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 Apr 2014 Tiffany
"I wish you well."

                                         ­                                     (but not too well without me)
I like 10 word poems because it forces you to summarize your thoughts  to the point where you're really only saying what you mean.
Maybe I should try using that same theory in my own life, haha.
 Mar 2014 Tiffany
Jenn Schwartz
You look at my arms like you've seen a ghost.
You look back at my face as though
I'm not the same person I was a second ago.
You look down and ask me why.
I simply say,
"Look up at me, let me see your face.
I'm not that person anymore.
Don't shut me out.
Don't walk away.
I'm telling you I am okay.
So, don't worry about me.
Just walk beside me and be my friend."
 Mar 2014 Tiffany
 Mar 2014 Tiffany
It's been raining since you left
It has never stopped at all
And I've never stopped thinking about
The day it started to fall

It's been raining since you left, dear
I miss when the sun used to shine
Every day was bright then and
On my lips there was a smile

It's been raining since you left me
Some days it drizzles, some it pours
But each day it's all the same
I miss you more and more

It's been raining since you left and
I miss your arms around my heart
Now it's cold and unforgiving
And I'm shivering in the dark

It's been raining since you left, love
Oh your warmth proved way too much
You bent, scarred and burnt me
Yet I'm ice cold to the touch

It's been raining since you left though
I try and try to see the sun
Not even a single ray of light
Have I ever come upon

It's been raining since you left oh
Will I ever find my way?
The rain falling, falling to the ground
Is all I see these days

It's been raining since you left but
The fire in my heart remains
Blazing, raging, flaming
Against the downpour of the rain
 Mar 2014 Tiffany
Krishna Patel
It's something I wear,
"Is everything alright?" Yeah I'm fine, I swear.
Just put a smile on my face and make a joke..
"Yup, she's definitely ok!" everyone croaks
But no, they're wrong and don't realize,
The grin on my face is a frown in disguise.
I feel alone in this world, as if no one understands
That each person in my life makes many demands
"You can't please everyone", yeah thanks I got it
Try to be happy, here's my heart..take a shot at it.
Feeling better? "Not really" here, try again .

"What can I do?" You ask. What do I say? I wonder
I want to preach, create a storm, make it thunder..
Instead I reply with an I dont know, good luck..
Who knows, it might work
Like what I say means a ****

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
Clap clap. Just complying to your commands.
 Mar 2014 Tiffany
 Mar 2014 Tiffany
Stuck inside these walls,
A hope once held forgotten,
I become nothing.
 Mar 2014 Tiffany
Veena Aneev
Welcome to America
     Where education is top priority
                   With the exception of football

Welcome to America
     Where we believe in world peace
             We also believe in the biggest military in the world

Welcome to America
     Where all men and women are created equal
                 But being gay is the greatest sin

Welcome to America
      Where we like to make fun of everybody
                 Just don't call us fat

Welcome to America
       Where we love our food so much
                We've managed to make it fake

Welcome to our great patriotic country of America
          We might as well be the only country in the world
               Seriously, if it wasn't for us, the nazis would still be in power
 Mar 2014 Tiffany
 Mar 2014 Tiffany
you can destroy my body and cut my skin
or invade my mind to "make me thin"
but i have gotten stronger,
i have seen the light
no mental disorder
is killing me

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