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  Jul 2018 sheila sharpe
Fun and games
that's all it takes
to keep young hearts in motion
but one night like the
thousands of others
she went missing;
gone from sight and
gone from everyday life

Time went by
and she went with it
the clock was a ticking bomb;
waiting to find hope
and explode with glee
but on the happiest
day of the world
it took a sharp turn

She was found in the
morning's cold embrace
no trace of life remained;
robbed of innocence
robbed of possibilities
never to open eyes again
never to open the front door
and say "I'm home"
Based on the ****** of the Danish girl Emilie Meng in 2016. Her murderer is still not found.
  Jul 2018 sheila sharpe
Antony Glaser
she still remembers her wedding day
the ring on her finger
for better or in poverty
in sickness or in health
Like a facsimile taking in an oath
An institution with poison ivy prescribed
Nothings wrong with the intuition
merely the players
  Jul 2018 sheila sharpe
Jo Barber
Stars in sky,
Plane flys above.
Lightning thunders below,
Flashing and dancing
From cloud to cloud.
Silence and darkness,
Then an explosion
Of light and expression.
A Colorado summer night.
  Jul 2018 sheila sharpe
Infinite are the possibilities
Of the things one might forget
Yet I could have sworn I held you tight
In a dream before we met...
Traveler Tim
  Jul 2018 sheila sharpe
V L Bennett
***** widow
dwelling in
your own
web-spun darkness
denying awareness of everything
what trips the threads
leading into
your own
solitude isolation
Sister spider
you bit me but
I can no more take offense than does the moth when it receives the fang's venom
It's in the spider nature

Consort of witches
cause of the dancing madness
creepy things crawling in the basement
nobody's friend...

sister spider
***** widow, arachnd
dwelling in your own
web-built cage.
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