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Apr 2019 · 482
Oliver Philip Apr 2019
Easy as our mind slips back to days bygone
Munia we had so many memories in our vaults
Especially as  we were in the darkest beyond
My life and yours so entwined with our thought
Black days to haunt us but both became fond
Rich poetry the tonic to sustain both our lives
And we rose up to fly so free from our bonds
Naturally living  without husbands or wives
Counting days putting right that was wrong
Especial remembrance of love ones now gone
Written by Philip.
April 3rd 2019
The meeting of old friends
Oliver Philip Apr 2019
If you can’t say something nice. Say nothing.
If you can’t say something nice  . Say nothing.
Fortunately I’ve been told I’ve a silver tongue

You would not believe me if I told you but
Only people with silver tongues never offend
Usually they are clever enough to be kind

Clever in the way they talk , the right words
Are coming out of their beautiful mouths
Now I have been told I have a beautiful mouth
That was long ago and I think that man lied

See he was the one who taught Me English
And he was just saying this to be nice
Yes he said “If you can’t say anything nice”

Say nothing. So I said nothing n I had lots Say.
Only I was inhibited not saying anything nice
My phobia grew so I learnt poetry by heart
Eventually speaking in only pure rhyme
The people could see I was different
Having no malice against anyone at all.
I never would gossip, never sand-bag anyone
Never take part in character assassination
Give false witness, commit perjury or lie

No I would say nothing if it were not nice.
I found that if I only said the good things
Comfort them when the were feeling down
Eventually they thought that I was a liar.

See a liar needs everyone else to be truthful
And I could only say nice things or nothing
You know how they told you that if you did

Nothing , the devil would make work for you
Or you would be given a silver tongue
Then with a silver tongue you’d be a poet.
Having learnt all those poems and been nice
I wandered the earth reciting poems by heart
Now my days are filled with guiding God.
God then inspires all poets to write only in
                PRAISE. With kind regards.

Written by Philip.
November 23rd 2018.
If you can’t say something nice say nothing
Oliver Philip Feb 2019
The struggle to overcome the differences        
        Between the impossible and the possible
The struggle to overcome the differences        
        Between the impossible and the possible
Hope being the word that springs to mind.            
        To link these two opposites to attract.
Eternally wandering Cyber space side by side,    
         Hooking into every adjective or verb.

Seeking impossible causes and take away
    Excuses and make them once more possible
To overcome the bigotry and blind self-centred
     Mind sets of the Atheist Un-Believers
Reaching cornerstones of minds that Muslim          
   or        Christian Faiths never thought existed.
Unless you have all spent your life on earth
       In a Butterfly cocoon , not in real time.
GOD has chosen you to teach the differences
    Poetically between the Impossible n possible
Given that that if you don’t succeed first time
    You will eventually get it right next time.
Love for all your Fellow Men and Women
     May seem important,trust me it’s the way.
Every possibility, has been, at sometime within
     It’s long life, seemingly most impossible.

Take the clever fabrication of a silk purse
      Out of a muddy sow’s ear , if you will ?
Or the finding of a needle in a hay -stack.
       Or the abolition of third world hunger?

Or the creation of the Love of Nations unto
  Nations .The end all Wars n Ethnic cleansing
Very nearly every problem has a solution
    Indeed many solutions do often exist.
Electricity? How unbelievable to most thought      
    So impossible once upon a time.
Radio waves converted into the sweet sounds
     Ever to be heard by mortal Man.
Communication n instant chat across a globe
      In real time, one to one, No ? Impossible.
Of loving commitment betwixt different creeds
      And cultures ,without ever meeting possible
Mighty soon God will look down on the Earth
       And see two wonderful words rolled to one
Entreating the impossible always possible
        And the possible never impossible.

The struggle to overcome the differences
    Between the the impossible and the possible
Holy ,holy,holy ! Eureka , glory be .We are
     We are getting there , I really do believe.
Eternally where two poets or more can meet
    And compose , recite and critique as one

Differences are diffused between the
    Impossible and the possible, reduced to nil.
In practical terms every metaphor or rhetoric
    Noun verb or adjective can be polished.
From the most impossible dream into reality
     Of the finest poetry ever written.
From the dullest of dyslectic muttering
      To the most floral of sweetest love songs
Endlessly tripping from the lips of strangers
       Meeting strangers ,wisest verse ever ?
Reactivating opposites attracting impossibly
      With the possibility of judging for yourself.
Enactment with that poet that composed this
      Lengthy never wished to meet
Never in a thousand years of co-habitation
     Meeting this poet maybe possibly possible
Catch the impossible chance on the
     Boundaries of your mind to make it work
Every chance that catch can win the game
   Turning an impossible result into success
Success is the fuel to drive the possibility
   Beyond the full limits of the impossible

By making then the impossible possible
  You’ve changed in one action your whole life.
Every possible thought can be dismissed
    From your mind , possible for ever.
The sun to leave the sky ,rivers all run dry ?
    Babies not to cry ? No that’s impossible.
We have that song within our minds
   Which possibly keeps our feet on the ground
Every now and then to accept that all things
   Are possibly impossible
Even mighty magicians from time to time
   Cannot turn, however hard they try by day n
Night to raise experiments turning base metals
     Into gold. For no good reason save reward.

The gold that they are seeking is currency
     But to the poet it is the currency of rhyme
Heroic epic verses ,Odes,Rhyming verse
    And translations left right and centre.

Ethereal gifts making sense of the hopeless
    Antiquated jumble of English words n idioms

Impossible smilies as impractical unfeasible
     Unworkable, unattainable,inconceivable.
Measured against the conceivable by remove
     Of the whole reason for failure or excuses
Possible solutions are always potentially
     Available to the ever open mind of a poet
Obtain if you will the very unattainable for if
    You believe in God you most probably will.
Subjected to the most absurd verbal abuse
     Of an unromantic Philistine or carping critic
Stand upon your highest tip toe . Tall as you
  can be, yell and yell , making yourself heard
In so doing even an ugly Giant , fearsome
   Fire breathing Ogre will be confused awhile.
Blinded by the impossible beauty of the prose
   You write and the melodious songs you sing
Like the charming of a deadly Cobra,
  Mesmerised into loving every living thing
Every time you may have a smudge of doubt
  Creeping into your positive life with negativity.

