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When you call someone A friend, the thought, should be true,
One of the greatest relationships, of all mankind,
No one should ever come between you,
Special emotions, together you feel,
Help each other, any day or time,
Friends, are honest and real.

Tom Maxwell copyright 8/19/03 AD
Some people appear in our life,
At a very precise time,
To help us close A chapter,
Opening A new one in our mind.

They will pick up our spirit,
When it has fallen down,
Then as fast as they appeared,
They are no where around.

Showing us different views,
Of how our world could be,
Which may not be our choice,
What our mind, needed to see,

We will all come to crossroads,
Confused which way to turn,
As we decide, our direction,
A part of life, live and learn.

Tom Maxwell Copyright 2009AD
The politicians, along with the news media,
Keep stirring the ***, to keep separation, alive
Inside of every one’s mind,
Otherwise, most all of us, get along, fine.
Eliminate the greed, and power race, we are all the same, inside,
We live this short life, then our human body, dies.
There is no reason, to live a life, of fake rumors, and lies,
Even the most powerful, have days, they cry.
Competition, in this life, is just A big game,
Accept who you are, or drive yourself, insane,
Everyone still gets wet, in A pouring rain,
In this life, we all need to work together,
For not one of us alone, can stop A moving train.
Our inner spirit, and knowledge,
Show, our true colors, who we are, every day,
Never try to impress others, be yourself,
Within your actions, and the words, you say,
For very few remember, the design on your shirt,
The very next day,
One bad action, or A few words, they label you,
Your branded, for the rest of your stay.

Tom Maxwell © 1/18/22021 AD   1:00 PM
I learned to play the piano, by ear,
Like love, it can fill your heart, full of cheer,
Work hard, share the music, in everyway,
The love will stay with you, for all of your days.
First you must be dedicated, right from the start,
Then you must forget the rules, play from your heart,
If you love the music, want it in your life, everyday,
You must practice, all of the time, then the music of love, will stay.

Tom Maxwell copyright 03/13/03 AD
We are reminded of him, this time every year,
On A certain day, not much talk of the reason,
He is remembered, in A special way.

In the third century, an emperor, known as Claudius the cruel,
In those day's, ordered all Romans, to worship twelve God's,
Or their life be taken away.

To be a Christian, and believe in Christ, was A crime,
The of death, did not scare this man, as he was imprisoned,
Waiting for his time.

He taught A jailers, blind daughter to pray, A light,
Shone in the jail, and she could see, the last note, he signed,
From your Valentine, he was killed on February 14th 270 AD,
In his memory, A special day, came to be.

Tom Maxwell copyright 1/23/2006 AD
Roses are the perfect flower,
To brighten, any day,
A glorious fragrance,
Creating memories,
That will stay.

Roses often speak,
The language, of the heart,
As their beauty reflects,
A perfect work of art.

As they slowly open,
Into A perfect bloom,
Touching everyone's feelings,
As they enter the room.

Tom Maxwell Copyright 1/27/2007
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