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Surely, you're not still believing
That all you know is somehow real.
This grand illusion which you're seeing,
The one you hear, the one you feel,

Is just a dream's conjuration,
A wondrous scheme, a great charade!
Stuck within your imagination,
You're caught behind this grim facade.

You've known a life entirely
Fantasized by your eager mind.
There's no meaning to reality.
What's left for you to maybe find?

Continue dreaming--dream bigger!
The power always lied in you.
Don't stay bound to your earthly figure,
In this dream, who's to say what to do?

You're gifted with seemingly endless
Choices to make and all their outcomes.
How's your time considered precious?
Our perception creates such humdrum.

Nothing exists, can't you see?
Save for empty space, and you!
And you're but a mere thought freely
Roaming amidst this nothingness;
Whether or not that might seem true
Is determined by how you perceive
This spectacle we call reality!

Every poet here, every poet here is a breathing soul,
Every poet here, O', every poet here, is a living whole.
Every poet here, every poet here is that fine grained gold;
O' every poet here, every poet here is an ancient mold.


Every prophet here, every prophet here prophecieth,
Every prophet here, speaketh love pain and fear;
We all liveth, and thus we dieth.


Every minstrel here, O' every minstrel here, hath shed tear's,
Every minstrel here, verily every minstrel here, ageth in year's;
Every minstrel here, O' every minstrel here hath felt anger,
Every minstrel here, verily every minstrel here, hath seen danger.


Every writer here, O' every writer here,
Shouldst put away, the hate, anger, and
Fear's, and conjoin into one, a poetic dream,
Coming apart at the string's, by hatred under
Ourn sun. As we only hath one life, to maketh
Purpose of a smile toward's another one.
Puttest away the poetic gun.
Every poet here, O' every poet-
Doth thou heareth?

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This is just a reminder to all poets... To support one another... Love another. Cherish another despite views, ideologies, idea's.. Beliefs... Writing is the souls expression. A freedom of any one man or womans words... Not to be tainted by others... As this place has become one of hatred... Name calling. A place rather of clownishness, not poetry. A place of hatred. Not friendship... As noone not one single soul here. Should have to worry about being attacked by others who want to inflict misery, and fear. and hatred onto the web. Because it's easiest to hide behind the screen to attack others.. When in reality... They'd know better to not do it in person to the people they are attacking... So as poets.. We must ignore the hatred that is going on. as I've seen many poems on trolls lately. Hatred. People getting made fun of so on and bullied... The biggest gift to those who are doing this stuff we can give is to love them. Forgive them. Not talk bad behind their backs as they do us... And to show them ( what real love is) because in actuality... As case shows throughout history!!! True love always ALWAYS conquers over evil... As Ephesians 6:12 said.. In the bible I read. Yes glad to say I'm a Christian an improving one, as noone is a flawless being. It reads.

12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

And this is truth! Satan is very real. As are his demons. I know personally being attacked emotionally spiritually and more than that ( physically by them) with physical proof. They do exist. As this world shows an example of them working on people right now. Swaying many. But me. They will not sway. I will overcome the hatred and darkness that hates the light. One problem.. God is of light. And darkness cannot be the light of God... So as one not just because I believe in Christ and God. But as how I was made to be. One who knows not hate. And can't fathom ever hating anyone mineself personally! I choose love.. Forgiveness... And letting things be. And hoping the hatred stops and certain others may just find love, and overcome very real demons overcoming them... As we must overcome darkness with light..
Thanks for reading followers. And if ones talk behind your back or call you names. *** at you. Spew out hatred towards you. Our goal as human beings is forgiving and loving another... For we shall all be judged one day. And have no right judging others.. For when we ourselves aren't perfect beings... Though God wants his creation to love another. Now will you love all beings? And forgive?? Choice is your own...
Thanks for reading poets...
Every single one of your thoughts
Links to yet another,
and every one you choose to have
Determines the very future.

The constant flow of all these thoughts
Can't be interrupted;
Even if a thought's not produced,
Another was constructed.

A simple law we might recall,
"For all actions, a reaction".
All thoughts create the next event,
Even all that time you spent

Pondering on what you should do
Molds the future's shape.
If this supposition would prove true,
Then what is our escape?

One solution is quite clear:
If the mind makes all these thoughts,
Then its death is what can halt
Further additions to the chain

Which is all that could sustain
You as life kept going.
Without a thought to keep a train,
Then all you knew becomes nothing.
By Arcassin Burnham

Shaping my every excistence into your image,
i can see that your quite fond of me,
i can see that you'd gladly honor me,
you put your trust in me,
beyond the lost cosmos and the frequencies,
run into my cold bones if your feeling like
the earths core,
in our memories,
what we feel is just normal,
or you could just be another dream that increasingly
makes love to me and then plays with the emotions i have,
i couldnt grasp but,
I know theres fire in your heart and mind and soul to
be in the fear of being forgotten,
Not to be old or sell your soul,
Be safe in every aspect and every intellect to behold.
Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst i;
I'm overly satisfied.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
I've found mine abode.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
When thou art what I sought a many ages'.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
Thou art mine amour, I jotteth down on these pages.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
When with thee I'm one.

