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246 · Mar 2019
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
I wish I was the tide, that can kiss your feet when you stroll on the beach..
I wish I was the air that could touch your cheeks, staying always in your reach;
I wish I was the flower that you picked up, to be on your suit...
I wish I was the music playing from your flute;
I wish I was the one holding your hand on the altar today...
I wish you were the one who loved me day after day;

No worries, I will not stop loving you after today...
I will not let your memories cling away;

I promised to stay with you what may
and I will fulfill it night and day;

I will spread the cheer when you are sad,
I will be your smile when you are mad;
I will be the angel when you need me,
I will be the casket that will hold you, when you finally come to me.
245 · Mar 2019
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
You were never my date,
You are not my boyfriend,
You are not my Mr Perfect,
You definitely can not be my prince or the knight of love;
But you are my bestest friend, with whom I wish to share my life till the end;
239 · Jul 2019
Taylor - Sweety Jul 2019
When I walk in the sun, you come to me like a cool breeze
When it is night, your memories are the that appease;
Your preaching's stand strong with me in hard times,
All I ever wanted to achieve is to follow your paradigms;
238 · Feb 2019
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
Life is funny...
It gave me you, when I wasn't looking for a woo;
got me used to your cologne, when I was happy alone..
made me realize as what I was missing when I was on my own..
took you faraway when I wanted you to stay night and day.
237 · Nov 2019
Taylor - Sweety Nov 2019
Seasons came and passed by
still living in shadows that your memories cast by;
reliving our togetherness and not allowing my soul to lament.
Praying every falling star to bring back our precious moment..
learning that it is not that easy to forget, as it is to be forgotten,
looking for you all over the world, forgive me I am a little foughten;
didn't lose my locus,
trust me you are still my focus;
longing for your broad hug
in your smile is I am still drugged;
Need no warmth nor presents..not askew
All I want for Christmas is you..
230 · May 2019
Taylor - Sweety May 2019
We share a bond..
Till the ages to come..
Distance cannot break it.
Traditions cannot crack it..
If I don't see you this life..
Will survive for afterlife..
228 · Mar 2019
Not yet ready
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
My mind keeps playing all our old conversations,
looks like I am unable to move away from your fixations;
still waiting with a hope that I would see you,
not yet ready to bid you adieu;
226 · Nov 2019
love you still...
Taylor - Sweety Nov 2019
I am not a victim of a broken heart,
I will not ruin my life because of your depart;
I haven't lost faith in love,
I don't think that I am not brave;
Yes, I am a little lost now
but will not giveup like how you disavowed,
will wait for you for ages to come
I loved you truly, madly, deeply; will not succumb
222 · Apr 2019
Live with out you
Taylor - Sweety Apr 2019
I walk alone clenching my arms, so that they don't look for you;
I wear a smile and confuse my tears, so that they don't drop for you;
I sing a song so that my heart doesn't speak of you,
yes, I am learning to live without you.
220 · Jun 2019
People are disappointing
Taylor - Sweety Jun 2019
People judge and inflict pain..
efforts to satisfy them will end up in vain;
people have unquenchable thirst..
expectations, accusations at the worst;
getting attached to people transforms to love,
for a moment you will be happy and Jive;
Its an illusion, a fallacy, a myth
a momentary blyth;
history is the evidence for all the pain that love inflicts,
it only turns sane to addicts;
Loving objects is much more gratifying,
they stand with you fortifying;
I know that objects may not love you back,
but a plack is better than a smack.
218 · Jul 2019
Loving heart
Taylor - Sweety Jul 2019
Birthday's do not define my age,
wrinkles do not define my experience;
heartbreaks do not define my vulnerabilities,
rolling tears do not define my fragility;
I am a loving heart
I will beat for you till death tears us apart.
211 · Feb 2019
Another chance
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
I was at the top of the world..
Parched lands seemed like scenic landscapes..
Unexpected showers seemed like blessings..
Wind chimes made beautiful symphonies..
Everyone around me seemed happy..
I was singing melodies..
Looked forward eagerly for every day.. was beautiful when you were with me...
Now wind chimes just don’t chime..
Same parched lands spread melancholy..
Each morning seems to be another gloomy day.,
every minute seems to be a curse with out you...
life is so heavy and long without you..
Can you please come back?
Hold my hand for one more time..?
Grab my waist for a moment?
I swear I will lose my breath but will not let you go this time..
Even if all the earth forces united, I will be strong..
211 · Jan 2019
I hate you
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
I hate you for coming in to my life
I hate you for giving me those laughs
I hate you for making me happy when I am with you
I hate you for making me feel that life can be beautiful
I hate you for caring for me
I hate you for standing up for me
I hate you for not staying back in my life
I hate you for leaving me in lurch
I hate you for not giving me a closure
209 · Mar 2019
come back
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
Staring at myself in mirror and smiling,
not needing a reason for crying;
you are the only one who can do that to me;
I do not know a better way to say, that I love you,
it's getting dark and cloudy, come back home honey !!
208 · Aug 2019
miss you
Taylor - Sweety Aug 2019
you inspire me in ways untold
since the time I first met you, I was clean bowled;
your words still linger around and inspire,
looks like the taste of your memories do not expire;
not sure how to move on,
when your thoughts and talks still stalk on.
205 · Apr 2019
Your smile
Taylor - Sweety Apr 2019
I can see your face even in a large crowd,
can hear your voice,when the music is loud;
so ran distant miles from your memories to live in an exile,
but failed to realize that my soul itself is trapped in your smile;
204 · Feb 2019
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
Couples are having fun together,
Singles are looking out for their dreams,
I miss you, so I am going to sleep to celebrate you in my dreams
Taylor - Sweety Aug 2019
I close my eyes often,
sometimes to shut you off and sometimes to go back to you..
I sit alone with my wine from sunset to sunrise.,
sometimes to shut you off and sometimes to go back to you..
I uproariously sing to the acid house..
sometimes to shut you off and sometimes to go back to you..
wish I had an option to pick and choose..
forever and a day would have been with my poetry's muse..
192 · Jan 2019
Forget you
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
Trying hard to forget you..
Trying to  forget that sweet smiles
Trying to forget that deep looks
Trying to forget the fun we shared
Trying to forget the fights we had
Trying to forget your touch
Trying to forget your mischief
Trying to forget our lone moments..