Awake in that moment and assume that
   Nothing is nothing like as impossible as it is
Nothing was ever impossible to God .
   The one true creator, HE passes on his skills
Don’t be lead to believe by others that your life
   Is at all ludicrous, if that life works for you.

The struggle to overcome the differences
   Between the impossible and the possible
Herculean . If you stop to think about it ?
    Best have the courage of faith ,you’ll resolve
Each and everything you ever put your mind to
As unacceptably,positively out o’the question.

Practicable solutions and compromise dilutes
    The acid contamination of the perfection.
Oh, I have seen this in my life so many times
     Before ,sadly only to expect to see it again
So take away any excuse for failure .Find !!
   the tools to make the unthinkable thinkable
Substitute the negatives for a positive frame
  Of your mind the unreasonable to reasonable
Illogical thoughts and actions you convert
   By your process of logical practical analysis
Before long , my goodness it’s before your very
   Eyes. The simple solution to the problem
Like a magic wand covered in Fairy dust
Making every impossible task possible in time
Earth took its creator only six days to design
  and several million years for us to get it as is
Written by Philip.
November 14th 2018.
The struggle to overcome the differences between the possible and the impossible
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Are you a victim of your time , must you live
       With your mistakes, and suffer ?
Really it’s time we wake up n smell the coffee
Every problem has solution,so let’s start today

You need not to put it off or procrastinate .
Oh I know it’s easy said , so best get o’t a bed
Unless you ever wish to live with a mistake

And identify the faults, without delay.

Verify with me , in the best way to identify
In a poetic form an A to Z of your mistakes.
Can I start with A the abandonment
The abandonment of self-surrendering
I next target B for Bacchanalia nights
Melancholic days getting over a hangover

On to The Cacodemon of an evil spirit
Found in our home , a most malignant person

Yes and Depreciation of the value of our
        assets usually by the Bankers we trusted.
Oh to have the benefits of fiscal hindsight
Understanding E as extenuating circumstance
Reason then becomes the excuse for failure.

Together with F the F word so commonly used
In emphasis to any topic or discussions
Migrating to G , not mistaking God or life alone
Ethereal spirits surround us n help us choose

Methodically H the mistake that you made
Unwittingly you could ignore Holy Spirit of God
Sympathetically I now carry the spirit with me
The change to my life is now monumental.

Yes up to J for the justice that you mistake
On the times when you are it’s sad victim.
Understandably K for Karma of getting out of

Life , whatever you put in.You are punished too
In reaching L for Life. Well the mistake is plain
Virtually you spend a lifetime getting to grips
Engage with M for the mistakes you made

With each one made , don’t cry , learn from it.
In a section for N then note daily five blessings
That you have , it is a mistake not to care.
Having an Opinion is fine but it’s a big mistake

Yes to be opinionated or dogmatic with others
O is followed by P for Procrastination of time
Uselessness , putting off what’s needed today
Reaching the Q the queue that you got into

Mistakenly got into as more haste less speed
Indicative of R for recapitulation of all mistakes
Some simple and some massive and correct
To sequester an S for sententiousness
And pompous moralising must be avoided
Knowing the T of toutological mistakes
Even though it looks good in a poetry scan
So to the U. For understanding when a mistake

And a small mistake can have repercussions
Now to  Virtually every mistake has a price
Do you admit to it and face the consequences

Simplicity of the W to weather to own up
Unless you admit it and show grace n humility
Fortunately the Xanadu is not achieved now
For all the mistakes made have a huge price.
Eventually the Y n Z. Are the yardstick to
Reluctantly measure your path on to Zion.
Written by Philip.
November 28th 2018.
Are you a victim of your time?
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Title.        Never take for granted
the greatest power, the power to choose.
                ( An Acrostic ) of 50 lines.
Never take for granted the greatest power.
             The power to choose !
Every concession,or subsidy in whatever form
       As a contribution or donation to charity
Value this as a highest prize , volition is the          
   Sacred power to choose ,use that power well
Efficacy empowering the production of results
   By marching forward in a positive direction
Ranges of choices sometimes oh so wide as to
   Make a decision very difficult indeed.

Two equally ,typically undesirable alternatives
     We get to know typically as a dilemma
An act of choosing to take up one option as
     Opposed to another to maintain momentum
Knowing that there’s no apparent option rather
   than the real , you have “Hobson’s choice”
Embarras de richesses you become spoilt for
     Choice, is the other side of the coin.

From the comparison betwixt the humble poet
      And the power hungry “Megalomaniac,
Optimising in an act of choosing between the
  two, voluntary ,of one’s own free will Choose
Rights to act or judge by your power of choice
   you may call this discretion,one or t’other

God grants such power as yet unmaterialised
    and unrealised which he labels potential.
Relinquish that potential at your peril
   you may never live to see that choice again
An area of power and influence you may get
    to understand as your domain but reflect
Never take for granted the greatest power,
   the power to choose.
Twitter and chat with all and sundry
    relatives you’re born to, friends you choose
Even if you use your power of wit n influence
   and see it as weight n clout you throw about
Delegate or depute and assign somebody to
    make your choices for you. No don’t quit !

The A to Z of choices takes no time to ponder
    If you take for granted the power to choose
Even by commencing from “A”. Aha . Eureka!
   you have chosen first time lucky .But wait. !

Great though he may appear as the “Boy”
  of your dreams, will he stand the test of time?
Retiring back into your shell ,your”Colleagues“
  At work never choose to know the real you.
Every “Demi-God “or “Elder”that you meet ,
  give respect to ,spoil it all by choosing not to.
An “F” word muttered under your breath .
    A “Gender” question,which choice of path?
To “Hero-worship” then a real life commitment
      “Interpreters “ of choices thru a Drago Man
Established in the art of choice as lead by
  “Jesus” Christ “Knowledge “that it will not fail

Superimposed, will “Liquidise “and blend
    all the choices that are available “Mmmmm”
To the most “Natural “smoothie that you have
   ever chosen to drink. “Ohhhh” yes. !  

Pause and “ Pause” again ,do we really under
    stand the power of choice. Procrastinate  !
Oh put off until tomorrow, “Quit” whilst ahead
      “Realise” your winnings in the now.
Weather you “Seek” perfection ,or an easy
    way out . “ Take” heart it is your choice
Ethereal choice becomes the mother of
    invention, when and where necessities dwell
React with an un-earthly prowess and ability
   to establish what was to be the right choice.

