I will walk
Till I count
The shades of dusk tonight
Sit near the evergreens
And listen to the countless tales
Of adamantine stars
Scattered like dew drops
Across a vast velvety sky
Waltz with the wind
And let her take me
To a land
As beautiful as paradise
Discover the secrets
That makes the leaves sussurate
Like a group of kids
Planning for their next mischievous act
Let the raindrops
Kiss my skin
Slowly at first
Then with a renewed enthusiasm
And fill me up
With an intoxicating clarity
That'll make me pirouette
Like drunken fool
Oblivious to the slippery sidewalk
Follow the trail
Of a gorgeous moon
And find a place
Whose sublime silence
And soporific ambiance
accentuated by nocturnal melodies
Beckons a tide of rosy dreams
To swirl inside my mind
And make my eyelids droop
With a deluge of delirious joy
Only then I'll walk
Towards my home
And lay my head down
Imbued with sanguine hopes and desires
I'll call it a night
Knowing too well
That when I'll wake up
I'll greet the day
With a smile as warm
as an everlasting sunshine