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  May 2018 Libeth
Aiden Hall
Your eyes hold my future
Your heart holds my love
Looking at you I don’t know where to start
Do I tell you how much I adore you
Saying you love me too
Spending hours and hours together
Sticking together through the weather
Planning days and trips away
Hoping that I’ll Marry you one day
Spend the rest of my life with you
You stick by me like glue
Through the good and the bad
When I’m sad or mad
You make me smile when no one can
Struggle to believe I am your man
I love you with all my heart
My worst fear is being apart
Like I told you from the start
I’m here to stay and make you happy
You put up with me when I’m snappy
So here’s to us
Being with you is a must
You’ve made me a better me
All my love you’ve set free
  May 2018 Libeth
sitting in a public restroom
on a toilet, with your headphones
Listening as people come and go
Without the strength to get up
  May 2018 Libeth
Ismail Nasution
When you blindly love someone,
there is no letting go;
You live life holding onto faith
while having shots of pain
trying to act sober
Libeth May 2018
he told her he loved her
she told him she loved him
only one told the truth
  May 2018 Libeth
Anivas Forrester
Time of death:
When you told me you don't love me anymore.
Place of death:
The park where we met,
on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
I remember the dreaded words which escaped your lips,
the heat in your words,
the look on your face,
as I took a metaphorical bullet to the chest;
it hurt like Hell.
Cause of death:
When you stabbed me in the heart for the first
and last time.
A fatal blow.
But in the coroner's office,
all the report will ever show is:
time of death:
Cause of death:
Trauma to the chest.
When your heart gets broken by someone, it feels like you've been struck in the chest. The air feels like it's been knocked right out your lungs and you feel as though you can't breathe. You feel a mixture of emotions all blurred into one mess. You play the final exchange in your head over and over again, and each time it gets harder and harder. Heartbreak. It feels like you've been stabbed in the back and shot in the chest all at once.
Libeth May 2018
Flowers surround his tombstone
His epitaph is short
It reads Rest In Peace
Rest In Peace to whom?

Sniffles are heard throughout the eulogy
Dressed in all black to mourn the loss of him
Fake tears coming from all.

He was killed
Killed from the demons inside his head
He was driven to the point of insanity
Lived for 16 years, yet he felt dead his whole life.

A brother, son, and friend.
They’re all lies.
He didn’t have anyone, nor did anyone have him.

Mistreated, Beaten, and Abused
That’s who he was.
No one knew a single thing about him.
Thrown out, never loved.

A suicide.

The world was against him
He was forgotten by everyone.
Forgotten when alive, but remembered when dead.

Rest In Peace
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