The “ Virtual “ choice that you could have
   made under the circumstances, bono-fide.
Having and knowing you have the power
    Of choice, it leaves it in your hands.
Even if you get the choice “Wrong” this time
    it is your mistake , no one else’s

Pretty soon you will know the error and mark
  It with an “X” n strive to get it right next time
Only “You “ have this individual power
   To make up your own mind .You do, don’t you
We can all be as”Zealous “and pedantic as
   You like in life but choices win through .
Even if you can’t be bothered to take the
   Choice to read this poem, on and on and on.
Reacting in a moment of impatience.
  “ what am I doing wasting time reading this?”

To have a power of choice is a valuable power
    not granted to all people of the world.
Oh stay with me ! Tell me that you understand
    the meaning of this poem. Do I make it clear

Can you choose? Do you choose? Are you
   exercising a sacred power that you’re given?
Holy power, not given to timid mice sitting
  on the fence waiting for the right choice
Oh no ! Never take for granted the greatest
    power, the power to choose.
Onlookers and bystanders are you learning
   from any of the simple examples I have set?
See unless you see and understand the good
   and bad choices made by man thru ages .
Earth and the Universe would have failed
  In its quest to provide a Heaven that we seek
Written by Philip.
December 29 th. 2018. ~
Never take for granted the greatest power the power to choose
Jan 2019 · 326
All in love is fair?
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
All in love is fair. ?
All in love is fair?
Love ? Don’t  need me to tell you it ain’t true
Love is so one-sided , you feel taken for a fool

In love or out o’ love are there any special rules
No one can say without hindsight anyway.

Love may still be said , be essential to the plan
Of couples in attraction,magnetism draws ‘me
Violate the trust though it’s to remain unsaid
Eternal life relationships are most times rare.

In man a selfish gene’s bin resident from birth
Sons waited on by hand and foot by mum.

Females are the servants of that super Adonis
All macho drinking and reading tabloid papers
In life only love that’s fair is love n no condition
Requited love is sure “The only love that’s fair”
Written by Philip
A question is all in love fair ?
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
I appreciate the comforts God grants me daily
                         An Acrostic.
I appreciate the comforts God grants me daily.

And I ask with a willing heart ; May I contribute
Perhaps if I list at least five without obligation
Poetry is the first gift that I today can attribute
Rhyming line after line in our poetry Legation .
Easy when you’re under the spell of your Muse
Clever to add value n share gifts to the World
I appreciate the comforts God grants me daily.
Another gift that I see is the love everlasting
Today and everyday so unconditionally
Earth Angels guide me always keep romancing

Treat others as you would be treated.Tenderly.
Home’s where a heart is n your jig for dancing
Eternal everlasting friends best to practice on.

Can you appreciate all the comforts you have.
Only me for one, I do yes I do . For God I’m one
Memory is the next comfort that I cherish of all
For it serves me well and as far as I recall
On occasions ,I talk remembering to pause
Reacting to the other persons conversations
The secret is not to talk at one ,be mutual.
So tell me can you really appreciate your gifts

God needs you not to attend church to praise
Oh these days Gods spirit is environmental
Dedicated to you by his will and your intention

God you carry with you and that is inspiring
Remember to thank him for your gift of rhyme
And know it really doesn’t matter at all t’rhyme
Now do you appreciate the gifts of comfort
The command of the English language a plus
See the words that you accumulate daily.

Making three words fit where you should one
Especially on a poem with a syllable count

Dear poets ,that is a true gift of God’s spirit
And let no man (or woman ) tell you otherwise
I appreciate the comforts God grants me daily.
Let me say the number is beyond limitless.  
You can read my words n challenge if you will.

Written by Philip.
I always appreciate the comforts God grants me daily
Jan 2019 · 239
Respect. .... free verse.
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
With respect for any stranger
Deserving a tolerant review
The depths of one’s emotions
Held close by someone new
A ***** friend’s comparison
With critique both bad and good
Can tolerate a daggers ******
Or a mood of sweet content.
Written by Philip.
December 11th 2018.
Another fact of life.
Jan 2019 · 524
An ABCDERIAN of soups
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
An ABCDERIAN of soups
As an application for the post of ~
       Castle Sou Chef and would be Laureate
Below stairs a Sou Chef most extra ordinary
       Is required. ( Only stupid need apply)
Candidates must be most experienced and
      Inspiring without pride ,prejudice or ego.
Dedicated to the daily soup production and
      Miles and miles of uplifting prose for all
Each and every day, three sessions per day
      Without interruption or failure to amuse
For with failure comes “Death by be heading “
      No second chances , there’s no way out.
Granted this post has never been filled ,
     No applications have ever been received.
Hundreds of sad Sou i cidal people have tried
      To apply but their poetry was *******.
I think they were happy with the risk of failure
       It must have played a part I guess.
Joking with the chief jailer ,had this Poet with.
      His finger to write with ink in the dust
Kings loved this kind of justice, killing two birds
      Poets and Sou chefs with a single stone.
Like as if any poet could be a Sou chef
      With his head always in the clouds ?
Might I then hand this condemned Poet a life-
        Line with an aid of ABCDERIAN of soups .
Now to enable him to list by heart a few soups
        And produce a winning Anthology ~
Olives, Omelette, Onions , Oranges all make
       Special soups and very special soups too.
Pakchoi,Panchetta, Parsley,Parsnips,Pasta,
       Peas , Peppers and pretty purple prose.
Quick soups, slow soups,Pork and potatoes
       Poultry,Prawns in barley , even prunes.
Radicchio, Rice,Rosemary, roasted lamb shank
       Indeed a hundred and one different broths
Soups of the Mediterranean,Seafood ,Salsa,
         Samosas or simply left over sausages.
Thai chicken noodle,stir fry bean sprouts,
       Thyme, tofu or even mention Tuscan bean
Using recipes from around the World over a
       Thousand days ,should allay the AXE.
Vegetables both hot or cold ,sour or sweet
  Can be produced from,Knowledge of vinegar
Wild mushrooms grow in every corner of the
     Castle inside the walls and without
Xanadu can thence become the paradise a
       Poet seeks as long as he can stand damp
Yes poet if you can’t stand the damp try to get
    Into an  unbearable heat of the Kitchen.
Zucchini (or courgettes as you know them)
     May bring this poem to a close. Now Apply.

