personal thoughts, and ideas,
Seemed to glow so bright,
Always doing whatever he could,
To make everything right.
We are all creating memories,
As we journey, through each day,
Be thankful, he was in your life,
Cherished memories, that will never fade.
Tom Maxwell© 2/25/2011
John" mom had the entire pome, put on the stone, at his grave