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1.9k · May 2021
Define "lonely"
Mia May 2021
I've always been happy
Thinking alone,
Always been content
At home on my own.

Yet lately I'm finding,
The dictionary is true,
I am still happy alone,
But now I get lonely too.
I think I have grown out of my own company
1.2k · Aug 2022
I love too easily
Mia Aug 2022
I will pour my love into you,
Saving myself no emergency reservoir,
Deeming you deserving as soon as
You said you "have not felt love before".

I will forget and forgive in a second,
to enable me to love you more,
and treat you like you walk on clouds
All because you said you have only ever experienced prickly affection.

I will hug you tightly with love,
and you will swamp me with yours
grateful to have someone to give it to.

I will fall for you,
harder and faster than I have ever fell before.
Unaware that I have been pushed
by your claims of inexperienced love.
I have a habit of loving people because they say they need it.
590 · Dec 2022
Mia Dec 2022
I don't love myself yet
But I dislike myself less than I did yesterday.
And that's progress
483 · Jan 2021
Fatal Flaws
Mia Jan 2021
The waning moon loves to hide
And the dominant sky loves to cry
And the one who has nothing loves to give
And I my love, love to forgive.
443 · Jun 2021
Mia Jun 2021
I give you permission to use me,
Today I choose toxicity over solidarity.
397 · Jan 2021
A Message from Mum
Mia Jan 2021
Darling when you sleep,
Remember how much I love you,
Let your dreams be filled with comfort,
See only beauty in the stars above you.

Darling when you wake,
Remember that I care,
That I'm always interested,
In everything you have to share.

Darling when you die,
Remember to not be afraid,
I will never forget you,
Nor the happiness you made.

And Darling when you live,
Remember, please, to stay,
Because I, now a child,
Will give you the world one day.
to the mother whom has shown me that some love never falters
323 · Jun 2021
Trust Issues
Mia Jun 2021
"Pick me up and put me back together"
He said,
Not realising she didn't recognise most of the pieces
I fell in love with the "you" you pretended you were
303 · Jan 2021
Treatment Plan
Mia Jan 2021
I deserve more than the prescription love you gave me
When do I stop feeling guilty for moving on?
Mia Nov 2020
I hear you speak
I can hear your words
But I'm sorry
My mind won't let me listen.
211 · Nov 2021
Dear Poet,
Mia Nov 2021
Art flows out of your brain,
Beauty pours from your pen,
Your words enchant people,
So write today, and write tomorrow, and write again
209 · Nov 2020
Mia Nov 2020
I feel like "orange",
Nobody rhymes with me,
I am bright and bold and delicious
And I am loved...

But I am alone.
I am unpaired.
198 · Oct 2018
Unrequited love
Mia Oct 2018
I showed you my world,
In return you showed me yours,
You put roads and valleys
And mountains into my hands,
I put a mirror in yours.
And you didn't understand.
130 · Nov 2021
Mia Nov 2021
How well you weave your web,
For me to fly straight into,
How well you teach me how to love,
Even when you don't mean to.
Written before you showed me who you really were, ironic how I depicted you as an insect from the beginning
Mia Nov 2021
Watch me crack myself open
To let myself love you

Only for you to disregard the broken parts
Like you aren't the reason for the raw edges
108 · May 2021
Mia May 2021
Today the words don't come to me.
I write and the rhythm is not automatic.
I search for the rhymes
And they sound stiff and easy to predict.

Today the title: writer
Is accompanied by an echo of "amateur".
The reverberance - a chain of disclaimers
Trying to excuse the behaviour.

Today the writer feels her words wilting,
As though the world has already heard them all,
And she can't find an escape in writing
Her mind feigning obsolescence - a blunt tool.

Today the writer feels
Like not so much of a writer,
But maybe that's because the words she needs to say
Aren't yet ready to be shared on paper.
104 · Feb 2021
Mind Games
Mia Feb 2021
We used to think together
As a battle we liked to play,
Our thoughts would fight
laboriously every day,
And although I loved you
And you loved me
Our thoughts decided
We simply weren't meant to be.
I will always love our version of chess
101 · Nov 2022
Mia Nov 2022
Your beauty is not what sets a thousand ships to sail,
It is the moon that controls the sea.
It is not the beauty some men struggle in vain against,
It is the wind that sings its serenades to the tree.

Your laughter is not what mothers record for family movies,
It is the sound angels play in heaven.
It is not what movie directors long for,
It is the motivation for the comedic profession.

Your heart is not made to be broken,
It's made to prove the existence of literary love.
Your love is not manufactured to please others,
You will always be so much more than enough.
96 · Jun 2021
I love you
Mia Jun 2021
How many times do I have to say "I love you"
Before you start seeing you are worthy, and easy, to love.
93 · May 2021
Mia May 2021
You would have died for me.
All I ever wanted was for you to show me how to live.
Mia Feb 24
Isn't it kinda crazy when you can actually feel yourself breaking.

Like when you tap a plate and can tell if it's going to crack
Or something like that.
My mum taught me it's something like that.

And life's funny cause all while you're breaking it continues.
And you're making a strangers morning latte
And you're listening to other people ask your favourite lecturer questions
And you might be about to fall to pieces.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever actually going to break.
Sometimes I think I broke ages ago and just gathered the biggest pieces,
Leaving the small shards of myself behind.

— The End —