Written by Philip
December 14th 2018.

An ABCDERIAN of soups from a desperate man.
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Are you a victim of your time , must you live
       With your mistakes, and suffer ?
Really it’s time we wake up n smell the coffee
Every problem has solution,so let’s start today

You need not to put it off or procrastinate .
Oh I know it’s easy said , so best get o’t a bed
Unless you ever wish to live with a mistake

And identify the faults, without delay.

Verify with me , in the best way to identify
In a poetic form an A to Z of your mistakes.
Can I start with A the abandonment
The abandonment of self-surrendering
I next target B for Bacchanalia nights
Melancholic days getting over a hangover

On to The Cacodemon of an evil spirit
Found in our home , a most malignant person

Yes and Depreciation of the value of our
        assets usually by the Bankers we trusted.
Oh to have the benefits of fiscal hindsight
Understanding E as extenuating circumstance
Reason then becomes the excuse for failure.

Together with F the F word so commonly used
In emphasis to any topic or discussions
Migrating to G , not mistaking God or life alone
Ethereal spirits surround us n help us choose

Methodically H the mistake that you made
Unwittingly you could ignore Holy Spirit of God
Sympathetically I now carry the spirit with me
The change to my life is now monumental.

Yes up to J for the justice that you mistake
On the times when you are it’s sad victim.
Understandably K for Karma of getting out of

Life , whatever you put in.You are punished too
In reaching L for Life. Well the mistake is plain
Virtually you spend a lifetime getting to grips
Engage with M for the mistakes you made

With each one made , don’t cry , learn from it.
In a section for N then note daily five blessings
That you have , it is a mistake not to care.
Having an Opinion is fine but it’s a big mistake

Yes to be opinionated or dogmatic with others
O is followed by P for Procrastination of time
Uselessness , putting off what’s needed today
Reaching the Q the queue that you got into

Mistakenly got into as more haste less speed
Indicative of R for recapitulation of all mistakes
Some simple and some massive and correct
To sequester an S for sententiousness
And pompous moralising must be avoided
Knowing the T of toutological mistakes
Even though it looks good in a poetry scan
So to the U. For understanding when a mistake

And a small mistake can have repercussions
Now to  Virtually every mistake has a price
Do you admit to it and face the consequences

Simplicity of the W to weather to own up
Unless you admit it and show grace n humility
Fortunately the Xanadu is not achieved now
For all the mistakes made have a huge price.
Eventually the Y n Z. Are the yardstick to
Reluctantly measure your path on to Zion.
Written by Philip.
November 28th 2018.
Are you a victim of your time
Jan 2019 · 298
Lie Sense
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Lie Sense.
At what stage does exaggeration turn to lies
To say I will love you until the end of time
A lie by any other name is still a lie.
But adulation must have licence to survive
In future should my solid truth be tested
Lie or deceive ? Opinion is requested
The guilt edge way redemption can be blessed
That lie by no means is ever worth accepting.
Written by Philip
December 11th 2018.
The art of lie sense
Jan 2019 · 283
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
As an essential aid to life aid may I say
God’s spirit is at the top of my agenda
Everlasting unconditional love each day
Not just for those close I ain’t a pretender
Doesn’t have to be suiting ,if I do it my way
As I know it works for me as a befriender .
So watch and know my style if you wanna play

Written by Philip.
December 17th 2018.
We all need an agenda
Jan 2019 · 313
My open minded obsession
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
My open minded obsession
My open minded obsession
Yes , be not afraid you are the one.

One obsession in my mind since we met.
Perfection in a nutshell our souls are entwined
Entwined as if we were the only ones alive now
Now both having lived lives second to none.

Mothers and Fathers of invention n evolution
In good times and in bad , happy times n sad
Never failing when at times to invent the wheel
Doubting not that we’d  have success ability
Even at those tragic moments of any storm
Dearest one know that I truly, truly love you

One obsession in my mind since we met.
Being obsessed in this way is not so bad
Simply it focuses the mind into positive action
Especially as you’ve become a special friend
Special in a way that surmounts the ordinary
See I love you now and I will love you always
I can promise you a wonderful companionship
Obsessed ? Of course , for so many reasons.
Now my dearest, lay back and be obsessed.
Written by Philip
January 7th 2019.
My open minded obsession
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
A series of  Acrostic poems noting the healing properties of the crystals to the Zodiacal signs. .
Capricorn  ♑️  December 23-January 20.
Capricornian don’t mind me. I can’t live as you.
As you have the highest of standards always.
Peridot,Garnets, Agate or Turquoise to wear
Ruby’s grace a  beautiful young maidens hair.
I see the jewels in your eyes when you smile
Carnelian stones or Malachite for soul healing
Or Jet ,Smokey Quartz or shiny Black Onyx.
Red Garnets,Blue Aragonite,Green Tourmaline
Nonsuch is the birth symbol ,graceful as thee
Aquarius ♒️  January 21 -February 19
Aquarius the symbolism for the water carrier.
Quite an important member of our community
Under spells by an association of the heart
Aquarian crystals are Garnets and Amethyst
Rainbow moonstone, Labradorite, Magnetite
I would buy thee Lithium Quartz ,Moss agate.
Under your care placing Crysoprase n Cryolite
Some Rainforest Jasper for love of this lady.
Pisces ♓️  February 20 - March 20
Pisces are healed by birthstones of Amethyst
In tune also with Turquoise,Aquamarine,Amber
Sapphires,Sunstones,Smithsonite, Labradorite
Chrysoprase of green, Ocean Jasper, Flurite
Especially Bluelace Agate,Rainbow Moonstone
Stones Charolite, Calcite,Ametrine,Bloodstone.
Aries ♈️  March 21 -April 20
Aries children tackle life head on.
Ruby,Diamond,Amethyst and bloodstone
I know she’s into Aquamarine and Tourmaline
Especially pink, Dravite aka Tourmaline brown
Stellerite, Sardonyx , Citrine, Kunzite n Axinite

Taurus ♉️  April 21 -May 21
Tourean girls have an inbuilt stubbornness
And are partial to the birthstone Sapphire
Understanding An Emerald and Aquamarine
Rhodonite, Amber,Lapis Lazuli and Tiger’s Eye
Universal faith in crystal’s Kayanite n Kunzite
Spiritually in tune with Carnelian

