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Hurt me if you should,
Just tell me the truth!*

Truth hurts but lies are a lot worse.
This love is reckless
This love is closed doors that
only open for oxygen
This love is driving without headlights
This is I feel like I'm crazy kind of love
This is I never want to be away kind of love
This is I stay up late kind of love
You have a kiss like a forest fire
You once called me a match
I am no longer afraid of the dark
because you taught me that
darkness only covers up the wrong
It is a security blanket for our past mistakes
For our past lovers
We no longer listen to the voices that bring us down
because this love is our latter to the top
This love is reckless
and I would rather live a life
without seat belts
if you're the one driving
  Sep 2014 Turn Off The Lights
You kiss my lips like how you kiss my heart.
Trying to write some actual love poems, I've been so illiterate lately and I can never think of anything to write anymore :( I do love you L<3 happy seven months my darling girl.
  Sep 2014 Turn Off The Lights

“I love you”
Sounds so much better spoken,
than written
Don't get me wrong, both ways are wonderful, but that sound...ooooh
                  you tear me apart
                                                           ­ by every word
                                                            ­                                         you wouldn't say
i just wish you'd say good night back.
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