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183 · Jan 2020
How I wish!
Sarah Jan 2020
oh how I wish, how I wish!
To turn back in time, twelve years ago
To meet me, a beautiful ten years old
With mother holding out two shirts
One is green, the other blue
Oh how I wish, how I wish!
To have to make that difficult choice
oh how I wish, how I wish!
For my choice to be as simple as colorful shirts
Yet here I am, at twenty two
With choices that have become much worse
One will make me despise myself
The other will cost me a year,
Either one will bring no benefit
Cause none is blue, none is green.
I always hated the phrase “I have no choice” because 99% of the time there is a choice, but it’s extremely hard.
Now God has put me in that place, with two horrible choices to choose from.
Oh how I wish!
176 · Nov 2019
A shout in the void
Sarah Nov 2019
He could have been,
A better surgeon than I’ll ever be
A better poet
He might’ve even achieved his dream
Yet he died
At nineteen!
This isn’t poetry, but rather a loud scream against the international ignorance regarding the massacres happening in Iraq.

Today there has been a bloodbath in one of the provinces in Iraq, military forces opened fire on the unarmed peaceful protestors. More than 40 were killed and hundreds injured.
131 · Jan 2020
The phoenix
Sarah Jan 2020
They set fire to my country
And watched as it burned down
Forgetting that it was a phoenix
And the phoenix rises from its ash
106 · Jun 2019
Sarah Jun 2019
Little girl
Dreaming of a land
Far away
Where the world ends
Or it could be high, atop the clouds
So big,
or it could be small
Hidden in the mountains, behind a waterfall
Tiny, beneath the petals of the rose
The red round umbrella of a mushroom
Where She’d meet a fairy
A gentle ladybug, and a frog so scary
She’d eat the nectar and drink the dew
So plain a life
A dream to hush the cries of the war.
82 · Jan 2020
Sarah Jan 2020
How still the body may sit
When all the soul wants is escape.

— The End —