Gemini ♊️ May 22 -June 21.
Gemini never grow up.They are so  flirtatious
Ever wooing and seducing their audiences
Moonstone,Agate,Aquamarine,Tigers Eye
Into the healing powers of Chrystoprase stone
Naturally Green Tourmaline and Serpentine
I also see Anyolite, Citrine,Thulite and Variscite
Cancer  ♋️  June 22 - July 23
Cancerarians are high on the emotional scale.
And they benefit from Emeralds and Rubies
Natural Amber,Rhodonite ,Rainbow Moonstone
Chrysoprase,Carnelian, Citrine, Moss Agate.
Even with the beautiful crystal Fire Agate
Ruby stone and Pink Tourmaline healing.
Leo ♌️  July 24- August 23
Leo has birthstones of Onyx, Peridot,Ruby,
Even Turquoise,Amber,Citrine,Larimar,Petalite
Or Fire Agate,Red Garnet,Sunstones,Sardonyx
Virgo ♍️  August 24-September 23
Virgo needs be a person advocating virginity
I know because I have fusion and experience.
Realistically fusing together two personalities
God knows n loves my approach and approves
Of Peridot,Carnelian, Blue Sapphire,Tourmaline
      Of Green ........
Libra ♎️  September 24-October 23
Libra uses healing properties of Lapis Lazuli
In Peridot,& Sapphires, Aquamarine stones
Bloodstones,Emerald stones, Sunstones,
Rainbow Moonstones, Morganite, Lepidolite
Scorpio ♏️  October 24- November 22.
Scorpio needs the healing of Aquamarine
Charolite, Turquoise, Malachite or Emerald
Obsidian Black , Golden Topaz and Boji Stone
Ruby, Lapis Lazuli,Green Tourmaline,Kunzite
Peridot , Rainbow Moonstone, Rhodochrosite.
I know of Variscite Hiddenite n Apache tears.
Or Herkimer Diamond ,Hiddenite , or Variscite
Sagittarius ♐️  November 23- December 22
Sagittarius is so joyous and very fun loving
Amethyst,Turquoise,Lapis Lazuli n Blue Topaz
Grace her body with healing properties now.
I recommend Azurite stone, Blue lace Agate
Tourmaline pink, Malachite, n Yellow Sapphire
Topaz of white and beautiful Ruby Stones
A Zircon Crystal and Snowflake Obsidian
Rich Merlinite, Labralite ,Dioptase n Charolite
In these healing crystals wear them with faith
Understanding the powers the Universe grants
Sacred is the space that you take upon Earth.
Written and inspired by Sacred Space.
Shop 10 /74-78 The Corso , Manly , 2095 NSW . Australia. Louise Winchester.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Written by Philip.
December 2018.
A series of 12 Acrostic poems linking crystals to the Zodiacal signs.
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Your Humble coat of many colours.
Look alive Poet from whence you started out
To survey the unique position you’re in today
Perhaps find your plate piled high with doubt
A paragon of words abound use as you may
Be not beset with vitriolic gremlins plagued
Would rather stare into space or time t’say
No God given playground, no,anyone can play
Rewarding Mothers of Invention thru the day.
Your Regal coat of many colours.
You are alive and to the Manor born
The moment you discovered words n phrases
To rhyme and rhythm your lot to thrive upon
Your transport vehicle to a thousand places
Embroidered each and every line you write
Fear not a monument rides out mystic phases
Identities hid behind a thousand poet faces
Add colour to your verse by embellished traces
Your Royal coat of many colours.
You are alive and to the Kingdom born
The experience you hold with floral phrases
To offer great critique an ego thrives upon
Your golden carriage to a thousand places.
Silver threads embroider ever line you write
You are a magician now of all mystic phrases
You know the secrets hid behind many faces
Over polishes a crown worn off ...any traces .
Written by Philip.
December 5th 2018.
A variety of coats to wear throughout life
Jan 2019 · 238
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
   ( An Acrostic)
Metaphoric command worth the bother
Embellishments add beauty to the prose
Transfer meaning from one to another
Attribute to the dullest verse composed
Poetic license taken up as viewed.
Hyperbolic magnification theme
Out-worn cliches mixing metaphors new
Rhetoric seeks to pad out every line.
Souls destroyed when similes fail to rhyme.

Written by Philip
December 2nd 2018.
Jan 2019 · 184
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Fact of life .Understanding.
If you are to seek true understanding
The main task that you have to undertake
Now crystal clear,set before your very eyes
Though it’s disguised in many shades of grey.

Prove to be a comfort to your fellow man.
Then be sure to be unselfish at all costs
The life long mission is in the loving healing
Never once let that sacred healing be lost.
Written by Philip.
December 11th 2018.
A fact of life ~ Understanding
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Most nurses are masters of unconditional love.
Most nurses are masters of unconditional love.
Of this I am sure for I know from experience
So many underrated but are devoted to a job
Trained in a most professional way to care.

Nurses have empathy with all of their patients
Understanding their every desire and need.
Rarely would they get it wrong or misdiagnose
Stressful be their drug broadcasting daily
Even in their dreams their caution carries thru
So have faith in your nurse n love her always

And that love will be returned to you tenfold
Realistically she is always reacting in the now
Extending the realms of possibilities beyond

Most nurses are masters of unconditional love
And that is a fact that I have experience of.
Simply mastering the loving care of every soul
Thereby giving the patient every chance of life
Ethereal care by sharing their skills as a nurse
Reacting in a way that’s foreign to the majority
Soul searching to cope with all of mankind.

Of every colour , creed , religion or belief.
Fake Goddesses come n go, the nurse is true.

