I am a poet, that means I believe in love.
I am an idiot, that means I believe in love.
Love is not an illusion, or a confusion of the heart.
Played like a brutal game of desperation,
perspiration, and art.
I Love the art,
But I hate the game,
A feeling shared by two,
Is not open to general consensus,
of what constitutes me and you.
I am in you, you are in me,
How much more sanctification do we need?
Who's ******* approval, before our love can be true?
**** their opinions!
I choose you!
So just let it be, can't you see,
I was made for you.
And you were made for me.
And that's all the approval we will ever need!
So this is an old poem I forgot even existed written in a semi-drunken rage
when some people offered some unwanted and unasked for opinions
about my girlfriend dating me that caused a strain on our relationship
for a long time.
It's not very good but I thought it should finally see the light of day
after all these years, and the fact that we won out in the end.