looks like I am trying to forget a lifetime of memories.
188 · Apr 2019
Taylor - Sweety Apr 2019
Drawings on the sand will be washed by waves
floods can destroy metal engraves;
writings on the wall will get eroded by rains
hurricanes can destroy petroglyphs on castles in spain,
Fire will burn scriptures on paper..
tattoos on skin can be quashed by a scraper..
So I am preserving my love for you in my heart..
will wait for you to love me back, till death tears us apart
187 · Mar 2019
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
When an angel grants me my birthday wish..
I will ask to see your smile again,
Actually no,
I will ask to hear your voice again
Actually no,
I will ask a beer with you,
Hmm no,
I will ask for a walk with you,
Hmm no,
I will ask for your touch again,
Actually no,
I will ask for a date with you,
Hmm no, thats still not enough;
Actually what ever I ask for, you will still not be with me;
So I am going to ask for rewriting a moment, a moment where I let you go.
184 · Mar 2019
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
Its wierd how our fates have been written.,
You could never love me
and I could never forget you;
182 · Jan 2019
You are amazing
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
When you smile, the whole world stops to stare at you..
When you talk, universe just stands still to hear you..
When you walk, whole crowd just moves apart to give you a way..
You are special and you are amazing, just the way you are..
182 · Nov 2019
embarrassing moments -2
Taylor - Sweety Nov 2019
from filling an overflowing coffee mug,
till seeing you off every day, just to steal a hug;
my life's embarrassing moments were with you...
180 · Sep 2019
will share
Taylor - Sweety Sep 2019
I am the star that you can admire but cannot reach,
I am the flower whom you can adore but not beseech;
I am the shadow that follows you, but cannot live with you,
I am the 'touch me not', come near me, I will withdrew;
Because I do not know who you are, I do not trust your avatar,
pardon me, I still live with a broken heart from my past
haven't gotten over all the harass;
Still cannot feel love, sorry for being stoic,
but I can come out of the cave, can start my life with you as a Novick;
Not hungry for money or power or position
will sincerely abide by all your traditions;
Just tell me that you love me till my wrinkles,
will share forever my giggles, jingles, and dimples
172 · Jan 2019
forgot you
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
I totally forgot you,
I erased all your memories
I killed every flash of your thought that crossed my mind,
I don't remember your smell anymore
I don't recognize your voice anymore
you are totally out of my system
**** it..
Not sure why these stupid tears keep rolling the moment your name is called
170 · May 2019
where are you..
Taylor - Sweety May 2019
Gentle fingers that touched me from bottom to the top
trying to ******* to you without a slop;
inch by inch.. moment by moment...
not worried if I am committing a sin that has no atonement..
my eyes yearning for your mesmerizing hazelnut eyes;
my nose trying to sense your manly cologne,
and my heart surreptitiously trying to listen to your breath..
a moment that I can die for or the only reason to live for..
Everything disappeared, when I regained my senses
to realize that you are miles apart with someone else..
And here I am still struggling to be not myself..
169 · Apr 2019
Taylor - Sweety Apr 2019
I don't know if what is feel and how I feel is, if I should feel;
I am losing, and, don't know how to cry without a squeal;
there is no misfortune in this world, than not being able to reach your loved one,
I am still not able to accept that we are done;
169 · Jan 2019
Miss you
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
I sailed across oceans to forget you..
I walked miles away from your memories..
I drenched myself in rains to hide the tears..
I peeled my skin off to forget your touch..
I distanced myself from everything that reminds me of you..
I moved farther than I ever could imagine..
I missed you more than I thought I would...
167 · Nov 2019
Are you around ?
Taylor - Sweety Nov 2019
A cool breeze blowing my tucked hair and tickling my ears,
sun rays touching me, promising to drive away all my fears;
Eyes searching for your frames from various angles,
heart unhinged from brain, words around me jangled;
Looks like you are somewhere here, near me,
if not things around me will not behave queerly.
166 · Jan 2019
Without you
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
I don’t want to smile
I don’t want to laugh
Because you are no more with me and without you all smiles are lifeless