Universal cosmic powers are in the nurses kit
Natural paths of holistic healing with all skills
Characteristic of every nurse that I’ve known.
Oh I have absolutely no doubt about this fact
No doubts at all , as I will continue to relate.
Duty dictates that I sing their constant praises.
I love all the nursing community a given.
They have been in my life since childhood.
Irish nursing staff worked alongside my mother
On many occasions nurses from West Indies
Nursing schools through the 1960’s provided
A beautiful partner for me as a dancing pal.
Liquor is often the tonic for nurses to enjoy

Loving a nurse as one of the greatest loves
On a scale of one to ten .... I give it a ten.
Victory if you ever get to marry a nurse.
Everlasting will be the happiness you will gain

Written by Philip
December 20th 2018.
Most nurses are masters of unconditional love...Share this with any nurse that you know.
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Capricorn  ♑️  December 23-January 20.
Capricornian don’t mind me. I can’t live as you.
As you have the highest of standards always.
Peridot,Garnets, Agate or Turquoise to wear
Ruby’s grace a  beautiful young maidens hair.
I see the jewels in your eyes when you smile
Carnelian stones or Malachite for soul healing
Or Jet ,Smokey Quartz or shiny Black Onyx.
Red Garnets,Blue Aragonite,Green Tourmaline
Nonsuch is the birth symbol ,graceful as thee
Written by Philip.
December 19th 2018.
Capricorn ♑️ and the healing crystals
Dec 2018 · 174
When you wish upon a star.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
When you wish upon a star.
When you wish upon a star
Have you any Idea where it goes ?
Express ... it goes express into the cosmos
Naturally it’s a secret wish. Not seen on FB

You can never see it on that Twitter thing
Or in graffiti painted beautifully on walls
Under tunnels or on the sides of rail trucks

When you wish upon a star.
I happen to know that the fairies in the garden
Secretly leave their home in a pumpkin patch
Hail up the nearest Angel Michael or Gabriel

Under cover of the large cabbage daddy grew
Pops said wish into a magic red velvet bag
Off it goes with Michael or Gabriel up in space
Now when you wish upon a star.

And you find that all your dreams come true.

Simply get down upon you knees and pray.
To thank God for all his blessings this Xmas
And spare a thought for all the children
Round the world who are contented with life.

Written by Philip.
November 24th 2018.
When you wish upon a star.
Dec 2018 · 260
A perfect marriage.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A perfect marriage.
Kiss cheek to cheek when our love is burning.
Speak face to face when we are talking
Fight back to back against all our demons
***** pole to pole in step we are walking
Work shoulder to shoulder millstones turning  
Plan head to head , thinking of the future
See eye to eye albeit never ever blinking
Trade hand in hand always entwined together
Standing toe to toe and share life’s pressures
Written by Philip
December 5th 2018.
The secrets of a perfect marriage
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
The love I have for thee has no comparison
The love I have for thee has no comparisons.
Hearts and minds such as ours are entwined
Even though we had long given up liaisons

Love is looming and this is love sublime
Oh and very practical suiting every occasion
Virtually ticking every box on every line
Expanding with each meeting you’re amazing

I won’t be happy until I really make you mine.

Had you ever sat for hours just star gazing ?
And wondering if you would meet a girl so fine
Vivacious, funny , beautiful and just my type.
Exactly why the love I have has no comparison

For I have had experience, I know I’m right.
On the scale of one to nine , i’de give a nine
Righteous that may sound but I never lie

The love I have for thee has no comparison
Hearts and minds such as ours are entwined
Entwining in amazing and unbelievable fashion
Expressing my love is an intoxicating wine

Having these thoughts inspire my passion
And I want to write without thought of the time
So whatever it takes I write with such a reason

Not short odd words of love without a rhyme
Or a stream of free verse so free of rhythm

Compared to any other women she is pleasing
On many and varied aspects of her life
Many a man ‘d love to have her for that reason
Perhaps now God has chosen her just for me
And I can walk tall and proud exuding charm
Rejoicing in infinite pleasure of her company
I walk everywhere feeling so free from harm.
So much so , I feel that I have won the lottery
Only not a small fortune but many millions
Now I know what it is to find a love of your life
She loves me, glory be, this girl really loves me
Written by Philip
December 31st 2018.
The love I have for thee has no comparison
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Thoughts are few, save for thee.
Thoughts are few, save for thee.
Having the vision of you in my mind
Oh I care not to carry any thoughts with me
Unless you be paramount I find
Gladly that cross i’de carry for eternity
Hearts now entwined and so entwined
Together we will face life with integrity
Some may interject but they are blind

And cannot run their own lives in harmony
Really do we need them in our daily grind
Especially as we have the spirit of simplicity

Few can match the loving ways and signs
Each road we travel from city onto city
We have a plan n can read between the lines

Save for thee my thoughts are but few.
And you’re constantly in my mind all the times
Virtually I carry you from places old and new
Each City , Town and Suburb with all rhymes

Formulating poetry of many different hues
On scales of magnitude I seek and find
Rhetorical poems of devotion negating blues

To lift thy spirits high above a limitless line
Heaven is the place to which our spirits fuse
Each memory your smiles provoke are sublime
Enchanting our lives you are my sacred Muse.
Written by Philip
December 30th 2018.
A poem of loving thoughts
Dec 2018 · 225
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Fulguration ?
Understanding the powers of a single bolt
Lightening to a high high frequency
Gold and silver will brighten remarkably
Understanding the powers of a single bolt
Reacting with a hundred million grains of sand
And producing a nugget of crystal clear quartz
The alchemy as amazing as turning to gold
In a heavenly rare moment to the Cosmos
Onto and into the Earth’s central  core.
Never underestimate the sacred power of God.
Written by Philip
December 29th 2018.
The sacred power of God
Dec 2018 · 291
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Aquarius ♒️  January 21 -February 19
Aquarius the symbolism for the water carrier.
Quite an important member of our community
Under spells by an association of the heart
Aquarian crystals are Garnets and Amethyst
Rainbow moonstone, Labradorite, Magnetite
I would buy thee Lithium Quartz ,Moss agate.
Under your care placing Crysoprase n Cryolite
Some Rainforest Jasper for love of this lady.

Written by Philip
December 18th 2018.
The crystal healing stones of Aquarius
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
When two people are thrown together
When two people are thrown together
Cloud indicates some stormy weather
Man and a woman
Are only human.
The friendship could last now forever.
Written by Philip.
December 2nd 2018.
When two people are thrown together
Dec 2018 · 205
The Challenge.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
The challenge
     (Free Verse )
Praise be to God , we have eyes to see beyond
Befitting the wit of Mankind ever strong.
For years four-hundred maybe five
The Poets made the words to come alive.
Challenging proved me right n seldom wrong

The first rhymes I made way back at school
My fairest weather friends thought me a fool
A waste of useful time the taunted cry
Have they much better things always to do?
And to their fine X-Boxes could be glued.
Written by Philip.
December 1st 2018.
The challenge of free verse
Dec 2018 · 357
The Bankers Pledge.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
The Bankers pledge.
Barriers built we’re safely behind
What makes you think we’re worth support
That they are for sure the master race
The cash they grant hand over hand
Has limits to it , and that’s a fact.

