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May 2016 · 1.4k
Dear Humanity,
Tyler Ardizzone May 2016
I’ve been trying to fit in my whole life
Self-imposed my own strife
wishing to overwrite my life with something nice
but I just keep running on the wheel of life with a bunch of mice

I’ve been trying to fit in, find the light
Honestly, This is all a joke, I'm done faking polite
doing what's right, fighting  the fight to end all plight
Fighting the fight only plightens the plight
hardens the strife
Deepens the knife and turns it to the right
all because we think we know whats right
we act like we know what's best for them
but do we know what's right for us?
No, we lost sight

I’ve been trying to fit in for so long
Forcing myself to do what feels wrong
Listening to the thong song, hit the long ****
Play along and act strong
Just to prolong the life long theme song of
“I don’t belong, but let me see your thong thong thong thong ”
I’ll just stop singing along with the throng  of prongs
There is nothing wrong with thinking with your ****
But do you want long term fulfillment or
Yesssssssss…now what? Cigarette? Emptiness?

That’s why I was depressed because I was trying to fit in with a world full of regret
Humanity feeling like they are always in debt, but have you ever checked
Why you do what you do and what gets you through
And how whatever you believe comes true for you
Not enough? Everyone ****? Life is tough?
Here you go, would you like fries with that too
It's no surprise that it's true
the one creating the blame is you
the shame's from you
The creator of the game is you
The only one you can change is you
You change you and the world around you changes too
Try to change the world around you first then it gives you a clue
That there is room for growth within you
I began to change from within
when I asked one question
Why am I trying to fit in?
Only because I never became my own friend
Only to hide that I wanted life to end
Only, so now I can show you what life is like when you never have to pretend
Watch the video for this poem here:
Mar 2016 · 1.6k
there is something missing
Tyler Ardizzone Mar 2016
Don’t you just feel like something is missing
Like a breath of fresh air that leads to reminiscing
About that time where you were kissing
The one wondering if there was something missing
From him from her from you, not sure, and it leads to some hissing
From rattle shakes to rattle snakes
playing games to laying blame
The venom quakes through
it mistakes you for them
You can’t take truth, but it breaks you and your heart too, you pretend
“No, there’s nothing missing” shifting from the kiss thing
to not even being your own friend
Reality reflects that fact back at-you like a sneeze
but a metafive couldn’t even bless you, please
So you just go on with the metaphors
missing a piece to the puzzle
As you tussle with the metamorphoseasons
Your metamorphoseizing with  abundance of reasons to struggle
life is like a stagnant puddle
life is like a box of chocolate truffles
without a picture key to tell me what’s inside
as I workout my faith like a muscle
Playing with similes
hoping that if I poke an eye out it would at-least make you smile, or simle
Atleast if I leave the left "I" out of simile, it makes a smile
but it simultaneously left "I" out from We
So humanity would be without me really being me
so smile! Please!
Wow, so that means I am insisting that dismissing my being
would’ve been freeing if only my simileing would bring smiling
but with my being goes my meaning
thinking that pretending would be freeing
when its only impeding
leading you to realize that nothing was ever missing
from anything at all
But its up to you to make the call
Noone can convince you of the truth, but you
Noone can do what excites you like you
No two can be you, you know its true
Use the earth as your womb to begin anew
Because the world needs more of you being you
its okay to be you
Thank you for being you
Mar 2016 · 624
Tyler Ardizzone Mar 2016
Be Mindful of where your mind goes
you already know how to find home
it is not inside your dome
it is your soul

be mindful of where you mind goes
whether or not you know
you will always find home

painful or passionate
love all or master hate
you decide what path you take

when you realize it was never a mistake
you were always in the right place

that's how you find home
Mar 2016 · 375
Tyler Ardizzone Mar 2016
In the space to create
their is no space to create
because the space has been created
to create the space that which was created
We create in another space
to get to a space of creation
A space of fullness that erupts from emptiness
closed fist to openness
the space we create is nothing and nothingness
emptiness, fullness, and wholeness
are only felt when one loves to the fullest
How do you know this?
When you love so fully that all you feel is emptiness
With love so holy that there is no more cup to hold onto to the love with
it just flows exactly where it needs to go

— The End —