I don’t want to drive
I don’t want to listen to music
Because you are not with me and I scared that every song that I will listen to, will remind me of you

I don’t want to talk to people
I don’t want to make new friends
Because you are not with me and I am scared that they too will leave me like you..

I don’t want to travel
I don’t want to go places
Because you are not with me and I am scared of replacing your memories with new ones

I don’t want to drink coffee
I don’t want to make that cold brew anymore
Because without your company, no amount of caffeine can give me a kick

Not sure why, without you nothing seems to be right, nothing seems to be good.
164 · Jan 2019
Miss you
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
Today again the weather is dismal
no rain, but clouds everywhere
Today again the city seems to be empty
roads are deserted
Today again I feel alone in the crowd
I feel the silence in the chaos
Today again my eyes are wet
and my heart is aching.
Today again you are not with me
and my life seems worthless
162 · Mar 2019
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
Don’t say bye..
Goodbye’s are not forever,
Life is unpredictable,
Never know when our paths may cross again;
If not, atleast let me live with that hope a little longer.
158 · Mar 2019
I miss you
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
I am sad again today,
not because I miss you,
but because another night has passed,
and you forgot to remember your enthusiast !!!
157 · Dec 2019
Taylor - Sweety Dec 2019
You promised me love; you promised me life,
so I walked the altar to be your wife;
you vowed to be my proponent and promised endless moments,
so I welcomed with you, all the sacraments;
Assurances were lost, beautiful occasions were bygone,
life started feeling like a morbid endless marathon;
Not sure what was my fallacy,
do I really deserve this salacity?
156 · Mar 2019
last breath
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
You left the street where I live in
You turned around at our cross paths,
you shattered my dreams and memories
you played down my feelings
But I will still love you till my last breath