Have they ever taken their pound of flesh
Do you think you can expend so much cash?
They are taking plans to now enslave you.
Take that plastic card they offer you today
Choose a number and now go out to play.

The maze that you are in , it grows and grows.
And you don’t see just how out of control
The numbers grow with little hope of paying
You are a prisoner of this awful nightmare
No solution offered except another poem?
Written by Philip
December 12th 2018.
We are all in hock up to our eyebrows.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
So the streets are paved with silly rhymes
So the streets are paved with silly rhymes?
It ain’t my fault , these are such hard times
Not since the thirties.
Poets were *****
One cannot see the filth for the grime
Written by Philip.
November 29th 2018.

The limerick.
Is an Irish rhyme from the 18th Century’s
When the Irish was fighting in France  for the English. It consists of five lines.
With a syllable pattern of 9,9.5,5,9.
With a rhyming pattern.  a,a,b,b,a.

An example.

There is a young lady in Dallas,
Who remarkably lives in a palace.
Inspired she is.
To drink lemon fizz.
With her Muse an able accomplice

Written by Philip.
November 23rd 2018.
May I share with you some of the poetic forms
Dec 2018 · 499
Manly Ferry’s
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Manly Ferry’s
Manly Ferry’s
A comfortable form of public transportation
Now been running for a hundred years or more
Linking Sydney with a place of relaxation
You would love the town of Manly that’s f’ sure

For I have every reason to be here on vacation
Every reason in the world it never is a bore
Reasons transcending forms of Meditation
Resident in the most Sacred Space of you’re
Yes and on my way I am without trepidation
Sydney bound 8amfor another part of my tour.
Written by Philip
December 26th 2018.
A part of my travel journal waiting for the 8 Am Ferry to Sydney.
Dec 2018 · 225
Begone dull cares.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Begone dull cares.
Begone dull cares this Christmas Day.
Excited by the gifts we may broadcast
God knows who’s been naughty or Fay
Oh on this day leave tempers at the door
No vague irritation seek you to impart.
Enjoy the happiness of this holy day

Dutifully try to play your worthy part
Unless you cast off all dull care
Lift clouds of doubt and open sky’s of blue
Love holds the key to any gathered group

Come all yea faithful , it’s not just about you.
And do your best to make this joyful day
Remember happiness promotes a happy way
Excite all about you and remember when I say
Sacred is the Space where this family dwells.
Written by Philip.
December 25th 2018.
Begone dull cares this Christmas Day
Dec 2018 · 234
My Faith in the Virtues.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
My faith in the virtues
My faith in the virtues
Years of experience taught

From a child to adulthood
A God within me brought
In terms of endearment
The virtues of Solomon
Hold with you these attributes each day.

I speak of the virtue of blind faith
Never doubt that God is with you.

The virtue of Hope in the future
Hope within the charity you broadcast
Excite your fellowships by your prudence

Victory achieved within your justice
In your fortitude ever be temperant
Reaching your goals for the future
Taking with you your seven virtues
Unconditional Faith, Hope and Charity
Suitably Prudent in Justice ,Fortitude,
                and upmost Temperance
Written by Philip
December 25th 2018.
An Exercise in free verse.
My Faith in the Virtues
Dec 2018 · 178
The Challenge.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
The challenge
     (Free Verse )
Praise be to God , we have eyes to see beyond
Befitting the wit of Mankind ever strong.
For years four-hundred maybe five
The Poets made the words to come alive.
Challenging proved me right n seldom wrong

The first rhymes I made way back at school
My fairest weather friends thought me a fool
A waste of useful time the taunted cry
Have they much better things always to do?
And to there fine X-Boxes could be glued.
Written by Philip.
December 1st 2018.
The challenge of the course of life
Dec 2018 · 910
It’s with a joyful heart.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A Villanelle poetic form
Is a Nineteen line poem
5 Stanzas of three lines
Followed by a single Stanza of four lines
Two refrains and two repeating rhymes
Rhyme patterns
A1 ,b A2.a,b ,A1.a,b,A2.a,b,A1.a,b,A2 ,a,b,A1,A2
It’s with a joyful heart
      A Villanelle

It’s with a joyful heart I greet the day.
For I am blessed with having such a love
In this way, that way and every which way

I am fired with emotion as I say.
Of course I can swear to my God above
It’s with a joyful heart I greet the day.

I don’t have to be on my knees to pray
And my cause for you will not be tough
In this way, that way and every which way.

We can have love both at home and away
And at times others may abuse our trust
It’s with a joyful heart I greet the day.

Know God is with us in work and in play
And during the life’s constant cut and ******
In this way,that way,and every which way

We answer all doubters with the word nay
We eat all that’s offered including the crust.
It’s with a joyful heart I greet the day.
In this way, that way,and every which way.
Written by Philip
December 8th 2018.
The exercise of writing a Villanelle
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
In life I always try to be lovable
       A Villanelle form of poetry

In life I always try to be lovable
Although some folks think me very prickle
No need be thought by all adorable

When parents need you be manageable
As a child and not ever be sickly
In life I always try to be lovable.

Having some friends, some nice some horrible
Most fall by the wayside dramatically
No need be thought by all adorable.

To duck and dive remaining flexible.
You go strength to strength loving physically
In life I always try to be lovable

As you age one becomes infallible
Learning to live so radically
No need be thought by all adorable.

Now with age affairs are affable
I learnt to live so emphatically
In life I always try to be lovable
No need be thought by all adorable.
Written by Philip
December 8th 2018.
An Elizabethian style of  poetry
Dec 2018 · 281
Lie Sense
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Lie Sense.
At what stage does exaggeration turn to lies
To say I will love you until the end of time
A lie by any other name is still a lie.
But adulation must have licence to survive
In future should my solid truth be tested
Lie or deceive ? Opinion is requested
The guilt edge way redemption can be blessed
That lie by no means is ever worth accepting.
Written by Philip
December 11th 2018.
An education in the art of the lie
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Peace prayer  
For Christmas 2018.

