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Birds fly because they have wings.
They fall but never crash
They dip and loop and fly
If I take one more step I will fall
For an instant
I will be a bird


In the air
I will dip and fall and perhaps open my arms to fly but
My heart is too heavy
It will drag me down with the force of gravity people
Holds you down but I know
That it's your cold stone weighting your feelings down
It keeps the soul from flying high where you wish you could go
Birds must be happier than humans
Their soul is out in the universe
For an instant, I will fly
For a fraction of a second I will belong to the world.
Gravity will pull my body down but my soul still soars free
It's not home
If you're not there too
I'm more comfortable
Being with you
Than I am being
  Oct 2014 Turn Off The Lights
I'm fixated with you

But you're  leaving me just when I thought you were mine
  Oct 2014 Turn Off The Lights
when i hear your delicate words,
and read the ones you've
also constructed on paper,
i want to smash them to bits,
because i know then i will find
the truth inside the broken pieces
  Oct 2014 Turn Off The Lights
do you want to know how does having feelings for you feel like? well baby, having feelings for you is like playing the piano for someone who can’t hear. having feelings for you is like that moment where you start to dance and the song ends. having feelings for you is like hitting repeat on my favorite song and forgetting the words every time it starts over. having feelings for you is like playing roulette with all the barrels loaded. having feelings for you is like having amnesia, waking up every day unable to remember why there’s a hole in my chest. having feelings for you was like finding out there’s no milk after i had already poured a bowl of cereal. having feelings for you is like drowning without the water. having feelings for you is like being locked in the dark while getting told to “look on the bright side”. having feelings for you is like knowing what a funeral feels like without ever going to one. having feelings for you was like being reminded of the first time i ever accidentally let go of a ballon as a child. having feelings for you is like unconsciously reaching to put my arm around a dead lover in my bed while asleep. having feelings for you was like spending years next to a hospital bed where you were in a coma you chose to stay asleep in.
- bejal
Everywhere I turn he surrounds me
Of the heart I used to love
Up in my bloodstream my blood screams
My organs are failing one by one
The one that matters is down, wounded and bleeding
You stabbed it with words as barbed as the knife I tuck under my pillow because
I am no longer safe in your arms
The knife you promised would protect me forever has turned against me
And the cut is deeper than the love I felt
People stare, hesitate
They never come to my rescue and I am wide open for all eyes to see
I am a spectacle you created with your icy heart
Mine slowly turns to stone
Smash pieces of ice of you all over the sidewalk
Let the heat of the sun melt you in the heart of summer
And perhaps you will evaporate
And perhaps you will fall once again
I will open my umbrella and
With no heart to speak for I can still promise you
Can never touch me without my consent again
My favourite colour used to be Red
I though Red was beautiful.
You showed me Red was not what I thought.
Hiding underneath love lays the blood of all the people love killed.
On the edge of passion lurks the green monster of jealousy, claws coated in a thin layer of gore.
"I did not mean it"
He says with fire in his eyes
"I saw red"
He explains as he licks the Red off his fingers.
I though Red was your hand holding mine but your grip is too tight and your teeth gritting together in anger show me that Red is the colour of rage.
I want to escape and hide under a rainbow until the storm passes
But you are an erupting volcano
Propelling ashes in the blue sky to obstruct any hope.
You are wrath, bubbling and slowly licking the Earth with your evil tongue, destroying everything that stands in your way.
Red is a war.
And I am stuck in the crossfire.
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