Alway's so afraid I will leaveth thou;
Why wouldst I;
When thou art mine wife.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
When we art soulmates.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)

Miɳɛ รѳutɦɛɑรt pɛtɑʆ,
Dɛʆicɑtɛ ɑɳɗ ɑʀʀɑyɛɗ.
O' ɦѳw ʆѳѵɛʆy tɦѳu ɑʀt,
Dɛɑʀɛรt pɛtɑʆ; ɓy tɦɛ
Hɑɳɗ'ร ѳԲ gѳɗ, tɦѳu
Aʀt ɱɑɗɛ.


Miɳɛ ɱɑgɳiԲicɛɳt ɑɳgɛʆ,
Fʆѳɑtiɳg iɳ tɦɛ wiɳɗ,
Lѳѵɛʀ ѳԲ tuʀtʆɛ'ร;
Tɦɛ cʀɛɑtѳʀ ɦɑtɦ ɱɑɗɛ tɦѳu
Aร ɑ quɛɛɳ iɳ wɑtɛʀ ɑɳɗ รɑɳɗ.


Cɑʆʆigʀɑpɦy'ร ɛɱpʀɛรร
Lɑรร ѳԲ pѳɛt'ร ɱiɳɗ'ร,
Tɦiɳɛ ɓʆɑck รiʆk ɦɑiʀ
Mɑtcɦɛtɦ tɦɛ pɛtɑʆ tɦѳu
Aʀt ɗɛɑʀ, O' ɦѳw ʆikɛ
Rɑiɳɗʀѳp'ร; tɦiɳɛ Բɑcɛ
Dѳtɦ รɦiɳɛ.

©Bʀɑɳɗѳɳ ɳɑgʆɛy
©Lѳɳɛรѳɱɛ pѳɛtร pѳɛtʀy
©Eɑʀʆ Jɑɳɛ ɳɑgʆɛy ( Fiʆipiɳѳ ʀѳรɛ) ɗɛɗicɑtiѳɳ
Poem is as such if you can't read,

Title- like raindrop's, thy face doth shine..


Mine southeast petal,
Delicate and arrayed.
O' how lovely thou art,
Dearest petal; by the
Hand's of god, thou
Art made,


Mine magnificent angel,
Floating in the wind,
Lover of turtle's;
The creator hath made thou
As a queen in water and sand.


Calligraphy's empress
Lass of poets mind's,
Thine black silk hair
Matcheth the petal thou
Art dear, O' how like
Raindrop's; thine face
Doth shine,
                              ?     ??      ?
                           ?        ??         ?
                          ?         ??          ?
                          ?       ?     ?        ?
                          ?       ?      ?       ?
                           ?       ?    ?        ?
                            ?         ?          ?
                              ?       ?        ?
                                 ?    ?     ?

Atɷp tɧҽ cɧɷcɷɭatҽ Hɩɭɭ'ى
I wɩɭt ɖɷtҽ tɧɷų ɩŋ ɖaɾɩŋɠ ѵҽŋtųɾҽ;
Oŋwaɾɖ tɷ aɖѵҽŋtųɾҽ'ى tɧɾɩɭɭ,
Maŋʏ tɾɩbҽى tɷ bҽ ɷųɾŋ ىpɭҽŋɖɷɾ.


Fɷɾtɧwaɾɖ ɷŋ, tɷ Nҽɠɾɩtɷ ɷʆ Lųʑɷŋ,
Fɷɾtɧɠɷŋҽ cɧaŋt'ى, ҽѵҽŋtɩɖҽ tɩɭ' ɖawŋ;
Capҽɾɩŋɠ tɧҽ bɭaʑҽ, ɭɩɠɧtɩŋɠ ųp tɧҽ caѵҽى,
Bʏ amɷųɾ' maŋى ɭɷىt tɷ bųɭɭҽt'ى, kŋɩѵҽى, bɷmb'ى.


Tɧɩtɧҽɾ tɧҽ Tҽɾɾa ʆɩɾma, ɷʆ tɧҽ Atɩ,
Mҽ aŋɖ mɩŋҽ Jaŋҽ, ىɧaɭt cɷŋɟɷɩŋ ɩŋ ɖҽىtɩŋҽɖ ɠɾaɩŋ'ى,
Iŋ ىpҽctacųɭaɾ wɩىɖɷm, arтerιeѕ connecтιng;
Wrappιng wιтн veιn'ѕ.


Oŋtɷ tɧʏ wɩŋɠ'ى I ɧɷɭɖҽtɧ,
Takɩŋɠ ɷʆʆ ɭɩkҽ cɧaɾɩɷt pɭaŋҽ'ى;
Oŋtɷ tɧҽ pҽɷpɭҽ ɷʆ tɧҽ Baɟaų,
Fɩىɧɩŋɠ ىҽa'ى ɷʆ ɠɾҽҽŋ amaʑҽ.