Peace within you,
Peace beside you,
Peace below you,
Peace behind you,
Peace in front of you,
Peace above you,
Peace all around you.

Posted by Philip.
December 24th 2018.
A peace prayer for Christmas 2018.
Dec 2018 · 306
Sea Eagles. ( a limerick)
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Sea Eagles. A limerick

Some Sea Eagles that I know nearby
Backwards and forwards these birds do fly
Their nests in a tree
And so close to me.
The wonders of nature so  defined.
Written by Philip
November 27th 2018.
Sea Eagles a most beautiful Australian Bird.
Dec 2018 · 217
On the eve of Christmas Day
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
On the eve of Christmas Day
On the eve of Christmas Day
Now’s the time to celebrate

Then spare a moment now to pray
Have new thoughts that will take shape
Ethereal in a timeless way

Expect me to reiterate
Virtues come alive at Christmas
Entreating faith be at your gate

Onward with hope the peace be kept
Families at peace with food on the plate

Charity begins at home in every state.
Remember spare a prudent thought for friends
In passed injustices denied a place
So raise a glass on Christmas Eve
Thoughts of families of long ago
Mothers ,Fathers, Uncles Aunts
A cousin that has recently passed
Sadness’s banish from your temperance

Dedicate your Christian Holiday then
And carry to that next year cycle
Your love of Mankind .....that is vital.
Written by Philip.
December 24th 2018.
On the eve of Christmas Day
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Sagittarius ♐️
Sagittarius is so joyous and very fun loving
Amethyst,Turquoise,Lapis Lazuli n Blue Topaz
Grace her body with healing properties now.
I recommend Azurite stone, Blue lace Agate
Tourmaline pink, Malachite, n Yellow Sapphire
Topaz of white and beautiful Ruby Stones
A Zircon Crystal and Snowflake Obsidian
Rich Merlinite, Labralite ,Dioptase n Charolite
In these healing crystals wear them with faith
Understanding the powers the Universe grants
Sacred is the space that you take upon Earth.
Written by Philip.
December 23rd 2018.
The healing crystals for Sagittarius
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Scorpio ♏️
Scorpio needs the healing of Aquamarine
Charolite, Turquoise, Malachite or Emerald
Obsidian Black , Golden Topaz and Boji Stone
Ruby, Lapis Lazuli,Green Tourmaline,Kunzite
Peridot , Rainbow Moonstone, Rhodochrosite.
I know of Variscite Hiddenite n Apache tears.
Or Herkimer Diamond ,Hiddenite , or Variscite
Written by Philip
December 22nd 2018.
The healing crystals of Scorpio
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Libra ♎️
Libra uses healing properties of Lapis Lazuli
In Peridot,& Sapphires, Aquamarine stones
Bloodstones,Emerald stones, Sunstones,
Rainbow Moonstones, Morganite, Lepidolite
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
The healing crystals for Libra
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Pisces ♓️
Pisces are healed by birthstones of Amethyst
In tune also with Turquoise,Aquamarine,Amber
Sapphires,Sunstones,Smithsonite, Labradorite
Chrysoprase of green, Ocean Jasper, Flurite
Especially Bluelace Agate,Rainbow Moonstone
Stones Charolite, Calcite,Ametrine,Bloodstone.
Written by Philip.
December 22nd. 2018.
The healing crystals for Pisces.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Leo ♌️
Leo has birthstones of Onyx, Peridot,Ruby,
Even Turquoise,Amber,Citrine,Larimar,Petalite
Or Fire Agate,Red Garnet,Sunstones,Sardonyx
Writte­n by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
The healing crystals for Leo.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Cancer ♋️
Cancerarians are high on the emotional scale.
And they benefit from Emeralds and Rubies
Natural Amber,Rhodonite ,Rainbow Moonstone
Chrysoprase,Carnelian, Citrine, Moss Agate.
Even with the beautiful crystal Fire Agate
Ruby stone and Pink Tourmaline healing.
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
The healing crystals for the Cancerian
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Gemini ♊️
Gemini never grow up.They are so  flirtatious
Ever wooing and seducing their audiences
Moonstone,Agate,Aquamarine,Tigers Eye
Into the healing powers of Chrystoprase stone
Naturally Green Tourmaline and Serpentine
I also see Anyolite, Citrine,Thulite and Variscite
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
The healing stones of Gemini
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Taurus ♉️
Tourean girls have an inbuilt stubbornness
And are partial to the birthstone Sapphire
Understanding An Emerald and Aquamarine
Rhodonite, Amber,Lapis Lazuli and Tiger’s Eye
Universal faith in crystal’s Kayanite n Kunzite
Spiritually in tune with Carnelian and Azurite.
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
The healing crystal ‘s of Tarus.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Aries  ♈️
Aries children tackle life head on.
Ruby,Diamond,Amethyst and bloodstone
I know she’s into Aquamarine and Tourmaline
Especially pink, Dravite aka Tourmaline brown
Stellerite, Sardonyx , Citrine, Kunzite n Axinite
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
Aries the healing crystals
Dec 2018 · 534
Positive predictions.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Positive predictions.
Positive predictions
Onward we all go into period Twenty-nineteen
So much actual trauma in this current year.
It has been as if we have been lost in a forest
The darkest densest forest of all space n time
In that only the most strong would ever survive
Virtually most of Twenty-eighteen hard going
Everything within each day so was difficult

People without faith in the universe floundered
Running back n fourth like headless chickens
Even the faithful had their occasional doubts.
Dutifully we of faith kept our nose a grinding
In that we’d faith in God that bad times pass
Come with me now into the bright sun-shine
There are many and varied good times ahead
In that planets will align and your luck change
Of  new plans that you make now be assured
Now this is the time, this is the moment to rise
So rise with my unconditional loving support.
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
Positive predictions
Dec 2018 · 275
My trouble is.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
My trouble is.
My trouble is...........
Yes I need to be loved

Take me as I am, no need to change anything
Reality is I am me,with many and varied faults
Only you may wish to gloss over some of them
I will allow you to cherry pick the best bits.
Believe me my darling,it’ll be worth your while
Loving you is my goal , my target ,my desire
Eventually it will happen if we are patient

Indeed and though I know that this will be true
So let’s stay a course n learn from experience
Written by Philip.
December 21st 2018.
My trouble is
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