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Andreas Simic Feb 2018
I love you so
You don’t even know

Pretending to glance around
Until you are found

Hoping that you see me too
The captain of a ship with a crew

Sailing us to some place far away
So we could see each other every day

Only the horizons marking beginning and end
This is the message to you I send

If only you could look deep into my heart
There you would find it breaking apart

Those eyes so inviting even from where I sit
The glow a fire well lit

Your hair golden like a chaff of wheat
Making me boil in my seat

A smile that could melt ice
My commitment an easy price

If only I could touch your skin
Would it be such a deadly sin

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
Overlooking the bow of the ship
With nary a thing in sight but the lake they call Gitche Gumee
The waves crashing against the hull with a thunderous roar
Winds howling like the sound of a jet engine taking off
Nothing I have not seen before all these years at sea

My thoughts turn to home
A wife, a son, friends and family
Celebrating yet another birthday without me
Below I can hear the men at dinner equally jubilant
Soon another lake crossing will be met with pay checks

How did I get here all alone at the helm
Responsible for so many heading into yet another storm
Riding in and out like tides on the ocean of life
Highs and lows each day rippling through the hours of a journey
The aroma of my coffee brings me back to the present

Radar indicates others are around me but what are they up to
Racing to cover like we are or hunkered down already
In a safe cove readying for bed, dreams about to be launched
Like this ship when she was shiny and new and held out great hopes
For both crew and owners

Now my fears mount as does the heaving of the ship
Listing from side to side the fateful sounding of the alarm
Despite their best effort the engines are fighting a losing battle
For the first time my thoughts turn to failure
What if she actually went down to the ragged sea bed below

Sinking to the bottom like a stone tossed into a pond
My men scurry to ready the life rafts
We all know this will be in vain the seas too rough to set them adrift
Through their silence they too communicate our doom
It is now only a matter of time

And so we wait.

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
Went to get a card for my loved one
There it was all shiny and new
Held together with paper and glue

Looked at the price which made me hesitate
Got me thinking hold on and wait
When did paper get this expensive?
Making me quite apprehensive

What did it say that I couldn’t my bride tell
In a poem written by me just as well
For words can never express how I feel
About the woman that is the real deal

The one who I still adore
No matter on land or shore
Whether on the Canyon floor
Or just next door

Though age has moved us along
There are still words to be written for our song
Every day I awake I pinch myself that you’re right there
In the bed we both share

To say I’m lucky
Would be rather plucky
Though I am so blessed
I can hold you close to my chest

Through a life of challenge and many a tear
Losing you is my greatest fear
For you are all I’ve ever wanted in a mate
Someone like you to whom I could relate

There are no words on a card bought
That express to the one I had long sought
How I feel each day
For having you in my life in every way

Happy Valentine’s Day

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
I sit here and ponder
As I let my mind wander

To the girl that makes my heart race
Who shows me her every grace

The one who has stolen the show
Erased the others who I did know

It’s not her beauty that leads the way
But what’s inside that shines every day

She can make my heart sing
Even when I am not listening

The smile that can light up a room
All the while holding a broom

Amidst these thoughts that stir
Another Valentine’s is here for sure

How to make this one special I plead
Ideas from a magazine I ought to read

Then my mind begins to click
What a great idea to woe this chick

So a call on the phone is made
Hope on a sunny day they have a shade

A knock on the door brings my dear near
Hope I’m right I fear

For the horse drawn carriage awaits
To take us on this very important date

To a place where we can dine
And her smile will shine

When I drop down on one knee
For a future for you and me

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
What an amazing thing it is
the center of the highways and byways of humanness

A rhythmic beating that stirs the soul
the ultimate example of the word dichotomy

It can survive attacks with incredible resilience
yet be shattered by mere words

Lobbed in your direction to inflict pain and suffering
these powerful weapons wielded like a sword

Leaving it in shreds like shards of glass
strewn carelessly about each crystal abandoned unto itself

The results can be deep incisions leading to permanent scars
picking up the pieces far easier said than done

Some say it is akin to a stab wound with a twisted blade
that literally and figuratively can invoke fatal damage

Often; time, space and love encourage healing
While a touch, hug or kiss can re-ignite its flame

Occasionally it requires the talents of a skilled surgeon
To bring it back to life using ordinary means sans heroics

Hope, trust and faith the elixir aligned with patience
A potent cure commingled with a mix of prescriptions

The combination of memories and senses
Delivering messages for it to act upon

Call it heart break or heart ache or any other name
The result can end up being the same.

In the end it is not a matter of whether science
can complete a successful transplant
But whether a broken heart can be mended at all

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
I am the symbol of pride for a nation
Decked out in paint and decoration

Though I have colors of my own
Artistry of others I have shown

Representing endurance and strength
Taking you on journeys that vary in length

Subject for a photo or picture to behold
Witness to many stories left untold

Equal abilities to work or play
Whether ridden for fun or transport this day

My worth is immeasurable to those in need
Even when they speak the tongue of a different creed

Equally adept in peace or war
I can swim from shore to shore

We have lived both wild and tamed
******* and saddled even been lamed

Ability to stir many an emotion
Returning the favor through dedication and devotion

So write the message you need to spill
I’ll carry it up any given hill

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic, horse , painted
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
It is like there are two parts, the watched and the watcher
The watcher seeing a struggle to find love
An essential ingredient to happiness and self fulfillment

You have constructed a wall impenetrable by most everyone
Built for protection to keep others out, but why
Like a bird with an injured wing I observe you flapping about

Flailing at some unknown enemy or force in defiance or defense
A look of utter scorn scowling across such a delicate tender face
One that could be touched gently like a light breeze by a suitor

Oh they have tried, your outer beauty a draw like honey
I too know the inner beauty you harbor safely in the bay of hope
Away from the rough seas of life where hurt and pain lurk

Alas frustration mounts as the dueling enigmas duke it out
Like a ring with two combatants competing to best the other
A hard fought battle that may see neither a winner, a draw no less

Leaving pugilists exhausted and feeling no less loved or cared about
An outsider peeping into a window to the soul of a future lover
That can be seen but not touched like in a dream
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