Back ɷŋ tɷ ɷųɾŋ abɷɖҽ, wɧҽɾҽɩŋ tɧҽ caŋɖɭҽ'ى ŋҽѵҽɾ ɖɩҽtɧ,
Tɧҽ wɩck aɭwaʏى wɩɭt ɠɭɷwҽtɧ, aŋɖ ɷųɾ ɭɩɠɧt'ى ҽaىʏ tɷ ʆɩŋɖҽtɧ,
Bҽcaųىҽ ɷʆ ɷųɾn ىɷųɭ'ى tɾaѵҽɭɩŋɠ, tɧɾɷųɠɧɷųt ҽaɾtɧ aŋɖ bҽtwɩҳt ىpacҽ; wҽ wҽɾҽ bɷɾŋ ɩŋىɩɖҽ tɧҽ ɧҽaѵҽŋ'ى, tɩmҽ tɧҽɾҽ Iى a ɖɩىɠɾacҽ. Iŋ tɧҽ cҽɭҽىtɩaɭ tɧҽɾҽ ɩى ŋɷŋҽ ɾacҽ, ɷɾ ɖɩىcɷŋŋҽctɩɷŋ bҽtwҽҽŋ ɧҽɾ ɖaɾk aŋɖ mɩŋҽ paɭҽ ىkɩŋ, wҽɾҽ ųŋkŋɷwŋ ɭɷѵҽɾ'ى tɷ ɧųmaŋɩtʏ, wҽ bɾɩŋɠҽtɧ pɷҽtɾʏ tɷ ɭҽt tɧɷų ɩŋ.

Atop the chocolate Hill's
I wilt dote thou in daring venture;
Onward to adventure's thrill,
Many tribe's to be ourn splendor.


Forthward on, to the Negrito of Luzon,
Forthgone chant's, eventide til' dawn;
Capering the blaze, lighting up the cave's,
By amour' man's lost to bullet's, knives, bomb's.


Thither the Terra firma, of the Ati,
Me and mine Jane, shalt conjoin in destined grains,
In spectacular wisdom, arteries connecting;
Wrapping with vein's.


Onto thy wing's I holdeth,
Taking off like chariot plane's;
Onto the people of the Bajau,
Fishing sea's of green amaze.


Back on to ourn abode, wherein the candle's never dieth, the wick always gloweth, and our light's easy to findeth, because of ourn soul's traveling, throughout earth and betwixt space; we were born inside the heaven's, time there is a disgrace. In the celestial there is none race, or disconnection between her dark and mine pale skin, were unknown lover's to humanity, we bringeth poetry to let thou in.

Chocolate hills are beautifully created Hill's in Philippines that do have a chocolate tint to them! Very beautifully made! Look like big mole hills,
Dote means- cherish adore or embrace.
Forthward in old form means- forward.
Eventide means evening old form.
Capering or caper means dance.
Ati is an ancient tribe in Philippine's.
The people of bajau in poem are another ancient tribe in Philippine's.
Betwixt means - between in archaic form.
When I use the line " time there is a disgrace, meaning Its a disgrace in heaven, because all death accounts people say the same thing, heaven has no time! Time doesn't exist there. As there's no worrying of times nor hours. All said by thousands of people of same matching accounts. And thousands more of accounts surely not written.

The poetry is about me and Jane traveling to all beautiful tribal places in Philippine's, though these are only a select few tribes from Philippines as there are hundreds more tribes that have dissapeared from being killed or displaced like natives in the USA, disgustingly. Or also many tribes still surviving I didn't mention. Story's of me and Jane traveling seeing tons of tribal people's! Seeing the landscapes of her land... Then going back home after learning so much of each other, and the world around us, and learning of gods great creations and creation of after all the traveling me and Jane go home having learned more of another and enjoyed a journey and go home to embrace another.... The last line states " were unknown lover's to humanity, we bringeth or bring poetry to let thou meaning let you in. Meaning me and Jane are from the heavens, from god, as we came back again as god brought us back as soulmates, and writing poetry not just for another on HP. And poetry period. But Also writing poems to show others an example of true love from god! Enjoy...
when someone complains,
Listen and Empathize
when someone brags,
share good news of Others
when someone cries,
Cry with them
when someone laughs,
Laugh along
when someone finally ask you about Yourself
be Brave,
and say the things you've never said before
Tis I must asketh
O', tis I must asketh;
What is life, without the life in it?

Tis I must asketh
O', tis I must asketh;
What is living, if mine amare wasn't near.

Tis I must telleth
O', I must telleth;
Separate twas I, who was a separate entity before.

Tis I must telleth
O', I must telleth;
Once was I unconnected, now hath I connection, one with Jane.

Heaven's gate

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication/minewife dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
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