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 Aug 2014 Tonie A Booker
summer nights
fairy lights
women rights
skinny tights
we ended up with
lovers' fights

plain as day
you took away
a sunshine ray
left me with
no words to say

feelings fade
a girl's parade
to hold her head high
and hide the mess you made
 Aug 2014 Tonie A Booker
sometimes you're like homework
so confusing
and i just stare at you
hating you
yet you're important to me
it's so hard to finish you
and i lose inspiration every now and then
but when i get high as my grades
i come running back to you

i can't wait to graduate from school
get rid of this infatuation
we would be adults by then
and hopefully this mess will be sorted out
 Aug 2014 Tonie A Booker
She was alone.
A face in the crowd that not one person noticed.
She had no one, not even herself.
When she looked in the mirror, she had to turn away in shame.
how could anyone love me? she thought.
She hid her scars, her fears, and herself from everyone.
One night, she looked to the stars in search of an answer that never seemed to come.
She decided to give up on everything. Her hope, her dreams, herself...
And she let go.
Fingers twined
My Love's hand blends with mine
together we stroll
among the Ripened Wheat

the Sun bows low,
bids good night,
sets the sky alight
with a million Hues
of blue and red
while we gaze -
at the rising moon

My free hand picks
a strand of wheat
jovially I tickle
the nape of her neck

the Night lights up
With her playful smile
as she gives chase
through the Ripened Wheat

grasping my arm
as I grasp hers
we lie down together
there, in the field

her full red lips
so soft and moist -
mine meets hers,
there in the field

one by one
my fingers conquer
pearl white buttons
that eagerly yield
without a fight

her black silk bra
gracefully surrenders
unmatched by the beauty
that it contains

Levi jeans
are simply no challenge
as the zipper
races down
with sheer excitement!

Gentle fingers run down
from Rosy red cheeks
and gently caress
Her gorgeous long neck

lower they venture
her heart beats faster
my lips caress hers
as my lithe fingers
find her *******

so delicately soft
with ******* *****
I kiss, her exquisite chest

she lowers her head
her chest rises to meet me
while my teeth gently nibble
her excited hard ******

Her legs now move
apart in anticipation
as my right hand glides
beneath the black silk g-string

Intense Heat
guides my fingers
as they slide in the moisture
on shaven skin

wider apart,
she invites me in
as the g-string slips down,
past cute toes

There in the field,
among the Ripened Wheat
my Love and I
unite ourselves
in Body and Mind

our souls sing in unison
our gentle rhythm,
as One increases.

Passion together
Sweat with sweat
our bodies cling together
while we Come together

Sheer bliss
Fills every fibre
There in my newly Ripened
Field of Dreams!

— The End —