you hurt me like no one ever would
you left me without giving me a closure
you abandoned me in this life’s journey
you walked over the pieces of my broken heart
But I will still love you till my last breath
156 · Jan 2019
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
When our eyes first met, I became a firm believer of love at first sight
When your eyes stared at me, I was convinced that you like me
When your eyes avoided me the times you blushed, I knew that you started loving me..
When you avoided my eye contact, I understood that you are scared of showing your love for me..
Somewhere somehow.. our eyes started talking to each other ...a lot..
Now my eyes are anxiously searching for those beautiful eyes that left them alone in tears..
155 · Mar 2019
Only hope
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
My friends tell me that I am an optimist;
they are not aware that I breathe
in the only hope of meeting you.
153 · Feb 2019
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
Everything around me is so annoying;
the wind that's blowing my hair,
the chills that's making me shiver,
the sun that doesn't seem to understand what shrug off is,
the loud music playing from cars,
the laughter of couples and giggles of friends,
looks like anything without you is just annoying;
150 · Feb 2019
untiring love
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
Like the untiring sun, who sets every evening
   but still rises up every morning
Like the blooming flowers, who end up withered,
   but still blossom beautifully everytime
Like the bird chakor, who unrequitedly loves moon
    knowing it can never reach him
I will not give up loving you, though you may never love me back
148 · Feb 2019
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
Happiness is..
Laughing at silly jokes,
Wearing a cheerful face all the time,
Smiling even at your enemy..
Feeling content with what you currently hold to,
Enjoying a rose neglecting its thorns..
Humming Ed Sheeran songs even in hot sun..
Driving a versa like a Hummer..
Looking forward for each day every day..
This was how time felt like, when you were with me...
148 · Jan 2019
Always there
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
Rain can not wash away my love for you..
Sunset can not take away your shadow from me..
Wind cannot take away your breath from me..
Bruises cannot take away your touch from me..
Wine cannot take away your memories..
Time cannot make me forget you..
you are always with my every smile, in my every tear, in my every thought, in my every feel.. in my every hope..
148 · Feb 2019
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
You left, but love stayed back with me;
Love is not a person, its a feeling that cannot be robbed.
146 · Feb 2019
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
Red roses everywhere,
Valentine messages are in the air;
Wrapped presents are catching couples glares,
Don’t you worry
Your memories are safe in my tears
wish you were here and not just in my prayer
144 · Feb 2019
Love you
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
I do not love you with my eyes,
because blindness may vanish my love;
I do not love you with my heart,
One day it might stop beating and **** my love;
I do not love you with my body,
Fire may burn away my love towards you;
I love you with my soul..
soul that lives forever, even after death;
144 · Mar 2019
Lies overtook love
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
He asked me ‘how are you?’
I said ‘I am doing great’
He said ‘cool’
  — conversation ended;
Now I realize how distant we have grown.
140 · Mar 2019
Without you
Taylor - Sweety Mar 2019
I no longer yearn for your broad shoulders hug when someone hurts me,
I don’t look for your caressing words which used to give me the strength to fight the world;
When I am upset, I don’t look forward to hear -‘are you okay?’anymore..
Yes, I am learning to live without you..
138 · Jan 2019
Was it you !!
Taylor - Sweety Jan 2019
I think I just felt music in my ears..
a cold breeze just touched my shoulders..
my goosebumps became super evident..
my heart just missed a beat..
my cheeks turned
felt a lump in my throat..
my eyes started scanning everyone around me..
Thought you came back to me..
**** it
It was just your recorded voice that played on my phone..
138 · Apr 2020
Relieve me..
Taylor - Sweety Apr 2020
I have come a long way from the past
Walking with you, for you, steering life like a mast;

The road was jerky, the travel was bumpy
But I stood stalwart beside you, tolerating all your grumpy;

You challenged my beliefs
you questioned my practices
But I choose to ignore your critique
As I loved you speak;  

But as time passed by and as we aged,
life's hurdles increased
The support that I needed from you dwindled;

Mornings turned in to evenings and days into nights
enduringly waiting to be in your limelight;

My feeling of loneliness only grew with me
My depression and sorrow only aged with me

But without questioning my destiny
I dragged my feet all along, that were bonded by our matrimony;
Without blaming you, my acquainted
I worked hard to keep the life with you untainted

But everything changed with the warmth of the sun that the new hope brought along
Everything changed with the beautiful rainbow that the untimely shower has brought along;

First time in a decade I smiled my cheeks out
First time in a decade my skin glowed a hundred fireflies;
First time in a decade I was wishful for the future
First time in a decade I could see the end of the tunnel brighter;

I questioned myself on the new hope a thousand times
And debated myself as to why this was never felt with you anytime earlier;

I was more torn now than ever
Because my whole life with you seemed like a false endeavour;

But the hope awakened me, the new wind guided me
The showers purged me, the fresh bright rainbows uplifted me;

Without me knowing myself, I fell for him
Without me knowing myself, I started liking him;

Believe me when I say it was not an easy decision
trust me when I say I don't recognize myself when I am with you.

Now I chose to ignore the sorrow and set forward on a hopeful mission
Take a step forward and give me a chance to find the purpose of life with new hope.

Please let me  go and leave the sorrow behind
Please let me experience the joy that I forgot that it ever existed
Please unchain me from your *******
Please allow me to dream and let the hope salvage...
137 · Feb 2019
Another day
Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
Another day without you has passed..
Another sunset without your warmth has passed..
Never knew that I can smile and laugh without you..
Never knew that I can create memories without you..
looks like I am letting you go..
looks like I am letting myself live...
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